Separable and inseparable verbs in German
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A separable verb is composed of a separable particle and a radical (word stem). The separable particle is unchangeable and is placed at the end of a main sentence. The second part is conjugated as usual. Additionally, the separable particle is accentuated. Particles are flexible in their use, that means, the same particle is used for a lot of verbs. To differentiate between separable and inseparable verbs, it is important to know that an inseparable verb is composed of a ("true") prefix and a word stem. The prefix is not accentuated.
In general, a prefix/particle changes the basic meaning of the verb:
German verb | verb in English | German verb with prefix/particle | verb in English |
suchen | to search | besuchen | to visit |
stellen | to put | anstellen | to line up |
kommen | to come | hinkommen | to get to |
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Verbs are separated with "|" to point out the formation of the separable verb. The last four columns show you a possible sentence with one exemplary verbs and the correctly applied sentence structure. Remember that this is only a guidance!
explanation | particle + verb | position 1 | radical | position 2 | particle |
at, on | an | fassen, an | machen, an | springen | Die Katze | springt | den Hund | an. |
off, down | ab | fahren, ab | fallen , ab | schreiben | Der Zug | fährt | am Gleis | ab. |
up | auf | bauen, auf | stehen, auf | räumen | Das Mädchen | räumt | das Zimmer | auf. |
out | aus | räumen | Der Vater | räumt | die Kisten | aus. |
in, into | ein | räumen, ein | stellen, ein | kaufen | Die Mutter | kauft | das Brot | ein. |
home | heim | fahren, heim | kommen | Der Sohn | kommt | heim | |
here | her | kommen | Er | kommt | hier | her. |
out | heraus | fahren, heraus | bringen | Die Tochter | bringt | den Müll | heraus. |
in | herein | bringen, herein | holen | Der Kellner | holt | die Stühle | herein. |
up | herauf | stellen | Die Mutter | stellt | die Lampe | herauf. |
to there | hin | stellen | Die Mutter | stellt | die Vase | hin. |
up | hinauf | laufen, hinauf | stellen | Das Kind | läuft | die Treppe | hinauf. |
away, to let go | los | laufen, los | lassen | Er | läuft | in Richtung Straße | los. |
with | mit | nehmen, mit | denken | Sie | nimmt | das Handtuch | mit. |
catch up | nach | kommen, nach | holen | Der Schüler | holt | den Stoff | nach. |
undertake | vor | nehmen | Sie | nehmen | sich Etwas | vor. |
away | weg | kommen, weg | nehmen, weg | essen | Er | isst | die Schokolade | weg. |
to | zu | nehmen , zu | hören | Sie. | hört | ihm | zu. |
back | zurück | nehmen | Sie | nimmt | die Beschimpfung | zurück. |
Some verbs in the German language remain inseparable. They have a prefix in front of their stem. The verb is placed second.
explanation | prefix + verb | example |
be | beantworten, bestehen, beschweren | Ich beantworte dir gerne die Frage. |
ent | entkommen, entfliehen, entschwinden | Ich entkomme dem Verfolger. |
er | erstehen, erstellen, erfinden | Ich erfinde eine Geschichte. |
Some verbs can be both: separable or inseparable. In these cases, the verb has different meanings. Prefixes like: durch-, unter-, hinter-, über-, um-. For example: Übersetzen
In this lesson you studied the separable and inseparable verbs in the German language. There are verbs, that are inseparable, separable or can be both at the same time. Test your skills with our exercises!
Das Kind - anhalten - mit dem Fahrrad
Das Kind hält mit dem Fahrrad an.
Das Kind an mit dem Fahrrad hält.
Der Mann - aushalten - das Gewicht
Der Mann halten das Gewicht aus.
Der Mann hält das Gewicht aus.
Die Frau - aufhalten - die Tür
Die Frau hält die Tür auf.
Die Frau auf die Tür halten.
Der Tochter - einfallen - nichts
Der Tochter fällt nichts ein.
Der Tochter nichts einfallen.
Der Freund - nachfahren - der Freundin
Der Freund nachfährt der Freundin.
Der Freund fährt der Freundin nach.
Die Familie - losfahren - in den Urlaub
Die Familie fährt in den Urlaub los.
Die Familie los in den Urlaub fährt.
Der älteste Sohn - nachkommen - in den Urlaub
Der älteste Sohn nach kommt in den Urlaub.
Der älteste Sohn kommt in den Urlaub nach.
Er - ankommt - morgen.
Er kommt morgen an.
Er ankommt morgen.
Die Familie - zurückkommen - in 2 Wochen
Zurück, die Familie kommt in 2 Wochen.
Die Familie kommt in 2 Wochen zurück.
Das Kind - anhalten - mit dem Fahrrad
Das Kind hält mit dem Fahrrad an.
Der Mann - aushalten - das Gewicht
Der Mann hält das Gewicht aus.
Die Frau - aufhalten - die Tür
Die Frau hält die Tür auf.
Der Tochter - einfallen - nichts
Der Tochter fällt nichts ein.
Der Freund - nachfahren - der Freundin
Der Freund fährt der Freundin nach.
Die Familie - losfahren - in den Urlaub
Die Familie fährt in den Urlaub los.
Der älteste Sohn - nachkommen - in den Urlaub
Der älteste Sohn kommt in den Urlaub nach.
Er - ankommt - morgen.
Er kommt morgen an.
Die Familie - zurückkommen - in 2 Wochen
Die Familie kommt in 2 Wochen zurück.
Du - beantworten - die Frage
Du beantwortest die Frage.
Du be die Frage antwortest.
Er - erleben - den Sommer seines Lebens
Er erlebt den Sommer.
Er lebt den Sommer er.
Sie - gewinnen - das Spiel
Sie gewinnt das Spiel.
Sie das Spiel gewinnt.
Er - verschlafen - oft
Er schläft oft ver.
Er verschläft oft.
Er - hinkommen - zur Party
Er kommt zur Party hin.
Er zur Party hinkommt.
Sie - zerbrechen - unter der Last
Sie zerbricht unter der Last
Sie bricht unter der Last zer.
Der Witz - entgehen - ihm nicht
Der WItz ihm nicht entgeht.
Der Witz entgeht ihm nicht.
Sie - erkennen - den Platz
Sie den Platz erkennt.
Sie erkennt den Platz.
Sie - wiedererkennen - den Platz
Sie wiedererkennt den Platz
Sie erkennt den Platz wieder.
Du - beantworten - die Frage
Du beantwortest die Frage.
Er - erleben - den Sommer seines Lebens
Er erlebt den Sommer.
Sie - gewinnen - das Spiel
Sie gewinnt das Spiel.
Er - verschlafen - oft
Er schläft oft ver.
Er - hinkommen - zur Party
Er kommt zur Party hin.
Sie - zerbrechen - unter der Last
Sie zerbricht unter der Last
Der Witz - entgehen - ihm nicht
Der Witz entgeht ihm nicht.
Sie - erkennen - den Platz
Sie erkennt den Platz.
Sie - wiedererkennen - den Platz
Sie erkennt den Platz wieder.
Das Kind - anhalten - mit dem Fahrrad
Das Kind hält mit dem Fahrrad an.
Das Kind an mit dem Fahrrad hält.
Der Mann - aushalten - das Gewicht
Der Mann hält das Gewicht aus.
Der Mann halten das Gewicht aus.
Die Frau - aufhalten - die Tür
Die Frau hält die Tür auf.
Die Frau auf die Tür halten.
Der Tochter - einfallen - nichts
Der Tochter nichts einfallen.
Der Tochter fällt nichts ein.
Der Freund - nachfahren - der Freundin
Der Freund fährt der Freundin nach.
Der Freund nachfährt der Freundin.
Die Familie - losfahren - in den Urlaub
Die Familie fährt in den Urlaub los.
Die Familie los in den Urlaub fährt.
Der älteste Sohn - nachkommen - in den Urlaub
Der älteste Sohn kommt in den Urlaub nach.
Der älteste Sohn nach kommt in den Urlaub.
Er - ankommt - morgen.
Er kommt morgen an.
Er ankommt morgen.
Die Familie - zurückkommen - in 2 Wochen
Die Familie kommt in 2 Wochen zurück.
Zurück, die Familie kommt in 2 Wochen.
Das Kind - anhalten - mit dem Fahrrad
Das Kind hält mit dem Fahrrad an.
Der Mann - aushalten - das Gewicht
Der Mann hält das Gewicht aus.
Die Frau - aufhalten - die Tür
Die Frau hält die Tür auf.
Der Tochter - einfallen - nichts
Der Tochter fällt nichts ein.
Der Freund - nachfahren - der Freundin
Der Freund fährt der Freundin nach.
Die Familie - losfahren - in den Urlaub
Die Familie fährt in den Urlaub los.
Der älteste Sohn - nachkommen - in den Urlaub
Der älteste Sohn kommt in den Urlaub nach.
Er - ankommt - morgen.
Er kommt morgen an.
Die Familie - zurückkommen - in 2 Wochen
Die Familie kommt in 2 Wochen zurück.
Du - beantworten - die Frage
Du be die Frage antwortest.
Du beantwortest die Frage.
Er - erleben - den Sommer seines Lebens
Er erlebt den Sommer.
Er lebt den Sommer er.
Sie - gewinnen - das Spiel
Sie das Spiel gewinnt.
Sie gewinnt das Spiel.
Er - verschlafen - oft
Er schläft oft ver.
Er verschläft oft.
Er - hinkommen - zur Party
Er zur Party hinkommt.
Er kommt zur Party hin.
Sie - zerbrechen - unter der Last
Sie zerbricht unter der Last
Sie bricht unter der Last zer.
Der Witz - entgehen - ihm nicht
Der Witz entgeht ihm nicht.
Der WItz ihm nicht entgeht.
Sie - erkennen - den Platz
Sie erkennt den Platz.
Sie den Platz erkennt.
Sie - wiedererkennen - den Platz
Sie wiedererkennt den Platz
Sie erkennt den Platz wieder.
Du - beantworten - die Frage
Du beantwortest die Frage.
Er - erleben - den Sommer seines Lebens
Er erlebt den Sommer.
Sie - gewinnen - das Spiel
Sie gewinnt das Spiel.
Er - verschlafen - oft
Er schläft oft ver.
Er - hinkommen - zur Party
Er kommt zur Party hin.
Sie - zerbrechen - unter der Last
Sie zerbricht unter der Last
Der Witz - entgehen - ihm nicht
Der Witz entgeht ihm nicht.
Sie - erkennen - den Platz
Sie erkennt den Platz.
Sie - wiedererkennen - den Platz
Sie erkennt den Platz wieder.
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Fantastic opportunity to improve your German with a Native speaker. Christina is really helpful, very friendly and I would fully recommend to anyone!
Christina F.
Thanks a lot Padraig ..... good luck Thank you very much Padraig and good luck
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Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Katerina is a very flexible teacher makes the effort of adapting the contents of the lessons to my needs
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Today, I had a vocabulary boost. It's my third class and I'm happy with the teacher and the teaching method.
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I am a tutor in French as a foreign language. I specialize in conversation and communication from B1 level upwards, but I also have A2 students with whom I follow a more traditional method.
With me, you can express yourself freely and make mistakes without fear, I'll take note of them without interrupting. Essential is that the conversation flows and that we understand each other.
I am Belgian and my mother tongue is French. I have always loved literature, culture, and languages. I studied in Flanders for 10 years, lived in France and Switzerland for 4 years, and I currently live in Valencia, Spain.
I followed the DAEFLE training (teaching French as a foreign language) in 2017.
My practice: - online conversation / support for self-taught students
- coaching / correction of speeches, lectures and documents
Method: - interests and culture
- videos, images, music, reports, poems
- asking questions and seeking answers online (with guidance)
- I encourage listening to podcasts and the use of applications such as Duolingo outside of class for vocabulary and repetition
Basic rate 18€/hour
Children under 16: 20€/hour
Cancellation :
- If you cancel / postpone more than 24 hours before the lesson, it will not be charged.
- In case of cancellation / postponing less than 24 hours before the lesson, it will be charged at half price.
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Lessons with Elodie are less like traditional teacher-student lessons, and more like having a conversation with your French-speaking friend. Having no practical necessity to improve my French now, but wishing to do so nevertheless (and not to forget what I already knew), this is exactly the format I was looking for. Elodie usually defines a topic for the lesson (according to my preferences) and sends some materials in advance to prepare (e.g. a YouTube video to watch), which will be discussed then. She corrects persistent mistakes and explains new words but makes sure it does not interrupt the flow of conversation. It is a good language practice, but also a great way to learn new things about francophone culture (and not only!), so I definitely recommend!
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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Very expert and nice teacher. Organized, professional, she made my German lessons a pleasant experience. Customized learning materials according to you needs and interests. Highly recommended!
Katerina B.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much!
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Teaching methodology
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I am thrilled by my teacher Dani. She is nice, positive and does a great job.
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My interest in learning foreign languages has arisen since I was a young girl. At 13 I made up my mind to attend the foreign language high school where I graduaded with proficiency. After a few years I got my University degree.
I have been teaching for a few years privately via Skype Italian mainly to German adult students. My method is based to consolidate the grammar knowledge if previuosly done or to base it by catching their attention on interesting topics. I provide my students all material needed to plan a valuable lesson and for this reason I have gathered fulfilling reviews on other teaching platforms
About Italian students studying German with me, most of them are interested in deeping topics dealt at school or being prepared to get a certification.
I look forward to hearing from you
Maria Grazia
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Very interesting and useful lessons. Maria Grazia always punctual and precise, we worked very well and she was always very kind
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I am French living in Lisbon in Portugal. I have lived in different countries such as England, the United States and India. It gave me some experience of learning a foreign language and teaching it.
I am passionate about different cultures and try to share my love for French culture with you in a lively way.
I adapt to the needs of the students, whether to improve their oral, written, prepare for an exam or a job interview. I prioritize the conversation to allow the student to "unblock" and have fun speaking the language. I write down the vocabulary and grammar that the student lacks to express himself.
Learning a foreign language is, in my view, above all through cultural curiosity. We want to learn a language because we want to live in the country, travel there or get to know it better. We feel attracted. It is its Culture that motivates us in our learning: music, film, text, literature, way of being and cultural differences forming "another world". This means that learning is not just about learning a list of words and grammar lessons, as is taught too often in school. Practice again and again through conversation, books, music, movies and above all the pleasure of speaking and listening.
I adapt the student's personal work according to their available time and their objective (conversation, deadline for an exam, scheduled trip, etc.).
I am at your disposal for any further information.
See you soon,
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Florence is a lovely teacher. She is very flexible as to the kind of lesson you need. I have really enjoyed my lessons and look forward to them each week.
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Do you want to increase your language proficiency in English or Afrikaans? Then I am just the teacher for you!
I specialize in teaching students 14 years and older, as well as adults. My focus is on teaching business English and Afrikaans, as well as academic and diplomatic style language. Whether you want to improve your English and Afrikaans speaking, listening, reading or writing skills, I'll assist you to determine your specific needs and develop bespoke lesson plans for you. I use different teaching methods and materials which include written lesson plans, videos, fun quizzes, conversation and whatever else takes our fancy to keep you interested, motivated and learning at your own pace!
I am also a certified business coach and can assist you with any issue in your working or study environment. Let's look at your career prospects, develop a winning resumé (CV), coach you on that important job interview or teach you how to write a great email or have that vital telephone conversation.
I am a published author (English language) internationally and in South Africa and can assist you with writing your business documentation or writing creatively (i.e. short stories, articles and opinion pieces).
I have over 30 years' experience in the world of work at senior management level and have worked on projects involving, inter alia, the USA, UK, Australia, Asia and Africa.
My qualifications include:
- TEFL level 5 certificate in teaching English as a foreign language
- Certificate in teaching business English
- Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA)
- B.Com. (Hons) Degree in Economics
- Coaching Certificate
- Native English and Afrikaans speaker
Let me assist you with your learning journey and let's also have fun while we learn!
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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Madi is an English teacher from South Africa. She has had a lot of experience teaching English, especially at the business level. She counts with learning materials for different needs but only within the business level.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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For me, learning German was a nightmare and I was certain that I will never learn the language. Sara sure did prove me wrong. With her, learning German became fun. I always wait with excitement for our next session. She drastically imporved my skills in a few months and most importantly, I made a good friend along the way. Ich kann mit Sicherheit sagen, dass Sara die Beste ist
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I’m Rebecca, originally from the UK but have been living in Germany for many years. I love making learning fun and have successfully helped my students improve their English in a pleasant atmosphere. I have experience helping my learners prepare for exams, job interviews, presentations etc. Whether business English, general conversational English or to help you prepare for a particular situation, feel free to book a trial lesson and we can discuss your needs and how I can help you! I am CELTA and TESOL qualified and have many years of experience. I’m looking forward to meeting you!
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Great teacher and very nice person. She helped me for my PhD interview, making me feeling confident with english. Highly recommended!
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Teaching methodology
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What about Fiorina ..... person available, prepared and always sunny ... for those who want to learn German I recommend studying with her.
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Teaching methodology
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Montse is always energetic and interesting, she always tailor the lections on the attendants level, always keeping an eye on trying to be original and fun. Easily a 5 Star Teacher.
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Fantastic opportunity to improve your German with a Native speaker. Christina is really helpful, very friendly and I would fully recommend to anyone!
Christina F.
Thanks a lot Padraig ..... good luck Thank you very much Padraig and good luck
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Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Katerina is a very flexible teacher makes the effort of adapting the contents of the lessons to my needs
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Today, I had a vocabulary boost. It's my third class and I'm happy with the teacher and the teaching method.
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I am a tutor in French as a foreign language. I specialize in conversation and communication from B1 level upwards, but I also have A2 students with whom I follow a more traditional method.
With me, you can express yourself freely and make mistakes without fear, I'll take note of them without interrupting. Essential is that the conversation flows and that we understand each other.
I am Belgian and my mother tongue is French. I have always loved literature, culture, and languages. I studied in Flanders for 10 years, lived in France and Switzerland for 4 years, and I currently live in Valencia, Spain.
I followed the DAEFLE training (teaching French as a foreign language) in 2017.
My practice: - online conversation / support for self-taught students
- coaching / correction of speeches, lectures and documents
Method: - interests and culture
- videos, images, music, reports, poems
- asking questions and seeking answers online (with guidance)
- I encourage listening to podcasts and the use of applications such as Duolingo outside of class for vocabulary and repetition
Basic rate 18€/hour
Children under 16: 20€/hour
Cancellation :
- If you cancel / postpone more than 24 hours before the lesson, it will not be charged.
- In case of cancellation / postponing less than 24 hours before the lesson, it will be charged at half price.
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Lessons with Elodie are less like traditional teacher-student lessons, and more like having a conversation with your French-speaking friend. Having no practical necessity to improve my French now, but wishing to do so nevertheless (and not to forget what I already knew), this is exactly the format I was looking for. Elodie usually defines a topic for the lesson (according to my preferences) and sends some materials in advance to prepare (e.g. a YouTube video to watch), which will be discussed then. She corrects persistent mistakes and explains new words but makes sure it does not interrupt the flow of conversation. It is a good language practice, but also a great way to learn new things about francophone culture (and not only!), so I definitely recommend!
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