Spanish relative pronouns
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A relative pronoun (pronombre relativo) always refers to a noun or a pronoun previously mentioned in the sentence.
It is a link or connector between sentences or clauses.
There are five different types of relative pronouns:
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"Que" is the equivalent of "that" and it is never omitted in Spanish.
It refers to people, animals, things, ideas or events in the singular or plural.
Function | Example | English |
subject of the clause | La mujer que acaba de irse es mi madre. | The woman who has just gone away is my mother. |
object of the clause | Te recomiendo al albañil que llamamos ayer. | I recommend to you the bricklayer whom we called yesterday. |
The English pronouns "who" and "whom" are the equivalents of "quien" and the plural form "quienes".
Quien is commonly used in the written language and it might replace "que" when referring to a person.
Use | Example | English |
subject of a verb | Felipe, quien* acaba de casarse con mi tía, es periodista. | Felipe, who has just got married with my aunt, is a journalist. |
object of a verb | Acabo de encontrar a Luis, a quien* llamé anoche. | I have just met Luis, whom I called yesterday. |
* The clause introduced with quien or quienes is separated from the main clause with commas.
"El que" and "el cual" correspond to "that", "which", "who" and "whom".
Masculine singular | Feminine singular | Masculine plural | Feminine plural |
el que | la que | los que | las que |
el cual | la cual | los cuales | las cuales |
Use | Example | English |
subject of the verb | El autor de Cien años de soledad es Gabriel García Marquez, el cual escribió otras novelas. | The author of One hundred years of solitude is Gabriel García Marquez, who wrote other novels. |
object of the verb | Saludamos a Hector, al que encontramos ayer. | We said hello to Hector, whom we met yesterday. |
"Quien" and "el que" may be used as the indefinite subject of a verb and they correspond to "he who".
Quien espera, desespera.
He who waits, loses hope:
El que espera, desespera.
"Lo que" and "lo cual" are neuter relative pronouns and they correspond to "that which", "which", "what" or "whatever".
Use | Example | English |
referring to a statement, concept or idea previously mentioned | Tengo que ir a casa de mis suegros, lo que me irrita. | I have to go to my parents-in-law' house, which irritates me. |
referring to a statement, concept or idea previously discussed | Lo que te dije, no va a suceder. | What I told you is not going to happen. |
"Cuyo" means "whose" and it refers to people and things.
It precedes the noun it modifies and it must agree in gender and number with that noun.
Masculine | Feminine | |
Singular | cuyo | cuya |
Plural | cuyos | cuyas |
When relative pronouns follow a preposition, they serve as object of a verb.
Relative pronoun | Preposition | Example |
el que el cual | any | Juan es un hombre en el cual se puede confiar. (Juan is a man whom you can trust.) |
que | a de en con* | - Ése es el coche en que chocaron. (That is the car in which they crashed.) - Ésta es la mujer de que hablamos. (This is the woman about whom we talked.) |
quien | any | El hombre con quien se casó Lucía es de Santander. (The man whom Lucía married is from Santander.) |
* "Que" may follow the preposition "con" if it does not refer to a person.
Mencionaste un objetivo con el cual estoy de acuerdo. (You mentioned a target with which I agree.)
Have a look at the following example:
e.g. Estoy leyendo este libro. Este libro es aburridísimo. (I am reading this book. This book is very boring.)
Estoy leyendo este libro que es aburridísimo.
La casa está delante de la oficina. La casa es de Carlos. (The house is in front of the office. It is Carlo's house.)
La casa que está delante de la oficina es de Carlos.
La casa está delante de la oficina que es de Carlos.
En el museo hay unos turistas. Los turistas quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez. (In the museum there are some tourists. The tourists want to see "La meniñas" by Velázquez.)
En el museo que hay unos turistas quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez.
En el museo hay unos turistas que quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez.
La mujer acaba de irse. La mujer es mi madre. (The woman has just gone away. The woman is my mother.)
La mujer acaba de irse que es mi madre.
La mujer que acaba de irse es mi madre.
Juan se ha casado con Marta. Juan es periodista. (Juan has just got married with Marta. Juan is a journalist.)
Juan se ha casado con Marta, quien es periodista.
Juan, quien se ha casado con Marta, es periodista.
Barcelona es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi. Barcelona es mi ciudad favorita. (Barcelona is famous for Antoni Gaudi's pieces of architecture.)
Barcelona es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi, que es mi ciudad favorita.
Barcelona, que es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi, es mi ciudad favorita.
Pablo Alborán es el autor de "Saturno". Pablo Alborán es un cantante español. (Pablo Alborán is the author of "Saturno". Pablo Alborán is a Spanish singer.)
Pablo Alborán es el autor de "Saturno", el cual es un cantante español.
Pablo Alborán, el cual es el autor de "Saturno", es un cantante español.
Sara tiene dos faldas. La faldas son hechas a mano. (Sara has got two skirts. The skirts are hand-made.)
Sara tiene dos faldas, las cuales son hechas a mano.
Sara, las cuales tiene dos faldas, son hechas a mano.
Alberto me ha regalado unas rosas. Las rosas son blancas. (Alberto has bought me some roses. The roses are white.)
Alberto que me ha regalado unas rosas son blancas.
Alberto me ha regalado unas rosas que son blancas.
Acabo de encontrar a Lorena. Lorena es una amiga mía. (I have just met Lorena. Lorena is a friend of mine.)
La que acabo de encontrar a Lorena es una amiga mía.
Acabo de encontrar a Lorena, la que es una amiga mía.
La escuela está en Plaza Mayor. La escuela está cerrada. (The school is in Plaza Mayor. The school is closed.)
La escuela que está en Plaza Mayor está cerrada.
La escuela está en Plaza Mayor que está cerrada.
Have a look at the following example:
e.g. Estoy leyendo este libro. Este libro es aburridísimo. (I am reading this book. This book is very boring.)
Estoy leyendo este libro que es aburridísimo.
La casa está delante de la oficina. La casa es de Carlos. (The house is in front of the office. It is Carlo's house.)
La casa que está delante de la oficina es de Carlos.
En el museo hay unos turistas. Los turistas quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez. (In the museum there are some tourists. The tourists want to see "La meniñas" by Velázquez.)
En el museo hay unos turistas que quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez.
La mujer acaba de irse. La mujer es mi madre. (The woman has just gone away. The woman is my mother.)
La mujer que acaba de irse es mi madre.
Juan se ha casado con Marta. Juan es periodista. (Juan has just got married with Marta. Juan is a journalist.)
Juan, quien se ha casado con Marta, es periodista.
Barcelona es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi. Barcelona es mi ciudad favorita. (Barcelona is famous for Antoni Gaudi's pieces of architecture.)
Barcelona, que es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi, es mi ciudad favorita.
Pablo Alborán es el autor de "Saturno". Pablo Alborán es un cantante español. (Pablo Alborán is the author of "Saturno". Pablo Alborán is a Spanish singer.)
Pablo Alborán, el cual es el autor de "Saturno", es un cantante español.
Sara tiene dos faldas. La faldas son hechas a mano. (Sara has got two skirts. The skirts are hand-made.)
Sara tiene dos faldas, las cuales son hechas a mano.
Alberto me ha regalado unas rosas. Las rosas son blancas. (Alberto has bought me some roses. The roses are white.)
Alberto me ha regalado unas rosas que son blancas.
Acabo de encontrar a Lorena. Lorena es una amiga mía. (I have just met Lorena. Lorena is a friend of mine.)
Acabo de encontrar a Lorena, la que es una amiga mía.
La escuela está en Plaza Mayor. La escuela está cerrada. (The school is in Plaza Mayor. The school is closed.)
La escuela que está en Plaza Mayor está cerrada.
Please keep in mind that:
- "Cuyo" means "whose" and it refers to people and things
- It precedes the noun it modifies and it must agree in gender and number with that noun.
1- El director, de película hemos hablado, ha ganado el premio Goya 2018. (The director, whose movie we talked about, won the Goya Award 2018.
2- Ésta es la señora hijos son arquitectos. (This is the lady whose sons are architects.)
3- Éste es el hombre palabras me cambiaron la vida. (This is the man whose words changed my life.)
4- Es el hombre móvil se ha roto. (It is the man whose mobile phone has broken.)
5- Ésta es la chica madre trabaja en Madrid. (This the girls whose mother works in Madrid.)
6- Juan, hijos son amigos de Manuel, vendrá a vernos esta noche. (Juan, whose sons are Manuel's friends, will come to visit us tonight.)
7- Acabo de encontrar al señor abogado ha ganado el caso. (I have just met the man whose lawyer has won the case.)
8- Tengo un amigo tienda está en Plaza de España. (I have a friend whose shop is in Plaza de España.)
9- Es la señora hijas son gemelas. (It is the lady whose daughters are twins.)
10- Ivan, coche estaba aparcado delante del jardín, tuvo un accidente. (Juan, whose car was parked in front of the garden, had an accident.)
Please keep in mind that:
1- QUE: Juan te prestó un libro. El libro es mío. (Juan lent you a book. The book is mine.)
2- EL CUAL: He hablado con María. María me dijo que tiene que mudarse a Bogotá. (I have talked to María. María told me that she has to move to Bogotá.)
3- EL QUE: Acabo de encontrar a los Quiroga. Los Quiroga son mis vecinos. (I have just met the Quirogas. The Quirogas are my neighbours.)
4- QUE: La casa tiene el techo rojo. La casa está en Calle Lorente. (The house has a red roof. The house is in Lorente street.)
5- LO QUE: Tengo que ir a casa de mis suegros. Ir a casa de mis suegros me alegra. (I have to go to my parents-in-law' house. Going to my parents-in-law' house makes me happy.)
6- QUE: Éste es el coche. Chocaron en este coche. (This is the car. They crashed into this car.)
7- CUYO: Ésa es la mujer. Su hijo se ha casado con Pamela. (This is the woman. Her son married Pamela.)
8- EL CUAL: Sandra tiene una falda. La falda es de seda. (Sandra has got a skirt. The skirt is made of silk.)
9- QUIEN: Juan es médico. Juan ha operado a mi abuela. (Juan is a doctor. Juan has operated on my grandmother.)
10- QUE: Bautista es el marido de Lucía. Bautista es de Segovia. (Bautista is Lucía's husband. Bautista is from Segovia.)
Have a look at the following example:
e.g. Estoy leyendo este libro. Este libro es aburridísimo. (I am reading this book. This book is very boring.)
Estoy leyendo este libro que es aburridísimo.
La casa está delante de la oficina. La casa es de Carlos. (The house is in front of the office. It is Carlo's house.)
La casa que está delante de la oficina es de Carlos.
La casa está delante de la oficina que es de Carlos.
En el museo hay unos turistas. Los turistas quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez. (In the museum there are some tourists. The tourists want to see "La meniñas" by Velázquez.)
En el museo que hay unos turistas quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez.
En el museo hay unos turistas que quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez.
La mujer acaba de irse. La mujer es mi madre. (The woman has just gone away. The woman is my mother.)
La mujer acaba de irse que es mi madre.
La mujer que acaba de irse es mi madre.
Juan se ha casado con Marta. Juan es periodista. (Juan has just got married with Marta. Juan is a journalist.)
Juan se ha casado con Marta, quien es periodista.
Juan, quien se ha casado con Marta, es periodista.
Barcelona es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi. Barcelona es mi ciudad favorita. (Barcelona is famous for Antoni Gaudi's pieces of architecture.)
Barcelona, que es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi, es mi ciudad favorita.
Barcelona es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi, que es mi ciudad favorita.
Pablo Alborán es el autor de "Saturno". Pablo Alborán es un cantante español. (Pablo Alborán is the author of "Saturno". Pablo Alborán is a Spanish singer.)
Pablo Alborán es el autor de "Saturno", el cual es un cantante español.
Pablo Alborán, el cual es el autor de "Saturno", es un cantante español.
Sara tiene dos faldas. La faldas son hechas a mano. (Sara has got two skirts. The skirts are hand-made.)
Sara, las cuales tiene dos faldas, son hechas a mano.
Sara tiene dos faldas, las cuales son hechas a mano.
Alberto me ha regalado unas rosas. Las rosas son blancas. (Alberto has bought me some roses. The roses are white.)
Alberto que me ha regalado unas rosas son blancas.
Alberto me ha regalado unas rosas que son blancas.
Acabo de encontrar a Lorena. Lorena es una amiga mía. (I have just met Lorena. Lorena is a friend of mine.)
Acabo de encontrar a Lorena, la que es una amiga mía.
La que acabo de encontrar a Lorena es una amiga mía.
La escuela está en Plaza Mayor. La escuela está cerrada. (The school is in Plaza Mayor. The school is closed.)
La escuela que está en Plaza Mayor está cerrada.
La escuela está en Plaza Mayor que está cerrada.
Have a look at the following example:
e.g. Estoy leyendo este libro. Este libro es aburridísimo. (I am reading this book. This book is very boring.)
Estoy leyendo este libro que es aburridísimo.
La casa está delante de la oficina. La casa es de Carlos. (The house is in front of the office. It is Carlo's house.)
La casa que está delante de la oficina es de Carlos.
En el museo hay unos turistas. Los turistas quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez. (In the museum there are some tourists. The tourists want to see "La meniñas" by Velázquez.)
En el museo hay unos turistas que quieren ver "La meniñas" de Velázquez.
La mujer acaba de irse. La mujer es mi madre. (The woman has just gone away. The woman is my mother.)
La mujer que acaba de irse es mi madre.
Juan se ha casado con Marta. Juan es periodista. (Juan has just got married with Marta. Juan is a journalist.)
Juan, quien se ha casado con Marta, es periodista.
Barcelona es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi. Barcelona es mi ciudad favorita. (Barcelona is famous for Antoni Gaudi's pieces of architecture.)
Barcelona, que es famosa por las obras del arquitecto Antoni Gaudi, es mi ciudad favorita.
Pablo Alborán es el autor de "Saturno". Pablo Alborán es un cantante español. (Pablo Alborán is the author of "Saturno". Pablo Alborán is a Spanish singer.)
Pablo Alborán, el cual es el autor de "Saturno", es un cantante español.
Sara tiene dos faldas. La faldas son hechas a mano. (Sara has got two skirts. The skirts are hand-made.)
Sara tiene dos faldas, las cuales son hechas a mano.
Alberto me ha regalado unas rosas. Las rosas son blancas. (Alberto has bought me some roses. The roses are white.)
Alberto me ha regalado unas rosas que son blancas.
Acabo de encontrar a Lorena. Lorena es una amiga mía. (I have just met Lorena. Lorena is a friend of mine.)
Acabo de encontrar a Lorena, la que es una amiga mía.
La escuela está en Plaza Mayor. La escuela está cerrada. (The school is in Plaza Mayor. The school is closed.)
La escuela que está en Plaza Mayor está cerrada.
Please keep in mind that:
- "Cuyo" means "whose" and it refers to people and things
- It precedes the noun it modifies and it must agree in gender and number with that noun.
1- El director, de película hemos hablado, ha ganado el premio Goya 2018. (The director, whose movie we talked about, won the Goya Award 2018.
2- Ésta es la señora hijos son arquitectos. (This is the lady whose sons are architects.)
3- Éste es el hombre palabras me cambiaron la vida. (This is the man whose words changed my life.)
4- Es el hombre móvil se ha roto. (It is the man whose mobile phone has broken.)
5- Ésta es la chica madre trabaja en Madrid. (This the girls whose mother works in Madrid.)
6- Juan, hijos son amigos de Manuel, vendrá a vernos esta noche. (Juan, whose sons are Manuel's friends, will come to visit us tonight.)
7- Acabo de encontrar al señor abogado ha ganado el caso. (I have just met the man whose lawyer has won the case.)
8- Tengo un amigo tienda está en Plaza de España. (I have a friend whose shop is in Plaza de España.)
9- Es la señora hijas son gemelas. (It is the lady whose daughters are twins.)
10- Ivan, coche estaba aparcado delante del jardín, tuvo un accidente. (Juan, whose car was parked in front of the garden, had an accident.)
Please keep in mind that:
1- QUE: Juan te prestó un libro. El libro es mío. (Juan lent you a book. The book is mine.)
2- EL CUAL: He hablado con María. María me dijo que tiene que mudarse a Bogotá. (I have talked to María. María told me that she has to move to Bogotá.)
3- EL QUE: Acabo de encontrar a los Quiroga. Los Quiroga son mis vecinos. (I have just met the Quirogas. The Quirogas are my neighbours.)
4- QUE: La casa tiene el techo rojo. La casa está en Calle Lorente. (The house has a red roof. The house is in Lorente street.)
5- LO QUE: Tengo que ir a casa de mis suegros. Ir a casa de mis suegros me alegra. (I have to go to my parents-in-law' house. Going to my parents-in-law' house makes me happy.)
6- QUE: Éste es el coche. Chocaron en este coche. (This is the car. They crashed into this car.)
7- CUYO: Ésa es la mujer. Su hijo se ha casado con Pamela. (This is the woman. Her son married Pamela.)
8- EL CUAL: Sandra tiene una falda. La falda es de seda. (Sandra has got a skirt. The skirt is made of silk.)
9- QUIEN: Juan es médico. Juan ha operado a mi abuela. (Juan is a doctor. Juan has operated on my grandmother.)
10- QUE: Bautista es el marido de Lucía. Bautista es de Segovia. (Bautista is Lucía's husband. Bautista is from Segovia.)
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Hi, welcome to my profile!
My name is Alessia and I currently live in Italy. I spent a few years in the United States where I deepened my knowledge of English and American dialects. I am currently specializing in Spanish and German. Over the years, I have given private lessons in Italian, English, Spanish, and Japanese, with Japanese being the most requested at the moment. Regarding Japanese, I had the opportunity to teach the language at an American college with a native Japanese teacher, applying the method that they use to learn their own language. I will help you in a simple way; conversation is really important for learning a language, and a good method is even more fundamental. No days spent on textbooks are needed; consistency and fun during lessons are the most important parts of learning. You will see results right away! I am patient, flexible, and will adapt in every way to your personal needs. I look forward to seeing you on my profile for a trial lesson and discovering an easy and fun method to learn a language as soon as possible.
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I am excited to start with Alessia my Spanish classes soon! She is really engaging and with a lot of strength to teach!
Alessia T.
Thank you Martina!
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¡Hola! I’m Paul from Venezuela. I’ve been living in France since 2012, where I work as a fully qualified Spanish teacher at the university level, with up-to-date training.
I have extensive experience preparing students for DELE, SIELE, Bright, and CLOE exams, as well as general Spanish practice.
I specialize in helping students improve their Spanish pronunciation and grammar, assisting many in developing a more natural and fluid way of speaking.
I have worked for various universities and associations for over 10 years. Currently, I teach online for CoLanguage and engineering schools in France, mainly to university and high school students.
My sessions focus on encouraging students to use Spanish effectively, building their confidence, and helping them find their own natural way of expressing themselves in my language.
Looking forward to seeing you!
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I've been studying with Paul for about 3 months and can only say: he is a great teacher, always well prepared, motivated and motivating.
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Joanna is an incredibly friendly and professional teacher! She knows the difficulties in learning a new language and for this reason, she will help you with every aspect of the Polish language. She has great materials. We can recommend her 100%.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Mari is a very expert and friendly teacher. She teaches both online and in presence, single or group classes. The teaching material she has is very organized.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Amalia is an experienced teacher: she's been giving private language lessons for over 10 years and she also teaches at the university. Her method changes according to the student's level and needs. She provides plenty of learning materials.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi! I'm Irene, a passionate Spanish teacher who can help you to learn Spanish from beginners up to advance level through dynamic and creative lessons. I can also prepare you for official DELE exams and have experience with kids and adults.
How are we gonna do it?
I'll share the material with you through Google Drive, so you always have access to the book and we'll also share a document in Google Drive, so everything we learn in the class it'll be there for you to reread or to print it.
I'll offer you a 20 minutes free class so you have the chance first to meet me and judge if you would like to start learning Spanish with me.
