Pretérito perfecto simple (indefinido) in Spanish
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The pretérito perfecto simple is a form of the verb that is used to talk about actions that were completed in the past in Spanish. It often corresponds to the simple past in English, as in I bought a new bike (compré una bicicleta nueva).
The simple past (Spanish: el pretérito perfecto simple) is one of the most used past tenses in Spanish. We use it to talk about:
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In Spanish there are regular and irregular forms.
The regular conjugation is formed by dropping the endings -ar, -er, -ir of the infinitive form and adding the following endings:
pronouns | -ar verbs conjugated | -er verbs conjugated | -ir verbs conjugated |
Hablar (to speak) | Comer (to eat) | Vivir (to live) | |
Yo | hablé | comí | viví |
Tú | hablaste | comiste | viviste |
Él/Ella | habló | comió | vivió |
Nosotros/-as | hablamos | comimos | vivimos |
Vosotros/-as | hablasteis | comisteis | vivisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | hablaron | comieron | vivieron |
Attention: Note, that the first and third persons singular have tilde (written accent mark). This can change the meaning and the subject of a sentence.
Irregular conjugations need to be memorized by heard. We have different types of irregular verbs:
Here you have some examples of the most common verbs that are completely irregular:
ser (to be) | |
Yo | fui |
Tú | fuiste |
Él/Ella | fue |
Nosotros/-as | fuimos |
Vosotros/-as | fuisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | fueron |
ir (to go) | |
Yo | fui |
Tú | fuiste |
Él/Ella | fue |
Nosotros/-as | fuimos |
Vosotros/-as | fuisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | fueron |
dar (to give) | |
Yo | di |
Tú | diste |
Él/Ella | dio |
Nosotros/-as | dimos |
Vosotros/-as | disteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | dieron |
ver (to see) | |
Yo | vi |
Tú | viste |
Él/Ella | vio |
Nosotros/-as | vimos |
Vosotros/-as | visteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | vieron |
estar (to be) | |
Yo | estuve |
Tú | estuviste |
Él/Ella | estuvo |
Nosotros/-as | estuvimos |
Vosotros/-as | estuvisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | estuvieron |
tener (to have) | |
Yo | tuve |
Tú | tuviste |
Él/Ella | tuvo |
Nosotros/-as | tuvimos |
Vosotros/-as | tuvisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | tuvieron |
poder (can/ to be able to) | |
Yo | pude |
Tú | pudiste |
Él/Ella | pudo |
Nosotros/-as | pudimos |
Vosotros/-as | pudisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | pudieron |
poner (to put) | |
Yo | puse |
Tú | pusiste |
Él/Ella | puso |
Nosotros/-as | pusimos |
Vosotros/-as | pusisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | pusieron |
querer (to want) | |
Yo | quise |
Tú | quisiste |
Él/Ella | quiso |
Nosotros/-as | quisimos |
Vosotros/-as | quisisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | quisieron |
hacer (to do/to make) | |
Yo | hice |
Tú | hiciste |
Él/Ella | hizo |
Nosotros/-as | hicimos |
Vosotros/-as | hicisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | hicieron |
decir (to say) | |
Yo | dije |
Tú | dijiste |
Él/Ella | dijo |
Nosotros/-as | dijimos |
Vosotros/-as | dijisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | dijeron |
saber (to know) | |
Yo | supe |
Tú | supiste |
Él/Ella | supo |
Nosotros/-as | supimos |
Vosotros/-as | supisteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | supieron |
Some changes are required because of Spanish spelling rules to keep the sound of the consonants c and g with que and gue as well as to maintain the soft sound before i and e with c. Note that this changes apply to the yo form only.
Infinitive in -car | First-person singular (yo) |
explicar (to explain) | expliqué (explicaste, explicó…) |
practicar (to practice) | practiqué (practicaste, practicó…) |
buscar (to search/to look for) | busqué (buscaste, buscó…) |
tocar (to touch) | toqué (tocaste, tocó…) |
Infinitive in -gar | First-person singular (yo) |
llegar (to arrive) | llegué (llegaste, llegó…) |
jugar (to play) | jugué (jugaste, jugó…) |
negar (to deny) | negué (negaste, negó…) |
pagar (to pay) | pagué (pagaste, pagó…) |
Infinitive in -zar | First-person singular (yo) |
comenzar (to begin) | comencé (comenzaste, comenzó…) |
realizar (to perform) | realicé (realizaste, realizó…) |
empezar (to begin) | empecé (empezaste, empezó…) |
almorzar (to have lunch) | almorcé (almorzaste, almorzó…) |
In order to maintain the pronunciation of some verbs ending in -er or -ir, the 3rd person singular and 3rd person plural change i→ y Here are some examples:
leer (to read) | oir (to hear) | creer (to believe) | |
Yo | leí | oí | creí |
Tú | leíste | oíste | creíste |
Él/ella | leyó | oyó | creyó |
Nosotros/-as | leímos | oímos | creímos |
Vosotros/-as | leísteis | oísteis | creísteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | leyeron | oyeron | creyeron |
As in the present tense, there is a pattern of stem-changes in the Spanish verb conjugations. Remember that:
elegir (to choose) | mentir (to lie) | reir (to laugh) | |
Yo | elegí | mentí | reí |
Tú | elegiste | mentiste | reíste |
Él/ella | eligió | mintió | rió |
Nosotros/-as | elegimos | mentimos | reímos |
Vosotros/-as | elegisteis | mentisteis | reísteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | eligieron | mintieron | rieron |
repetir (to repeat) | pedir (to ask for) | preferir (to prefer) | |
Yo | repetí | pedí | preferí |
Tú | repetiste | pediste | preferiste |
Él/ella | repitió | pidió | prefirió |
Nosotros/-as | repetimos | pedimos | preferimos |
Vosotros/-as | repetisteis | pedisteis | preferisteis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | repitieron | pidieron | prefirieron |
In the verbs dormir and morir, in the 3 persons singular and 3rd person plural, the root vowel o changes to u
dormir (to sleep) | morir (to die) | |
Yo | dormí | morí |
Tú | dormiste | moriste |
Él/ella | durmió | murió |
Nosotros/-as | dormimos | morimos |
Vosotros/-as | dormisteis | moristeis |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | durmieron | murieron |
In Spanish we use different types of past tenses to communicate different ideas. Here you have the situations where you use the pretérito perfecto simple (simple past):
An action completed at a specific moment in the past.
For an action or event that lasted for a specific period of time when you can determine how long the action took place.
For series of actions or events completed in the past even if you cannot determine when these actions took place or for how long.
For actions that are not usually repeated using the following expressions:
expression | translation | example |
cumplir años | to turn a specific age | Mi hija cumplió 4 años. My daughter turned 4. |
darse cuenta de | to realize | Me di cuenta de que estaba equivocada. I realised I was wrong. |
decidir | to decide | Decidí mudarme a París. I decided to move to Paris. |
descubrir | to discover | Roentgen descubrió los rayos X en 1895. Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895. |
graduarse | to graduate | Me gradué hace varios años. I graduated a few years ago |
morir | to die | Él murió a los 85 años. He died at 85 years of age. |
With these words we will always use the pretérito perfecto simple (simple past):
Spanish | English |
ayer | yesterday |
la semana pasada | last week |
el año pasado | last year |
el 5 de diciembre de 1985 | December, 5th 1985 |
anoche | last night |
después | after |
hace 3 días | 3 days ago |
el miércoles | Wednesday |
en el año 2006 | in 2006 |
de repente | suddenly |
Mi primer viaje a Francia me llevó a París, donde estuve tres semanas. En el aeropuerto nos esperó la guía Vanessa que nos llevó a nuestro apartamento. Primero pasamos unos días en el norte de la ciudad. Allí hicimos un tour por Montmartre, el barrio de los artistas, ubicado en una colina. Allí estuvimos cuatro días.
My first trip to France took me to Paris, where I stayed for three weeks. At the airport we were greeted by Vanessa, the guide who took us to our apartment. First we spent a few days in the north of the city. There, we did a tour of Montmartre, the neighborhood of the artists, located on a hill. We stayed there for four days.
Conjugate the words in pretérito perfecto simple. If you are not sure how to build the pretérito perfecto in Spanish than go back to the page!
1. Ayer un vestido. (comprar- yo)
(I bought a dress yesterday)
2. La guerra 3 años. (durar- ella)
(The war lasted 3 years)
3. con mi hermano. (bailar- 1st person singular)
(I danced with my brother)
4. No con ella. (hablar- ellos)
(They didn't speak to her)
5. en un restaurante italiano. (comer- nosotros)
(We had lunch in an italian restaurant)
6. ¿ la ventana? (cerrar- tú)
(Did you close the window?)
7. Te en el supermercado. (ver- yo)
(I saw you at the supermarket)
8. No a la fiesta. (venir- ellos)
(They didn't come to the party)
9. Jorge 9 horas. (dormir- él)
(Jorge slept for 9 hours)
10. Os mucho. (reír- vosotros)
(You laughed a lot)
1. ¿ tú o tu padre? (conducir- 2nd person singular)
(Did you drove or your father?)
2. Me lo mis padres. (decir- 3rd person plural)
(My parents told me)
3. Laura y yo en la playa todo el día. (estar- 1st person singular)
(We were at the beach the whole day)
4. El libro se lo yo. (dar- 1st person singular)
(I gave the book to her)
5. Los niños hasta las 10 am. (dormir- 3rd person plural)
(The kids slept until 10 am)
6. ¿Cuándo en Valencia? (estar- 2nd person plural)
(When were you in Valencia?)
7. ¿Lo tú o tu hermana? (hacer- 2nd person singular)
(Did you do it or your sister?)
8. ¿Cuándo la fiesta? (ser- 3rd person singular)
(When was the party?)
9. ¿Cuándo lo tus amigos? (saber- 3rd person plural)
(When did your friends knew it?)
10. ¿Por qué no venir a la fiesta? (querer- 2nd person singular)
(Why didn't you want to come to the party?)
¿Cerraste la ventana? (cerrar- tú)
(Did you close the window?)
1. paella. (pedir- ella)
(She asked for paella)
2. un dolor en el brazo. (él- sentir)
(He felt a pain in his arm)
3. Se por las escaleras. (él-caer)
(He fell off the stairs)
4. Ellas cumpleaños feliz. (ellas-cantar)
(She sang happy birthday)
5. a patinar, por eso me las zapatillas y me los patines. (yo - ir - quitar - poner)
(I went skating, that’s why I took my shoes off and put on my roller-skates).
6. ¿ con ella? (tú- hablar)
(Did you speak to her?)
7. El show casi 3 horas. (él- durar)
(The show lasted almost 3 hours)
8. Ya se lo yo a tu padre. (comentar-yo)
(I had already told your dad)
Conjugate the words in pretérito perfecto simple. If you are not sure how to build the pretérito perfecto in Spanish than go back to the page!
1. Ayer un vestido. (comprar- yo)
(I bought a dress yesterday)
2. La guerra 3 años. (durar- ella)
(The war lasted 3 years)
3. con mi hermano. (bailar- 1st person singular)
(I danced with my brother)
4. No con ella. (hablar- ellos)
(They didn't speak to her)
5. en un restaurante italiano. (comer- nosotros)
(We had lunch in an italian restaurant)
6. ¿ la ventana? (cerrar- tú)
(Did you close the window?)
7. Te en el supermercado. (ver- yo)
(I saw you at the supermarket)
8. No a la fiesta. (venir- ellos)
(They didn't come to the party)
9. Jorge 9 horas. (dormir- él)
(Jorge slept for 9 hours)
10. Os mucho. (reír- vosotros)
(You laughed a lot)
1. ¿ tú o tu padre? (conducir- 2nd person singular)
(Did you drove or your father?)
2. Me lo mis padres. (decir- 3rd person plural)
(My parents told me)
3. Laura y yo en la playa todo el día. (estar- 1st person singular)
(We were at the beach the whole day)
4. El libro se lo yo. (dar- 1st person singular)
(I gave the book to her)
5. Los niños hasta las 10 am. (dormir- 3rd person plural)
(The kids slept until 10 am)
6. ¿Cuándo en Valencia? (estar- 2nd person plural)
(When were you in Valencia?)
7. ¿Lo tú o tu hermana? (hacer- 2nd person singular)
(Did you do it or your sister?)
8. ¿Cuándo la fiesta? (ser- 3rd person singular)
(When was the party?)
9. ¿Cuándo lo tus amigos? (saber- 3rd person plural)
(When did your friends knew it?)
10. ¿Por qué no venir a la fiesta? (querer- 2nd person singular)
(Why didn't you want to come to the party?)
¿Cerraste la ventana? (cerrar- tú)
(Did you close the window?)
1. paella. (pedir- ella)
(She asked for paella)
2. un dolor en el brazo. (él- sentir)
(He felt a pain in his arm)
3. Se por las escaleras. (él-caer)
(He fell off the stairs)
4. Ellas cumpleaños feliz. (ellas-cantar)
(She sang happy birthday)
5. a patinar, por eso me las zapatillas y me los patines. (yo - ir - quitar - poner)
(I went skating, that’s why I took my shoes off and put on my roller-skates).
6. ¿ con ella? (tú- hablar)
(Did you speak to her?)
7. El show casi 3 horas. (él- durar)
(The show lasted almost 3 hours)
8. Ya se lo yo a tu padre. (comentar-yo)
(I had already told your dad)
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In recent years I have worked as an Academic Director at a Language School in northern Spain. My job duties there included designing intensive Spanish & English courses for beginners’, intermediate and advanced levels, as well as teaching both on-site and via Skype. This constant interest has allowed me to become familiar with techniques and tools that are essential in today´s second language learning, such as the materials used by the Cervantes Institute and the most renowned publications and blogs in the field of language teaching. Most particularly, I have made extensive use of audiovisuals and creative writing activities in order to develop consistent, effective courses.
As an on-line teacher, I have steadily used different technology applications in language learning. My tasks as a teacher included setting homework and giving feedback to my students, according to their needs, on a regular basis, as well as keeping accurate register of their attendance and progress.
Graduated in Hispanic Philology and Masters in Applied French, I have always kept up with my teaching training and have recently completed a Cambridge CELTA course for English teachers This further training has provided me with the familiarity to different teaching methodologies, which have proven to be extremely useful in my classes.
My hobbies: art cinema, hiking, reading and watching and playing basketball.
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I wanted to refresh and improve my Spanish and I contacted Inigo because he 's certified in luinguistic. Inigo is very patient, professional and helpful. He provides well structured lessons, in a very friendly and good atmosphere which is really favorable for learning a foreign language. The lesson material is built around several support such as text, audio, video, etc. You can't be bored and it's nice to switch between the different materials along the hour. He's also fluent in French and English so he can switch from a language to another for any explanation if needed. I really enjoy my lessons with him and I definitely recommand him!
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I'm a French teacher since 5 years, all levels : from A1 till C2. I usually teach in French Institute (Senegal, Morocco). I'm actually expatriate with my family in Senegal :-)
I'm in love with my job and that a chance ! I get several diplomas on online teaching and I love searching the funniest way to teach French !
Since 2019 I'm also jury for the DELF and the DALF. So if you want to pass those exams I can prepare you to it in the best way :-)
Before becoming a French teacher I was an Engineer in Tourism and Hotels Industry. I did several training in this professional speciality.
Intercultural contacts make me alive we have so much to share : I will make you discover my culture and I hope you will make me discover yours !
Learning French can be fun believe me : gramma games, vocabulary enigmas ; I will try my best to make those lessons entertaining and efficient !
See us soon !
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Elisa teaches French to foreign adults and teenager. She adaptes her lessons to students level and demands. Her French courses are very attractive : you can learn French by games, videos, films extract or traduction. Elise is involved in each step of student progress : for each exercises made she asks you questions for practicing your French prononciation and speaking. She is passioned and smiling person, I recommend her !
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Hello, my name is Kseniia. I am 29 years old and I am a teacher of Russian as a foreign language with more than 8 years of experience.
I’m gonna show you that Russian is beautiful, interesting and easy to learn.
While teaching I tell my students about real life in Russia, culture, literature and traditions.
With me you are a specialist in Russian ;)
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Kenia is a very experienced teacher. Her lessons are structured differently based on every student needs and the learning material she uses is very understandable and well organised.
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English studies (Bachelor of Arts- Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
8 years experience teaching in:
- schools (English as an extracurricular activity)
-language schools (all levels: children, teenagers and adults)
-companies (Business English)
-private lessons
-Trinity and Cambridge certifications: KET, PET, FIRST, ADVANCED, PROFICIENCY
Experience teaching online using ZOOM or SKYPE
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Valeria is a young, but very experienced teacher and well prepared to teach you. She is very friendly and I can certainly recommend her as a teacher.
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My name is Marianna and I have been teaching English and Greek as second languages for more than 20 years. My studies in English Language and Literature and Translation (PhD) in England and Greece have helped me gain the necessary experience, knowledge and passion for my job. I have worked as a Cambridge Speaking Examiner, a university instructor and translator in the European Commission. I am currently teaching mainly online. I hope I can help you with your studies.
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Marianna has a great teaching experience. She teaches Greek and English for any level. Her lessons are adapted for any demands and based on interactions, grammar and attractive activities. Students can learn vocabulary about different subjects describing pictures or paintings for exemple. Moreover Marianna is a smiling and nice person, I recommend her !
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I love to teach my language ♥
My name is Abdelrahman, I'm a native Arabic speaker. I'm passionate about teaching Arabic. so it will be a great pleasure for me to help you learn Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialects.
My teaching approach will be easy and a lot of fun, Because I'm going to set up a suitable syllabus for every student depends on their needs and levels. and I want to make your path to learn easier and shorter. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
I often use these books in my teaching way:
- Arabic courses for English-speaking students (Madina book)
- Arabic between your hands.
- Al-kitab Al-Asasi (the basic book for non-Arabic speakers).
- kallimni Arabi bishweesh (Egyptian Arabic).
-Egyptian vernacular
I'm also choosing the best things from different books, so they can be suitable for my students.
I'm trying my best to make my lessons interesting and not boring, I have taught different ages from children to older people, and alhamdulillah it was a fantastic lesson.
hope to see you soon :)
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Abdelrahman is great Arabic teacher. He uses many teaching tools for providing the best learning to his students and adaptes each one to students level and needs. His Arabic couses are very structured, student can learn easily Arabic grammar, vocabulary, writing and pronunciation ! Abdelrahman is also a smiling and nice person, students can be in confidence with him and improve themself quickly.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Professional teacher of German and Russian language, graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature.
I work as a high school and private teacher for teenagers, adults, companies.
I got my C2 Level Certificate Goethe Institut - German Language in 2020.
Professional examiner ÖSD Zertifikat (Austrian German Certificate) for the levels A2, B1, B2, C1 (2021-2022).
One-on-one lessons, group lessons, flexible for student's needs at all levels A1 A2 B1 B2 C1.
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Andrea is a very well-structured teacher. He is very passionate about teaching and multilingual. I can really recommend him to anyone.
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Hello! My name is Ainhoa, I am Spanish and I live in Bilbao, a city in the north of Spain. I love languages and learning about new cultures, that is why I decided to teach Spanish. I find it very gratifying to see the students improve.
I am patient and cheerful, and I strive to create a comfortable environment where students are not afraid to make mistakes. I am positive and I firmly believe that anyone with effort, perseverance and correct accompaniment can improve.
I am an online Spanish teacher certified by ELE International and I have been teaching Spanish since 2019. In 2020 I formalized my business and became freelance.
In these years, I have studied Spanish grammar thoroughly and I have tried many teaching methods that were taught to me in my training, which has led me to create my own method with what I have seen has given better results. I use spaced repetition, create projects, do real-life rollplays, and have the student come to the correct conclusion on their own using questions. For all this, we will use manuals that will guide your learning, the campus diffusion books.
I have helped students of all levels to improve Spanish until they can speak correctly. Each student learns differently and has their own challenges, so I have learned which resources work best for each person.
In my classes you will find a smily face and a relaxed atmosphere, in which you will feel free to ask questions as much as necessary and to express yourself without fear of mistakes.
See you soon!
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Ainhoa is a great teacher. She is animated, speaks very clearly, and the lessons are always fun: the time just seems to fly by.
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I'm Poppy, 21, from England and I'm currently studying English, French and Spanish at Uni in Strasbourg, France.
I studied up until the age of 18 in Britain and am now living a bilingual life here in France, so I know the obstacles when it comes to learning a foreign language.
I have a qualification in teaching English (TEFL) and have been teaching for the past 6 months on another English-learning website called Cambly where i have met people from all over the world, some total beginners in English and others close to fluency.
I like students to be at ease during classes and the best way to do that, in my opinion, is to build a friendship and speak about the topics which interest them most, but of course in English! I am very flexible and sometimes read news articles with students which lead to discussions or Youtube videos from their favourite youtuber. The most important thing is to inspire the student to start speaking- once he/she does, we can start correcting their mistakes.
I also like to show students why being bilingual is such an amazing skill to have and how it can change your life prospects.
Poppy :)
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Poppy is an original and young English teacher ! She has good teaching materials gathering videos, texts and audio. Poppy teaches with good energy and a big smile ! Students can improve their English thank to attractive lessons and exercises based on their demands and level.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I can help you with preparation for IELTS and TEFL; for your high school or university exam. We can work on your academic and business English, or we can just work it out until you are confident enough, no need for stressing for exams.
I have 4 years of experience as a mentor of an autistic teenager. I dived more into teaching English during my work in Colombia as part of my project for environmental education.
I realized how important it is to have a good time when learning English. I am always talking to my students about THEIR interests and fears; about what do they want to improve and what do they like to do. I design the lessons for the student; then the learning happens on its own.
I want to hear what do you think? Don't worry, we are in this together. I know how nice it is to be confident in your English, and I want to help you enjoy it, too!
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Ivona is a motivated and dynamic young English teacher that loves to see her students become more confident with a new language and also loves to see the new opportunities that this gained knowledge opens up for them. This motivation will catch you 100%, and you are guaranteed to have a fun, interactive and most important a perfectly tailored English lesson. So, book your first lesson with Ivona right now to learn English in a fun and engaging way that is perfectly adapted to your needs and wishes.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Amalia is an experienced teacher: she's been giving private language lessons for over 10 years and she also teaches at the university. Her method changes according to the student's level and needs. She provides plenty of learning materials.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Adriana is a wonderful teacher. She prepares the lessons individually for me. The lessons are very varied and include components such as grammar, pronunciation, exercises, etc. She has a lot of patience. Adriana speaks very clearly, so that you can understand her very well even if you have a less pronounced knowledge of Spanish. Adriana is a very friendly and motivating teacher. I can highly recommend her, classes with Adriana are always fun and it doesn't feel like studying but you learn a lot :-)
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My name is Kirstine. I'm an experienced English and Danish teacher. I teach at a primary and lower secondary school. (Students aged 6-16). But I'm also very interested in teaching both younger and older/adult students.
I'm an international coordinator at my school, and very used to working with students and teachers from all around the world.
I'm used to online teaching.
I love having contact with people from all around the world. I used to travel a lot, but now I love to meet people from other countries either at my AirBnB or through online sessions.
I love to hear from you and teach you either Danish or English.
I have an informal way of teaching, and will work together with you to make the sessions how you prefer them.
We can use a textbook if you prefer, but I also like to read the news, small books, look at online videos and more, and to discuss and learn from that.
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Kirstine is a competent and very sweet teacher. She has been teaching for more than twenty years, so she really knows how to do her job in the most effective way. She likes active lessons because she wants to engage and involve her students, also encouraging them to speak a lot.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi, my name is Stefany and I am Colombian, but I live on the small island of Malta. I love teaching Spanish in this place because I have the opportunity to do it in many ways: on the beach, in a Cafe, or in a house. This allows me to be flexible and resourceful to give dynamic and effective classes that adapt to the needs of my students. I encourage you to book a free trial class with me, so you can find a fun and easy way to learn Spanish.
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Stefay is very nice and explains everything very well. She's really good at noticing which things need more practice and which ones can be completed quickly. Lessons are very interactive and easy to follow.
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In recent years I have worked as an Academic Director at a Language School in northern Spain. My job duties there included designing intensive Spanish & English courses for beginners’, intermediate and advanced levels, as well as teaching both on-site and via Skype. This constant interest has allowed me to become familiar with techniques and tools that are essential in today´s second language learning, such as the materials used by the Cervantes Institute and the most renowned publications and blogs in the field of language teaching. Most particularly, I have made extensive use of audiovisuals and creative writing activities in order to develop consistent, effective courses.
As an on-line teacher, I have steadily used different technology applications in language learning. My tasks as a teacher included setting homework and giving feedback to my students, according to their needs, on a regular basis, as well as keeping accurate register of their attendance and progress.
Graduated in Hispanic Philology and Masters in Applied French, I have always kept up with my teaching training and have recently completed a Cambridge CELTA course for English teachers This further training has provided me with the familiarity to different teaching methodologies, which have proven to be extremely useful in my classes.
My hobbies: art cinema, hiking, reading and watching and playing basketball.
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I wanted to refresh and improve my Spanish and I contacted Inigo because he 's certified in luinguistic. Inigo is very patient, professional and helpful. He provides well structured lessons, in a very friendly and good atmosphere which is really favorable for learning a foreign language. The lesson material is built around several support such as text, audio, video, etc. You can't be bored and it's nice to switch between the different materials along the hour. He's also fluent in French and English so he can switch from a language to another for any explanation if needed. I really enjoy my lessons with him and I definitely recommand him!
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I'm a French teacher since 5 years, all levels : from A1 till C2. I usually teach in French Institute (Senegal, Morocco). I'm actually expatriate with my family in Senegal :-)
I'm in love with my job and that a chance ! I get several diplomas on online teaching and I love searching the funniest way to teach French !
Since 2019 I'm also jury for the DELF and the DALF. So if you want to pass those exams I can prepare you to it in the best way :-)
Before becoming a French teacher I was an Engineer in Tourism and Hotels Industry. I did several training in this professional speciality.
Intercultural contacts make me alive we have so much to share : I will make you discover my culture and I hope you will make me discover yours !
Learning French can be fun believe me : gramma games, vocabulary enigmas ; I will try my best to make those lessons entertaining and efficient !
See us soon !
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Elisa teaches French to foreign adults and teenager. She adaptes her lessons to students level and demands. Her French courses are very attractive : you can learn French by games, videos, films extract or traduction. Elise is involved in each step of student progress : for each exercises made she asks you questions for practicing your French prononciation and speaking. She is passioned and smiling person, I recommend her !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello, my name is Kseniia. I am 29 years old and I am a teacher of Russian as a foreign language with more than 8 years of experience.
I’m gonna show you that Russian is beautiful, interesting and easy to learn.
While teaching I tell my students about real life in Russia, culture, literature and traditions.
With me you are a specialist in Russian ;)
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Kenia is a very experienced teacher. Her lessons are structured differently based on every student needs and the learning material she uses is very understandable and well organised.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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English studies (Bachelor of Arts- Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
8 years experience teaching in:
- schools (English as an extracurricular activity)
-language schools (all levels: children, teenagers and adults)
-companies (Business English)
-private lessons
-Trinity and Cambridge certifications: KET, PET, FIRST, ADVANCED, PROFICIENCY
Experience teaching online using ZOOM or SKYPE
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Valeria is a young, but very experienced teacher and well prepared to teach you. She is very friendly and I can certainly recommend her as a teacher.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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