Possessive pronouns in Italian (mine, yours, his, ...)
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Possessive pronouns (pronomi possessivi) replace an element and highlight its property.
They agree in gender and number with the name they substitute.
These pronouns are always preceded by an article or by an complex preposition.
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PERSON | Masculine singular | Masculine plural | Feminine singular | Feminine plural |
Mine | Il mio | I miei | La mia | Le mie |
Yours | Il tuo | I tuoi | La tua | Le tue |
His/Hers/Its | Il suo | I suoi | La sua | Le sue |
Ours | Il nostro | I nostri | La nostra | Le nostre |
Yours | Il vostro | I vostri | La vostra | Le vostre |
Theirs | Il loro | I loro | La loro | Le loro |
Own | Il proprio | I propri | La propria | Le proprie |
Others' | L'altrui | Gli altrui | La altrui | Le altrui |
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Vuoi andare con la tua macchina o prendiamo la mia? | Do you want to go with your car or do we take mine? |
Il mio motorino è più nuovo del tuo. | My scooter is newer than yours. |
Quella macchina non è sua. È la vostra. | That car is not his. It's yours. |
Il tuo cane è più amichevole del suo. | Your dog is friendlier than hers. |
Quel problema ci interessa. Adesso è il nostro! | We care about that problem. It's ours now! |
Proprio translates as "own" and is sometimes used instead of suo/loro to reinforce the sense of possession.
Proprio is used with third person subjects only.
In the following cases, proprio must always substitute suo/loro.
Using Proprio is recommended in case of impersonal verbs or indefinite adjectives.
Italian | English |
Bisogna pensare sempre ai propri, di problemi intendo. | One has to think about one's own, I mean, problems. |
Quando ci sono molti lavori da fare, è meglio pensare al proprio. | When there is a lot of work to do, it's better to think about one's own first. |
Riguardo all'opinione, è necessario sempre dire la propria. | Speaking of opinions, it is always necessary to say one's own. |
Proprio helps specify the possessor in ambiguos sentences.
Italian | English |
Mario ha trovato la bici quindi è venuto con la propria. | Mario found the bike, so he came with his own. |
Giovanna non aveva molti soldi e non ha potuto pagare con i propri. | Giovanna didn't have much money and she couldn't pay with her own. |
Marco ha incontrato Giovanna a casa propria. | Marco met Giovanna at his place. (Not at Giovanna's) |
Altrui is literally translated as others'.
It is invariable and could sometimes be preceded by a demonstrative, that agrees in gender and number with the noun it replaces.
Italian | English |
Lui ha troppi problemi per pensare a quelli altrui. | He has too many problems to care about other people's. |
I ladri di notte non stanno a casa, vanno in quelle altrui. | Thieves don't stay at home at night, they go to other people's. |
Ha deciso di ritirarsi per il suo bene e quello altrui. | He decided to retire for his own good and also for others'. |
Mine: il mio/la mia/i miei/le mie
Yours: il tuo/la tua/i tuoi/le tue
His/her/its: il suo/la sua/i suoi/le sue
Ours: il nostro/la nostra/i nostri/le nostre
Yours: il vostro/la vostra/i vostri/le vostre
Theirs: il loro/la loro/i loro/le loro
Others': altrui
1. Non trovo la mia penna, mi dai _______?
- I can't find my pen, could you give me yours?
Il tuo
I tuoi
Le tue
La tua
2. Mio padre lavora a Roma, e _______ (You: plural)?
- My father works in Roma, and yours?
ll vostro
I vostri
La vostra
Le vostre
3. La sua lettera non mi è arrivata, ma ho letto ______ e sono molto felice.
- I didn't get his letter, but I read yours and I'm very happy.
I tuoi
Le tue
Il tuo
La tua
4. Nella nostra scuola abbiamo un campo da tennis, invece _______ non c'è nemmeno quello da calcio.
- We have a tennis court in our school, in theirs there is not even a football one.
Nel loro
Nelle loro
Nei loro
Nella loro
5. Sei riuscita a entrare nella sua camera, ma non _______.
- You managed to get in her room, but not you won't enter in mine.
Nella mia
Nelle mie
Nel mio
Nei miei
6. Il mio cane è più simpatico ______.
- My dog is nicer than his.
Dei suoi
Della sua
Delle sue
Del suo
7. La vostra squadra vince sempre quando _______ perde.
- Your team always wins when ours loses.
La nostra
I nostri
Il nostro
Le nostre
8. L'Italia è il mio paese preferito. Qual è ______?
- Italy is my favourite country. What is yours?
Il tuo
Le tue
I tuoi
La tua
9. Dovresti usare le tue penne al posto di chiedere _______.
- You should use your pens instead of asking other people's.
Quella altrui
Quelle altrui
Quegli altrui
Quello altrui
10. Mi presto lo shampoo? _____ sta quasi per finire.
- Can I borrow your shampoo? Mine is almost over.
La mia
Le mie
I miei
Il mio
Mine: il mio/la mia/i miei/le mie
Yours: il tuo/la tua/i tuoi/le tue
His/her/its: il suo/la sua/i suoi/le sue
Ours: il nostro/la nostra/i nostri/le nostre
Yours: il vostro/la vostra/i vostri/le vostre
Theirs: il loro/la loro/i loro/le loro
Others': altrui
1. Non trovo la mia penna, mi dai _______?
- I can't find my pen, could you give me yours?
La tua
2. Mio padre lavora a Roma, e _______ (You: plural)?
- My father works in Roma, and yours?
ll vostro
3. La sua lettera non mi è arrivata, ma ho letto ______ e sono molto felice.
- I didn't get his letter, but I read yours and I'm very happy.
La tua
4. Nella nostra scuola abbiamo un campo da tennis, invece _______ non c'è nemmeno quello da calcio.
- We have a tennis court in our school, in theirs there is not even a football one.
Nella loro
5. Sei riuscita a entrare nella sua camera, ma non _______.
- You managed to get in her room, but not you won't enter in mine.
Nella mia
6. Il mio cane è più simpatico ______.
- My dog is nicer than his.
Del suo
7. La vostra squadra vince sempre quando _______ perde.
- Your team always wins when ours loses.
La nostra
8. L'Italia è il mio paese preferito. Qual è ______?
- Italy is my favourite country. What is yours?
Il tuo
9. Dovresti usare le tue penne al posto di chiedere _______.
- You should use your pens instead of asking other people's.
Quelle altrui
10. Mi presto lo shampoo? _____ sta quasi per finire.
- Can I borrow your shampoo? Mine is almost over.
Il mio
We use proprio (his/her/its own) instead of suo (his/hers/its) and loro (theirs):
- when the subject and the owner are the same element;
- when the sentence is impersonal;
- when the subject is indefinite.
Singular: Il proprio (masculine), La propria (feminine)
Plural: I propri (masculine), Le proprie (feminine)
1. Dopo aver gonfiato la mia bicicletta potrei gonfiare anche la .
- After having pumped up my bike, I could pump up theirs as well.
2. La mia macchina è rotta, quindi vorrei chiedere in prestito a mio fratello la .
- My car broke down, so I'm going to ask my brother to lend me his.
3. Invece di condividere un bicchiere, è meglio che ognuno beva dal .
- Instead of sharing a glass, it's better if everyone drinks from their own.
4. O verranno loro a casa nostra o dovremo andare noi alla .
- Either they will come to our house or we will have to go to theirs.
5. Io voglio una casa nuova, non voglio la .
- I want a new house, I don't want his.
6. Quando arriveranno le pizze, ognuno pagherà la .
- When the pizzas arrive, everybody will pay their own.
7. Il mio gatto è più grande del .
- My cat is bigger than his.
8. Avevo voglia di bere del succo e mi ha dato il .
- I wanted to drink some juice and he gave me his.
9. Se fosse ricco non condividerebbe la casa con altri. Avrebbe la .
- If he were rich, he wouldn't share his house with others. He would have his own.
10. Chiara era coi Stefania quando ha telefonato ai genitori.
Chiara was with Stefania when she phoned her parents.
Mine: il mio/la mia/i miei/le mie
Yours: il tuo/la tua/i tuoi/le tue
His/her/its: il suo/la sua/i suoi/le sue
Ours: il nostro/la nostra/i nostri/le nostre
Yours: il vostro/la vostra/i vostri/le vostre
Theirs: il loro/la loro/i loro/le loro
Own: il proprio, la propria, i propri, le proprie
Others': altrui
Don't forget the article!
1. Di chi è stata questa idea? Sicuramente non .
- Whose idea was this? Surely not yours.
2. Marco ha deciso di andare in Spagna con auto.
- Marco decided to go to Spain with his own car.
3. Siete sicuri che questi pattini siano ?
- Are you sure these ice skates are yours? (plural You)
4. Non toccare questi panini. Sono
- Don't touch these sandwiches. They're theirs.
5. Le nostre amiche sono venute ieri a casa nostra, e ?
Our girl friends came yesterday to our house, and yours?
6. Non si chiede lo stipendio !
You shouldn't ask about other people's/others' wages!
7. Ci sono molte persone al mondo ma lei è preferita.
- There are many people in the Wolrd, but she is my favourite.
8. Per errore non ho preso le mie chiavi di casa, ma .
- By accident I didn't take my home keys, but his/hers.
9. Mattia ha detto a tutti di incontrarsi a casa .
- Mattia told everyone to meet up at his (own) place.
10. La casa discografica ha deciso di rilasciare il suo CD la prossima settimana e domani. Dita incrociate!
The record label decided to release his/her album next week and mine tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Mine: il mio/la mia/i miei/le mie
Yours: il tuo/la tua/i tuoi/le tue
His/her/its: il suo/la sua/i suoi/le sue
Ours: il nostro/la nostra/i nostri/le nostre
Yours: il vostro/la vostra/i vostri/le vostre
Theirs: il loro/la loro/i loro/le loro
Others': altrui
1. Non trovo la mia penna, mi dai _______?
- I can't find my pen, could you give me yours?
La tua
Le tue
Il tuo
I tuoi
2. Mio padre lavora a Roma, e _______ (You: plural)?
- My father works in Roma, and yours?
La vostra
ll vostro
Le vostre
I vostri
3. La sua lettera non mi è arrivata, ma ho letto ______ e sono molto felice.
- I didn't get his letter, but I read yours and I'm very happy.
I tuoi
Il tuo
La tua
Le tue
4. Nella nostra scuola abbiamo un campo da tennis, invece _______ non c'è nemmeno quello da calcio.
- We have a tennis court in our school, in theirs there is not even a football one.
Nel loro
Nelle loro
Nella loro
Nei loro
5. Sei riuscita a entrare nella sua camera, ma non _______.
- You managed to get in her room, but not you won't enter in mine.
Nella mia
Nel mio
Nei miei
Nelle mie
6. Il mio cane è più simpatico ______.
- My dog is nicer than his.
Della sua
Delle sue
Del suo
Dei suoi
7. La vostra squadra vince sempre quando _______ perde.
- Your team always wins when ours loses.
Il nostro
I nostri
Le nostre
La nostra
8. L'Italia è il mio paese preferito. Qual è ______?
- Italy is my favourite country. What is yours?
La tua
I tuoi
Le tue
Il tuo
9. Dovresti usare le tue penne al posto di chiedere _______.
- You should use your pens instead of asking other people's.
Quella altrui
Quello altrui
Quegli altrui
Quelle altrui
10. Mi presto lo shampoo? _____ sta quasi per finire.
- Can I borrow your shampoo? Mine is almost over.
Le mie
I miei
La mia
Il mio
Mine: il mio/la mia/i miei/le mie
Yours: il tuo/la tua/i tuoi/le tue
His/her/its: il suo/la sua/i suoi/le sue
Ours: il nostro/la nostra/i nostri/le nostre
Yours: il vostro/la vostra/i vostri/le vostre
Theirs: il loro/la loro/i loro/le loro
Others': altrui
1. Non trovo la mia penna, mi dai _______?
- I can't find my pen, could you give me yours?
La tua
2. Mio padre lavora a Roma, e _______ (You: plural)?
- My father works in Roma, and yours?
ll vostro
3. La sua lettera non mi è arrivata, ma ho letto ______ e sono molto felice.
- I didn't get his letter, but I read yours and I'm very happy.
La tua
4. Nella nostra scuola abbiamo un campo da tennis, invece _______ non c'è nemmeno quello da calcio.
- We have a tennis court in our school, in theirs there is not even a football one.
Nella loro
5. Sei riuscita a entrare nella sua camera, ma non _______.
- You managed to get in her room, but not you won't enter in mine.
Nella mia
6. Il mio cane è più simpatico ______.
- My dog is nicer than his.
Del suo
7. La vostra squadra vince sempre quando _______ perde.
- Your team always wins when ours loses.
La nostra
8. L'Italia è il mio paese preferito. Qual è ______?
- Italy is my favourite country. What is yours?
Il tuo
9. Dovresti usare le tue penne al posto di chiedere _______.
- You should use your pens instead of asking other people's.
Quelle altrui
10. Mi presto lo shampoo? _____ sta quasi per finire.
- Can I borrow your shampoo? Mine is almost over.
Il mio
We use proprio (his/her/its own) instead of suo (his/hers/its) and loro (theirs):
- when the subject and the owner are the same element;
- when the sentence is impersonal;
- when the subject is indefinite.
Singular: Il proprio (masculine), La propria (feminine)
Plural: I propri (masculine), Le proprie (feminine)
1. Dopo aver gonfiato la mia bicicletta potrei gonfiare anche la .
- After having pumped up my bike, I could pump up theirs as well.
2. La mia macchina è rotta, quindi vorrei chiedere in prestito a mio fratello la .
- My car broke down, so I'm going to ask my brother to lend me his.
3. Invece di condividere un bicchiere, è meglio che ognuno beva dal .
- Instead of sharing a glass, it's better if everyone drinks from their own.
4. O verranno loro a casa nostra o dovremo andare noi alla .
- Either they will come to our house or we will have to go to theirs.
5. Io voglio una casa nuova, non voglio la .
- I want a new house, I don't want his.
6. Quando arriveranno le pizze, ognuno pagherà la .
- When the pizzas arrive, everybody will pay their own.
7. Il mio gatto è più grande del .
- My cat is bigger than his.
8. Avevo voglia di bere del succo e mi ha dato il .
- I wanted to drink some juice and he gave me his.
9. Se fosse ricco non condividerebbe la casa con altri. Avrebbe la .
- If he were rich, he wouldn't share his house with others. He would have his own.
10. Chiara era coi Stefania quando ha telefonato ai genitori.
Chiara was with Stefania when she phoned her parents.
Mine: il mio/la mia/i miei/le mie
Yours: il tuo/la tua/i tuoi/le tue
His/her/its: il suo/la sua/i suoi/le sue
Ours: il nostro/la nostra/i nostri/le nostre
Yours: il vostro/la vostra/i vostri/le vostre
Theirs: il loro/la loro/i loro/le loro
Own: il proprio, la propria, i propri, le proprie
Others': altrui
Don't forget the article!
1. Di chi è stata questa idea? Sicuramente non .
- Whose idea was this? Surely not yours.
2. Marco ha deciso di andare in Spagna con auto.
- Marco decided to go to Spain with his own car.
3. Siete sicuri che questi pattini siano ?
- Are you sure these ice skates are yours? (plural You)
4. Non toccare questi panini. Sono
- Don't touch these sandwiches. They're theirs.
5. Le nostre amiche sono venute ieri a casa nostra, e ?
Our girl friends came yesterday to our house, and yours?
6. Non si chiede lo stipendio !
You shouldn't ask about other people's/others' wages!
7. Ci sono molte persone al mondo ma lei è preferita.
- There are many people in the Wolrd, but she is my favourite.
8. Per errore non ho preso le mie chiavi di casa, ma .
- By accident I didn't take my home keys, but his/hers.
9. Mattia ha detto a tutti di incontrarsi a casa .
- Mattia told everyone to meet up at his (own) place.
10. La casa discografica ha deciso di rilasciare il suo CD la prossima settimana e domani. Dita incrociate!
The record label decided to release his/her album next week and mine tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
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Hi there, I’m Letizia!
I've always had a great passion for languages and have made it my life's work.
I have been teaching English, Spanish and Italian as second languages (L2) to international students for 7 years now. I mainly work with teenagers and adults, but I also have experience with school-age children.
I am specialised in Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics for teaching: specifically, I work on the processes of L2 language acquisition (SLA), language development and processing.
Course features:
- Exams and certifications
- Academic and colloquial language
- Vocabulary and oral skills
- Course build on your needs and goals
- Interactive activities
- Authentic and personalised study materials.
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The classes with Letizia are very helpful. Very good mix of theory and exercises. I can highly recommend Letizia!
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Hello everyone! I have been teaching Italian to foreigners in Bologna for 10 years, collaborating with local associations. I graduated in History, but later I specialized in teaching Italian by obtaining the Ditals, and in 2019 a master's degree at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in "Advanced planning of teaching Italian language and culture to foreigners". I love my job very much and I do it with dedication and passion. I have experience with students of all levels of Italian, from beginners to advanced, and in preparing for language tests. I adapt my teaching methods to the characteristics and training needs of my students, so as to favor a more effective, engaging and motivating learning. The materials I use are authentic, original texts and videos adapted for educational purposes. I love to use computer technologies for the preparation of interactive exercises, especially for the exercise of grammar. If you want to learn Italian in an engaging and motivating way, contact me! I'm waiting for you for a trial lesson!
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Cristiana is a delightful person and a very effective teacher. As a beginner, my almost nonexistent Italian skills and understanding requires a patient teacher who is willing to take the time to ensure I understand concepts, usage etc. before moving on. I highly recommend her as a tutor.
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Hi, welcome to my profile!
My name is Alessia and I currently live in Italy. I spent a few years in the United States where I deepened my knowledge of English and American dialects. I am currently specializing in Spanish and German. Over the years, I have given private lessons in Italian, English, Spanish, and Japanese, with Japanese being the most requested at the moment. Regarding Japanese, I had the opportunity to teach the language at an American college with a native Japanese teacher, applying the method that they use to learn their own language. I will help you in a simple way; conversation is really important for learning a language, and a good method is even more fundamental. No days spent on textbooks are needed; consistency and fun during lessons are the most important parts of learning. You will see results right away! I am patient, flexible, and will adapt in every way to your personal needs. I look forward to seeing you on my profile for a trial lesson and discovering an easy and fun method to learn a language as soon as possible.
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I Have had a few weeks of Italian lessons with Alessia and I have found them very useful. In our first lesson we spoke about what I wanted (hoped) to learn and she has prepared resources based on this conversation and my ability level for every lesson since then. Her lessons are a nice mix of conversation, reading, written and spoken exercises. We use a text book (supplied by Alessia) as well as additional material when suitable. I recommend Alessia as a tutor.
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Hello! My name is Federico Pasquale, I was born in La Plata, Argentina but now I live in Formia, Italy. I have an English-Spanish translation degree, a degree in teaching and a CELTA Certificate. I've been working as an English teacher for 14 years in different countries and I've recently started to teach Spanish, my native language. I offer classes in different levels and also conversation classes. If you want to improve your skills in one of these languages, get in touch with me. See you in the lesson!
Areas of Expertise:
English: General English (all levels), Conversational English, Exam preparation classes (PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS)
Spanish (Variety: Argentinian/Rioplatense): General Spanish at levels A1, A2 y B1, conversation and vocabulary
Free of charge interview!
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Federico is a certified teacher with lots of experience who is well-structured and passionate about teaching English.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Ana is a genuinely nice person and her kindness and gentleness comes through in the lessons. I thoroughly enjoy Ana’s teaching , it’s informative and tailored exactly to what I want to achieve. I wholeheartedly recommend Ana as your Spanish tutor.
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Buongiorno gente!
Are you ready to learn italian with me?
My name is Mojra and I'm a qualified mother tongue tutor. Whether you need to prepare yourself for a job interview, you're planning to relocate to Italy or to spend your next holiday there, I look forward to assisting you to achieve your goals!
I am here to help you improve you grammar, sentence structure and to teach you helpful phrases in a fun and relaxed way.
I graduated from university majoring in Linguistic Mediation and in Modern Languages and then I specialized in the teaching of Italian as a second language, attending a one-year post-graduate course devoted to this and receiving excellent grades (FILIS: Formatori Interculturali di Lingua Italiana per Stranieri). I also teach in the Italian public schools.
If you'd like to learn Italian fluently, I'd love to be your teacher, then why not book a trial class with me now? In this lesson, we will design a lesson plan especially for you discussing how you will reach your specific goals.
IMPORTANT: Please contact me before booking your lesson with me and let me know your Italian level as well as the reasons why you want to learn Italian.
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Moijra is very good teacher, patient and supportive She has the know how to transfer to her beginner students the needed knowledge
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I am from Calabria, but over the years I have felt at home in various places. In each one I have searched for my way and in the end in each one I have found little clues that have allowed me to understand that I want to teach my language to those who do not yet know it.
I have always loved the word, its power and the infinite possibilities it offers; at first I only thought of writing it down but there was still something missing. What use is the word if it is not shared, if it does not become an opportunity for exchange between cultures, or better, between individuals?
So, between one suitcase and another, I graduated in Italian literature and specialised in journalism, then I obtained the Ditals II from the University for Foreigners of Siena and the two-year specialisation school as a teacher of Italian to foreigners at the same university.
I have been teaching Italian for more than ten years: in Italy in state schools, in schools for adult migrants (Cpia in Modena and Rome) and in public schools; abroad at the Dante Alighieri in Valletta and at the University of Cork.
I have a passion for music, cinema, documentaries and photography, different mo(n)es which allow me to learn and tell stories.
Step by step I have become more and more aware of how much I love this job which has given me the opportunity to meet wonderfully unique people, now very often friends.
I look forward to sharing more details of my experience and motivations with you. Thank you for your time consideration.
Federica Lento
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Just great experience! Thank you. To be continued. What a nice and easy platform. Good and interesting teacher.. Congradulations. Nina
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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She is very calm and always trays to make things easier for you to understand, the material she gives is very helpful and has a lot of tips to remember things
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Maria has experience in teaching spanish lessons and is very well structured. I really recommend her to everybody.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is very nice and a very good teacher. We are moving at a good pace and she is helping me a lot so far.
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Hello my name is Lucia and I am a native Italian speaker.
I have a degree as an interpreter for English and French so I know how hard it may be to learn a foreign language. I work as a free-lance interpreter and private English and French teacher. I have a strong passion for languages which I have been studying for many years. I am studying Spanish now and always trying to improve my English and French knowledge. I am a friendly person and my lessons mainly focus on conversation. As a teacher I am very patient and I always propose tailor-made lessons with respect to your needs. I am really enthusiastic about being a teacher because this activity allows you to share your culture and habits with foreign people. Learning a language is also learning a new culture.
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Lucia is a very engaging and sympathetic teacher. And although we have only done a couple of lessons we are feeling much more confident about the possibility of being able to converse in Italian. Thank you Lucia!
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is an amazing teacher. She has been extremely helpful to me in communicating in daily life in Italy, and learning the correct grammar to ensure that I don't miss the details and understand the logic completely. The exercises we do during the lessons and as homework extremely support my progress in Italian. We do have so much fun as well. Our lessons have been my best routine.
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Hello my name is Lucia and I am a native Italian speaker.
I have a degree as an interpreter for English and French so I know how hard it may be to learn a foreign language. I work as a free-lance interpreter and private English and French teacher. I have a strong passion for languages which I have been studying for many years. I am studying Spanish now and always trying to improve my English and French knowledge. I am a friendly person and my lessons mainly focus on conversation. As a teacher I am very patient and I always propose tailor-made lessons with respect to your needs. I am really enthusiastic about being a teacher because this activity allows you to share your culture and habits with foreign people. Learning a language is also learning a new culture.
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Lucia is wonderful! I found her to have all the qualities one looks for a teacher: she is kind, patient, intelligent, supportive and she explains in easier Italian when I don‘t understand a word or expression.
Lucia Maria C.Dear Giuliana, thank you so much for your review. I am sure that you will make a lot of progress thanks to your motivation and commitment. See you next lesson :)
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Wonderful teacher, thanks to her methodology and her pedagogical skills I could to reach the required level of italian language even without living in Italy. Highly recommended!!
Daniela V.Thanks, Lana. Your Italian is growing more and more and I am sure that the next big goal will soon arrive! :-D
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Elisabetta is a great teacher! She helpes me to study italian. She takes the time and she knows what is the best pace to evolve! I learn New things in a great tempo.., im on my way for my celi A1 examination whit teacher Elisabetta i'm gonna make it !! Thank you so much!!
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Hi there, I’m Letizia!
I've always had a great passion for languages and have made it my life's work.
I have been teaching English, Spanish and Italian as second languages (L2) to international students for 7 years now. I mainly work with teenagers and adults, but I also have experience with school-age children.
I am specialised in Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics for teaching: specifically, I work on the processes of L2 language acquisition (SLA), language development and processing.
Course features:
- Exams and certifications
- Academic and colloquial language
- Vocabulary and oral skills
- Course build on your needs and goals
- Interactive activities
- Authentic and personalised study materials.
Cancellation policy: to cancel or reschedule a lesson, please give at least a 6 hours notice.
Delays are accepted for up to 15 minutes, after which the lesson will be considered not cancelled and, thus, charged.
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The classes with Letizia are very helpful. Very good mix of theory and exercises. I can highly recommend Letizia!
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Hello everyone! I have been teaching Italian to foreigners in Bologna for 10 years, collaborating with local associations. I graduated in History, but later I specialized in teaching Italian by obtaining the Ditals, and in 2019 a master's degree at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in "Advanced planning of teaching Italian language and culture to foreigners". I love my job very much and I do it with dedication and passion. I have experience with students of all levels of Italian, from beginners to advanced, and in preparing for language tests. I adapt my teaching methods to the characteristics and training needs of my students, so as to favor a more effective, engaging and motivating learning. The materials I use are authentic, original texts and videos adapted for educational purposes. I love to use computer technologies for the preparation of interactive exercises, especially for the exercise of grammar. If you want to learn Italian in an engaging and motivating way, contact me! I'm waiting for you for a trial lesson!
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Cristiana is a delightful person and a very effective teacher. As a beginner, my almost nonexistent Italian skills and understanding requires a patient teacher who is willing to take the time to ensure I understand concepts, usage etc. before moving on. I highly recommend her as a tutor.
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Hi, welcome to my profile!
My name is Alessia and I currently live in Italy. I spent a few years in the United States where I deepened my knowledge of English and American dialects. I am currently specializing in Spanish and German. Over the years, I have given private lessons in Italian, English, Spanish, and Japanese, with Japanese being the most requested at the moment. Regarding Japanese, I had the opportunity to teach the language at an American college with a native Japanese teacher, applying the method that they use to learn their own language. I will help you in a simple way; conversation is really important for learning a language, and a good method is even more fundamental. No days spent on textbooks are needed; consistency and fun during lessons are the most important parts of learning. You will see results right away! I am patient, flexible, and will adapt in every way to your personal needs. I look forward to seeing you on my profile for a trial lesson and discovering an easy and fun method to learn a language as soon as possible.
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I Have had a few weeks of Italian lessons with Alessia and I have found them very useful. In our first lesson we spoke about what I wanted (hoped) to learn and she has prepared resources based on this conversation and my ability level for every lesson since then. Her lessons are a nice mix of conversation, reading, written and spoken exercises. We use a text book (supplied by Alessia) as well as additional material when suitable. I recommend Alessia as a tutor.
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Hello! My name is Federico Pasquale, I was born in La Plata, Argentina but now I live in Formia, Italy. I have an English-Spanish translation degree, a degree in teaching and a CELTA Certificate. I've been working as an English teacher for 14 years in different countries and I've recently started to teach Spanish, my native language. I offer classes in different levels and also conversation classes. If you want to improve your skills in one of these languages, get in touch with me. See you in the lesson!
Areas of Expertise:
English: General English (all levels), Conversational English, Exam preparation classes (PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS)
Spanish (Variety: Argentinian/Rioplatense): General Spanish at levels A1, A2 y B1, conversation and vocabulary
Free of charge interview!
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Federico is a certified teacher with lots of experience who is well-structured and passionate about teaching English.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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