List of adjectives in Italian (A-Z)
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When we have to describe someone or something, we usually don't find the more appropriate adjectives.
Here you'll find some groupes of qualifying adjectives according to their first letter.
Italian | English |
accecante | dazzling |
acerbo | unripe / immature |
adattabile | easygoing |
adottato | adottato |
adorabile | adorable |
affamato | hungry |
alto | tall / high |
amaro | bitter |
ambiguo | ambiguous |
ammirevole | admirable |
antipatico | unpleasant |
apatico | apathetic |
arrogante | arrogant / insolent |
artistico | artistic |
asociale | asocial |
attraente | charming |
azzurro | light−blue |
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Italian | English |
banale | banal |
bastardo | bastard |
bello | handsome |
benestante | well−off |
bisognoso | needy |
bollente | boiling |
bravo | good |
brillante | brilliant |
brutto | ugly |
buono | good |
Italian | English |
carino | nice |
caldo | hot |
caloroso | warm / loving |
coccolone | cuddly |
combattivo | combative |
cordiale | friendly |
costruttivo | constructive |
creativo | creative |
Italian | English |
daltonico | color−blind |
dannoso | damaging |
delizioso | delicious |
determinato | determined |
diabolico | diabolic |
didattico | didactic |
differente | different |
diffuso | common / widespread |
diligente | diligent |
dinamico | dynamic |
discreto | careful |
disordinato | disorganised |
disponibile | available |
distruttivo | destructive |
divergente | divergent |
divertente | funny |
diverso | different |
divino | divine |
docile | docile |
dolce | sweet |
Italian | English |
eccentrico | eccentric |
ecologico | ecological |
edificante | edifying |
educato | polite |
effervescente | effervescent |
efficace | efficient |
egocentrico | egocentric |
egoista | selfish |
elegante | elegant |
elementare | elementar |
eloquente | eloquent |
energetico | energetical |
enorme | huge |
eroico | heroic |
espressivo | expressive |
estimato | hestimate |
estroverso | extroverted |
Italian | English |
facile | easy |
facoltativo | facultative |
falso | false |
famoso | famous |
fantastico | fantastic |
febbrile | feverish |
felice | happy |
fenomenale | phenomenal |
fertile | fertile |
flessibile | flexible |
focoso | fiery |
forte | strong |
freddo | cold |
frettoloso | hurried / rushed |
furbo | sly |
Italian | English |
galante | gentlemanly |
gelido | freezing |
geloso | jealous |
generoso | generous |
gentile | kind |
gigante | huge |
giocoso | playful |
gioioso | joyful |
goloso | gluttonous |
gommoso | gummy |
grande | great / big |
grasso | fat |
gratificante | gratifying |
grintoso | gritty |
grosso | large / big |
Italian | English |
ideologico | ideological |
ignorante | ignorant |
ignorato | ignored |
imminente | imminent |
immortale | immortal |
imponente | majestic |
importante | important |
inadeguato | inappropriate |
inagibile | condemned |
incapace | unable |
incinta | pregnant |
incoerente | incoherent |
inconcepibile | inconceivable |
incorreggibile | incorrigible |
indaffarato | busy |
indifferente | indifferent |
indiscutibile | unquestionable |
indomabile | untamable |
ingenuo | naive |
ingrassato | fattened |
inimitabile | inimitable |
insensato | stupid |
insicuro | insecure |
insospettabile | unsuspected |
instabile | unstable |
intelligente | clever |
intollerante | intollerant |
intraprendente | enterprising |
introverso | introverted |
Italian | English |
laborioso | laborious |
lacerante | tearing |
lacrimoso | tearful |
lacunoso | defective |
laico | laic |
lamentoso | whiny |
largo | large |
laterale | lateral |
latitante | fugitive |
leale | loyal |
legale | legal |
leggendario | legendary |
leggiadro | graceful |
leggibile | readable |
legittimo | legitimate |
lentigginoso | freckled |
lento | slow |
letale | lethal |
letterale | literal |
liberale | liberal |
liberatorio | liberating |
libertino | libertine |
lieto | happy |
lieve | light / delicate |
limitato | restricted |
limpido | limpid / clear |
lineare | linear |
liquido | liquid |
liscio | smooth |
litigioso | litigious |
logico | logical |
logoro | jaded |
loquace | talkative |
luccicante | glittering |
lucente | bright |
lucido | shiny |
luminoso | bright |
lunatico | moody |
lungo | long |
lussuoso | luxurious |
lussurioso | lustful |
Italian | English |
magico | magic |
magnifico | wonderful |
malato | ill |
marcio | rotten |
marittimo | maritime |
matrimoniale | married / double |
matto | crazy |
melodico | melodic |
meraviglioso | amazing |
mitico | great |
morbido | soft |
moribondo | dying |
multietnico | multiethnic |
multiforme | multiform |
musicale | musical |
muto | dumb |
Italian | English |
nascosto | hidden |
naturale | natural |
nauseante | nauseating |
navale | naval |
navigabile | navigable |
nazionale | national |
negativo | negative |
nemico | enemy |
nebbioso | foggy |
nervoso | nervous |
nobile | noble |
nocivo | harmful |
nomade | gipsy |
normale | normal |
noioso | boring |
nostro | our |
notevole | remarkable |
notturno | noctural |
nubile | unmarried |
nudo | naked |
numeroso | numerous |
nuovo | new |
nutriente | nutritious |
nuvoloso | cloudy |
nuziale | nuptial |
Italian | English |
obeso | obese |
obsoleto | obsolete |
occasionale | occasional |
occulto | occult |
odioso | hateful |
odoroso | smelly |
oligarchico | oligarchical |
omogeneo | homogenous |
onirico | dreamlike |
opposto | opposite |
orientale | eastern |
ornamentale | ornamental |
ossessivo | obsessive |
ostile | hostile |
ottico | optic |
ottuso | obtuse |
ozioso | idle |
Italian | English |
pacato | steady |
passivo | passive |
pazzesco | crazy |
pensoso | thoughtful |
perduto | missing / lost |
perspicace | nimble |
perseverante | persisting |
pesante | heavy |
piccante | spicy |
piccolo | small / little |
pieno | full |
pittoresco | vivid |
potente | powerful |
prossimo | next / near |
prudente | cautious |
pulito | clean |
puzzolente | stinky |
Italian | English |
quadrato | squared |
qualche | some |
quale | what / which |
qualificativo | qualifying |
qualificato | qualified |
qualsiasi | any |
qualunque | any |
quatto | crouched |
quello | that |
questo | this |
quieto | quiet |
quotidiano | daily |
Italian | English |
rabbioso | furious |
ramificato | branched |
redditizio | profitable |
repellente | repellent |
restante / rimanente | remaining |
rettangolare | rectangular |
ribelle | rebellious |
riccio | curly |
ridondante | redundant |
riflessivo | reflexive |
rigato | striped |
rilassante | relaxing |
risolutivo | resolutive |
rispettoso | respectful |
risplendente | shining |
robusto | robust |
romano | roman |
rosso | red |
rotto | broken |
rovente | scorching |
rozzo | rough |
rugoso | wrinkled |
russo | Russian |
ruvido | rough |
Italian | English |
salato | salty |
scondito | unseasoned |
scoperto | uncovered |
scuro | dark |
serbo | Serbian |
sesto | sixth |
simpatico | nice |
solare | solar |
stanco | tired |
storico | historical |
storpio | crippled |
strano | strange |
stretto | narrow / tight |
stupendo | wonderful |
stupido | stupid |
svelto | quick |
Italian | English |
taciturno | silent |
temibile | formidable |
tenace | tenacious |
testardo | stubborn |
tenero | tender |
terrificante | fearful |
terrorizzato | terrified |
timido | shy |
timoroso | timorous |
toccante | moving |
tollerante | tolerant |
tonto | dumb |
tortuoso | winding / devious |
tosto | hard |
traditore | treacherous |
tranquillo | quiet |
travolgente | overwhelming |
tremante | shivering |
triste | sad |
trovato | found |
turbato | shaken |
Italian | English |
ubriaco | drunk |
ufficiale | official |
uguale | identical / identical |
umile | humble |
umoristico | humorous |
unico | unique |
unito | unified |
universitario | university / academic |
usato | used |
ustionante | scalding |
usuale | usual |
utopistico | utopian |
utile | useful |
Italian | English |
variabile | variable |
variegato | variegated |
vasto | wide |
veloce | quick |
verbale | verbal |
verde | green |
veritiero | truthful |
vero | true |
versatile | adaptable |
virtuoso | virtuous |
vivace | lively |
volatile | volatile |
vorace | voracious |
votato | voted |
vuoto | empty |
Italian | English |
zebrato | zebra−striped |
zeppo | packed |
zodiacale | zodiacal |
zoologico | zoological |
zootecnico | zootechnical |
zoppo | limping |
zuccherato | sugared |
Remember the rules about the adjectives agreement!
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My name is Daniel, and I have been an online and face-to-face French teacher for more than 5 years (I work at the Alliance Française of Burgos and I have been teaching private classes online and face-to-face for several years).
I have experience in teaching children, teenagers and adults, whether for professional or educational purposes or simply for the pleasure of learning a language as beautiful as French.
I also have experience in preparing official exams such as DELF (A1-B2) and DALF (C1/C2), and I have many exam samples at my disposal to help you achieve your goal!
À très bientôt!!!
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Daniel is a teacher with a lot of experience in teaching and plenty of materials. .I can totally recommend him
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is very nice and a very good teacher. We are moving at a good pace and she is helping me a lot so far.
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Hello! My name is Federico Pasquale, I was born in La Plata, Argentina but now I live in Formia, Italy. I have an English-Spanish translation degree, a degree in teaching and a CELTA Certificate. I've been working as an English teacher for 14 years in different countries and I've recently started to teach Spanish, my native language. I offer classes in different levels and also conversation classes. If you want to improve your skills in one of these languages, get in touch with me. See you in the lesson!
Areas of Expertise:
English: General English (all levels), Conversational English, Exam preparation classes (PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS)
Spanish (Variety: Argentinian/Rioplatense): General Spanish at levels A1, A2 y B1, conversation and vocabulary
Free of charge interview!
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Federico is a certified teacher with lots of experience who is well-structured and passionate about teaching English.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello Everybody
My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreign students, English, French and German for Italian students
Since 1994, I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to my travels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student's goals. I also triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. I give homework exercises, and my lessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting.
I am available for any explanations also via e mail
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Luisa is fantastic! We are just doing conversation because that is what I need, and requested from Luisa. Easy flow and no lacking of topics to talk about with her. I highly recommend Luisa!!!
Luisa A.Thank you so much !!! It's a pleasure for me !!!
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Fabulous teacher. Very clear, very encouraging and very helpful. Also very flexible and accommodating. Cannot recommend Daniela highly enough.
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Hi, guys! My name is Lucia and I would like to invite you to learn Italian with me.
I am both a native speaker and a QUALIFIED teacher, as I hold a post-graduate degree in “Teaching Italian as a second language” and a national certification as teacher of Italian to not-native speaking.
My teaching method is COMMUNICATION-oriented and involves also the study of Italian culture and grammar. Indeed, as it happens in your mother language, the knowledge of spare words is not enough to get able to speak (i.e. INTERACT!) properly and conveniently.
I’ll prepare for you all teaching materials, tailoring lessons to your needs and interests, taking advantage from both the huge number of textbooks I hold and my creativity!
I offer lessons for all levels, from absolute beginners to advanced, as well as support in preparation to certification exams (I am also qualified ad examiner for the oral part of CELI).
Do not hesitate to get in contact with me to find a suitable time-slot for your trial lesson!
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Lucia is an excellent teacher of the Italian language with an excellent methodology, with a perfectly organized and individualized teaching program that meets the needs and level of each student and with a willingness to offer multidimensional tools to achieve the purpose of the courses. At the same time, she is an extremely noble and pleasant person, with amazing contagion in her field! An excellent teacher whom I feel extremely lucky to have met!
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Hello my name is Lucia and I am a native Italian speaker.
I have a degree as an interpreter for English and French so I know how hard it may be to learn a foreign language. I work as a free-lance interpreter and private English and French teacher. I have a strong passion for languages which I have been studying for many years. I am studying Spanish now and always trying to improve my English and French knowledge. I am a friendly person and my lessons mainly focus on conversation. As a teacher I am very patient and I always propose tailor-made lessons with respect to your needs. I am really enthusiastic about being a teacher because this activity allows you to share your culture and habits with foreign people. Learning a language is also learning a new culture.
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Lucia, in a friendly and motivating manner, manages to get us, as beginners to Italian, to "speak". New vocabulary and grammar basics are regularly incorporated. Each lesson is different, fun and effective as Lucia is not only a very experienced teacher but also embodies the love for Italy and her language. We are happy to have “found” them, Rita and Connie
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Hello, everybody ! My name is Elena. I’m a native Italian speaker, I’m 49 years old and live in Turin. I am a certified CEDILS teacher, I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature in Milan and have been working as a teacher of Italian for more than 10 years. I speak English and German. I attended specialization courses for Italian L2 teachers and I am interviewer for C1 PLIDA exam.
Are you seeking a friendly and dynamic study environment ? I got what you need. I am looking forward to being in touch with new students and organize pleasant, interesting and fruitful courses.
Do you wish to learn or improve your Italian to speak with your parents or friends? Do you need Italian for work or study ? Do you simply love Italian language and culture ? Do you need to improve your writing skills ?
My classes are tailored on your needs and considering your level of knowledge, I create a proper course plan. Classes focus on language and on the possibility for you to improve your ability to speak and understand Italian in your daily life or in work.
I offer 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 tuition, general Italian courses (grammar, conversation, listening, reading and writing), preparation to Italian examinations (all levels, also Italian for residence permit) and Italian and culture courses.
Grammar, vocabulary exercises, reading articles and magazines and talking together are all tools to feel at ease with the Italian language and then be able to practice it.
I have worked with children, adolescents and adults for all levels of Italian, from beginner to advanced. I have experience in preparing students to international certification (CILS, PLIDA). I was an A2/B1 Telc examiner.
Learning Italian can be closely related to culture, literature, music, sport and any other interest of my students.
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Elena is a great teacher! Kind, nice, very well prepared, in short, if you want to learn Italian she is your teacher. Elena is a great teacher! Kind, cheerful, well prepared, in short, if you would like to learn Italian she is your teacher. Elena is a brilliant teacher! Amable, sympathetic, preparada, en definitively, you are thinking en aprender italiano ella es tu profesora.
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Ciao! My name is Giorgio, I live few kilometers away from Rome and I am a native speaking Italian tutor, certified with the DITALS Level II (Università per Stranieri di Siena).
Words, their amazing mixture of sounds and ideas, have enchanted me for as long as I can remember, along with their multiple expressive nuances and communicative potential. That is the reason why, after my philosophy degree in 2017, I started my apprenticeship in a renowned institute in Rome while volunteering in a school for immigrants. After getting my teaching certification, in 2019 I worked at an Italian language and culture center in Montpellier (France). When I came back to Italy, I continued teaching at a school and as a freelance, both face-to-face and online.
In my work I aim to teach a language that is authentic and functional to deal with the most common communicative situations for those who travel or live in Italy. How? Firstly, I only speak Italian during classes, since the beginner’s level, and I pay constant attention to pragmatic and intercultural aspects of communication. Secondly, I use all kinds of supports and I gradually introduce more complex structures and specific uses. The choice of the topics is based on the interests and needs of each student. Language is always a mean to convey culture and many people approach Italian driven by curiosity for Italian food, music, fashion, literature, lifestyle, cinema. These all are regular topics of my classes, through which I try to convey a multifaceted image of my country. I have a true passion for metalinguistic reflection and I am happy to answer to students’ questions, but I generally prefer guiding them to the autonomous discovery of grammar rules, through an inductive process. I am very patient and I always try to establish a positive environment, where errors are chances to learn and not something to be ashamed of. I believe in the importance of promoting students’ responsibility in their learning process, stimulating their commitment and valuing their learning styles. Fun and gratification are a more powerful drive than mere obligation.
I provide texts and materials to work on in class and to revise at home. In order to reach the best results in all the communicative skills, I always enrich my classes with visual support, listening activities, videos, games.
If you are looking for a relaxed and friendly environment to learn Italian, contact me for a free trial lesson! We will get to know each other and arrange the work to do together. A presto!
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My Italian lessons with Giorgio have been so worthwhile. Each lesson is very structured and well- prepared. The teaching material is excellent. His friendly demeanor throughout the lesson always inspires interest, encourages and fosters self-confidence. Giorgio is capable of treating his students according to their individual needs. I continuously progress in my studies. He's always willing to go an extra- mile in order to clear any doubts or uncertainties. I highly recommend Giorgio to anyone who wants to learn, improve and master Italian on a high level and who's looking for a teacher out of the ordinary.
Giorgio V.Caro, thank you very much for these gratifying words! I am glad you are so satisfied with our lessons. Thanks to your growing confidence with the language and your natural determination, you can get great results. Keep up the good work!
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Welcome to my profile!
My name is Daniela, or “Daniella” as my students call me.
I have been working as Italian teacher for two years to migrants, for refugee centers and humanitarian corridors in Italy. I have had experience with first literacy and also I have worked with begginers and intermidiate students, who I prepared to Linguistic Certification. I have worked with single student and with groups.
My opinion is “Viva l’intercultura”, that means looking at the person’s linguistic needs. Italian lessons become a space where the cultures meet and match each other, and step by step, the student can build the Italian language. For me, the cultures exchange is very important.
I’d rather to teach with an inductive, interactive, and cooperative method, which focus on communication functions, but doesn’t forget the grammar. I use manuals, worksheets, interactive games, songs and video.
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Daniela is an engaging teacher who takes seriously her job. She has a solid knowledge of the Italian grammar as well as fun ideas to teach it. I'm preparing an exam and she is being quite helpful to me, since she takes the time to prepare lessons and homework. I highly recommend to book a trial lesson with her.
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I am a private teacher in English, German and Italian. I am a Master's graduate in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Genoa, Italy. I am Italian native speaker. I know English and German at C2 level and Russian at B2 level.
I have been studying English for the last 15 years, first at school and then at the university and I have improved it on my frequent stays abroad. I have now been teaching English for 4 years, first to school children and teenagers and now adults too. I have experience teaching online and at home. I also have taught group classes.
Being fluent in several languages allows me to give students further explainations in their native language when needed. This also allows me to put myself in my students' shoes and understand better their difficulties. I try to meet the student's personal needs and objectives rather than impose my standard class.
During my classes I focus on the active skills of language, speaking and writing. I often ask students to do presentations so they practice writing and speaking at once. I strongly encourage self-studying along with frontal teaching in order to considerably shorten learning time. Homework is for me as important as frontal classes. If needed, I can provide students with textbooks and online material such as videos, news, songs and textes.
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Federico is an exceptional teacher. He is patient, knowledgable and makes learning much less stressful. In the short time I've been working with him I feel that my Italian has grown so much faster. He has so many resources to share with his students and helps to coach me through the difficult parts of language learning! I highly recommend him to anyone wanted to learn Italian, it is truly a wonderful experience.
Federico C.Thank you Dan for the great review! A student like you makes everything easier. I hope to continue like that!
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Hi, welcome to my profile!
My name is Alessia and I currently live in Italy. I spent a few years in the United States where I deepened my knowledge of English and American dialects. I am currently specializing in Spanish and German. Over the years, I have given private lessons in Italian, English, Spanish, and Japanese, with Japanese being the most requested at the moment. Regarding Japanese, I had the opportunity to teach the language at an American college with a native Japanese teacher, applying the method that they use to learn their own language. I will help you in a simple way; conversation is really important for learning a language, and a good method is even more fundamental. No days spent on textbooks are needed; consistency and fun during lessons are the most important parts of learning. You will see results right away! I am patient, flexible, and will adapt in every way to your personal needs. I look forward to seeing you on my profile for a trial lesson and discovering an easy and fun method to learn a language as soon as possible.
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I Have had a few weeks of Italian lessons with Alessia and I have found them very useful. In our first lesson we spoke about what I wanted (hoped) to learn and she has prepared resources based on this conversation and my ability level for every lesson since then. Her lessons are a nice mix of conversation, reading, written and spoken exercises. We use a text book (supplied by Alessia) as well as additional material when suitable. I recommend Alessia as a tutor.
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Hello! My name is Deborah! I am a language instructor. I teach Italian, English and Bulgarian. I have more than 15 years teaching experience, both face-to-face and online to individual as well as to small and large groups. At the moment I am teaching Italian in a private school in Sofia, Bulgaria- where I lived for more than 10 years. I teach English to students ready to move to English speaking countries for work, and to students who need Еnglish for their career. I also prepare students for exams (KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE), and I offer language courses for communication and travelling purposes.
I attended the College (tourism) in Lucca-Italy. I have a diploma in Secretarial and Business Administration from the South Kensington and Chelsea Collage in London- (I lived in London few years ago). I have a TEFL certificate -grade A. and an ECL certificate in Bulgarian C1 with 96/100. Therefore, I have a good knowledge of how languages work and I can provide my students with helpful insight. Teaching is my passion, and I am constantly in search for new methods to help my students to get through the challenges and the difficults when learning a new language.
I am an enthusiastic, dedicated and adaptable teacher. I always use the communicative method in my teaching and I try to make my students feel comfortable by creating a funny and relaxed environment.
I hope to see you soon in one of my classes!
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Amazing teacher , always on time and the more I took lessons the more I understood Italian , I am still not speaking well but I can understand 75% of what people on the street are saying to me compared to the beginning when I only understood 20-30% , that really helped me a lot specially since it is hard to find English speaking places around me , the lesson is always on time and the teacher is flexible and the teaching materials are great with Italian culture and everyday life mixed in recommended
Deborah M.Thank you!! You have an always positive attitude, you work hard to do a great job!
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Hello everyone!
My name is Ermanno, I am 37 years old, and I am a Italian native speaker.
I got a Master Degree in 2010. Since then I have worked with languages, as a student support, tour guide and event coordinator between Spain and Ireland.
Also, I have been teaching Italian and Spanish giving private classes to students and refugees for over ten years.
I speak English (level c1) and Spanish (level c2) well enough to explain something to you in one of those languages just in case you need.
We can have amazing Italian or Spanish Classes if you are starting to get into a new language or if you just need some conversation classes to broaden or refine your vocabulary.
I will guide and support you through your learning adventure!
Are you ready for that?
-What I offer-
I have been teaching Italian and Spanish for more than 10 years so far, and I have always used no traditional teaching method.
What we need is to enjoy the class, to express ourself and our creativity.
That's the best way to learn and to keep learning.
Furthermore, I will guide you in all the learning process steps and you will learn the grammar in a funny way. ;)
In the conversation class we spend the full hour talking in Italian/spanish about topics of your interest (sports, arts, traveling, culture, food, relations..);and I will make you speak as much as you can.
Because our brain need some time to make us fluent and being confident speaking in another language.
Do not be afraid to make mistakes.
It is the essential and funniest part of the learning process.
What are you waiting for?
Ci vediamo presto L'Italiano ti aspetta!
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Perfect the class with Ermanno. Punctual, professional, educational and very friendly. He prepared the class in advance and adjusted to what I asked. Also send me a pdf with the class information so you can review it at home !! We were able to take full advantage of it. As soon as I have a little more time I will sign up for more classes with Ermanno without hesitation. Recommended 100%
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials