Go to My Profile → Edit → Availability → Receive booking from students.
And your profile will be removed from the public teacher list. You always publish your profile again in our teacher list.
You should use our messaging system to communicate with your students.
Yes, you need a Skype account or any other Video chat software or app, such as: FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts etc. Choose the software that you can best handle and that your students prefer.
You can download and install Skype from here.
Send us an email to support@colanguage.com.
Please describe the problem as precisely as possible and if possible add a screenshot.
The following parameters influence your ranking in our public list of teachers:
Students can leave a public review on your profile after the first paid lesson and every 10 hours thereafter.
Positive reviews help you attract more new students.
You have the option to refund your student's money. In the respective class in the field of payments, you have the option of making a refund.
Please tell your student that it is against our general terms and conditions and will result in deleting your and your student's profile.
Being part of our community means that you accept our terms. We use our profits to provide good customer service and to improve the platform and our marketing.
Go to Profile → Edit → Change website and email settings
coLanguage is a platform of trust, and we believe that trust needs to be built. This is why we value our students’ contribution, asking them to leave reviews about their learning experience with our teachers.
We consider it important for the reviews on coLanguage to be useful and informative. Therefore, they should adhere to the following:
Reviews are helpful when they provide objective information. They should provide the student’s honest opinion about their learning experience with the teacher.
Reviews are helpful when they provide useful information to future students. They should focus on the student’s learning experience with the teacher, meaning:
Reviews should not be off-topic or contain irrelevant information