Imperative in German
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As in English, the German imperative form is about asking someone to do or not to do something. You address the person directly. Therefore, there are only several forms of the imperative. It is used only with:
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The imperative is used to give orders, for claims or requests. Here are the main situations in which the imperative is used:
When to use imperative | Example | Translation |
To give orders or when you expect something from someone |
To make a request in a polite way For rules or prohibitions. In this case the courtesy form is used: third person plural (Sie) |
The imperative of the first person plural is equivalent to English "Let's ...". It is usually used for pleasant proposals. |
Keep in mind: the usage of the 3rd person plural is a very polite form of asking someone. It's not to give orders in a tough way.
The imperative is formed in different ways depending on the subject and the type of verb. Some verbs are irregular to the second person singular. The imperative form is very common in German language. Therefore you should really try to memorize them.
To form the imperative to the second singular person the root of the verb is used in the present without the endings.
There are some differences depending in the type of the verb, so the following chapters will deal with the specifics of it:
Most verbs have regular roots to the second singular person. With these verbs, the imperative is also regular. The imperative form in the colloquial language is built by removing the -en of the infinitive form. See the formation in the table below.
Verb | Imperative | Example | Translation |
fragen | frag | Frag deine Schwester! | Ask your sister! |
kommen | komm | Komm her! | Come here! |
trinken | trink | Trink mehr Wasser! | Drink more water! |
If you want to speak in a very sophisticated way, you add an -e. It must be added when the stem ends in either a, -t, -d, or -ig.
Lauf zur Schule! Laufe zur Schule! - Walk to school!
Fahr langsam! Fahre langsam! - Drive slowly!
When the stem of the verb ends in -d, -t, -m, -n and is preceded by another consonant, the imperative of the second person singular takes the ending -e. Here are some examples.
Verb | Imperative | Example | Translation |
öffnen | öffne | Öffne das Fenster! | Open the window! |
atmen | atme | Atme nicht so laut! | Don't breath that loud! |
antworten | antworte | Antworte ihm endlich! | Answer him finally! |
Some strong verbs modify the root vowel to the second singular person. The imperative is therefore irregular and keeps the vowel modified. To get a deeper understanding of this, you can have a look at how irregular verbs are conjugated in the present tense. To form the imperative, just skip the ending -st of the verb in 2nd person singular, present tense.
Infinitive | Present tense | Example | Translation |
geben | du gibst | Gib her! | Give it to me! |
helfen | du hilfst | Hilf mir! | Help me! |
lesen | du ließt | Ließ das! | Read this! |
nehmen | du nimmst | Nimm das! | Take this! |
Although some verbs take the umlaut to the indicative present to the second person singular, the imperative never takes the umlaut.
Infinitive | Present tense | Example | Translation |
fahren | du fährst | Fahr schneller! | Go faster! |
schlafen | du schläfst | Schlaf jetzt! | Sleep now! |
lassen | du lässt | Lass das! | Stop doing this! |
Verbs with infinitives that end on -eln ou -ern are irregular to the imperative form:
Infintitive | Imperative | Example | Translation |
handeln | handle | Handle schnell! | Act quickly! |
lächeln | lächle | Lächle öfter! | Smile more often! |
ändern | ändere | Ändere deine Gewohnheiten! | Change your habbits! |
feiern | feiere | Feiere deinen Geburtstag! | Celebrate your birthday! |
To form the imperative to the first plural person, you have to keep the form of the present tense. The personal pronoun is also kept but is placed after the verb.
Infinitive | Present tense | Imperative | Translation |
singen | Wir singen | Singen wir! | Let's sing! |
machen | Wir machen es | Machen wir es! | Let's do this! |
gehen | Wir gehen | Gehen wir! | Let's go! |
To the second plural person, the imperative is always constructed starting from the infinitive of the verb. The form of the present report is kept by simply removing the subject.
Infinitive | Present tense | Imperative | Translation |
machen | Ihr macht | Macht die Tür auf! | Open up the door! |
öffnen | Ihr öffnet | Öffnet das Fenster! | Open up the window! |
kommen | Ihr kommt | Kommt her! | Come here! |
To express a formal request or advice, the courtesy imperative is used: the third person plural (Sie). It is formed in the same way as the imperative of the first plural person: infinitive of the verb + personal pronoun. See this in the table below.
Infinitive | Present tense | Imperative | Translation |
antworten | Sie antworten | Antworten Sie! | Reply to this! |
nehmen | Sie nehmen | Nehmen Sie das! | Take this! |
kommen | Sie kommen | Kommen Sie her! | Come here! |
Here is the conjugation of the imperative of auxiliaries in German: sein, haben, werden:
Sein | Haben | Werden | |
2nd person singular | sei | hab(e) | werde |
1st person plural | seien wir | haben wir | werden wir |
2nd person plural | seid | habt | werdet |
3rd person plural | seien Sie | haben Sie | werden Sie |
Don't mix up the 2nd person plural of the auxiliary 'sein' (seid) with the temporal preposition 'seit'! 'Seit' means 'since'.
When the verb is separable, it divides: the prefix of the verb always goes to the end of the sentence. To understand this, study the following examples:
Infinitive | Example of imperative | Translation |
aus-gehen | Gehen Sie aus! | Go out! |
ein-schlafen | Schlaf ein! | Fall asleep! |
auf-hören | Hör damit auf! | Stop doing this! |
The imperative of reflective verbs is regular. The reflective pronoun follows just the verb.
Infinitive | Example of imperative | Translation |
sich anziehen | Zieh dich an! | Get dressed! |
sich waschen | Wascht euch gründlich! | Wash yourself thoroughly! |
sich setzen | Setz dich hin! | Sit down! |
There are also other ways to express the imperative: with modal verbs or with infinitives.
Modal verbs give more information about the main verb in a sentence. Modal verbs are used, when the speech is reported (in the case of indirect speech):
Imperative | Indirect speech | Translation |
"Kommen Sie bitte herein." | Sie bittet ihn, er möge hereinkommen. | "Please, come in." / She kindly asks him to come in. |
"Rauchen Sie hier bitte nicht." | Er verlangt, dass sie nicht rauchen sollen/müssen/dürfen. | "Please, don't smoke here." / He demands that they should not/must not/may not smoke. |
"Essen Sie doch weniger." | Der Arzt meint, ich solle/müsse weniger essen. | "Just eat less." / The doctor says I should/have to eat less. |
To express an impersonal and generic order or rule, the infinitive of verbs can be used:
Example | Translation |
Bitte anschnallen. | Fasten your seat belts. |
Rechts fahren. | Do drive on the right side. |
Nicht aufstehen. | Do not get up. |
Nicht rauchen. | Do not smoke. |
Very often these expressions are found in public places or in instruction manuals.
To recap:
1st position | 2nd position | 3rd position | 4th position | Translation |
Bring | bitte | deiner Großmutter | einen Kuchen! | Please, bring a cake to your grandmother. |
Macht | doch endlich | eure Hausaufgaben! | Finally do your homework! | |
Lesen | Sie | bitte | den Text! | Please read the text! |
Rauch | bitte | nicht | so viel! | Please do not smoke that much! |
Trinken | Sie | bitte | keinen Alkohol! | Please do not drink alcohol! |
Hör | mir | doch mal | zu! | Listen to me! |
Bitte | schließen | Sie | das Fenster! | Please close the window! |
Lass | uns | ins Kino | gehen! | Let's go to the cinema! |
Keine Gegenstände | aus dem Fenster | werfen! | Do not throw any objects out of the window! |
Now, that you have learned about the usage and the building of the German imperative, test your skills with the free exercises of our website.
Fill in the missing form of the imperative accoring to the personal pronoun. Pay attention to the the upper case at the beginning of a sentence.
1. Person Plural (wir)
(laufen) wir ersteinmal zum Kino! (Let's go to the cinema first!)
(sein) wir nett zueinander! (Let's be nice to each other!)
(glauben) wir mal das, was der Lehrer gesagt hat! (Let's believe what the teacher said!)
2. Person Singular (du):
(schließen) bitte das Fenster! (Open the window, please!)
(zuschließen) das Tor ! (Lock the gate!)
Wenn du aufgegessen hast, (stellen) bitte dein Geschirr in die Spüle! (When you're finished eating, pleae put your plates in the sink!)
2. Person Plural (ihr):
(aufpassen) gut auf euch ! (Take care of yourselves!)
(aufhören) damit sofort ! (Stop that now!)
(lassen) sie in Ruhe! (Let her be!)
(kommen) Sie bitte hier entlang! (Please, come this way)
(aufpassen) Sie bitte ! (Please be careful)
(hinsehen) Sie bitte hier ! (Please look right here)
Fill in the correct missing form of the imperative by using the word written in brackets.
If you are not sure, take a little recap at the chapter about the imperative in German.
Example: Mach deine Hausaufgaben. (machen, 2nd person singular) (Do your homework.)
1. Bitte keine Gegenstände aus dem Fenster . (werfen, 3rd person plural) (Please do not throw any objects out of the window.)
2. das Geld! (nehmen, 2nd person singular) (Take the money!)
3. das Buch. (lesen, 2nd person singular) (Read the book.)
4. bitte leider. (sprechen, 2nd person plural) (Please speak down.)
5. lieb! (lieb sein, 2nd person singular)
6. nach draußen. (gehen, 2nd person plural.) (Go outside.)
7. Hier bitte nicht . (rauchen, 3rd person plural) (Please do not smoke here.)
8. deine Hausaufgaben. (machen, 2nd person singular) (Do your homework.)
9. ' nicht so viel. (arbeiten, 2nd person singular) (Don't work too much.)
10. ein schönes Wochenende! (haben, 2nd person plural) (Have a nice weekend.)
Fill in the missing form of the imperative accoring to the personal pronoun. Pay attention to the the upper case at the beginning of a sentence.
1. Person Plural (wir)
(laufen) wir ersteinmal zum Kino! (Let's go to the cinema first!)
(sein) wir nett zueinander! (Let's be nice to each other!)
(glauben) wir mal das, was der Lehrer gesagt hat! (Let's believe what the teacher said!)
2. Person Singular (du):
(schließen) bitte das Fenster! (Open the window, please!)
(zuschließen) das Tor ! (Lock the gate!)
Wenn du aufgegessen hast, (stellen) bitte dein Geschirr in die Spüle! (When you're finished eating, pleae put your plates in the sink!)
2. Person Plural (ihr):
(aufpassen) gut auf euch ! (Take care of yourselves!)
(aufhören) damit sofort ! (Stop that now!)
(lassen) sie in Ruhe! (Let her be!)
(kommen) Sie bitte hier entlang! (Please, come this way)
(aufpassen) Sie bitte ! (Please be careful)
(hinsehen) Sie bitte hier ! (Please look right here)
Fill in the correct missing form of the imperative by using the word written in brackets.
If you are not sure, take a little recap at the chapter about the imperative in German.
Example: Mach deine Hausaufgaben. (machen, 2nd person singular) (Do your homework.)
1. Bitte keine Gegenstände aus dem Fenster . (werfen, 3rd person plural) (Please do not throw any objects out of the window.)
2. das Geld! (nehmen, 2nd person singular) (Take the money!)
3. das Buch. (lesen, 2nd person singular) (Read the book.)
4. bitte leider. (sprechen, 2nd person plural) (Please speak down.)
5. lieb! (lieb sein, 2nd person singular)
6. nach draußen. (gehen, 2nd person plural.) (Go outside.)
7. Hier bitte nicht . (rauchen, 3rd person plural) (Please do not smoke here.)
8. deine Hausaufgaben. (machen, 2nd person singular) (Do your homework.)
9. ' nicht so viel. (arbeiten, 2nd person singular) (Don't work too much.)
10. ein schönes Wochenende! (haben, 2nd person plural) (Have a nice weekend.)
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What about Fiorina ..... person available, prepared and always sunny ... for those who want to learn German I recommend studying with her.
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I am an enthusiastic and devoted Native English speaker with excellent communication skills and I would love to help you improve your conversational English
I have a Bachelors degree in Information Design and Marketing. I am also a certified TEFL teacher. I have 15 years experience teaching students at University level and more recently I started teaching English on-line to all age groups. As part of my community service, I do volunteer English teaching to underprivileged students in Myanmar which I find hugely rewarding.
My classes focus on conversational English, in other words - we talk and read a lot, we make mistakes and correct them, we focus on pronunciation and correct sentence construction and have fun while learning and practising your English. My number one priority is always to focus on addressing your specific needs and problem areas.
Learning to speak a new language is more than just acquiring new words and the sentences, it is also about getting the confidence to use it. This confidence will come from using the language in a friendly, safe and non-judgemental environment - and that is what I offer you.
I believe I am very friendly, easy to get along with, and extremely patient.
Teaching English to me is a passion and not a job. I am super excited to share this learning journey with you.
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Pieter is a South African English teacher with loads of experience. He has taught different age groups and even teaches English to people who cannot afford it on his free time. He counts with different learning materials for different ages and purposes and seems eager to accommodate courses according to the student's needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I am a German native speaker who loves languages and am passionate about teaching others. I work as language teacher in a school, teach adults at the German Culture Center and prepare my students for all types of official language exams. I love my job and always seek to make it as much fun as possible.
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Melanie gave me a three week German crash course in preparation for a A2+/B1 exam. She is well organised, patient, very knowledgeable and pedagogic. In addition to clear explanations, she has a wide variety of resources at her disposal to explain different grammar rules and concepts. I highly recommend using her services.
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my name is Nina, I'm from Austria and I also lived for one year and a half in Canada. I worked there as a German Teacher for adults, so I speak German, English and French.
I also teach English for beginners and advanced beginners.
My teaching methodes are totally based on the level of my student. If somebody is already advanced, I focus on communication and pronunciation. We will arrange on a topic and talk and discuss in the lesson about it.
If my student is a beginner, I'm gonna start with the basics of the German language. (the articles, the verb "to be", the pronouns...)
The learning material is all made by myself, because I'm a German teacher, so that means, I already got lots of working sheets for many topics. I send these to my student via e-mail or put it directly on the coLanguage homepage.
I'm available from Monday to Thursday between 5pm and 08:00 pm. For the weekend it's the best to just send me a request.
Of course is a free trial lesson (it's about 20 minutes) possible.
I'm happy to teach you :-)
See you soon! Nina
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Sehr Gut lesson. We read some german news, worked on konjugations. Learned new vocab and really worked on pronunciation.
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Thanks to many years of experience, I offer you professional language instruction via Skype.
I am a native speaker (bilingual German and English) and have been working with Skype for over 9 years. The courses are optimally tailored to your language level and job description. Arrange a trial lesson.
Proficient handling of everyday German, leading to various certificates (Goethe Certificates, DaF etc.), specific courses for the professional field (hotel, tourism, law, medicine - FACHSPRACHENPRÜFUNG MEDIZIN, technology, business.....).
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I am learning Medical German with Belinda. She is an excellent teacher. The lessons are very informative. We focus on my communication skills and medical terminology. I am very happy with the early results. I feel more confident and speak German more freely. I recommend her 100%.
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Patrick is a Portuguese teacher who has experience with different groups. It has several learning materials that will help you meet different goals and practice speaking!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Learning a foreign language is a beautiful and awe-inspiring journey which is not strange to me.
Growing in Europe and living in Canada has shaped my thinking abilities to see beyond the surface of individual’s potential to study. It remodeled my senses in a special way to be able to respond with tact and compassion to the needs of my students. In the same time it taught me the value of persistence and creativity. These abilities have helped me to master the art of teaching. Every student makes me a better friend, family member and a person.
So far, I've helped different age groups to converse freely, to read, understand and love both English and Bulgarian. Beside that, my students not just improve their grades at school. Some of them became English teachers themselves.
No two students are exactly alike. That's why I mostly use personalized learning method. It builds a learning experience that addresses the unique abilities of each student.
Another method of teaching that I use is Learning by experiment. In that way students learn by doing. I create experiences for them to see the concepts in action. I found out that students tend to remember better when they see and then discuss what they learn from what they saw.
Beside these methods you will enjoy Modeling, Mistakes, Feedback and one of my top methods: Lesson Objective Transparency. When I clearly state my lesson goals and write it on the board, then you will feel relax because you will know what you are working towards.
Please, be assured you won’t regret giving me the opportunity to help you!
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Didi is a very friendly and experienced teacher. She makes her lesson very interesting and easy to follow. She loves teaching and supports her students during their learning path.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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So with me you can learn all the tipps to improve or learn German. I also worked as an Engineer for several years so we can as well work on your vocabulary in a technical level.
I am a great fan of new cultures and languages.
Feel free to contact me for a class :)
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Olivia has been amazing in helping learn German in a crash course fashion. She has materials for exactly the things I needed to know and helped me understand the bare minimum (which is what I was going for) to help me get my ideas across and understand the structure of what people are saying. She is a fantastic teacher.
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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Karolin is a fantastic teacher! She is very well organized, precise and punctual. She always knows how to explain the German grammar rules to make them clear and easier to remember. The lessons time with her is flying and I always look forward to the next one. Highly recommended.
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Teacher also pleasant to professionals who knows how to suggest themes adapted to the interests of the child during lessons! I can only recommend Christina ...
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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Very well prepared, excellent explanation of all of the key grammatical points and very nice and supportive manner made it a pleasure to learn through this lesson.
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Teaching methodology
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Micaela is an excellent teacher, prepared and above all organized and awake. My lerning experience has been more than positive!
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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I am so happy to be taking German lessons with Karolin. She is an amazing teacher, I honestly cannot believe how much I have improved in the 6 months I have been taking lessons with her. She made me feel confortable from the very beginning, she is always on time and somehow makes me look forward to every lesson. Thanks for everything Karo!
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I have a degree in English and I have been teaching English for 6 consecutive years.
I find teaching English gratifying and thoroughly enjoyable, and it gives me immense joy to see people I teach improve in their written and spoken English.
My specialties are phonics, grammar, vocabulary, public speaking, conversational English and writing. But I can teach other aspects of English too.
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This teacher had learning materials and experience, however there were a few problems with the connection.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
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What about Fiorina ..... person available, prepared and always sunny ... for those who want to learn German I recommend studying with her.
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I am an enthusiastic and devoted Native English speaker with excellent communication skills and I would love to help you improve your conversational English
I have a Bachelors degree in Information Design and Marketing. I am also a certified TEFL teacher. I have 15 years experience teaching students at University level and more recently I started teaching English on-line to all age groups. As part of my community service, I do volunteer English teaching to underprivileged students in Myanmar which I find hugely rewarding.
My classes focus on conversational English, in other words - we talk and read a lot, we make mistakes and correct them, we focus on pronunciation and correct sentence construction and have fun while learning and practising your English. My number one priority is always to focus on addressing your specific needs and problem areas.
Learning to speak a new language is more than just acquiring new words and the sentences, it is also about getting the confidence to use it. This confidence will come from using the language in a friendly, safe and non-judgemental environment - and that is what I offer you.
I believe I am very friendly, easy to get along with, and extremely patient.
Teaching English to me is a passion and not a job. I am super excited to share this learning journey with you.
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Pieter is a South African English teacher with loads of experience. He has taught different age groups and even teaches English to people who cannot afford it on his free time. He counts with different learning materials for different ages and purposes and seems eager to accommodate courses according to the student's needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I am a German native speaker who loves languages and am passionate about teaching others. I work as language teacher in a school, teach adults at the German Culture Center and prepare my students for all types of official language exams. I love my job and always seek to make it as much fun as possible.
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Melanie gave me a three week German crash course in preparation for a A2+/B1 exam. She is well organised, patient, very knowledgeable and pedagogic. In addition to clear explanations, she has a wide variety of resources at her disposal to explain different grammar rules and concepts. I highly recommend using her services.
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my name is Nina, I'm from Austria and I also lived for one year and a half in Canada. I worked there as a German Teacher for adults, so I speak German, English and French.
I also teach English for beginners and advanced beginners.
My teaching methodes are totally based on the level of my student. If somebody is already advanced, I focus on communication and pronunciation. We will arrange on a topic and talk and discuss in the lesson about it.
If my student is a beginner, I'm gonna start with the basics of the German language. (the articles, the verb "to be", the pronouns...)
The learning material is all made by myself, because I'm a German teacher, so that means, I already got lots of working sheets for many topics. I send these to my student via e-mail or put it directly on the coLanguage homepage.
I'm available from Monday to Thursday between 5pm and 08:00 pm. For the weekend it's the best to just send me a request.
Of course is a free trial lesson (it's about 20 minutes) possible.
I'm happy to teach you :-)
See you soon! Nina
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Sehr Gut lesson. We read some german news, worked on konjugations. Learned new vocab and really worked on pronunciation.
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