Adverbs of frequency and time in Spanish (ahora...)
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Adverbs of frequency and time (adverbios de tiempo) give information on time, duration, and frequency.
They give an answer to questions starting with “when?” or "how often?”.
Adverbs of frequency and time generally modify the verb they refer to.
Since they refer to a verb, they do not change according to the gender or number.
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Adverbs of fequency and time can be placed before or after the verb they modify.
Spanish adverb | English adverb | Example | English translation |
ahora | now | Ahora me voy a casa. | I'll go home now. |
anoche | last night | Anoche salí con unos amigos. | Last night I went out with some friends. |
anteanoche | night before last | Anteanoche ví a Juan. | The night before last I saw Juan. |
anteayer | day before yesterday | Anteayer me fui de compras. | The day before yesterday I went shopping. |
antes | before | Volví a casa antes de que se levantara. | I arrived home before he got up. |
aún | still, yet | Aún no se ha ido. | He has not left yet. |
ayer | yesterday | Ayer me fui a Madrid. | Yesterday I went to Madrid. |
después | after | Después, nos fuimos al teatro. | Then we went to the theatre. |
hoy | today | Hoy tengo una cita por Skype. | Today I have a Skype meeting. |
jamás | never | Jamás sería capaz de hacerte daño. | I would never be able to hurt you. |
luego | after, then | Ahora ceno y luego voy al cine. | Now I have dinner and then I'll go to the cinema. |
mañana | tomorrow | Mañana es mi cumpleaños. | Tomorrow is my birthday. |
nunca | never | Nunca te mentiría. | I would never lie to you. |
pronto | soon | Te llamaré pronto. | I will call you soon. |
siempre | always | Siempre tomo un café en ese bar. | I always have a coffee in that bar. |
tarde | late | Esa noche volvímos a casa tarde. | That night we came back home late. |
temprano | early | Ayer me desperté temprano. | Yesterday I got up early. |
todavía | still, yet | Todavía no he visto esa película. | I have not watched that movie yet. |
ya | already | Ya te dije que fumar no está permitido. | I already said to you that smoking is not allowed. |
In addition to single words, Spanish uses adverbial expressions to express time as well.
There are different types of adverbial expressions:
Adverbial expression | English | Example |
a menudo | often | A menudo voy a la piscina. ( I often go to the swimming pool.) |
de nuevo | again | Tengo que ir a la farmacia de nuevo. (I have to go to the pharmacy again.) |
de pronto | suddenly | Se fue de pronto. (Suddenly he went away.) |
de repente | suddenly | La tierra empezó a temblar de repente. (Suddenly the earth started shaking.) |
Adverbial expression | English | Example |
a veces | sometimes | A veces desayuno huevos. (Sometimes I have eggs for breakfast.) |
de día | in the daytime | Llegamos a Gante de día. (We arrived in Ghent in the daytime.) |
de noche | in the nighttime | Nos fuimos de la oficina de noche. (We left the office in the nighttime.) |
por la mañana | in the morning | Por la mañana suelo tomarme un café. (I usually have a coffee in the morning.) |
por la noche | at night | Llegué a casa por la noche. (I arrived home at night.) |
por la tarde | in the afternoon | Por la tarde me fui al parque. (In the afternoon, I went to the park.) |
Adverbial expression | English | Example |
al amanecer | at dawn | Nos fuimos a la playa al amanecer. (We went to the beach at dawn.) |
al anochecer | at nightfall | Miguel llegó a Cádiz al anochecer. (Miguel arrived in Cadiz at nightfall.) |
al atardacer | at dusk | Paseamos por la playa al atardecer. (We strolled along the beach at dusk.) |
al salir el sol | at sunrise | Salieron al salir el sol. (They set off at sunrise.) |
Adverbial expression | English | Example |
de ahora en adelante | from now on | Desde entonces, no podemos quejarnos ya. (From now on, we cannot complain anymore.) |
de vez en cuando | once in a while | De vez en cuando voy a Valencia a ver a mi novio. (I go to Valencia to visit my boyfriend once in a while.) |
desde entonces | since then | He madurado desde entonces. (I have grown up since then.) |
I'll go to the gym now.
Ayer me voy al gimnasio.
Ahora me voy al gimnasio.
He arrived home before she went out.
Volví a casa después de que saliera.
Volví a casa antes de que saliera.
Today I have to seak to my boss.
Luego tengo que hablar con mi jefe.
Hoy tengo que hablar con mi jefe.
I often go to the supermarket.
De repente voy al supermercado.
A menudo voy al supermercado.
We went to the disco at night.
Nos fuimos a la discoteca de día.
Nos fuimos a la discoteca de noche.
I usually go out for a walk in the morning.
Por la mañana suelo darme un paseo.
Por la tarde suelo darme un paseo.
José strolled along the beach at dusk.
José paseó por la playa al atardecer.
José paseó por la playa al salir el sol.
I go to Malaga to visit my grandparents once in a while.
De ahora en adelante voy a Málaga a ver a mis abuelos.
De vez en cuando voy a Málaga a ver a mis abuelos.
I would never leave you alone.
Siempre te dejaría sola.
Nunca te dejaría sola.
Sometimes I go to bed early.
A veces me voy a la cama pronto.
A menudo me voy a la cama pronto.
I'll go to the gym now.
Ahora me voy al gimnasio.
He arrived home before she went out.
Volví a casa antes de que saliera.
Today I have to seak to my boss.
Hoy tengo que hablar con mi jefe.
I often go to the supermarket.
A menudo voy al supermercado.
We went to the disco at night.
Nos fuimos a la discoteca de noche.
I usually go out for a walk in the morning.
Por la mañana suelo darme un paseo.
José strolled along the beach at dusk.
José paseó por la playa al atardecer.
I go to Malaga to visit my grandparents once in a while.
De vez en cuando voy a Málaga a ver a mis abuelos.
I would never leave you alone.
Nunca te dejaría sola.
Sometimes I go to bed early.
A veces me voy a la cama pronto.
Have a look at the given English translations.
1- me voy a casa. (I will go home now.)
2- tengo que irme a Madrid por un congreso de cardiología. (Today I have to go to Madrid for a cardiology conference.)
3- suelo tomar un café con Lorena y Yagmur. (I usually have a coffee with Lorena and Yagmur in the morning.)
4- Me encanta pasear por la playa . (I love strolling along the beach at dawn.)
5- voy al McDonald a comerme una hamburguesa. (I go to McDonald to eat a hamburger once in a while.)
6- está aquí. (He is still here.)
7- llegué a casa con dolor de cabeza. (Last night I arrive home with a headache.)
8- comí una paella muy buena cerca de la playa. (The day before yesterday I ate a really good paella close to the beach.)
9- Llegamos a la estación y perdimos el tren. (We arrived late at the station and we missed the train.)
10- , nos fuimos a comer pizza cerca del casco histórico. (Then we went to eat pizza close to the historical center.)
I'll go to the gym now.
Ayer me voy al gimnasio.
Ahora me voy al gimnasio.
He arrived home before she went out.
Volví a casa antes de que saliera.
Volví a casa después de que saliera.
Today I have to seak to my boss.
Hoy tengo que hablar con mi jefe.
Luego tengo que hablar con mi jefe.
I often go to the supermarket.
De repente voy al supermercado.
A menudo voy al supermercado.
We went to the disco at night.
Nos fuimos a la discoteca de día.
Nos fuimos a la discoteca de noche.
I usually go out for a walk in the morning.
Por la tarde suelo darme un paseo.
Por la mañana suelo darme un paseo.
José strolled along the beach at dusk.
José paseó por la playa al atardecer.
José paseó por la playa al salir el sol.
I go to Malaga to visit my grandparents once in a while.
De vez en cuando voy a Málaga a ver a mis abuelos.
De ahora en adelante voy a Málaga a ver a mis abuelos.
I would never leave you alone.
Nunca te dejaría sola.
Siempre te dejaría sola.
Sometimes I go to bed early.
A menudo me voy a la cama pronto.
A veces me voy a la cama pronto.
I'll go to the gym now.
Ahora me voy al gimnasio.
He arrived home before she went out.
Volví a casa antes de que saliera.
Today I have to seak to my boss.
Hoy tengo que hablar con mi jefe.
I often go to the supermarket.
A menudo voy al supermercado.
We went to the disco at night.
Nos fuimos a la discoteca de noche.
I usually go out for a walk in the morning.
Por la mañana suelo darme un paseo.
José strolled along the beach at dusk.
José paseó por la playa al atardecer.
I go to Malaga to visit my grandparents once in a while.
De vez en cuando voy a Málaga a ver a mis abuelos.
I would never leave you alone.
Nunca te dejaría sola.
Sometimes I go to bed early.
A veces me voy a la cama pronto.
Have a look at the given English translations.
1- me voy a casa. (I will go home now.)
2- tengo que irme a Madrid por un congreso de cardiología. (Today I have to go to Madrid for a cardiology conference.)
3- suelo tomar un café con Lorena y Yagmur. (I usually have a coffee with Lorena and Yagmur in the morning.)
4- Me encanta pasear por la playa . (I love strolling along the beach at dawn.)
5- voy al McDonald a comerme una hamburguesa. (I go to McDonald to eat a hamburger once in a while.)
6- está aquí. (He is still here.)
7- llegué a casa con dolor de cabeza. (Last night I arrive home with a headache.)
8- comí una paella muy buena cerca de la playa. (The day before yesterday I ate a really good paella close to the beach.)
9- Llegamos a la estación y perdimos el tren. (We arrived late at the station and we missed the train.)
10- , nos fuimos a comer pizza cerca del casco histórico. (Then we went to eat pizza close to the historical center.)
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Hello everyone! I am Vanessa and I am 30 years old. I graduated in Modern Literature at the University of Bologna and I have a Master's degree in Science of Religions obtained at the University of Padua intrateneo with Ca' Foscari. I started tutoring Italian a few years ago mainly to high school kids, who got very good results; this past year I have been teaching adults and children.
When I lecture with children, I like to make sure that they choose how they prefer to lecture, and I propose to them a nice talk on a topic of their choice, or to read a simple story in Italian, or to play some didactic game to better remember the Italian terms seen before.
With adults who prefer a more theoretical approach, I try to identify the topics in which they have the most difficulty and propose a lesson about it; I use small examples to allow the student to test what they have understood so far. I also provide the notes about the lesson.
If a more practical approach is preferred, I propose a conversation on a topic of choice, writing down the new words and making them available to the student.
I hope you will want to learn Italian with me!
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Vanessa is a very organised and joyous teacher. She structures her lessons based on the student needs, level and age. The material she uses is personalised and interactive.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
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Montserrat was great, and very enthusiastic about teaching. A perfect introductory lesson to help me get back into Spanish. I will be booking regular lessons with her and I like the sound of all the activities and lesson planning she does.
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I am young female staying in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have obtained my qualification in Agricultural management. I am well mannered and very inquisitive. I enjoy spending quality time with my friends and family because it is always an opportunity to learn more about myself and explore different characteristics that I have. I strongly believe in sharing and helping others. In life, we all have moments where one needs help but it is never easy to ask for help, hence why I always put myself forward by offering help. The world can be a much better place if more people had the spirit to help.
Teaching is a special role for one to play because it requires patience. I was able to learn more about my teaching ability through helping my brother and his friends with their homework and school assignments. I am quite charismatic and able to think on my feet to bring solutions when there is a problem. I enjoy teaching because it allows me to share what I have been taught and my knowledge with the next person.
I strongly believe in using color as part of my teaching methods because things are easier to remember when there is color attached. I will be using mostly paper to emphasize on things being taught so that they can be studied and re-learned at a larger stage. I will be using charts and graphs so the students are able to see and not just picture what is being taught. I will also share documents and articles relating to what is being taught just for interest and so that the students are able to learn more outside the class sessions.
My teaching material:
PDF file
Text Documents
Presentation slides
Audio files
Image files
Video files
Articles and news
Test templates and examples
Graphs and charts
Homework Assignments
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Mantsha is a very kind and friendly teacher. She has 2 years of online teaching experience and is prepared to teach all ages students. She is ready to improve your English with all learning materials and learning techniques!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Mayamba is a nice teacher with a very long experience: in fact, he's been teaching since 1985. He's very organized and his classes are clearly structured in different moments. The quality of his learning materials is good.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi! I'm Andrés. I've been a language teacher since 2005. I'm also CELTA certified but more importantly, it's my experience as a teacher, as well as being a learner of Japanese (intermediate), Chinese (intermediate) and now Finnish (super basic, just started), that counts. I feel it's crucial to be in the students' shoes to better teach them and recommend resources, habits, and techniques that actually work.
My teaching methods include a lot of input through listening, texts, followed by guided practice based on the material. Grammar is taught in a complimentary way, but the main focus is input and communication. I follow CEFR topic order so that students can see how their knowledge scaffolds along.
The materials are picked from the internet depending on the student's needs and interests, be they work, travel, study, or just for fun. I like to include videos about different topics like culture, business, life hacks, news, interesting facts, science, love and relationships, among others, with intermediate/advanced students, and communicational dialogues with beginner students.
Book a trial lesson and see how you feel!
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Jorge is a nice teacher with a long experience, in fact, he's been teaching since 2005 in different contexts. His method is very much focused on communication and conversation, always adapting to the student's level, needs and interests (his classes can deal with many different topics).
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Elhamy is a nice person which wants to share his experiences. His learning materials mix grammar, discussion and english expression !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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My name is Alberto and I am 29 years old. I speak Spanish, English, French, German and Italian. As you might have seen, one of my passions is the study of foreign languages. I love learning them, studying them, and keeping permanently in touch with them.
I have been a foreign language teacher for eight years, and I have always obtained remarkably good results. I personnally love working as a language teacher. It is another opportunity of keeping studying one specific language whereas you are helping other people to learn.
In my clases I adapt myself to the needs of my student. We practice the speaking, the writing, or any other skill the student desires. We learn also grammar and vocabulary. I like to work with spread sheets of grammar and vocabulary to consolidate the grammar basis, but I also like using other ressources, such as films, books, videos, games, songs or articles from the newspaper.
I am quite patient comprehensive and kind. All the students that came to me with problems or difficulties bearing relation to the grammar have come through them with a great success after some lessons with me.
So I look forward to welcoming you all with open arms to help you discover a new language or improve your language skills.
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Great lesson! Alberto always prepares the lessons so well that I really learn something. The material used is varied and individually tailored to what I want to practice. This is how I really enjoy my homework. The discussion of my tasks is as detailed as I would like. I've made good progress in the past few hours. Of course, punctuality is a matter of course.
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Greetings to everyone!!! My name is Penny and I am a certified Greek teacher, specified in teaching Greek as a foreign/second language. I am currently living and working as a teacher in the Greek School of Budapest, while I am about to complete my master's program "Teaching Greek as foreign/second language".
Through the last four years that I am an active tutor, I have succesfully taught almost all the types of language levels -from A1 till C2- and I have prepared my students, according to their various needs. Communicative Greek, Preparatory courses for succeeding in Uni exams, Preparing students for succeeding in the language assessment "Ellinomatheia", Business vocabulary are only some of the fields, where my experience could be proven valuable.
I work both with children and adults.
During the lesson, I use various of teaching techniques, according to the students' age and interests. Digital applications are always a part of my lesson and make teaching interactive and interesting. Preferable method: Communicative approach and Task-Based Learning.
I am looking forward to teach you not only the Greek language, but also the Greek spirit and culture!!!
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Penny teaches to any level and age. If you are an adults, a University student, a teenager or for your kid, she adaptes her lessons with creative tools. She has great and structured homemade Greek courses : First she introduces you to a writing understanding by text, then to an oral one by audio or videos and finally you can practice your Greek by grammar exercises or conversations. Penny is involved and passioned in her teaching and has creative and attractive learning materials ! I recommend her !!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Who I am?
My name is Virginia, 28 years old and I work exclusively to unregulated training.
- TOEIC Diploma in English level C1
- DALF diploma in French C1
I also have a TEFL 120h Masterclass certificate (Language Teaching Training).
How do I teach?
- Audio-lingual method: Learning naturally by deduction - It is the most effective for anchoring knowledge.
- Communicative approach: I place special emphasis on interaction and the use of language in real situations.
- Total Physical Response (TPR) and educational games: Oriented towards children. Learn English in a fun and practical way.
Other important issues
- I have a lack of a history of sexual crimes (mandatory by law to work with minors in Spain) issued by the Ministry of Justice.
Any questions? Interested? Contact me!
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Virginia is smiling and supportive all the time! She speaks many languages any addition of Spanish so she's able to help if I don't understand in Spanish. She provides structured lessons with clear goals and different ways to learn. Therefore the lesson is dynamic and very efficient. She's committed to help her students and you can see it since the beginning. Many thanks Virginia!
Virginia N.
Many thanks to you Clemence. See you! :-))))
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If you are struggling with Afrikaans as a first additional language I can help.
I will teach you how to get the best marks for prepared and unprepared orals.
Prepared and unprepared reading does not need to frighten you. There are easy tips I can give you to help you improve your marks dramatically, as this is one of the easiest ways to boost your marks.
There is a method that you can learn to write essays and short transactional pieces.
which will help you increase your marks.
Poetry and literature will not frighten you once I have explained them to you. In fact, they will become an endless source of vocabulary that will help you with all aspects of Afrikaans.
I will discuss your needs and goals with you and ensure that you stay on track.
As a qualified high school teacher with many, many years of experience I know I can help you.
I have IEB and CAPS experience and will help you master the basics so that you can be more confident with Afrikaans and experience the joy of improved Afrikaans marks.
Book your free trial with me and together we will get your marks up!
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Louisa is a great Afrikaans teacher ! She teaches Afrikaans to kids, teenagers and adults with different methods : videos, musics, discussions and exercises for practicing afrikaans grammar and vocabulary ! Her lessons are very attractive and based on your demands, your interests and your needs. Moreover Louisa is a smiling and nice person, students will have confidence and be comfortable with her !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Louisa S.
Thank you so much for your kind words Clémence B.
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Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Olivier has a lot of experience as a teacher. He is able to teach all levels (A1-C2) with his wide range of learning materials. We can recommend Olivier as your new teacher!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Why should you choose me? Take a look at what people say who have taken online classes with me.
Book lessons with me and
- prepare Dutch exams "Basisinburgering A1" and "Inburgeringsexamen A2". Your full commitment and my energetic, professional approach are the winning combination to help you succeed at once!
- learn Dutch because you live in the Netherlands (or are planning to move there) and still don’t speak the language properly or haven’t started yet. You’ll enjoy your environment more!
- learn Italian for work or because you will move to this beautiful country or simply because you just love it. Let me help you experience the language!
- study Spanish for pleasure, work or because you have to prepare an exam for school and you need to get confident to perform optimally
- get confident in useful daily conversations, meetings at work, exams, and presentations
- overcome the fear of failure; if you have learning problems, feel shy or need a boost of energy you’ll get confident enough to achieve your goals
My lessons are based on conversations. My method is to help you practice the language from the very beginning in spontaneous and direct conversations, using often role plays.
With books, articles, songs, and other interesting and stimulating material I will encourage conversation, develop grammar in a simpler way, and improve pronunciation.
Learning a foreign language is not a matter of doing much effort, but rather of being consistent, enjoying the lessons and allowing your intuition to work with you. You will book immediate results while having fun!
I've been teaching Dutch, Spanish and Italian for many years, in The Netherlands, for private institutes, for the integration of foreigners into society (Inburgering), and online from Italy, where I currently live.
Contact me for a free trial and let me know how I can help you.
If you cancel a reservation please do it at least 24 hours before the session
(otherwise I would have to charge you for the lesson).
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Elena is great to have as a teacher. She takes her time to explain and adjust her course to your pace.
Elena P.
I appreciate your feedback, Bram. Thank you!
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Hello, my name is Allisha. I am 34 years old and I am from South Africa. I am a qualified TEFL teacher. I am also qualified in TEYL, which is teaching English to young leaners. Having both these qualifications makes it easy for me to interact with students from any age group. I am the process of registering to study towards a degree in early childhood development and I am also looking to further my studies in higher certificate in Education - senior phase and intermediate phase. My interests are reading, sport, going on adventures, dancing and learning about other countries and their diverse cultures.
In my spare time I volunteer at animal shelters. My passion is teaching, I have had the most memorable experiences in my years of teaching.
I am a very motivating and enthusiastic person. I put 100% into everything that I do.
My motto in life is that everyone has potential and it just needs to be reached in the right way with the correct direction.
Helping each student reach their goal is my ultimate goal. I belive that the way a student is taught impacts how they remember, in saying that, my way of doing this is at the comfort of my student
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Learning materials
Allisha is a very experienced and motivated teacher. The lessons are structured based on the students needs and level and the learning material is very clear and interactive.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello everyone! I am Vanessa and I am 30 years old. I graduated in Modern Literature at the University of Bologna and I have a Master's degree in Science of Religions obtained at the University of Padua intrateneo with Ca' Foscari. I started tutoring Italian a few years ago mainly to high school kids, who got very good results; this past year I have been teaching adults and children.
When I lecture with children, I like to make sure that they choose how they prefer to lecture, and I propose to them a nice talk on a topic of their choice, or to read a simple story in Italian, or to play some didactic game to better remember the Italian terms seen before.
With adults who prefer a more theoretical approach, I try to identify the topics in which they have the most difficulty and propose a lesson about it; I use small examples to allow the student to test what they have understood so far. I also provide the notes about the lesson.
If a more practical approach is preferred, I propose a conversation on a topic of choice, writing down the new words and making them available to the student.
I hope you will want to learn Italian with me!
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Learning materials
Vanessa is a very organised and joyous teacher. She structures her lessons based on the student needs, level and age. The material she uses is personalised and interactive.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Montserrat was great, and very enthusiastic about teaching. A perfect introductory lesson to help me get back into Spanish. I will be booking regular lessons with her and I like the sound of all the activities and lesson planning she does.
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I am young female staying in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have obtained my qualification in Agricultural management. I am well mannered and very inquisitive. I enjoy spending quality time with my friends and family because it is always an opportunity to learn more about myself and explore different characteristics that I have. I strongly believe in sharing and helping others. In life, we all have moments where one needs help but it is never easy to ask for help, hence why I always put myself forward by offering help. The world can be a much better place if more people had the spirit to help.
Teaching is a special role for one to play because it requires patience. I was able to learn more about my teaching ability through helping my brother and his friends with their homework and school assignments. I am quite charismatic and able to think on my feet to bring solutions when there is a problem. I enjoy teaching because it allows me to share what I have been taught and my knowledge with the next person.
I strongly believe in using color as part of my teaching methods because things are easier to remember when there is color attached. I will be using mostly paper to emphasize on things being taught so that they can be studied and re-learned at a larger stage. I will be using charts and graphs so the students are able to see and not just picture what is being taught. I will also share documents and articles relating to what is being taught just for interest and so that the students are able to learn more outside the class sessions.
My teaching material:
PDF file
Text Documents
Presentation slides
Audio files
Image files
Video files
Articles and news
Test templates and examples
Graphs and charts
Homework Assignments
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Mantsha is a very kind and friendly teacher. She has 2 years of online teaching experience and is prepared to teach all ages students. She is ready to improve your English with all learning materials and learning techniques!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Internet connection
Learning materials
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Mayamba is a nice teacher with a very long experience: in fact, he's been teaching since 1985. He's very organized and his classes are clearly structured in different moments. The quality of his learning materials is good.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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