The infinitive in German (um…zu, ohne… zu)
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The basic form of a verb, which means the unconjugated form, is called infinitive. In German, there are some constructions of sentences, which always use the infinitive of a verb. This chapter will show you all the different constructions and how to use them in the correct way.
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The construction with 'zu + infinitive' is used quite often in German and can be tranlated into english like 'in order to' or just 'to'. For instance, this constructions is often used when a sentence consists of two verbs. There are alway two possibilities of constructing the sentence: with and without 'zu'.
Those constructions with 'zu' are always subordinate clauses without a direct object.
There are some typical ways to use 'zu' with an infinitive. See some examples in the table below.
Way to use 'zu' | Examples | Translation |
With a prepostition:
In combination with declarative sentences |
Within some typical sentences (haben + noun) |
In combination with a reflexive verb |
In combination with an adjective |
In some rare cases, the subordinate clause with 'zu' can stand in the beginning of the sentence.
The strucure with 'um .. zu' is used to express purposes or aims. With separable verbs, the zu preposition is interposed between the prefix and the stem of the verb. (e.g. aushalten (to stand) = auszuhalten.) The construction can usually be translated into English by 'in order to' or just 'to'.
For example:
Ich fahre nach Deutschland, um Deutsch zu lernen. (I go to Germany, in order to learn German.)
Wir stehen um 7 Uhr auf, um Sport zu treiben. (We wake up at seven, to do some sports.)
Er hört Musik, um sich abzulenken. (He hears music, to take his eyes off the ball.)
To express an intention or purpose we can also use the construction with damit (so that). This preposition introduces an infinitive sentence but never holds the preposition 'zu'. The preposition 'zu' is missing, but the verb at the end is also in infinitive.
For example:
When the subjects of the main sentence and the subordinate sentence are different, you can only use the construction with a 'damit':
When you use two verbs in the subordinate sentence (like 'genießen kann'), the infinitive is the second last word in the sentence and is before the conjugated verb!
Also the structure with 'ohne .. zu' introduces an infinitive sentence. In English, this structure is used as 'without + Gerundium'.
To express something oppositional in German, you can use a sentence with '(an)statt ... zu' . It can be translated into English as 'instead of ..'. It is also used with the gerund after 'anstatt'.
The construction of 'als ... zu' is mainly used as 'anstatt ... zu' to express oppisitional actions. It can be translated as 'rather than'.
There are some verbs that are typically used in infinitive sentences. See the words and the examples below to get a further understanding of it. The infinitive will always be italicised.
Verb | Example | Translation |
anfangen | Klara fängt an, den Dachboden aufzuräumen. | Klara starts cleaning up the attic. |
aufhören | Hör endlich auf, den anderen die Schuld zu geben. | Finally stop blaming the others. |
beabsichtigen | Wir beabsichtigen, nächstes Jahr den Kölner Dom zu besichtigen. | We plan to visit the dome of Cologne next year. |
beginnen | Die Bären beginnen, sich auf den Winterschlaf vorzubereiten. | The bears start preparing theirselves for the hibernation. |
sich bemühen | Er bemüht sich, auch im größten Stress gelassen zu bleiben. | He struggles to stay calm even if he's in full stress. |
beschließen | Julia hat beschlossen, ein Semester im Ausland zu verbringen. | Julia decided, to stay abroad for one semester. |
bitten | Die Kursleiterin bittet die Studierenden, während der Prüfung nicht zu sprechen. | The teacher begs her students not to talk during the exam. |
erlauben | Hast du Tim erlaubt, alleine mit dem Hund spazieren zu gehen? | Did you allow Tim to go for a walk with the dog on his own? |
sich erinnern | Ich habe mich daran erinnert, dir zum Geburtstag zu gratulieren. | I remembered myself to wish you a happy birthday. |
sich entschließen | Er entschließt sich, das Studium abzubrechen. | He decides to break up his studies. |
glauben | Glaubt ihr wirklich, eines Tages steinreich zu werden? | Do you really believe to be rich one day? |
helfen | Ich helfe dir gleich, die Wäsche aufzuhängen. | In a minute I will help you to peg out your washing. |
hoffen | Die Katze hofft, den Schmetterling zu fangen. | The cat hopes to catch the butterfly. |
planen | Ich habe geplant, ein Erasmussemester in Spanien zu machen. | I have planned to do an Erasmus semester in Spain. |
scheinen | Er scheint, kein einziges Wort verstanden zu haben. | It seems like he didn't even understand a single word. |
verbieten | In diesem Park ist es verboten, Feuer zu machen und zu grillen. | In this park it is forbidden to make a fire and to do a barbecue. |
vergessen | Sie hat vergessen, Sekt für die Geburtstagsfeier einzukaufen. | She forgot to buy sparkling wine for the birthday party. |
versprechen | Markus versprach Anna, ihr für immer treu zu bleiben. | Markus promised Anna, to remain faithful to her forever. |
versuchen | Er hat versucht, das Problem zu lösen. | He tried to solve the problem. |
vorhaben | Hast du vor, nach Australien auszuwandern? | Are you planning to emigrate to Australia? |
vorwarnen | Ernährungsexperten warnen davor, zu viel Zucker zu essen. | Nutrition experts warn about eating to much sugar. |
sich weigern | Karl weigerte sich, die Suppe aufzuessen. | Karl refused to eat up the soup. |
These are the main expressions used in German to introduce an indefinite sentence. Of yourse, there are more expressions, but these should help to give you an idea about it.
Expression | Example | Translation |
die Absicht haben | Ich habe die Absicht, nächstes Jahr in den Urlaub zu fahren. | I have the intention, to go on vacation next year. |
in Betracht ziehen | WIr müssen in Betracht ziehen, in eine neue Wohnung zu ziehen. | We have to take into account to move to a new flat. |
eine Entscheidung treffen | Wir haben die Entscheidung getroffen, diese Wohnung zu kaufen. | We made the decision, to buy this flat. |
die Hoffnung haben | Sie haben die Hoffnung, den Hund zu finden. | They have the hope to find the dog. |
die Neigung haben | Ich habe die Neigung, zu stottern, wenn ich nervös bin. | I tend to stutter, when I'm nervous. |
ein Versprechen geben | Ich gebe dir das Versprechen, die Wohnung zu putzen. | I promise to clean the flat. |
In German, it is also possible, to transform a noun into a verb and then use it in combination with the preposition 'zu'. See some examples below. Therefore, there are two different options, to use an infinitive sentence.
Infinitive sentence without 'zu' | Infinitive sentence with 'zu' |
Zum Schutz vor dem Regen, hat sie einen Regenschirm benutzt. (As a protection against the storm, she used an umbrella.) | Sie hat einen Regenschirm benutzt, um sich vor dem Regen zu schützen. (She used an umbrella, to protect herself from the rain.) |
Zur Entspannung hört er gute Musik. (For relaxion, he listens to good music.) | Er hört gute Musik, um sich zu entspannen. (He listens to good music, to relax.) |
Zum Lesen braucht man gutes Licht. (For reading, you need good light.) | Man braucht gutes Licht, um zu lesen. (You need good light, to read.) |
There are also certain situations, where the verb is not preceeded by the preposition 'zu', but nevertheless is in infinitive. This is the case, if there exist two verbs in the sentence. In the table below you can find the situations and some examples.
Situation | Example | Translation |
In combination with modal verbs:
+ wissen |
With verbs that describe perceptions or conditions:
With verbs of movement:
With the verb lassen |
With the verb lernen |
With the verb bleiben (in the meaning of not changing the situation) |
With the verbs finden and haben (In combination with expressions of place) |
For making commands (Like in imperative) |
There are some peculiarities regarding the construction of infinite sentences. You will find them in the following chapters.
The first particularity is with seperable verbs, which means, that the verb consists of one verb stem and a prefix infront of the verb (e.g. ab-reisen, an-fertigen). All of this verbs can also stand alone, without the prefix. In this case, the preposition 'zu' comes between the prefix and the infinitive of the verb.
Seperable verb | Example | Translation |
ein-schlafen | Ich versuche, einzuschlafen. | I try to fall asleep. |
an-rufen | Ich verspreche dir, dich anzurufen. | I promise you, to call you. |
an-fangen | Ich bin nicht bereit, an fangen. | I'm not ready to start. |
In situations where the infinitive is not preceded by the preposition 'zu' (see above), the infinitive of separable verbs remains unchanged, like in the examples in the table below.
Seperable verb | Example | Translation |
vorbei-kommen | Ich kann heute vorbeikommen. | I can come by today. |
auf-stehen | Ich werde um 8 Uhr aufstehen. | I will get up at 8 o'clock. |
Reflexive verbs are for example verbs like 'sich vorstellen' (to introduce yourself). In the infinitive group, the reflexive pronoun is placed before the infinitive, whether it is introduced by 'zu' or not. Usually the reflexive pronoun is immediately after the comma, separating the main sentence from the subordinate sentence.
Reflexive verb | Example | Translation |
sich vorbereiten | Er versucht, sich auf die Prüfung vorzubereiten. | He tries to prepare for the exam. |
sich entschuldigen | Ich muss mich entschuldigen. | I have to apologize. |
sich waschen | Es ist wichtig, sich richtig zu waschen. | It is important, to wash properly. |
As you can see, the other rules you learned above, also work with reflexive verbs. In the first example we have a seperable verbs, which is why the preposition 'zu' is between the prefix and the normal verb stem (see above).
We can choose to express the concept either with the infinitive sentence (with 'zu') or use the subordinate phrase introduced by 'dass' (without the zu). The meaning is unchanged, but in the 'dass'-phrase, we usually don't have an infinitive form of a verb.
Infinitive sentences with 'zu' can only be used if the subjects (of the main and subordinate sentences) are identical. Otherwise the construction with 'dass' is used:
Luca freut sich darüber, morgen Besuch zu bekommen. (Where Luca is the subject in the main and in the subordinate phrase)
Luca freut sich darüber, dass er morgen Besuch bekommt. (Where Luca is the subject of the main sentence, but 'der Besuch' is the subject of the subordinate sentence.)
Other examples are:
There are verbs that can introduce infinitive groups with or without the preposition 'zu'. Depending on the use they change their meaning, so keep attention to this.
Verb | Example | Translation |
haben |
sein |
scheinen |
brauchen |
Fill in the right form of the infinitive mood. Use the words written in the bracklets, to form the subordinate sentence.
Recap: The preposition 'zu' always is in front of the verb and the infinitive is at the end of the full sentence. An exception is given with the forms of seperable verbs, where the preposition comes between the prefix and the verb stem (e.g. aufzuhören.)
Example: Es ist schwer, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören. (aufhören.) (It's hard, to stop smoking.)
Example: Sie finden es schön, ihren Onkel zu sehen. (sehen) (They love, to see their uncle.)
1. Er denkt nicht daran, sich . (entschuldigen) (He doesn't even think about to apologizing.)
2. Sie bleibt zu Hause, anstatt zur Schule . (Sie stays at home, instead of going to schoo.)
3. Ich bin gelaufen, um Gertrud . (helfen) (I ran in order to help Gertrud.)
4. Sie geht raus, ohne einen Mantel . (anziehen) (She goes out, without putting on a coat.)
5. Er hofft darauf, sein Handy . (wiederfinden) (He hopes to find his mobile.)
6. Er kam ins Zimmer, ohne . (klopfen) (He came into the room without knocking.)
7. Ich verspreche dir, dich oft . (besuchen) (I promise you, to visit you often.)
8. Ich finde es toll, bei euch . (sein) (I like it, being with you.)
9. Sie hat mich gebeten, ihn auch . (einladen) (She asked me, to invite him as well.)
Fill in the missing words to form a grammatically correct sentence with or without the preposition 'zu'.
Recap: We can choose to express the concept either with
While using the construction with 'dass' the preposition 'zu' isn't used. The meaning is unchanged, but in the 'dass'-phrase, we usually don't have an infinitive form of a verb, but a conjugated verb.
Example: Luca freut sich darüber, morgen Besuch zu bekommen. (bekommen) (Luca is pleased to have visitors tomorrow.)
Example: Luca freut sich darüber, dass er morgen Besuch bekommt. (Luca is pleased, that he has visitors tomorrow.)
1. Wir sind gekommen, um uns . (entschuldigen) (We came here, to apologize.)
2. Wusstest du, dass er Deutsch ? (sprechen) (Did you know that he speaks German?)
3. Sie vergaß, mir die Zeitung . (geben) (She forgot, to give me the newspaper.)
4. Ich hoffe, dass er sein Geld . (wiederfinden) (I hope, that he finds his money.)
5. Er hat telefoniert, um seine Freunde einzuladen. (einladen) (He was on the phone, to invite his friends.)
6. Er geht vorbei, ohne Nora zu sehen. (sehen) (We walks by, without seeing Nora.)
7. Wir haben gemalt, anstatt . (lernen) (We painted, intead of studying.)
8. Ich möchte, dass ihr pünktlich . (sein) (I want you to be on time.)
9. Versprecht ihr, meinen Freund auch ? (einladen) (Do you promise, to also invite my friend?)
Fill in the right form of the infinitive mood. Use the words written in the bracklets, to form the subordinate sentence.
Recap: The preposition 'zu' always is in front of the verb and the infinitive is at the end of the full sentence. An exception is given with the forms of seperable verbs, where the preposition comes between the prefix and the verb stem (e.g. aufzuhören.)
Example: Es ist schwer, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören. (aufhören.) (It's hard, to stop smoking.)
Example: Sie finden es schön, ihren Onkel zu sehen. (sehen) (They love, to see their uncle.)
1. Er denkt nicht daran, sich . (entschuldigen) (He doesn't even think about to apologizing.)
2. Sie bleibt zu Hause, anstatt zur Schule . (Sie stays at home, instead of going to schoo.)
3. Ich bin gelaufen, um Gertrud . (helfen) (I ran in order to help Gertrud.)
4. Sie geht raus, ohne einen Mantel . (anziehen) (She goes out, without putting on a coat.)
5. Er hofft darauf, sein Handy . (wiederfinden) (He hopes to find his mobile.)
6. Er kam ins Zimmer, ohne . (klopfen) (He came into the room without knocking.)
7. Ich verspreche dir, dich oft . (besuchen) (I promise you, to visit you often.)
8. Ich finde es toll, bei euch . (sein) (I like it, being with you.)
9. Sie hat mich gebeten, ihn auch . (einladen) (She asked me, to invite him as well.)
Fill in the missing words to form a grammatically correct sentence with or without the preposition 'zu'.
Recap: We can choose to express the concept either with
While using the construction with 'dass' the preposition 'zu' isn't used. The meaning is unchanged, but in the 'dass'-phrase, we usually don't have an infinitive form of a verb, but a conjugated verb.
Example: Luca freut sich darüber, morgen Besuch zu bekommen. (bekommen) (Luca is pleased to have visitors tomorrow.)
Example: Luca freut sich darüber, dass er morgen Besuch bekommt. (Luca is pleased, that he has visitors tomorrow.)
1. Wir sind gekommen, um uns . (entschuldigen) (We came here, to apologize.)
2. Wusstest du, dass er Deutsch ? (sprechen) (Did you know that he speaks German?)
3. Sie vergaß, mir die Zeitung . (geben) (She forgot, to give me the newspaper.)
4. Ich hoffe, dass er sein Geld . (wiederfinden) (I hope, that he finds his money.)
5. Er hat telefoniert, um seine Freunde einzuladen. (einladen) (He was on the phone, to invite his friends.)
6. Er geht vorbei, ohne Nora zu sehen. (sehen) (We walks by, without seeing Nora.)
7. Wir haben gemalt, anstatt . (lernen) (We painted, intead of studying.)
8. Ich möchte, dass ihr pünktlich . (sein) (I want you to be on time.)
9. Versprecht ihr, meinen Freund auch ? (einladen) (Do you promise, to also invite my friend?)
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Hello, my name is Alyona. I'm from Ukraine, currently I'm living in Bulgaria.
I speak Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish, English and German.
I'm an English and German teacher I've been teaching for more than 8 years. I've talked to all levels and ages of students from children to adults and from beginner levels to upper intermediate language level. I teach General English and German and Spoken English.
My lessons are informative and lively.
During the lesson we train the four basic language skills: such as Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing.
Whether you wanna learn English or German - I'm happy to help you. During the lessons you will get the knowledge and confidence to communicate freely with native speakers. So, I'm ready to start, are you with me? Hope to see you soon
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Alena is very kind and patient. She creates a friendly atmosphere in the lesson and explains all the material in an accessible and interesting way.
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Hi, everyone! I'm Marissa. I'm a native speaker of English from the United States. I'm currently living in Istanbul, Turkey and I can speak Turkish. I can also understand basic Spanish. I received my teaching certification in 2011 and I've been teaching ever since. I have experience working with students from all over the world, in language schools, kindergarten, exam preparation centers, and online, not only as a teacher but also as an education coordinator.
I offer my students a very structured program to help them improve their overall English level. In our trial lesson, I will evaluate your level and we will discuss your goals. I will then provide you with a coursebook and supplementary materials suitable for your level and needs. We will use these both together in class and outside of class for homework. We will cover all necessary skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) but we will give special attention to whatever your weaknesses may be.
Alternatively, if you are not looking for such an intensive program, I also offer guided conversation practice. I am flexible! Just write me and we can start working on a plan for you. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon. :)
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Marissa is a very friendly teacher. She adapts her lessons to her students and helps them reach their goals.
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Since I learn languages myself, I know the difficulties and hurdles that can arise when learning a foreign language. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it!
You want to take a telc or Goethe exam? I will help you! I teach from level B1 to C2. In the course of my teaching I have specialised in students and adult learners from the age of 19 who want to take one of these exams for professional or private reasons.
If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level.
I'll also show you how to integrate German into your everyday life, recommend podcasts, books and series to expand your vocabulary.
Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I will also prepare you for your job interviews.
Don't be shy and write to me before you book a trial lesson. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. I adapt each lesson individually to you.
Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together.
What can you expect in my lessons?
- Creative and professional preparation for telc or Goethe from B1 level upwards
- Conversation classes
- Language lessons individually adapted to your needs, each lesson is prepared for you individually
- Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV
- Grammar explanations that YOU just need.
- Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. Learning should be fun!
The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. I will be happy to correct it. Let me inspire you!
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Lessons with Larissa are a lot of fun. She is very personable and committed. Thank you for your support with German language.
Larissa L.
Thank you for your positive rating. I look forward to more hours with you!
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Learning a foreign language is a beautiful and awe-inspiring journey which is not strange to me.
Growing in Europe and living in Canada has shaped my thinking abilities to see beyond the surface of individual’s potential to study. It remodeled my senses in a special way to be able to respond with tact and compassion to the needs of my students. In the same time it taught me the value of persistence and creativity. These abilities have helped me to master the art of teaching. Every student makes me a better friend, family member and a person.
So far, I've helped different age groups to converse freely, to read, understand and love both English and Bulgarian. Beside that, my students not just improve their grades at school. Some of them became English teachers themselves.
No two students are exactly alike. That's why I mostly use personalized learning method. It builds a learning experience that addresses the unique abilities of each student.
Another method of teaching that I use is Learning by experiment. In that way students learn by doing. I create experiences for them to see the concepts in action. I found out that students tend to remember better when they see and then discuss what they learn from what they saw.
Beside these methods you will enjoy Modeling, Mistakes, Feedback and one of my top methods: Lesson Objective Transparency. When I clearly state my lesson goals and write it on the board, then you will feel relax because you will know what you are working towards.
Please, be assured you won’t regret giving me the opportunity to help you!
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Didi is a very friendly and experienced teacher. She makes her lesson very interesting and easy to follow. She loves teaching and supports her students during their learning path.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hallo :) My name is Mihaela and I was born in Switzerland. I have a Bachleor and Master degree as German teacher and more then 5 years experience.
I love languages, because of that I speak also Croatian and English. :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, writing, pronunciation and vocabulary.
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar. Or we can learn whatever you need, because I will always adapt to your needs. :)
I will support you during your learning experience and adapt to your learning tempo.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books (Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen,...).
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Mihaela is very professional, punctual and well organised. She plans the lessons well with relevant materials based on the student interests and level. She is very flexible about rescheduling classes and always available for any doubts or requests.
Mihaela S.
Thank you very much Marilena :)
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Thanks to many years of experience, I offer you professional language instruction via Skype.
I am a native speaker (bilingual German and English) and have been working with Skype for over 9 years. The courses are optimally tailored to your language level and job description. Arrange a trial lesson.
Proficient handling of everyday German, leading to various certificates (Goethe Certificates, DaF etc.), specific courses for the professional field (hotel, tourism, law, medicine - FACHSPRACHENPRÜFUNG MEDIZIN, technology, business.....).
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Belinda is an excellent teacher. The learning materials are great and I'm learning lots speaking to a native German speaker. 100% would recommend!
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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Very expert and nice teacher. Organized, professional, she made my German lessons a pleasant experience. Customized learning materials according to you needs and interests. Highly recommended!
Katerina B.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much!
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My interest in learning foreign languages has arisen since I was a young girl. At 13 I made up my mind to attend the foreign language high school where I graduaded with proficiency. After a few years I got my University degree.
I have been teaching for a few years privately via Skype Italian mainly to German adult students. My method is based to consolidate the grammar knowledge if previuosly done or to base it by catching their attention on interesting topics. I provide my students all material needed to plan a valuable lesson and for this reason I have gathered fulfilling reviews on other teaching platforms
About Italian students studying German with me, most of them are interested in deeping topics dealt at school or being prepared to get a certification.
I look forward to hearing from you
Maria Grazia
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Very interesting and useful lessons. Maria Grazia always punctual and precise, we worked very well and she was always very kind
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⭐ Bachelor of Education ⭐
⭐ Certified Trainer for German as Foreign Language⭐
⭐ German Native Speaker⭐
⭐ Austrian German & Germany German⭐
⭐ International teaching experience live and online⭐
Research says the best way to learn a language is by using as many different methods as possible - so that's exactly what we'll do!
My lessons are very interactive and I like using a lot of different resources, which includes writing, listening, creative assignments, etc.
I have a lot of experience in learning and teaching a foreign language, therefore I understand the struggles of my students and will make sure that you feel comfortable. It’s absolutely okay to make mistakes, because that’s the way we learn. I’m very patient, flexible and adapt to the student's style of learning.
We will find the perfect learning style for you, including the right
- materials (texts/videos/audios/games/grammar/articles)
- language level (A1-C1)
- focus (pronunciation/writing/listening/speaking)
- lesson frequency & length
In my classes we focus on casual conversation and increasing your confidence to speak German. You can expect a personalized class with a lot of fun and you will have the chance to talk a lot.
What we can do during a lesson:
- read and discuss texts, newspapers and professional articles
- improve your vocabulary
- improve your grammar
- conversation and pronunciation training
- prepare for a job interview
- bussines german, german for your job
- practice for an oral exam
- assist you with your homework and proofread your texts
Let me know your goals and interests and together we will achieve them. If you wish I can give you homework in order to practise what you've learned during the lesson.
In order to make the sessions as interactive as possible, I'm using ZOOM for my online classes.
- PDF-files
- Quizzes/Tests
- Reading Exercises
- Writing Exercises
- Audio files
- Video files
- Articles and news
- Homework
Give me the possibility to show you my teaching-style. The trial lesson is for free so that you have nothing to lose. Worst case scenario: You talked 30 Min German for free :)
If you'd like to book, please make sure to include your:
- language level
- learning goals
- wishes for the lesson
- skype username
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Lessons with Jana are always well-structured, with clear learning goals and well-prepared supporting materials. I find her approach very good to learn German "seriously", i.e. focusing not only on basic communication skills, but steadily improving speaking, writing, and understanding. Jana is adjusting to the current level, and with her it's always progress, step by step building up on it. Difficult grammatical topics are split into smaller easily understandable chunks, learned through the course of the lesson and reinforced with homework. Each lesson has a certain relevant and interesting topic and a corresponding vocabulary to learn. With hearing exercises as homework, it allows to be immersed in up-to-date German.
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Ms Christina is a fantastic teacher !! She is patient, explains very well and has a lot of material to work with !!! I am sure that with Ms Christina we can learn or improve our German skills, because she has an excellent method !!
Christina F.
Thank you dear Luisa
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My name is Tim Grundl and I have been teaching languages professionally for over 15 years. By using modern methods and a personal approach, the lessons become sustainable and motivating. The fun of learning should not be neglected, because learning is only possible in a relaxed atmosphere.
Book a free trial lesson and form your own opinion.
Whatever your goals are, conversation training, writing letters or emails, etc., together we will create a goal-oriented, individual plan to achieve these goals as stress-free as possible.
I would be happy to work with you.
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My husband has really enjoyed the lessons he's had with Tim. The material is rigorous and in-depth. Even after previous lessons, Tim has been able to push my husband and keep his confidence up.
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Hello !
I am a teacher of French as a Foreign Language (FLE), with a Master's degree in Training Engineering, specialising in FLE, Professional French and International Cooperation. Your needs are individual: we evaluate them together and I propose you an adapted learning based on my experience as a student as well as in a professional situation. No traditional pedagogy, we will use IT tools (TICE) to live a playful experience, inscribed in the action pedagogy, communicative method. I will accompany you whatever your level, including in the preparation for the exams for which I am qualified (France Education International, ex CIEP, DELF/DALF).
It is the exchange that is important, we move forward together.
Passionate about this profession, it is the diversity of intercultural exchanges that enriches my practice, a necessary complement to my activity in training engineering. I need to keep in touch with learners, so see you soon!
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Isabel is a french teacher who is qualified and has a great deal of experience. She has taught in different countries including the USA and Japan, and counts with different learning materials to help achieve different objectives.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I happen to be a safety and security specialist for a major oil and gas exploration company and have also done my one year TEFL Diploma. I have been teaching English to students online as well as in classrooms primarily out of passion and love for teaching English and helping the students overcome their difficulties and lack of confidence/ motivation towards using English in their every day lives. My average rating happens to be 4.99/5 with 5 star reviews on English teaching websites such as and
Despite being a non native English speaker; I happen to have native level proficiency in aspects of English language and am very passionate about helping students achieve their goals and aspirations in life via use of exclusive and result orientated lesson that have allowed me to achieve my level of skills in English Language. Lastly, owing to my diversified professional back ground, I also provide consultation services with regards to motivation and self improvement and help individuals gain self confidence and to think objectively.
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Shahbaz is an English teacher from Pakistan who has had a lot of experience with adult audiences mainly and with beginners. He has learning materials to work both your comprehension and English verbal skills. He is a very concise and well-recommended teacher.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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My name is Noemie, I am 27 years old, and I live in Europe. I am Belgian and French, and I am bilingual in English and French,Yo puedo hablar en espanol and ‘Wǒ zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén’ and я учу русский язык.
I love trying to understand the world and its mysteries through history, culture, philosophy, politics, arts and above all through traveling. Indeed, traveling is my job as I am a documentary photographer, this is why I know how crucial it is to acquire the ability to speak English. It is a gateway to deepening our self-understanding, to widening our professional horizons, and a bridge towards understanding people from all around the world.
My teaching adventure started three years ago when I decided to tour the world seeking for new adventures and new horizons to deepen my understanding of this world. Since then, I have been a TEFL certified English teacher both online and in real life. I've had the chance to teach children and adults from all around the world, in Russia, China, Vietnam and France.
This experience helped me developed my capacity to teach English to all, whether you are Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, … language isn’t a barrier for me. Cultural exchange is my passion and if need be I will get to learn the key sentences in your language to ease the communication during our classes. I will adapt my teaching style to your learning style.
I will use what works for you to improve your comprehension skills, writing skills and pronunciation too, whether it is reading books, articles, poems and studying them, or engaging in conversation, working from a textbook, watching movies, exploring new sets of vocabularies, or practicing tongue twisters. I will tailor the class according to your level and your learning style and will provide you with the material to do so.
I used to be an actress working in Paris, so I know a lot about charisma and creating presence. With me, you will gain confidence in your oral expression, just like an actor.
Remember that I used to be where you are, trying to learn a new language, so I totally understand how overwhelming it can be. I also have plenty of tips to help you develop your learning process in your daily life.
As a learner of many languages, and a theatre studies graduate,
I have been exposed to various learning techniques, leading me to develop my own approach to education which doesn’t only makes me an English teacher but also a coach.
I believe that the secret of a good class lies in the complicity between the teacher and the student which is why a friendly environment, a set of good activities and a good laugh is my unique recipe for learning English.
My job is accomplished when you are able to speak English—it doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make: as long as you have the motivation, the rest will follow.
I’m here to help you!
If you are interested, send me a message and let’s start the journey!
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Noemie is an energetic and sunny person. She is an experienced teacher who is used to working with people from different cultures. Highly recommended!!!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Thanks to many years of experience, I offer you professional language instruction via Skype.
I am a native speaker (bilingual German and English) and have been working with Skype for over 9 years. The courses are optimally tailored to your language level and job description. Arrange a trial lesson.
Proficient handling of everyday German, leading to various certificates (Goethe Certificates, DaF etc.), specific courses for the professional field (hotel, tourism, law, medicine - FACHSPRACHENPRÜFUNG MEDIZIN, technology, business.....).
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I am learning Medical German with Belinda. She is an excellent teacher. The lessons are very informative. We focus on my communication skills and medical terminology. I am very happy with the early results. I feel more confident and speak German more freely. I recommend her 100%.
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Hello, my name is Alyona. I'm from Ukraine, currently I'm living in Bulgaria.
I speak Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish, English and German.
I'm an English and German teacher I've been teaching for more than 8 years. I've talked to all levels and ages of students from children to adults and from beginner levels to upper intermediate language level. I teach General English and German and Spoken English.
My lessons are informative and lively.
During the lesson we train the four basic language skills: such as Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing.
Whether you wanna learn English or German - I'm happy to help you. During the lessons you will get the knowledge and confidence to communicate freely with native speakers. So, I'm ready to start, are you with me? Hope to see you soon
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Alena is very kind and patient. She creates a friendly atmosphere in the lesson and explains all the material in an accessible and interesting way.
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Hi, everyone! I'm Marissa. I'm a native speaker of English from the United States. I'm currently living in Istanbul, Turkey and I can speak Turkish. I can also understand basic Spanish. I received my teaching certification in 2011 and I've been teaching ever since. I have experience working with students from all over the world, in language schools, kindergarten, exam preparation centers, and online, not only as a teacher but also as an education coordinator.
I offer my students a very structured program to help them improve their overall English level. In our trial lesson, I will evaluate your level and we will discuss your goals. I will then provide you with a coursebook and supplementary materials suitable for your level and needs. We will use these both together in class and outside of class for homework. We will cover all necessary skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) but we will give special attention to whatever your weaknesses may be.
Alternatively, if you are not looking for such an intensive program, I also offer guided conversation practice. I am flexible! Just write me and we can start working on a plan for you. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon. :)
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Marissa is a very friendly teacher. She adapts her lessons to her students and helps them reach their goals.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Since I learn languages myself, I know the difficulties and hurdles that can arise when learning a foreign language. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it!
You want to take a telc or Goethe exam? I will help you! I teach from level B1 to C2. In the course of my teaching I have specialised in students and adult learners from the age of 19 who want to take one of these exams for professional or private reasons.
If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level.
I'll also show you how to integrate German into your everyday life, recommend podcasts, books and series to expand your vocabulary.
Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I will also prepare you for your job interviews.
Don't be shy and write to me before you book a trial lesson. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. I adapt each lesson individually to you.
Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together.
What can you expect in my lessons?
- Creative and professional preparation for telc or Goethe from B1 level upwards
- Conversation classes
- Language lessons individually adapted to your needs, each lesson is prepared for you individually
- Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV
- Grammar explanations that YOU just need.
- Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. Learning should be fun!
The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. I will be happy to correct it. Let me inspire you!
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Lessons with Larissa are a lot of fun. She is very personable and committed. Thank you for your support with German language.
Larissa L.
Thank you for your positive rating. I look forward to more hours with you!
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Learning a foreign language is a beautiful and awe-inspiring journey which is not strange to me.
Growing in Europe and living in Canada has shaped my thinking abilities to see beyond the surface of individual’s potential to study. It remodeled my senses in a special way to be able to respond with tact and compassion to the needs of my students. In the same time it taught me the value of persistence and creativity. These abilities have helped me to master the art of teaching. Every student makes me a better friend, family member and a person.
So far, I've helped different age groups to converse freely, to read, understand and love both English and Bulgarian. Beside that, my students not just improve their grades at school. Some of them became English teachers themselves.
No two students are exactly alike. That's why I mostly use personalized learning method. It builds a learning experience that addresses the unique abilities of each student.
Another method of teaching that I use is Learning by experiment. In that way students learn by doing. I create experiences for them to see the concepts in action. I found out that students tend to remember better when they see and then discuss what they learn from what they saw.
Beside these methods you will enjoy Modeling, Mistakes, Feedback and one of my top methods: Lesson Objective Transparency. When I clearly state my lesson goals and write it on the board, then you will feel relax because you will know what you are working towards.
Please, be assured you won’t regret giving me the opportunity to help you!
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Didi is a very friendly and experienced teacher. She makes her lesson very interesting and easy to follow. She loves teaching and supports her students during their learning path.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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