Feel free to ask questions! :)
See you through the screen
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You will have great courses with Irene. She is passionate by her work and she is very nice. Her courses are structured !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Kumusta! Hello! I am Nyssa from the Philippines. I am a teacher by profession. I have been teaching for more than 13 years now both in the classroom and as an ESL teacher. If you are interested to learn Filipino also known as Tagalog feel free to book my classes now. I offer: Conversation Practice, Grammar and Literature. I can create learning materials or lesson plans that match your interest. See you in class!
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Nyssa started teaching right after her graduation and therefore already has a lot of experience in this field. She works full time as a public school teacher and also does many side jobs in the field of teaching. You can see her passion for teaching and she loves to get to know students from all over the world and adapt to their wishes and needs. Her lessons are therefore very interactive and she pays a lot of attention to good communication and a comfortable learning atmosphere.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi, I'm Dajana, I'm 31 years old and I come from Naples.
I am graduated in Foreign Languages and Litteratures and I have a II Level Master degree in Teaching Italian as Second Language.
I have teached italian to foreign people, above all adults at any age, in several NGOs and social cooperatives in the last 4 years.
How will I teach you italian? By playing!
I know that studying a language by reading a grammar book and mechanically completing the attached exercises can be boring and above all does not train your mind.
Learning instead should be a pleasure, so I like to use small funny videos, songs, puzzles and so on.
I also prefer the inductive method so that you can understand how Italian works on your own and then fix the grammatical rules together.
That way you’ll learn Italian without even realizing it!
But all this depends on you and how you prefer to study. I will be very happy to adopt the method that suits your case. The most important thing is that you get your goals with pleasure!
Don’t you think studying can be a pleasure? Join me and you’ll find out!
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Dajana is an excellent Italian native teacher. She has a great variety of learning materials to help you with the Italian language. Her lessons will be adapted to your needs and level.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello, students of English! I'm an American who teaches English classes at a French university. I have a life-long passion for foreign languages. Apart from French, I also speak fluent Spanish and have an intermediate level in Portuguese.
Teaching my native language is not only a language exchange, but a cultural exchange allowing me to connect with people from many diverse backgrounds.
All levels are welcome, and we can work with whatever you want (conversation classes, writing, etc.) The first lesson is always free, and allows me to do a level test.
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Julia is a great English teacher ! She teaches English for kids, students and adults and she has teaching experience at a French university. She has many teaching tools and she adapts each courses according level, demands and liking of the student. Student can be in confidence with her and improve her/him English pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary by oral or writing comprehension, pictures or exercises. I recommend her !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello! My name is Celia and I´m a Spanish tutor from Alcala de Henares, Madrid (Spain). I work as a professional musician and as a teacher. I´m an open minded person and I´m looking forward to teaching you Spanish! I like giving a different approach to my classes so that they are enjoyable and fun. Fall in love with my native language!
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Celia is a great teacher! I enjoy our lessons very much! She has a great approach and methodology and I have so much fun learning Spanish. I recommend her 100%
Celia S.
Thank you so much, Karolina! I´m happy you enjoy our lessons :) Keep on the hard work!
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Hello I can teach Basic,Intermediate and Advance English. For Beginners like toodlers,kindergarden,primary and High School.
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Juliana is a very outgoing and friendly English teacher who wants to help you achieve your goals as fast as possible. She places a lot of importance on a positive learning atmosphere. With her positive and open nature, she will always encourage you to improve your English and since her lessons are very varied and interactive, you will definitely not get bored! So don't wait any longer and book your first English lesson with Juliana today!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I have been a teacher for many years and I have worked for many schools, following different types of courses online or by companies. I also lived in the UK for 15 years where I graduated and worked as a biologist in London.
I use my own didactic material or suggested by the schools. I usually test the level at the beginning and then plan with the students the goals they want to achieve. After that with every lesson I check progress and points to review with the help of a log to have a clear plan in every lesson.
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Learning materials
Davide is a friendly Italian teacher. He knows the difficulties in learning new languages, for this reason, he will customize his lesson on your request. He has great learning materials as books and audio.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Internet connection
Learning materials
I am young female staying in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have obtained my qualification in Agricultural management. I am well mannered and very inquisitive. I enjoy spending quality time with my friends and family because it is always an opportunity to learn more about myself and explore different characteristics that I have. I strongly believe in sharing and helping others. In life, we all have moments where one needs help but it is never easy to ask for help, hence why I always put myself forward by offering help. The world can be a much better place if more people had the spirit to help.
Teaching is a special role for one to play because it requires patience. I was able to learn more about my teaching ability through helping my brother and his friends with their homework and school assignments. I am quite charismatic and able to think on my feet to bring solutions when there is a problem. I enjoy teaching because it allows me to share what I have been taught and my knowledge with the next person.
I strongly believe in using color as part of my teaching methods because things are easier to remember when there is color attached. I will be using mostly paper to emphasize on things being taught so that they can be studied and re-learned at a larger stage. I will be using charts and graphs so the students are able to see and not just picture what is being taught. I will also share documents and articles relating to what is being taught just for interest and so that the students are able to learn more outside the class sessions.
My teaching material:
PDF file
Text Documents
Presentation slides
Audio files
Image files
Video files
Articles and news
Test templates and examples
Graphs and charts
Homework Assignments
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Mantsha is a very kind and friendly teacher. She has 2 years of online teaching experience and is prepared to teach all ages students. She is ready to improve your English with all learning materials and learning techniques!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Learning materials
I'm an experienced language teacher with 5 years of experience teaching Catalan, Spanish and English to all levels and ages (children and adults) and German to beginners. I've worked as a private teacher and as a teacher in a school, so I can handle students one to one as well as groups. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, I also have experience in online teaching.
I've got a degree in Catalan and English philology, a post-degree in teaching Catalan and the official master for teaching in secondary and Language Schools (English speciality).
In my classes I always take into account my students' needs. I focus on communication, without forgetting that we need to learn the grammar in order to speak/write correctly.
I use different materials depending on the level, the language and the students, but they are always of diverse nature and they include videos. I usually include material created by me.
I love learning languages myself, so I always try to think how I like the classes in order to make my own teaching more appealing to my students, so you can trust that, if you take classes with me, you will have an experiences teacher as well as an experienced language learner.
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Learning materials
Maria is well experienced in teaching children and adults. She is also very friendly, I can surely recommend her as a teacher.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Hi, welcome to my profile!
My name is Alessia and I currently live in Italy. I spent a few years in the United States where I deepened my knowledge of English and American dialects. I am currently specializing in Spanish and German. Over the years, I have given private lessons in Italian, English, Spanish, and Japanese, with Japanese being the most requested at the moment. Regarding Japanese, I had the opportunity to teach the language at an American college with a native Japanese teacher, applying the method that they use to learn their own language. I will help you in a simple way; conversation is really important for learning a language, and a good method is even more fundamental. No days spent on textbooks are needed; consistency and fun during lessons are the most important parts of learning. You will see results right away! I am patient, flexible, and will adapt in every way to your personal needs. I look forward to seeing you on my profile for a trial lesson and discovering an easy and fun method to learn a language as soon as possible.
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I am excited to start with Alessia my Spanish classes soon! She is really engaging and with a lot of strength to teach!
Alessia T.
Thank you Martina!
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
¡Hola! I’m Paul from Venezuela. I’ve been living in France since 2012, where I work as a fully qualified Spanish teacher at the university level, with up-to-date training.
I have extensive experience preparing students for DELE, SIELE, Bright, and CLOE exams, as well as general Spanish practice.
I specialize in helping students improve their Spanish pronunciation and grammar, assisting many in developing a more natural and fluid way of speaking.
I have worked for various universities and associations for over 10 years. Currently, I teach online for CoLanguage and engineering schools in France, mainly to university and high school students.
My sessions focus on encouraging students to use Spanish effectively, building their confidence, and helping them find their own natural way of expressing themselves in my language.
Looking forward to seeing you!
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I've been studying with Paul for about 3 months and can only say: he is a great teacher, always well prepared, motivated and motivating.
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Learning materials
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Joanna is an incredibly friendly and professional teacher! She knows the difficulties in learning a new language and for this reason, she will help you with every aspect of the Polish language. She has great materials. We can recommend her 100%.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Mari is a very expert and friendly teacher. She teaches both online and in presence, single or group classes. The teaching material she has is very organized.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials