German functions of words
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The grammatical category of a word is the category to which it belongs. Indeed, all the words can be grouped in the same category according to the characteristics that are similar.
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Nouns are categorized in three different categories.
gender | masculine, feminine, neuter |
case | nominative, genitive, accusative, dative |
number | singular, plural |
Die Katzen der Männer sind lieb. - The cats of the men are nice.
gender | masculine |
case | genitive |
number | plural |
Articles accompany a nouns. An article in the narrow sense is the definite and indefinite article of der, die and das. Article can be inflected (declined) and adapt the gender and number of the noun.
Die Katzen der Männer sind lieb. - The cats of the men are nice.
gender | feminine |
case | nominative |
number | plural |
Verbs express actions, events, and states. A verb is the predicate of a sentence. A predicate contains at least one finite verb form (= in number and person defined). Verbs can be inflected (conjugated). A verb expresses Person, number, mood, tense and the active or passive state.
Ich gehe zur Arbeit. - I go to work.
number | which person (singular or plural ) | 1. person singular |
mood | indicative or subjunctive I / subjunctive II | indicative |
tense | present, simple past, future I,... | present tense |
state | active or passive | active |
Adjectives serve to attribute to a living thing, an object, an action, a state, etc., a property, a particular trait. They can have the following functions
modifier of a noun | das aufregende Spiel | the exciting game |
modifier of an adjective or adverb | typisch türkische Speisen | typical turkish dishes. |
predicative | das Spiel ist aufregend | the game is exciting |
adverb | gut Golf spielen | playing golf well |
Adjectives which function as modifier of a noun be inflected in gender, case and number. Adjective are mostly not inflected in other positions of a sentence.
Das Ergebnis der schweren Klausur ist online. - The result of the hard exam is online.
gender | feminine |
case | genitive |
number | singular |
According to the classical definition, a pronoun is a word which stand for another word (a noun). There are seven classes of pronouns.
personal | a personal pronouns refers to a specific person, a group of people or an object. | Ich sehe dich. | I see you. |
possessive | they are used to show, that a noun belongs to somebody or something. | Das ist meine Katze. | That is my cat. |
demonstrative | these pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined. | Ja, die sehe ich. | Yes, I see that. |
interrogative | there are interrogative pronouns, so called "question words". | Wo bist du? | Where are you? |
reflexive | they are part of the verb which refers to someone. | Ich habe mich geschnitten. | I cut myself. |
indefinite | they are used to link to subjects or objects that are not defined. | Man kann es schaffen. | It is doable. |
relative | they describe the nouns more precisely. | Das Mädchen, das Sport mag | The girl, that likes sport. |
The adverb refers to the circumstances in which an action is happening. For example, there are adverbs of time, place and frequency. Adverbs can be used in different situations:
for a verb | Wir sind dorthin gefahren | We were driving there. |
for an adjective | Das Leben ist besonders schön. | Life is especially nice. |
for an adverb | Wir sehen uns sehr bald. | We will see us very soon. |
predicative for nouns | Der Tisch ist dort. | The table is over there. |
attributive for nouns | Der Tisch dort ist dir. | The table over there is yours. |
Prepositions connect words and groups of words. They refer to a local, temporal, modal or causal relationship between two things.
temporal | Wir kennen uns seit Ewigkeiten. | We know each other since an eternity. |
modal | Nur mit großem Aufwand gelang es. | Only with great effort was it accomplished |
causal | Wegen des Unwetters ist alles zerstört. | Because of the storm everything is destroyed |
local | Die Flasche steht auf dem Tisch. | The bottle is on the table. |
Let's have a look at the following example:
subject | Maria wirft den Apfel | Maria throws the apple. | subject is always in the nominative case, it is the initial point of an action |
predicate | Maria wirft den Apfel. | Maria throws the apple. | central action of a sentence, at least one finite form of verb |
object | Maria wirft den Apfel. | Maris throws the apple. | accusativeobject (Wen/was?) |
object | Der Apfel gehört ihr. | The apple is hers. | dativeobject (Wem?) |
object | Der Apfel ist ihrer. | The apple is hers. | genitiveobject (Wessen?) |
object | Sie denkt an ihn. | She thinks of him. | prepositional object |
Nouns are conjugable.
Verbs are conjugable.
Yes, in gender, number and case.
Yes, in number, mood, tense and the active or passive state.
Adjectives are declinable.
Yes, in gender, case and number.
Yes, in number, mood, tense and the active or passive state.
Adjective can modifie a noun.
Yes, for example: das Spiel ist aufregend
Yes, for example: das aufregende Spiel
The German possessive pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined.
Reflexive pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined.
Adverbs can describe a verb.
Yes, for example: Wir sind dorthin gefahren
Yes, for example: Das Leben ist besonders schön
Prepositions refer to a local, temporal, modal or causal relationship between two things.
No, to a local, causal, temporal relationship.
No, to a local temporal, causal and frequent relationship.
Nouns are conjugable.
Verbs are conjugable.
Yes, in number, mood, tense and the active or passive state.
Adjectives are declinable.
Yes, in gender, case and number.
Adjective can modifie a noun.
Yes, for example: das aufregende Spiel
The German possessive pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined.
Reflexive pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined.
Adverbs can describe a verb.
Yes, for example: Wir sind dorthin gefahren
Prepositions refer to a local, temporal, modal or causal relationship between two things.
No, to a local temporal, causal and frequent relationship.
_____ Stuhl (the chair)
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
Der - masculine
_____ Kind (the child)
Der - masculine
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
_____ Mädchen (the girl)
Das - neuter
Der - masculine
Die - feminine
_____ Sonne (the sun)
Der - masculine
Das - neuter
Die - feminine
_____ Mann (the man)
Das - neuter
Die - feminine
Der - masculine
_____ Frau (the woman)
Das - neuter
Die - feminine
Der - masculine
_____ Schule (the school)
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
Der - masculine
_____ Haus (the house)
Der - masculine
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
_____ Computer (the computer)
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
Der - masculine
_____ Film (the movie)
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
Der - masculine
_____ Stuhl (the chair)
Der - masculine
_____ Kind (the child)
Das - neuter
_____ Mädchen (the girl)
Das - neuter
_____ Sonne (the sun)
Die - feminine
_____ Mann (the man)
Der - masculine
_____ Frau (the woman)
Die - feminine
_____ Schule (the school)
Die - feminine
_____ Haus (the house)
Das - neuter
_____ Computer (the computer)
Der - masculine
_____ Film (the movie)
Der - masculine
Fill in the correct article in the boxes
Jacke (the jacket)
Hund (the dog)
Hasen (the rabbits)
Haus (the house)
Auto (the car)
Karte (the card)
Büro (the office)
Straße (the street)
Garten (the garden)
Häuser (the houses)
Click on the words to mark them!
1.) Heute gehen wir in den Zoo. Ich mag Tiere sehr gerne und mache viele Fotos.
(Today we go to the zoo. I like animals very much and take a lot of pictures)
2.) Gestern war ich schwimmen.
(Yesterday I was swimming)
3.) Wann musst du morgen in die Schule gehen?
(When do you have to go to school tomorrow?)
4.) Ich muss heute viel lernen. Morgen schreibe ich einen Test und danach muss ich eine Presentation halten
(I have to study a lot today. Tomorrow I write a test and afterwards I have to hold a presentation)
5.) Arbeitest du heute lange?
(Do you work long today?)
6.) Morgen werde ich Sport machen
(Tomorrow I will do sports)
7.) In der Hitze muss man viel Wasser trinken
(In the heat you have to drink a lot of water)
8.) Ich mache morgens immer den Kaffee. Im Büro gibt es viele Leute, die gerne Kaffee trinken
(I always make the coffee in the morning. There are a lot of people in the office who like to drink coffee)
9.) Sollen wir es nochmal versuchen?
(Should we try again?)
10.) Lasst uns nach Hause gehen
(Let's go home)
Nouns are conjugable.
Verbs are conjugable.
Yes, in gender, number and case.
Yes, in number, mood, tense and the active or passive state.
Adjectives are declinable.
Yes, in gender, case and number.
Yes, in number, mood, tense and the active or passive state.
Adjective can modifie a noun.
Yes, for example: das aufregende Spiel
Yes, for example: das Spiel ist aufregend
The German possessive pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined.
Reflexive pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined.
Adverbs can describe a verb.
Yes, for example: Das Leben ist besonders schön
Yes, for example: Wir sind dorthin gefahren
Prepositions refer to a local, temporal, modal or causal relationship between two things.
No, to a local, causal, temporal relationship.
No, to a local temporal, causal and frequent relationship.
Nouns are conjugable.
Verbs are conjugable.
Yes, in number, mood, tense and the active or passive state.
Adjectives are declinable.
Yes, in gender, case and number.
Adjective can modifie a noun.
Yes, for example: das aufregende Spiel
The German possessive pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined.
Reflexive pronouns are used when referring to something that is already defined.
Adverbs can describe a verb.
Yes, for example: Wir sind dorthin gefahren
Prepositions refer to a local, temporal, modal or causal relationship between two things.
No, to a local temporal, causal and frequent relationship.
_____ Stuhl (the chair)
Der - masculine
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
_____ Kind (the child)
Das - neuter
Der - masculine
Die - feminine
_____ Mädchen (the girl)
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
Der - masculine
_____ Sonne (the sun)
Das - neuter
Die - feminine
Der - masculine
_____ Mann (the man)
Der - masculine
Das - neuter
Die - feminine
_____ Frau (the woman)
Das - neuter
Der - masculine
Die - feminine
_____ Schule (the school)
Der - masculine
Das - neuter
Die - feminine
_____ Haus (the house)
Der - masculine
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
_____ Computer (the computer)
Der - masculine
Die - feminine
Das - neuter
_____ Film (the movie)
Das - neuter
Die - feminine
Der - masculine
_____ Stuhl (the chair)
Der - masculine
_____ Kind (the child)
Das - neuter
_____ Mädchen (the girl)
Das - neuter
_____ Sonne (the sun)
Die - feminine
_____ Mann (the man)
Der - masculine
_____ Frau (the woman)
Die - feminine
_____ Schule (the school)
Die - feminine
_____ Haus (the house)
Das - neuter
_____ Computer (the computer)
Der - masculine
_____ Film (the movie)
Der - masculine
Fill in the correct article in the boxes
Jacke (the jacket)
Hund (the dog)
Hasen (the rabbits)
Haus (the house)
Auto (the car)
Karte (the card)
Büro (the office)
Straße (the street)
Garten (the garden)
Häuser (the houses)
Click on the words to mark them!
1.) Heute gehen wir in den Zoo. Ich mag Tiere sehr gerne und mache viele Fotos.
(Today we go to the zoo. I like animals very much and take a lot of pictures)
2.) Gestern war ich schwimmen.
(Yesterday I was swimming)
3.) Wann musst du morgen in die Schule gehen?
(When do you have to go to school tomorrow?)
4.) Ich muss heute viel lernen. Morgen schreibe ich einen Test und danach muss ich eine Presentation halten
(I have to study a lot today. Tomorrow I write a test and afterwards I have to hold a presentation)
5.) Arbeitest du heute lange?
(Do you work long today?)
6.) Morgen werde ich Sport machen
(Tomorrow I will do sports)
7.) In der Hitze muss man viel Wasser trinken
(In the heat you have to drink a lot of water)
8.) Ich mache morgens immer den Kaffee. Im Büro gibt es viele Leute, die gerne Kaffee trinken
(I always make the coffee in the morning. There are a lot of people in the office who like to drink coffee)
9.) Sollen wir es nochmal versuchen?
(Should we try again?)
10.) Lasst uns nach Hause gehen
(Let's go home)
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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Karolin has been an awesome teacher. She has been very flexible with our scheduling, while the lessons have been a great combination of being structured and fun. I would highly recommend Karolin to anyone looking to learn a new language or improve their language ability. Thanks again Karolin.
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We had (my wife and I) our first lesson with Miriam and were very happy of her communication style. Too early to judge (will write a further review), but we decided to start the course and bought 12 lessons. More to come....
Miriam C.
Thank you very much for the kind words and especially for your trust. I am really looking forward to this collaboration. Best wishes, Miriam
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What about Fiorina ..... person available, prepared and always sunny ... for those who want to learn German I recommend studying with her.
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Hi, I'm Irish, have been living Milan for 30 years. I have a strong business background in sales and marketing. I have lived in USA, UK and done business in Far East. I teach private students and in global corporates and universities. If you're looking to improve your English quickly I have developed my interactive communication method. A great lesson is based on understanding your needs, planning, content, your involvement, feedback, correction, repetition. My experience in theatre helps me to organise, conduct role plays, followed by constructive feedback. I prepare students for EU exams. Qualities; ability to listen, empathy, patience, motivating, energetic, open to feedback, positive outlook, value sharing, abilty to focus on long and short term objectives, relationship building. Look forward to 'partnering' with you.
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Emer is a very professional and experienced teacher. She is very motivated and really cares about her students' success. Highly recommended!!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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I am so happy to be taking German lessons with Karolin. She is an amazing teacher, I honestly cannot believe how much I have improved in the 6 months I have been taking lessons with her. She made me feel confortable from the very beginning, she is always on time and somehow makes me look forward to every lesson. Thanks for everything Karo!
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Hello !
I am a teacher of French as a Foreign Language (FLE), with a Master's degree in Training Engineering, specialising in FLE, Professional French and International Cooperation. Your needs are individual: we evaluate them together and I propose you an adapted learning based on my experience as a student as well as in a professional situation. No traditional pedagogy, we will use IT tools (TICE) to live a playful experience, inscribed in the action pedagogy, communicative method. I will accompany you whatever your level, including in the preparation for the exams for which I am qualified (France Education International, ex CIEP, DELF/DALF).
It is the exchange that is important, we move forward together.
Passionate about this profession, it is the diversity of intercultural exchanges that enriches my practice, a necessary complement to my activity in training engineering. I need to keep in touch with learners, so see you soon!
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Isabel is a french teacher who is qualified and has a great deal of experience. She has taught in different countries including the USA and Japan, and counts with different learning materials to help achieve different objectives.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Olá amigos! My name is Nathália, I'm Brazilian and I teach Portuguese as a second language. I had my graduation in French and I have experience as a foreign language tutor in Brazil, for adults and children. I would like to invite you to visit my classes, in which we will discuss your goals and the best way to achieve them. As a teacher, my goal is to make the student communicative and autonomous in the new language from the first lessons, working with methodological support and cultural immersion. All materials are produced and supplied by me and are easily adaptable to my students' needs.
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Nathalia's communication was perfect in setting up the lesson and she is very encouraging in introducing the topic. I immediately felt comfortable studying a topic for me which is almost completely new and am looking forward to doing so again. I would really recommend Nathalia.
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Hallo :) I'm a German language teacher with a Bachelor and Master degree in German and with many years of teaching experience.
I was born and lived in Switzerland for many years and grew up in a bilingual family, because of that I speak German, Swiss German, Croatian and English :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, listening audio, reading, writing and for some fun: games and role plays :)
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books: Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen, ....
If you wish to have only conversational lessons, I can arrange this also for you (only available for B1 and B2 level).
* IMPORTANT: coLanguage shows only my general availability, if you want to book a lesson, please sent me a message with your availability and language level, and I will contact you as soon as possible with more informations :)
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As always, her lessons are great! She takes time to prepare in advance the lesson and pesonalised material for your needs.
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I happen to be a safety and security specialist for a major oil and gas exploration company and have also done my one year TEFL Diploma. I have been teaching English to students online as well as in classrooms primarily out of passion and love for teaching English and helping the students overcome their difficulties and lack of confidence/ motivation towards using English in their every day lives. My average rating happens to be 4.99/5 with 5 star reviews on English teaching websites such as and
Despite being a non native English speaker; I happen to have native level proficiency in aspects of English language and am very passionate about helping students achieve their goals and aspirations in life via use of exclusive and result orientated lesson that have allowed me to achieve my level of skills in English Language. Lastly, owing to my diversified professional back ground, I also provide consultation services with regards to motivation and self improvement and help individuals gain self confidence and to think objectively.
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Shahbaz is an English teacher from Pakistan who has had a lot of experience with adult audiences mainly and with beginners. He has learning materials to work both your comprehension and English verbal skills. He is a very concise and well-recommended teacher.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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my name is Veronika and I am a student in Florence at the academy of fine arts. I have been in Italy for three years and I really like the Italian language. In school i learned english and during journeys i used to speak a lot of english so i'm also able to teach in english.
I am from Germany so I am a German native speaker. I have already taught German to some of my friends and would love to teach my language to more people as well. At the beginning I would like to do grammar lessons and the most used words to deepen the basic knowledge of the language. Then I will continue to have conversations in German to increase vocabulary and to give confidence in dialogue and in any case in speaking the language in real scenarios. The most important thing by learning a new language is to learn it through hearing and speaking. Being difficult at first to formulate sentences will then become easier and easier and thus you arrive at a fluent and confident way to speak the new language.
For myself I learned Italian three years ago with this method so I also know what it is like to learn a language and I can help you with my teaching to learn German that way.
I can not wait to start!
greetings Veronika
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Veronika is a very good language teacher. She was on time and she gave me helpfull advices to improve my german speaking, during interesting conversations.
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My name's Eleonora. I am from Ukraine. I am a qualified teacher and a Russian native speaker.
In 2007 I graduated from pedagogical university and since that time I work as a teacher. I love my job and always ready to share my knowledge with everyone.
If you want to improve your Russian, English or German or start learning them you will definitely like my lessons. My classes are developed for each student according to their level, interests and needs.
I try to make lessons various and use different kinds of teaching methods, exercises and technologies. My lessons include:
vocabulary enlargement and usage;wide grammar practicereading activities (from texbooks, at higher levels original texts);practicing oral speech.My schedule is quite flexible so contact me and we'll arrange the time for lessons.
See you!
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Eleonora is very friendly and methodological teacher, perfectly adapting to students needs. I have enjoyed my every class learning.
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Hallo :) I'm a German language teacher with a Bachelor and Master degree in German and with many years of teaching experience.
I was born and lived in Switzerland for many years and grew up in a bilingual family, because of that I speak German, Swiss German, Croatian and English :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, listening audio, reading, writing and for some fun: games and role plays :)
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books: Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen, ....
If you wish to have only conversational lessons, I can arrange this also for you (only available for B1 and B2 level).
* IMPORTANT: coLanguage shows only my general availability, if you want to book a lesson, please sent me a message with your availability and language level, and I will contact you as soon as possible with more informations :)
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Mihaela is punctual and organised. She has a friendly attitude and plans the lessons well with relevant materials.
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My name is Tim Grundl and I have been teaching languages professionally for over 15 years. By using modern methods and a personal approach, the lessons become sustainable and motivating. The fun of learning should not be neglected, because learning is only possible in a relaxed atmosphere.
Book a free trial lesson and form your own opinion.
Whatever your goals are, conversation training, writing letters or emails, etc., together we will create a goal-oriented, individual plan to achieve these goals as stress-free as possible.
I would be happy to work with you.
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My husband has really enjoyed the lessons he's had with Tim. The material is rigorous and in-depth. Even after previous lessons, Tim has been able to push my husband and keep his confidence up.
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Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Katja is a great teacher! She really pushes her students to speak in as much German as they can and the materials she provides are perfectly suited for her students learning goals! I enjoy working with her very much and look forward to our weekly lessons! She has helped me learn many German phrases and vocabulary that I can use immediately.
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Hello German learner! I am a dedicated teacher for DaF (German as a foreign language) studying and working in Germany. I have already gained teaching experience with different age groups and nationalities while teaching German in various language schools.
Currently, I'm doing my second studies in German, English, and Teaching at the University of Bonn. (I already got my Master's Degree in German and Literature). Besides, I teach in a local language school as well as tutor students online on Colanguage.
In my free time, I learn French and Dutch and hope to become a true polyglot one day :)
So as you can see, I'm all into languages and love my profession as a teacher!
I can help you learn general German, develop your communicational skills as well as prepare you for language tests (Goethe Zertifikat, Telc, etc).
Just book a trial lesson with me and we'll find out which course is right for you.
See you soon
PS. IMPORTANT! Currently, I only work with adults aged 18 and over - so NO courses for children, sorry.
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Anush is a great teacher! Her advices and corrections are to the point and very helpful. My demands were high enough and sie could provide the necessary solutions and the necessary help , that I needed.
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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Karolin has been an awesome teacher. She has been very flexible with our scheduling, while the lessons have been a great combination of being structured and fun. I would highly recommend Karolin to anyone looking to learn a new language or improve their language ability. Thanks again Karolin.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
We had (my wife and I) our first lesson with Miriam and were very happy of her communication style. Too early to judge (will write a further review), but we decided to start the course and bought 12 lessons. More to come....
Miriam C.
Thank you very much for the kind words and especially for your trust. I am really looking forward to this collaboration. Best wishes, Miriam
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
What about Fiorina ..... person available, prepared and always sunny ... for those who want to learn German I recommend studying with her.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Hi, I'm Irish, have been living Milan for 30 years. I have a strong business background in sales and marketing. I have lived in USA, UK and done business in Far East. I teach private students and in global corporates and universities. If you're looking to improve your English quickly I have developed my interactive communication method. A great lesson is based on understanding your needs, planning, content, your involvement, feedback, correction, repetition. My experience in theatre helps me to organise, conduct role plays, followed by constructive feedback. I prepare students for EU exams. Qualities; ability to listen, empathy, patience, motivating, energetic, open to feedback, positive outlook, value sharing, abilty to focus on long and short term objectives, relationship building. Look forward to 'partnering' with you.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Emer is a very professional and experienced teacher. She is very motivated and really cares about her students' success. Highly recommended!!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials