German prepositions and adjectives
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Just like with verbs there are also some German adjectives that are always followed by prepositions. In these cases, again, the preposition determines which case is to be used - either Dative or Accusative.
Here you have an overview of the most important German adjectives with prepositions
These adjectives come with prepositions that demand the dative case
Adjective + Preposition | Translation | Example with Dative | Example translation |
Abhängig von | Dependent on | Es ist abhängig von der Zeit. | That is dependent on the time. |
Befreundet mit | Friends with | Er ist befreundet mit dem Nachbarsjungen. | He is friends with the neighbour boy. |
Begeistert von | Amazed by sth. | Ich bin begeistert von ihrer Stimme. | I am amazed by her voice. |
Beschäftigt mit | Busy with sth | Sie ist beschäftigt mit ihren Hausaufgaben. | She is busy with her homework. |
Einverstanden mit | In agreement with | Sie sind einverstanden mit dem Vorschlag. | They are in agreement with that proposal. |
Entschlossen zu | Determined to | Er ist entschlossen zu handeln. | He is determined to act. |
Erholt von | Relaxed from | Er ist erholt vom Urlaub. | He is relaxed from the vacation. |
Behilflich bei | Helpful with | Sie ist ihm behilflich bei der Arbeit. | She is very helpful to him with the work. |
Getrennt von | Seperated from | Sie ist getrennt von ihrem Freund. | She is separated from her boyfriend. |
Überzeugt von | Convinced by | Sie sind überzeugt von dem Plan. | They are convinced by the plan. |
Verabredet mit | Appointed with | Ich bin verabredet mit meiner Kollegin. | I am appointed with my colleagues. |
Verbunden mit | Connected with | Mein Handy ist verbunden mit dem Fernseher. | My phone is connected with the TV |
Vergleichbar mit | Comparable with | Das ist vergleichbar mit dieser Situation. | That is comparable with this situation |
Verzweifelt an | Desperate with | Er ist verzweifelt an diesem Level. | He is desperate with this game |
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These adjectives come with prepositions that demand the accusative case
Adjective + Preposition | Translation | Example with Accusative | Example translation |
Angepasst an | Adapted to | Das Tier ist angepasst an die Umgebung. | The animal is adapted to the environment. |
Aufgeregt über | Excited for | Er ist aufgeregt über das Konzert. | He is excited for the concert. |
Berühmt für | Famous for | Sie ist berühmt für nur einen Song. | She is famous for only one song. |
Dankbar für | Grateful for | Ich bin dankbar für dein Geschenk. | I am grateful for your present. |
Eifersüchtig auf | Jealous of | Sie ist eifersüchtig auf ihr Talent. | She is jealous of her talent. |
Empört über | Upset about | Sie sind empört über diese Aussage. | They are upset about that statement. |
Engagiert für | Committed to | Er ist sehr engagiert für diese Sache. | He is very committed to this cause |
Erfreut über | Happy over | Sie ist sehr erfreut über diese Änderung. | She is very happy over that change. |
Gespannt auf | Excited for | Ich bin gespannt auf den nächsten Teil. | I am excited for the next part. |
Gewöhnt an | Used to | Ich bin gewöhnt an das kalte Wasser. | I am used to the cold water |
Konzentriert auf | Focused on | Sie ist konzentriert auf ihre Arbeit. | She is focused on her work. |
Besorgt um | Concerned for | Er ist sehr besorgt um seinen Bruder. | He is very concerned for his brother. |
Spezialisiert auf | Specialized on | Der Arzt ist spezialisiert auf diese Fälle. | The doctor is specialized on these cases. |
Verliebt in | In love with | Er ist verliebt in sie. | He is in love with her |
Vorbereitet auf | Prepared for | Sie ist vorbereitet auf den Test. | She is prepared for the test. |
Verwundert über | Surprised by | Ich bin verwundert über das Ergebnis. | I am surprised by that result. |
Fill in the missing prepositions. Please name the case of the object caused by the adjective and the preposition.
For example:
annoyed - Wir sind ärgerlich auf einander. - accusative
1. Sie ist empört seine Handlungen. -
(She is upset about his actions)
2. Sie ist überzeugt Allem was er tut. -
(She is convinced by everything he does)
3. Wir sind neidisch das Wetter in Spanien. -
(We are jealous of the weather in spain)
4. Wir sind gespannt den Kinofilm. -
(We are excited for the movie)
5. Die Kinder sind erfreut die Spielzeuge. -
(The children are happy over the toys)
6. Das Buch ist berühmt seine Länge. -
(The book is famous for its length
7. Sie ist immer sehr beschäftigt ihrem Studium. -
(She is always very busy with her studies)
8. Er ist entspannt den Semesterferien. -
(He is relaxed from the semester break)
9. Er ist entschlossen Spanisch lernen. -
(He is determined to learn Spanish)
10. Sie ist erfersüchtig ihre Schwester. -
(She is jealous of her sister)
11. Er ist verwundert dein Spanisch. -
(He is surprised by your Spanish)
12. Er ist besorgt ihre Gesundheit. -
(He is concerned for her health)
13. Wir sind einverstanden den Konditionen. -
(We are in agreement with the conditions)
14. Sie ist erfreut deine Aufmerksamkeit. -
(She is happy over your attention)
Fill in the correct prepositions to the adjectives. The relevant adjectives are in bold
1.) Er ist sehr eifersüchtig ihren Erfolg.
(He is jealous of her success)
2.) diese Aussage war ich sehr verwundert.
(Over this statement I was very surprised)
3.) Ich war meinem Lehrer sehr dankbar meine zweite Chance.
(I was very grateful to my teacher for my second chance)
4.) Er war nicht sonderlich begeistert dem Film.
(He was not particularly excited for the movie)
5.) Meine Schwester war mir äußerst behilflich meinen Hausaufgaben.
(My sister was very helpful to my with my homework)
6.) Bist du gerade dem Internet verbunden?
(Are you currently connected to the internet?)
7.) Sie ist sehr besorgt ihr Kind.
(She is very concerned for her child)
8.) Sind alle einverstanden dieser Idee?
(Is everybody in agreement with this idea?)
9.) was ist dieses Gericht vergleichbar?
(With what is this dish comparable?)
10.) Alle waren sehr erfreut das Ergebnis.
(Everybody was very happy with this result)
11.) Sie ist sehr konzentriert ihr Buch.
(She is very focused on her book)
12.) Ich bin nicht gerade überzeugt ihrern Fähigkeiten.
(I am not really convinced by her abilities)
Fill in the missing prepositions. Please name the case of the object caused by the adjective and the preposition.
For example:
annoyed - Wir sind ärgerlich auf einander. - accusative
1. Sie ist empört seine Handlungen. -
(She is upset about his actions)
2. Sie ist überzeugt Allem was er tut. -
(She is convinced by everything he does)
3. Wir sind neidisch das Wetter in Spanien. -
(We are jealous of the weather in spain)
4. Wir sind gespannt den Kinofilm. -
(We are excited for the movie)
5. Die Kinder sind erfreut die Spielzeuge. -
(The children are happy over the toys)
6. Das Buch ist berühmt seine Länge. -
(The book is famous for its length
7. Sie ist immer sehr beschäftigt ihrem Studium. -
(She is always very busy with her studies)
8. Er ist entspannt den Semesterferien. -
(He is relaxed from the semester break)
9. Er ist entschlossen Spanisch lernen. -
(He is determined to learn Spanish)
10. Sie ist erfersüchtig ihre Schwester. -
(She is jealous of her sister)
11. Er ist verwundert dein Spanisch. -
(He is surprised by your Spanish)
12. Er ist besorgt ihre Gesundheit. -
(He is concerned for her health)
13. Wir sind einverstanden den Konditionen. -
(We are in agreement with the conditions)
14. Sie ist erfreut deine Aufmerksamkeit. -
(She is happy over your attention)
Fill in the correct prepositions to the adjectives. The relevant adjectives are in bold
1.) Er ist sehr eifersüchtig ihren Erfolg.
(He is jealous of her success)
2.) diese Aussage war ich sehr verwundert.
(Over this statement I was very surprised)
3.) Ich war meinem Lehrer sehr dankbar meine zweite Chance.
(I was very grateful to my teacher for my second chance)
4.) Er war nicht sonderlich begeistert dem Film.
(He was not particularly excited for the movie)
5.) Meine Schwester war mir äußerst behilflich meinen Hausaufgaben.
(My sister was very helpful to my with my homework)
6.) Bist du gerade dem Internet verbunden?
(Are you currently connected to the internet?)
7.) Sie ist sehr besorgt ihr Kind.
(She is very concerned for her child)
8.) Sind alle einverstanden dieser Idee?
(Is everybody in agreement with this idea?)
9.) was ist dieses Gericht vergleichbar?
(With what is this dish comparable?)
10.) Alle waren sehr erfreut das Ergebnis.
(Everybody was very happy with this result)
11.) Sie ist sehr konzentriert ihr Buch.
(She is very focused on her book)
12.) Ich bin nicht gerade überzeugt ihrern Fähigkeiten.
(I am not really convinced by her abilities)
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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Very expert and nice teacher. Organized, professional, she made my German lessons a pleasant experience. Customized learning materials according to you needs and interests. Highly recommended!
Katerina B.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much!
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Hello, my name is Alyona. I'm from Ukraine, currently I'm living in Bulgaria.
I speak Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish, English and German.
I'm an English and German teacher I've been teaching for more than 8 years. I've talked to all levels and ages of students from children to adults and from beginner levels to upper intermediate language level. I teach General English and German and Spoken English.
My lessons are informative and lively.
During the lesson we train the four basic language skills: such as Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing.
Whether you wanna learn English or German - I'm happy to help you. During the lessons you will get the knowledge and confidence to communicate freely with native speakers. So, I'm ready to start, are you with me? Hope to see you soon
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Alena is very kind and patient. She creates a friendly atmosphere in the lesson and explains all the material in an accessible and interesting way.
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Hi, everyone! I'm Marissa. I'm a native speaker of English from the United States. I'm currently living in Istanbul, Turkey and I can speak Turkish. I can also understand basic Spanish. I received my teaching certification in 2011 and I've been teaching ever since. I have experience working with students from all over the world, in language schools, kindergarten, exam preparation centers, and online, not only as a teacher but also as an education coordinator.
I offer my students a very structured program to help them improve their overall English level. In our trial lesson, I will evaluate your level and we will discuss your goals. I will then provide you with a coursebook and supplementary materials suitable for your level and needs. We will use these both together in class and outside of class for homework. We will cover all necessary skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) but we will give special attention to whatever your weaknesses may be.
Alternatively, if you are not looking for such an intensive program, I also offer guided conversation practice. I am flexible! Just write me and we can start working on a plan for you. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon. :)
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Marissa is a very friendly teacher. She adapts her lessons to her students and helps them reach their goals.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I am a tutor in French as a foreign language. I specialize in conversation and communication from B1 level upwards, but I also have A2 students with whom I follow a more traditional method.
With me, you can express yourself freely and make mistakes without fear, I'll take note of them without interrupting. Essential is that the conversation flows and that we understand each other.
I am Belgian and my mother tongue is French. I have always loved literature, culture, and languages. I studied in Flanders for 10 years, lived in France and Switzerland for 4 years, and I currently live in Valencia, Spain.
I followed the DAEFLE training (teaching French as a foreign language) in 2017.
My practice: - online conversation / support for self-taught students
- coaching / correction of speeches, lectures and documents
Method: - interests and culture
- videos, images, music, reports, poems
- asking questions and seeking answers online (with guidance)
- I encourage listening to podcasts and the use of applications such as Duolingo outside of class for vocabulary and repetition
Basic rate 18€/hour
Children under 16: 20€/hour
Cancellation :
- If you cancel / postpone more than 24 hours before the lesson, it will not be charged.
- In case of cancellation / postponing less than 24 hours before the lesson, it will be charged at half price.
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Lessons with Elodie are less like traditional teacher-student lessons, and more like having a conversation with your French-speaking friend. Having no practical necessity to improve my French now, but wishing to do so nevertheless (and not to forget what I already knew), this is exactly the format I was looking for. Elodie usually defines a topic for the lesson (according to my preferences) and sends some materials in advance to prepare (e.g. a YouTube video to watch), which will be discussed then. She corrects persistent mistakes and explains new words but makes sure it does not interrupt the flow of conversation. It is a good language practice, but also a great way to learn new things about francophone culture (and not only!), so I definitely recommend!
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my name is Nina, I'm from Austria and I also lived for one year and a half in Canada. I worked there as a German Teacher for adults, so I speak German, English and French.
I also teach English for beginners and advanced beginners.
My teaching methodes are totally based on the level of my student. If somebody is already advanced, I focus on communication and pronunciation. We will arrange on a topic and talk and discuss in the lesson about it.
If my student is a beginner, I'm gonna start with the basics of the German language. (the articles, the verb "to be", the pronouns...)
The learning material is all made by myself, because I'm a German teacher, so that means, I already got lots of working sheets for many topics. I send these to my student via e-mail or put it directly on the coLanguage homepage.
I'm available from Monday to Thursday between 5pm and 08:00 pm. For the weekend it's the best to just send me a request.
Of course is a free trial lesson (it's about 20 minutes) possible.
I'm happy to teach you :-)
See you soon! Nina
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Today Nina helped me to fill out a couple of papers. Thank you Nina for your help and patience :)
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Bianka is friendly and very patient. She is from Germany so I can learn the German pronunciations very well with her. I recommend Bianka if you are looking for a German teacher.
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Hi! I am Maaike, a Dutch primary school teacher. Every day I'm doing by best to teach the Dutch language well to the childeren, but also other languages such as English and Spanish.
I have more than 12 years of experience as a teacher, in the Netherlands and abroad, to young and old!
In the Netherlands I have experience in each grade, so I know exactly how the Dutch language is given in primary education. This can certainly help children, but also adults who want to learn the Dutch language in a correct way, having a good basic knowledge is the most important part of learning a new language.
I lived in Spain for 3 years where I taught English to Spanish children and adults. During that period I also followed an intensive language course to learn the Spanish language. Currently I am learning Nepali through Skype. I know what it is like to learn a new language, what it involves and how the learning process works.
I will first discuss with you what you would like to achieve by following the language lessons and what your needs are. Maybe it's just speaking skills, or grammar or listening skills, or a combination. In addition, I want to use my creativity to apply methods that work best for you, personalized language classes. :)
My goal is to give you the feeling after each class that you've come one step closer to your personal goal!
Feel free to request a trial class, so we can see what I can do for you and if my way of teaching suits you. See you soon! :)
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The best language teacher my daughter has had! She is a kind and friendly teacher. I feel like she keeps the lesson pace going and focused. Highly recommend Maaike. :-)
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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Very well prepared, excellent explanation of all of the key grammatical points and very nice and supportive manner made it a pleasure to learn through this lesson.
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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I recommended everyone to choose this teacher ! she's explaining pretty clear and she have a lot of patient ! she helped me a lot to improve my German skills !
Katerina B.
Thank you so much George. I am very happy that our lessons helped you!
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My name is Tahereh and I'm a resident of Spain. I have a degree in Hispanic Philology and I am also accredited in DELE C2. I have a Master's degree in Latin American Studies and I am currently finishing a PhD in Cultural Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
I am an accredited DELE examiner at levels A1 and A2; B1 and B2; C1 and C2 by the Instituto Cervantes. I have taken teacher training courses in ELE (Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) given by the Instituto Cervantes and other Spanish academic institutions and I hold the title of certified teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language.
I specialise in EFE (Teaching Spanish for Specific Purposes) and I am a certified teacher by the Instituto Cervantes as well as other Spanish universities.
I have more than 7 years of experience as a Spanish teacher both at university and in language schools.
I use modern learning methodologies based on a previous analysis of my students' needs. I make use of all kinds of interactive, didactic materials with a cultural component, making the class dynamic as well as fun and above all adapted to the interests and needs of the student.
My mother tongue is Persian (Farsi) and I also speak English (B2), Portuguese (A2), Galician (B1) and Arabic (A1).
I invite you to a free 30-minute trial lesson.
I hope to meet you soon and to help you improve your language skills.
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Tahereh is a Spanish teacher who is ready to take you to the next level. She has good quality learning materials, great certifications and lots of experience with all kinds of audiences.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hallo :) My name is Mihaela and I was born in Switzerland. I have a Bachleor and Master degree as German teacher and more then 5 years experience.
I love languages, because of that I speak also Croatian and English. :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, writing, pronunciation and vocabulary.
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar. Or we can learn whatever you need, because I will always adapt to your needs. :)
I will support you during your learning experience and adapt to your learning tempo.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books (Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen,...).
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Mihaela is punctual and organised. She has a friendly attitude and plans the lessons well with relevant materials.
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Hi, I am Christin!
After training as a pastry chef and studying business administration, I traveled a lot and discovered my interest in languages. To find out more about teaching languages, I decided on further training at the Goethe Institute and completed it. During the Goethe Institute "Learn to teach German" course I was able to give individual language lessons and actively support the examination preparation for the Goethe certificate.
My lessons are needs-oriented. That means that learning goals are discussed with you and based on your level of knowledge. Whether grammar, sentence structure, pronunciation, expression or the practice of communication situations: German as a foreign and second language classes are flexible and take place in a group or one-to-one lessons with individual support and are based on your wishes and requirements. The teaching of content and topics takes place according to the respective language level. Building vocabulary, grammar and means of speaking are structured and conveyed logically building on each other. Let's get to know each other in a free trial class. I am looking forward to meeting you!
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Christin is a great teacher. We are talking about very interesting and different topics. Lots of material to learn. She is also very flexible. I'm very satisfied.
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Do you want to increase your language proficiency in English or Afrikaans? Then I am just the teacher for you!
I specialize in teaching students 14 years and older, as well as adults. My focus is on teaching business English and Afrikaans, as well as academic and diplomatic style language. Whether you want to improve your English and Afrikaans speaking, listening, reading or writing skills, I'll assist you to determine your specific needs and develop bespoke lesson plans for you. I use different teaching methods and materials which include written lesson plans, videos, fun quizzes, conversation and whatever else takes our fancy to keep you interested, motivated and learning at your own pace!
I am also a certified business coach and can assist you with any issue in your working or study environment. Let's look at your career prospects, develop a winning resumé (CV), coach you on that important job interview or teach you how to write a great email or have that vital telephone conversation.
I am a published author (English language) internationally and in South Africa and can assist you with writing your business documentation or writing creatively (i.e. short stories, articles and opinion pieces).
I have over 30 years' experience in the world of work at senior management level and have worked on projects involving, inter alia, the USA, UK, Australia, Asia and Africa.
My qualifications include:
- TEFL level 5 certificate in teaching English as a foreign language
- Certificate in teaching business English
- Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA)
- B.Com. (Hons) Degree in Economics
- Coaching Certificate
- Native English and Afrikaans speaker
Let me assist you with your learning journey and let's also have fun while we learn!
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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Madi is an English teacher from South Africa. She has had a lot of experience teaching English, especially at the business level. She counts with learning materials for different needs but only within the business level.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Are you worried that you can't tackle the big journey of learning Russian or English? I would be really happy to help you and do my best to be your guide on that path!
I have a bachelor's degree with honors in teaching foreign languages and linguistics and I have been working as a tutor for 3 years.
With me it doesn't matter, where you are coming from, what your language level is and why you decided to pick up a language. Be sure that at every lesson I will create a very friendly and supportive a friendly environment with individual materials for your needs.
Your goals will be my goals. If you have any doubts, feel free to book a trial lesson (it's free anyway) and I will be happy to answer to all your questions.
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Katya is a Russian/English teacher who's had experience with beginners in the past. So if you're looking to start learning Russian this is a good option to do so. She has a large variety of learning materials including games and grammar practice and seems to know how to communicate online.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Katsiaryna S.
Thank you so much!
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I am an enthusiastic and devoted Native English speaker with excellent communication skills and I would love to help you improve your conversational English
I have a Bachelors degree in Information Design and Marketing. I am also a certified TEFL teacher. I have 15 years experience teaching students at University level and more recently I started teaching English on-line to all age groups. As part of my community service, I do volunteer English teaching to underprivileged students in Myanmar which I find hugely rewarding.
My classes focus on conversational English, in other words - we talk and read a lot, we make mistakes and correct them, we focus on pronunciation and correct sentence construction and have fun while learning and practising your English. My number one priority is always to focus on addressing your specific needs and problem areas.
Learning to speak a new language is more than just acquiring new words and the sentences, it is also about getting the confidence to use it. This confidence will come from using the language in a friendly, safe and non-judgemental environment - and that is what I offer you.
I believe I am very friendly, easy to get along with, and extremely patient.
Teaching English to me is a passion and not a job. I am super excited to share this learning journey with you.
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Pieter is a South African English teacher with loads of experience. He has taught different age groups and even teaches English to people who cannot afford it on his free time. He counts with different learning materials for different ages and purposes and seems eager to accommodate courses according to the student's needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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Very expert and nice teacher. Organized, professional, she made my German lessons a pleasant experience. Customized learning materials according to you needs and interests. Highly recommended!
Katerina B.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much!
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Hello, my name is Alyona. I'm from Ukraine, currently I'm living in Bulgaria.
I speak Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish, English and German.
I'm an English and German teacher I've been teaching for more than 8 years. I've talked to all levels and ages of students from children to adults and from beginner levels to upper intermediate language level. I teach General English and German and Spoken English.
My lessons are informative and lively.
During the lesson we train the four basic language skills: such as Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing.
Whether you wanna learn English or German - I'm happy to help you. During the lessons you will get the knowledge and confidence to communicate freely with native speakers. So, I'm ready to start, are you with me? Hope to see you soon
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Alena is very kind and patient. She creates a friendly atmosphere in the lesson and explains all the material in an accessible and interesting way.
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Hi, everyone! I'm Marissa. I'm a native speaker of English from the United States. I'm currently living in Istanbul, Turkey and I can speak Turkish. I can also understand basic Spanish. I received my teaching certification in 2011 and I've been teaching ever since. I have experience working with students from all over the world, in language schools, kindergarten, exam preparation centers, and online, not only as a teacher but also as an education coordinator.
I offer my students a very structured program to help them improve their overall English level. In our trial lesson, I will evaluate your level and we will discuss your goals. I will then provide you with a coursebook and supplementary materials suitable for your level and needs. We will use these both together in class and outside of class for homework. We will cover all necessary skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) but we will give special attention to whatever your weaknesses may be.
Alternatively, if you are not looking for such an intensive program, I also offer guided conversation practice. I am flexible! Just write me and we can start working on a plan for you. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon. :)
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Marissa is a very friendly teacher. She adapts her lessons to her students and helps them reach their goals.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Internet connection
Learning materials
I am a tutor in French as a foreign language. I specialize in conversation and communication from B1 level upwards, but I also have A2 students with whom I follow a more traditional method.
With me, you can express yourself freely and make mistakes without fear, I'll take note of them without interrupting. Essential is that the conversation flows and that we understand each other.
I am Belgian and my mother tongue is French. I have always loved literature, culture, and languages. I studied in Flanders for 10 years, lived in France and Switzerland for 4 years, and I currently live in Valencia, Spain.
I followed the DAEFLE training (teaching French as a foreign language) in 2017.
My practice: - online conversation / support for self-taught students
- coaching / correction of speeches, lectures and documents
Method: - interests and culture
- videos, images, music, reports, poems
- asking questions and seeking answers online (with guidance)
- I encourage listening to podcasts and the use of applications such as Duolingo outside of class for vocabulary and repetition
Basic rate 18€/hour
Children under 16: 20€/hour
Cancellation :
- If you cancel / postpone more than 24 hours before the lesson, it will not be charged.
- In case of cancellation / postponing less than 24 hours before the lesson, it will be charged at half price.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Lessons with Elodie are less like traditional teacher-student lessons, and more like having a conversation with your French-speaking friend. Having no practical necessity to improve my French now, but wishing to do so nevertheless (and not to forget what I already knew), this is exactly the format I was looking for. Elodie usually defines a topic for the lesson (according to my preferences) and sends some materials in advance to prepare (e.g. a YouTube video to watch), which will be discussed then. She corrects persistent mistakes and explains new words but makes sure it does not interrupt the flow of conversation. It is a good language practice, but also a great way to learn new things about francophone culture (and not only!), so I definitely recommend!
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials