Conjugation of venir (to come) in French
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Here you will find an overview of all the conjugations of the irregular verb venir (to come).
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présent | passé |
venir | être venu |
présent | passé |
venant | (étant) venu |
présent | passé |
en venant | en étant venu |
Présent | Passé Composé | Imparfait | Plus-que-parfait |
je viens | je suis venu(e) | je venais | j'étais venu(e) |
tu viens | tu es venu(e) | tu venais | tu étais venu(e) |
il/elle/on vient | il/elle/on est venu(e) | il/elle/on venait | il/elle/on était venu(e) |
nous venons | nous sommes venus(e) | nous venions | nous étions venus(e) |
vous venez | vous êtes venus(e) | vous veniez | vous étiez venus(e) |
ils/elles viennent | ils/elles sont venus(e) | ils/elles venaient | ils/elles étaient venus(e) |
Passé Simple | Passé Antérieur | Futur Composé | Futur Simple | Futur Antérieur |
je vins | je fus venu(e) | je vais venir | je viendrai | je serai venu(e) |
tu vins | tu fus venu(e) | tu vas venir | tu viendras | tu seras venu(e) |
il/elle/on vint | il/elle/on fut venu(e) | il/elle/on va venir | il/elle/on viendra | il/elle/on sera venu(e) |
nous vînmes | nous fûmes venus(e) | nous allons venir | nous viendrons | nous serons venus(e) |
vous vîntes | vous fûtes venus(e) | vous allez venir | vous viendrez | vous serez venus(e) |
ils/elles vinrent | ils/elles furent venus(e) | ils/elles vont venir | ils/elles viendront | ils/elles seront venus(e) |
Présent | Passé |
je viendrais | je serais venu(e) |
tu viendrais | tu serais venu(e) |
il/elle/on viendrait | il/elle/on serait venu(e) |
nous viendrions | nous serions venus(e) |
vous viendriez | vous seriez venus(e) |
ils/elles viendraient | ils/elles seraient venus(e) |
Présent | Passé | Imparfait | Plus-que-parfait |
que je vienne | que je sois venu(e) | que je vinsse | que je fusse venu(e) |
que tu viennes | que tu sois venu(e) | que tu vinsses | que tu fusses venu(e) |
qu’il/elle/on vienne | qu’il/elle/on soit venu(e) | qu’il/elle/on vînt | qu’il/elle/on fût venu(e) |
que nous venions | que nous soyons venus(e) | que nous vinssions | que nous fussions venus(e) |
que vous vienne | que vous soyez venus(e) | que vous vinssiez | que vous fussiez venus(e) |
qu’ils/elles viennent | qu’ils/elles soient venus(e) | qu’ils/elles vinssent | qu’ils/elles fussent venus(e) |
présent | passé |
tu viens | sois venu |
nous venons | soyons venus |
vous venez | soyez venus |
The pronominal form of venir is "s'en venir".
Those irregular verbs also conjugate as "venir"
Conjugate the verb venir in the following tenses. Tense is written in brackets
Bonne chance !
1. Nous manger si tu avais préparé des lasagnes. (futur antérieur)
(We will have came to eat if you had prepared lasagnas)
2. Mes amies d'apprendre qu'ils partent en Espagne demain. (présent)
(My friends just heard that they were going in Spain tomorrow)
3. Est que ce tu quand on t'a appelé ? (plus-que-parfait)
(Did you came when we called you ?)
4. Papa et maman avec nous pour recevoir notre diplôme. (passé composé)
(Mom and dad came with us on graduation day)
5. Vous quand c'était trop tard. (passé simple)
(You had come when it was too late)
6. Samantha avec son nouveau compagnon au mariage. (futur simple)
(Samantha will come with his new boyfriend to the wedding)
7. Nous en compagnie de la police. (passé composé)
(We came with the police)
8. Jules César à Rome. (plus-que-parfait)
(Julius Ceasar had came to Rome)
9. Vous d'apprendre qu'il était malade. (présent)
(You just know that he was sick)
10. Pourquoi vous n' pas voir le discours de Léo. (plus-que-parfait)
(Why you didn't came to watch Léo's speech ?)
Conjugate the verb venir to the following tenses. Tense is written in brackets.
Bonne chance !
1. Je me suis souvenue que tu avec nous au cinéma, ce jour-là. (subjonctif plus-que-parfait)
(I remembered that you had came with us to the cinema, on that day)
2. Papa était content de voir que Léa à la réunion de famille. (subjonctif imparfait)
(Dad was happy to see that Lea came to the family reunion)
3. Il était nécessaire que vous à la rentrée de votre frère cadet. (subjonctif plus-que-parfait)
(You needed to come at the start of the academic year of your little brother)
4. Il est possible que je avec toi en Grèce. (subjonctif présent)
(It is possible that I come with you in Greece)
5. Tu ne voulais pas que les enfants à l'église. (subjonctif imparfait)
(You didn't want the children to come at church)
6. Il est important que vous distribuer des cahiers aux enfants pauvres. (subjonctif présent)
(It is important that you come to give out notebooks for poor children)
7. Dis moi, je souhaitais que tu avec Léo mais tu as dit non. (subjonctif passé)
(Tell me, I wanted you to come with Leo but you said no)
8. Il était nécessaire que vous voir le nouveau directeur. (subjonctif passé)
(You needed to come to see the new CEO)
9. Il faut que tu avec moi pour voir cela ! (subjonctif présent)
(You had to come with me to see that!)
10. Il a fallu qu'ils à plusieurs pour gagner. (subjonctif plus-que-parfait)
(They had to come together for the win)
Conjugate the verb venir in the following tense written in brackets. Do not forget to agree the past conditional in gender and number.
Bonne chance !
1. Il pendant qu'on dormait. (conditionnel passé)
(He would come while we were sleeping)
2. Nous demain voir ta petite soeur. (conditionnel présent)
(We would come tomorrow to see you little sister)
3. Les enfants et moi avec toi si on était en vacances. (conditionnel passé)
(The children and I would have come with you if we were on holiday)
4. Elle en aux mains. (conditionnel passé)
(She would've fight)
5. Loana en Italie avec la famille. (conditionnel présent)
(Loana would come in Italy with the family)
6. Tatiana et Zoé parler au directeur d'Orange. (conditionnel passé)
(Tatiana and Zoe would've come to talk to the CEO of Orange)
7. Papa et oncle Simon préparer le mariage de ma soeur. (conditionnel passé)
(Dad and uncle Simon would have come to prepare my sister's weeding)
8. J'aurais dû m'arrêter vu que tu de toute les manières. (conditionnel passé)
(I should stop because you would've come in any way)
9. -vous me voir si je partais en Angleterre ? (conditionnel présent)
(Would you come to see me If I leave for England ?)
10. Ils des pays de l'Amérique Latine. (conditionnel présent)
(They may be from countries of Latin America)
Conjugate the verb venir in the following tenses. Tense is written in brackets
Bonne chance !
1. Nous manger si tu avais préparé des lasagnes. (futur antérieur)
(We will have came to eat if you had prepared lasagnas)
2. Mes amies d'apprendre qu'ils partent en Espagne demain. (présent)
(My friends just heard that they were going in Spain tomorrow)
3. Est que ce tu quand on t'a appelé ? (plus-que-parfait)
(Did you came when we called you ?)
4. Papa et maman avec nous pour recevoir notre diplôme. (passé composé)
(Mom and dad came with us on graduation day)
5. Vous quand c'était trop tard. (passé simple)
(You had come when it was too late)
6. Samantha avec son nouveau compagnon au mariage. (futur simple)
(Samantha will come with his new boyfriend to the wedding)
7. Nous en compagnie de la police. (passé composé)
(We came with the police)
8. Jules César à Rome. (plus-que-parfait)
(Julius Ceasar had came to Rome)
9. Vous d'apprendre qu'il était malade. (présent)
(You just know that he was sick)
10. Pourquoi vous n' pas voir le discours de Léo. (plus-que-parfait)
(Why you didn't came to watch Léo's speech ?)
Conjugate the verb venir to the following tenses. Tense is written in brackets.
Bonne chance !
1. Je me suis souvenue que tu avec nous au cinéma, ce jour-là. (subjonctif plus-que-parfait)
(I remembered that you had came with us to the cinema, on that day)
2. Papa était content de voir que Léa à la réunion de famille. (subjonctif imparfait)
(Dad was happy to see that Lea came to the family reunion)
3. Il était nécessaire que vous à la rentrée de votre frère cadet. (subjonctif plus-que-parfait)
(You needed to come at the start of the academic year of your little brother)
4. Il est possible que je avec toi en Grèce. (subjonctif présent)
(It is possible that I come with you in Greece)
5. Tu ne voulais pas que les enfants à l'église. (subjonctif imparfait)
(You didn't want the children to come at church)
6. Il est important que vous distribuer des cahiers aux enfants pauvres. (subjonctif présent)
(It is important that you come to give out notebooks for poor children)
7. Dis moi, je souhaitais que tu avec Léo mais tu as dit non. (subjonctif passé)
(Tell me, I wanted you to come with Leo but you said no)
8. Il était nécessaire que vous voir le nouveau directeur. (subjonctif passé)
(You needed to come to see the new CEO)
9. Il faut que tu avec moi pour voir cela ! (subjonctif présent)
(You had to come with me to see that!)
10. Il a fallu qu'ils à plusieurs pour gagner. (subjonctif plus-que-parfait)
(They had to come together for the win)
Conjugate the verb venir in the following tense written in brackets. Do not forget to agree the past conditional in gender and number.
Bonne chance !
1. Il pendant qu'on dormait. (conditionnel passé)
(He would come while we were sleeping)
2. Nous demain voir ta petite soeur. (conditionnel présent)
(We would come tomorrow to see you little sister)
3. Les enfants et moi avec toi si on était en vacances. (conditionnel passé)
(The children and I would have come with you if we were on holiday)
4. Elle en aux mains. (conditionnel passé)
(She would've fight)
5. Loana en Italie avec la famille. (conditionnel présent)
(Loana would come in Italy with the family)
6. Tatiana et Zoé parler au directeur d'Orange. (conditionnel passé)
(Tatiana and Zoe would've come to talk to the CEO of Orange)
7. Papa et oncle Simon préparer le mariage de ma soeur. (conditionnel passé)
(Dad and uncle Simon would have come to prepare my sister's weeding)
8. J'aurais dû m'arrêter vu que tu de toute les manières. (conditionnel passé)
(I should stop because you would've come in any way)
9. -vous me voir si je partais en Angleterre ? (conditionnel présent)
(Would you come to see me If I leave for England ?)
10. Ils des pays de l'Amérique Latine. (conditionnel présent)
(They may be from countries of Latin America)
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Training is my passion. I like interacting with people. I am passionate about reading, watching movies, and music. I love to explore new places and have keen interest in arts and literature.I love meeting new people because every person is a whole new world you can learn from. I am also a keen reader and an enthusiastic traveller.
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She is kind. She listen to me and tries to adapt the course to my expectations. She has all the books to prepare The DELF and DALF Exam which she offers for free to the student.
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Training is my passion. I like interacting with people. I am passionate about reading, watching movies, and music. I love to explore new places and have keen interest in arts and literature.I love meeting new people because every person is a whole new world you can learn from. I am also a keen reader and an enthusiastic traveller.
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She is kind, she listen to me and try to help me to understand, she use pictures, english words and try to show me the meaning of words . I recommand her. She offers books for free.
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Mabuhay! Magandang Araw! Kumusta ka? I am Rey Corañes. I am a licensed professional teacher and I have 4 years of teaching experience in teaching Filipino/Tagalog language. I have a degree in education and my specialization is teaching Filipino. Let me help you set your goals and have amazing results. Do you want to speak the common Filipino phrases? Do you want to learn how to converse with the people in the community? Do you want to master the grammar and have conversational practices? No worries, I am here to help you learn it all. So what are you waiting for? Book a lesson with me.
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Ray has been a teacher for four years. He taught Filipino in a private school for two years, while now he is working in a public school. Specialized in teaching for many years, in Rey you will find an experienced but at the same time young and creative teacher. His teaching methods will be based on the level of the student. He also delivers the lessons in an interactive and stimulating way, such as games.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Rey C.Thank you so much for this review! I'm so overwhelmed.
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My name is Ma. Teresa Tabasa Garcia. I was born and raised in the Philippines. I am a Native Tagalog Speaker and English is my second language. I graduated from Central Luzon State University with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Garment Technology and I took an additional units in Education and units in Graduate Studies at CORE Gateway College. I had been a College Instructor and Trainer in Cookery in one of the Colleges in our place.
As a teacher I am patient, friendly and flexible. I can teach students at all levels and all ages.
I use a combination of methods and tools in learning namely: conversation techniques, storytelling, reading text books, PDFs, audio and video recordings. You will learn the different sentence pattern, grammar, pronunciation and intonation, you may include your topic of interest as well. I use drills and exercises to track your learning progress. I will make sure that you will learn something new at the end of every lesson.
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Teresa is a delightful and bright teacher. She has previously worked as a teacher at the school board and as a teacher for young mothers. Her study method is based on the level of the students and the goals they want to achieve.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Ma.Teresa G.Thank you sir Giacomo, thank you for the good feedback. You're such an awesome and kind interviewer. I am happy to work with you in coLanguage. God bless.
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Hello everyone,
I am a native German speaker who has lived in Bologna for 20 years. Languages are my passion, in addition to German I speak and write Italian and English fluently, and I have some knowledge of French. I've got a legal background, where mastery of the German language is very important. After I moved to Italy I started working as a teacher for a private school, then as an export manager and legal assistant, but I always continued to teach in the evenings. Since 2014, I have been freelancing and devoting myself entirely to teaching and translating. I work for a foundation, in a tutoring centre, I teach in companies and to private people.
I believe I am able to establish a good relationsship with the students and I am flexible in adapting the lesson to the student's needs, or gaps!
I usually use course books with a homework part, but during the lesson I integrate with online material, tests, conversation, material that the student brings me from school or from his workplace.
Come and have a lesson with me and you won't regret it!
See you soon!
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Dirk is a likable teacher with 20 years of experience in teaching German. He cares a lot about the individual needs of each of his students and tries to motivate them as best as possible with interesting teaching material. The focus is especially on communication, which is trained through grammar, vocabulary and listening comprehension exercises. I would highly recommend Dirk as a German teacher.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Dirk F.Thanks a lot, Alina!
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Hello everyone!
I am Manon, French by birth, currently living in Costa Rica.
I love meeting new people and I am curious to discover your life path and discuss what you are passionate about.
During a class, I take the time to take an interest in my students and help them to speak naturally.
The conversation can be about a topic you’d like to talk about, or we can use a video, an audio, or an image and discuss around this support.
I want you to feel comfortable so, no pressure, we’re here to have fun and learn.
I look forward to meeting you, so feel free to try a free trial course ;)
See you soon!
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Manon is a lovely teacher. I really enjoyed the lessons with her and learned a lot of things. Thanks again!!!
Manon R.Thank you very much Julia!! It was a real pleasure to know you, I too had a great time! Good continuation to you!
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Dear future student,
My name is Mélanie, I am 40 years old, I am Belgian and I live near Brussels in Belgium.
I have 7 years of experience in teaching French as a foreign language. I have a degree in Modern Languages and Literature. I have an agrégation in higher secondary education. French is my mother tongue. Additionally I have a C2 level in Spanish.
I have taught adults (beginner - advanced) in various training institutions (CLL, CVO Semper, ...). I have taught both large and small groups. I can therefore adapt my teaching methods according to the number of people.
As far as my teaching methods are concerned, I create communicative exercises.
I always try to get the student to express themselves as much as possible. In case of groups, I create individual exercises, in groups of two or four.
I give homework in which the students have to write a short text related to a grammatical concept they have seen. I also give additional grammatical exercises.
I also test my students' knowledge. For example, during the course, I listen to my students and comment on their oral productions. I also do small listening comprehensions and reading comprehensions.
I can also explain certain grammatical points or translate certain words into the student's language if it is needed, but generally I always try to teach in the target language.
If my student is looking for a job, I can also help him/her to write his/her CV and cover letter and also prepare his/her interview.
If my student works in a company, I can also prepare exercises specific to the company's field. I have given courses to warehouse workers for Delhaize, to plumbers, to students in Tourism.
I also taught asylum seekers.
As far as teaching material is concerned, I use a lot of material from Zexperts fle which I adapt to the objectives of the lesson. I also look for exercises in FLE manuals such as Totem, Edito, Alter Ego, Expression orale... Naturally, I adapt the exercises according to the needs of the student. I also look for songs in YouTube.
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I have had about 10 lessons in French from Mélanie. We treated a lot of different subjects such as grammar, talking and listening exercises. Mélanie is a very good and patient teacher and I learned a lot in these lessons on how to communicate in French.
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Lidia is an experienced and professional teacher for Italian. With her nicely self-designed teaching material, she covers all the linguistic competencies such as reading, writing, listening and speaking. Also, she includes modern teaching techniques such as games and proposes interesting movies to watch.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello there. I am Ivan and I teach German, French and English online with great success for over 7 years. My teaching technics suit to all kind of interests and goals: personal as well as professional.
I have studied, worked and lived in the French and in the German part of Switzerland, supporting customers from different ages and countries around the world. I am currently working for two online-schools (in the UK and in China).
Additionally, teaching is my passion which makes me not only a passionated and hard-working teacher but also a flexible, dynamic and compassionate person.
Please contact me for more information and a first meeting free of charge.
Looking forward to meet you soon.
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Ivan is an excellent teacher. He adapts lessons to your needs and wishes and makes learning with him fun and enjoyable by finding material which interests you or that you might find interesting even if you didn’t know it yourself before! I have had 25 lessons with him now and my progress has been much quicker than any method, or course I have taken before. I can’t rate him highly enough! He is very punctual and is very quick to respond if I have any questions. Thank you Ivan!
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Mathieu is a very knowledgeable teacher and has a very good teaching method, recommended for both teenagers and adults. Highly recommended for beginners and those who already have a basic knowledge of French. He uses university textbooks, which are very specific and well written. He customizes the lessons according to the student, he is young but expert at the same time. In addition, he speaks very good Italian. Highly recommended.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Bonjour! Veux-tu apprendre français? ou l'améliorer?
My classes are structured according to my students' needs, I use different teaching methods and I rely on listening each of my students' expectations and goals. Dynamism and constant learning are my purposes in my classes.
I have worked as a French teacher for more than ten years.
I have academic studies in English and French from Montréal, Canada, where I lived for several years. I have a Bachelor in Teaching French as a foreign language from the Université de Bourgogne.
I learned French at an early age in immersion in a French-speaking region and I studied French formally for 11 years, obtaining a native level.
À bientôt!
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Natalia will be really interested in you as a person, what your goals are, and motivation for you to learn the language. I liked how she was answering all my questions, were patient and positive on our lesson.
Natalia L.Toma, your interest for the language and having learned other languages before will be very helpful for you, continue with your motivation for learning French!
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Bonjour! Veux-tu apprendre français? ou l'améliorer?
My classes are structured according to my students' needs, I use different teaching methods and I rely on listening each of my students' expectations and goals. Dynamism and constant learning are my purposes in my classes.
I have worked as a French teacher for more than ten years.
I have academic studies in English and French from Montréal, Canada, where I lived for several years. I have a Bachelor in Teaching French as a foreign language from the Université de Bourgogne.
I learned French at an early age in immersion in a French-speaking region and I studied French formally for 11 years, obtaining a native level.
À bientôt!
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Natalia is a great teacher. She uses a variety of teaching methods and always considers my wishes and learning goals. The atmosphere is very pleasant, we speak a lot about random topics but also about situations from my work, which really helps to improve my conversation skills.
Natalia L.We work with Janeke on improving her skills using situations from her work environment. Also, we discuss different topics, using a variety of materials. I have seen her French improve very quickly. Congratulations Janeke!
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Do you want to learn Spanish with a kind and patient teacher? Someone to help you gain confidence and practice the language with topics according to your level and needs? In addition to that ... Do you want to get a study material and corrections? Well, I'm the right teacher for you . My name is Andrea and I'm from South America - Ecuador. I am a full-time Spanish teacher and I have a variety of resources to help you learn Spanish online.
I am currently studying French and I know how beneficial and fun it is to learn with a friendly and patient teacher who teaches you and helps you speak the language with confidence.
If you want to know a little more about me, I invite you to watch this video about reserving a hotel room.
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Andrea is a delightful and brilliant teacher. She has been teaching Spanish since 2018 and her study method is based on the student's level and the goals they want to achieve. In her you will find a prepared, experienced and friendly person. She relies on several books for teaching Spanish and her lessons are creative, very innovative and super interactive. With her you will never be bored.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi there, thank you for stopping by! My name is Cristina, I'm a CELTA qualified English teacher and I have a Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages; I speak English fluently and I can communicate in Italian, Portuguese, French and Spanish. Being a language learner myself and thanks to my educational background I have a deep understanding of language structure and I can easily put myself in my students’ shoes and understand the areas they might struggle with.
I’ve been giving private lessons for one year, to both teenagers and adults of all levels. My lessons are very student-centered, which means that my first priority is to get to know you in order to tailor the lessons around your needs and interests. I create a friendly and trustful environment, I plan my lessons to be engaging and communicative and I encourage my students to take active part in the discovery of the target language. I use a wide variety of coursebooks, online tools and authentic materials that I adapt to online teaching through powerpoint presentations and file sharing. I believe that practicing all language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing) as well as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation is key to fluency and I make it a point of helping my students to develop all of them.
Over the last few years I've had several experiences in international companies, which allowed me to become familiar with tourism and business-related language, so I can help you strengthen your communication skills in these areas, as well as in everyday conversational English to communicate with co-workers, clients and friends.
If you have any questions drop me a message or book a trial lesson so that we can get to know each other!
I look forward to meeting to you :)
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Cristina is a professional and motivated teacher who recently passed her Cambridge Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) and has already gained experience in teaching English. During her classes, she provides slides with exercises gathered from different books and uses a variety of teaching methods such as controlled practices or free speaking exercises. Throughout the whole lesson, she encourages her students to actively speak English.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Training is my passion. I like interacting with people. I am passionate about reading, watching movies, and music. I love to explore new places and have keen interest in arts and literature.I love meeting new people because every person is a whole new world you can learn from. I am also a keen reader and an enthusiastic traveller.
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She is kind. She listen to me and tries to adapt the course to my expectations. She has all the books to prepare The DELF and DALF Exam which she offers for free to the student.
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Training is my passion. I like interacting with people. I am passionate about reading, watching movies, and music. I love to explore new places and have keen interest in arts and literature.I love meeting new people because every person is a whole new world you can learn from. I am also a keen reader and an enthusiastic traveller.
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She is kind, she listen to me and try to help me to understand, she use pictures, english words and try to show me the meaning of words . I recommand her. She offers books for free.
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Mabuhay! Magandang Araw! Kumusta ka? I am Rey Corañes. I am a licensed professional teacher and I have 4 years of teaching experience in teaching Filipino/Tagalog language. I have a degree in education and my specialization is teaching Filipino. Let me help you set your goals and have amazing results. Do you want to speak the common Filipino phrases? Do you want to learn how to converse with the people in the community? Do you want to master the grammar and have conversational practices? No worries, I am here to help you learn it all. So what are you waiting for? Book a lesson with me.
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Ray has been a teacher for four years. He taught Filipino in a private school for two years, while now he is working in a public school. Specialized in teaching for many years, in Rey you will find an experienced but at the same time young and creative teacher. His teaching methods will be based on the level of the student. He also delivers the lessons in an interactive and stimulating way, such as games.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Rey C.Thank you so much for this review! I'm so overwhelmed.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
My name is Ma. Teresa Tabasa Garcia. I was born and raised in the Philippines. I am a Native Tagalog Speaker and English is my second language. I graduated from Central Luzon State University with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Garment Technology and I took an additional units in Education and units in Graduate Studies at CORE Gateway College. I had been a College Instructor and Trainer in Cookery in one of the Colleges in our place.
As a teacher I am patient, friendly and flexible. I can teach students at all levels and all ages.
I use a combination of methods and tools in learning namely: conversation techniques, storytelling, reading text books, PDFs, audio and video recordings. You will learn the different sentence pattern, grammar, pronunciation and intonation, you may include your topic of interest as well. I use drills and exercises to track your learning progress. I will make sure that you will learn something new at the end of every lesson.
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Teresa is a delightful and bright teacher. She has previously worked as a teacher at the school board and as a teacher for young mothers. Her study method is based on the level of the students and the goals they want to achieve.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Ma.Teresa G.Thank you sir Giacomo, thank you for the good feedback. You're such an awesome and kind interviewer. I am happy to work with you in coLanguage. God bless.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials