Accusative case (4. Fall) in German
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The accusative case is used as the direct object in the sentence and forms the answer to the questions:
Wen oder was? - who or what?
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The accusative can be
This table shows you some examples how to ask for the accusative case in German.
Example | Question (Wen oder was?) | Answer |
Ich kaufe ein Buch. - I buy a book. | Was kaufe ich? - What do I buy? | ein Buch - a book |
Matteo trifft seine Freundin. - Matteo meets his girlfriend. | Wen trifft Matteo? - Who does Matteo meet? | seine Freundin - his girlfriend |
Wir sehen ihn. - We see him. | Wenn sehen wir? - Who do we see? | ihn - him |
Das Kind trinkt einen süßen Saft. - The child drinks a sweet juice. | Was trinkt das Kind? - What does the child drink? | einen süßen Saft - a sweet juice |
The nouns of the accusative case have a change in their endings compared to the nominative case. You can recognize the accusative by their articles and/or the adjectives prefixed, the gender and the number. Have also a look into the course of articles and adjectives.
Weak and mixed masculine nouns take the suffix -n /-en to the singular and plural accusative. This is also called the N-declension.
The substantivized verbs (the present and past participles) and adjectives take the suffix -n /-en to the singular and plural accusative because they behave like adjectives.
In this table you can find several examples for the declension of noun and their articles in the different genders. In addition, there are some examples of adjectives that accompany a noun in the accusative case.
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | Plural | |
With a definite article | den Mann | die Frau | das Kind | die Leute |
With an indefinite article | einen Mann | eine Frau | ein Kind | Leute |
With a definite article + adjective | den guten Mann | die schöne Frau | das junge Kind | die alten Leute |
With an indefinite article + adjective | einen guten Mann | eine schöne Frau | ein junges Kind | alte Leute |
Remember: there is no indefinite article in plural
In the accusative case you have to decline pronouns too. They are listed in this table.
Type of person | Pronoun |
First person singular | mich - me |
Second person singular | dich - you |
Third person singular | ihn / sie / es - him/her/it |
First person plural | uns - us |
Second person plural | euch - you |
Third person plural | sie / Sie - them/you |
The accusative case is used in several cases.
All transitive verbs support the direct object and for this reason are followed by the accusative.
Sie trifft ihren Onkel einmal im Monat. - She meets her uncle once a month.
Ich lese ein lustiges Buch. - I read a funny book.
Morgen rufe ich dich an. - Tomorrow, I will call you.
Nominal groups that express the frequency of an activity or a time are always in the accusative case.
The accusative form is also used for a date. Here the article der is transformed to den.
There are some prepositions that always followed by the accusative case.
There are verbs that, depending on the action (whether it is static or a movement), govern the dative or the accusative case. The dative case is used when it comes to static verbs and the accusative case is used with movement.
Here is a list of verbs of movement:
There are contracted prepostions that are used in the accusative case and also require a verb of movement. Contracted prepositions exists, when the preposition is followed by the definite article das. Let's have a look into this table of examples.
Preposition | Example |
in - to | Der Student geht in die Schule. - The student goes to school. Ich gehe ins (in + das) Fitnessstudio. - I am going to the gym. |
an - to/at | Wir fahren ans (an + das) Meer dieses Wochenende. - We are going to the sea this weekend. Wir stehen an der Bushaltestelle. - We are at the bus stop. |
auf - on | Ich setze mich aufs (auf + das) Sofa. - I sit down on the sofa. Ich lege das Buch auf den Tisch. - I put the book on the table. |
über - over | Wir fahren über die Brücke. - We drive over the bridge. Ich hänge die Lampe über den Tisch. - I hang the lamp over the table. |
unter - under | Die Katze geht unter die Couch. - The cat is under the couch. Der Löffel ist unter den Tisch gefallen. - The spoon fell under the table. |
hinter - behind | Das Kind rennt hinter die Tür. - The child runs behind the door. Ich laufe hinter den Baum. - I run behind the tree. |
vor - in front of | Ich stelle den Schreibtisch vor das Fenster. - I put the des in front of the window. Er fährt mit dem Auto vor die Kirche. - He drives with the in front of the church. |
neben - next to | Setz dich neben mich. - Sit next to me. Er stellt die Flasche neben den Teller. - He puts the bottle next to the plate. |
zwischen - between | Ich setze mich zwischen meine Mutter und meinen Bruder. - I sit down next to my mother and my brother. Ich stelle das Regal zwischen das Fenster und das Bett - I put the shelf between the window and the bed. |
In passive phrases the object complement becomes subject and the subject becomes object complement.
The accusative is used in passive forms only when it is introduced by durch.
Active form | Passive form |
Die Operation hat den Patienten gerettet. - The operation rescued the patient. | Der Patient wurde durch die Operation gerettet. - The patient was rescued by the operation. |
Das Gewitter hat die Wälder zerstört. - The thunderstorm destroyed the forests. | Die Wälder wurden durch das Gewitter zerstört. - The forests were destroyed by the thunderstorm. |
Seine Schwester isst einen Apfel. - His sister eats an apple. | Der Apfel wird von seiner Schwester gegessen. - The apple is eaten by his sister. |
Now you know everything about the accusative case in German. You can practice with some exercises. Good luck!
Ich kaufe ... Mantel
Er bringt mir ... Tasche
Kennst du ... Mann?
Siehst du ... Haus?
Emma versteht ... Frage nicht.
Schreibst du ... Gedicht?
Nimmst du ... Koffer?
Er liest ... Buch
Hast du ... Schlüssel?
Ich nehme ... Zeitung.
Ich kaufe ... Mantel
Er bringt mir ... Tasche
Kennst du ... Mann?
Siehst du ... Haus?
Emma versteht ... Frage nicht.
Schreibst du ... Gedicht?
Nimmst du ... Koffer?
Er liest ... Buch
Hast du ... Schlüssel?
Ich nehme ... Zeitung.
Fill in the missing definite or indefinite article.
For example: We are visiting the Grandpa = Wir besuchen den Opa.
1. We are visiting the municipal building. = Wir besuchen Rathaus.
2. We have a dog. = Wir haben Hund.
3. Do you know the woman? = Kennst du Frau?
4. We visited a friend. = Wir haben Freund besucht.
5. Do you buy that dress? = Kaufst du Kleid?
6. Does he have a girlfriend? = Hat er Freundin?
7. I do not see the car. = Ich sehe Auto nicht.
8. He is buying an ice cream. = Er kauft Eis.
9. We are looking for the star. = Wir suchen Stern.
10. I have a question. = Ich habe Frage.
Ich kaufe ... Mantel
Er bringt mir ... Tasche
Kennst du ... Mann?
Siehst du ... Haus?
Emma versteht ... Frage nicht.
Schreibst du ... Gedicht?
Nimmst du ... Koffer?
Er liest ... Buch
Hast du ... Schlüssel?
Ich nehme ... Zeitung.
Ich kaufe ... Mantel
Er bringt mir ... Tasche
Kennst du ... Mann?
Siehst du ... Haus?
Emma versteht ... Frage nicht.
Schreibst du ... Gedicht?
Nimmst du ... Koffer?
Er liest ... Buch
Hast du ... Schlüssel?
Ich nehme ... Zeitung.
Fill in the missing definite or indefinite article.
For example: We are visiting the Grandpa = Wir besuchen den Opa.
1. We are visiting the municipal building. = Wir besuchen Rathaus.
2. We have a dog. = Wir haben Hund.
3. Do you know the woman? = Kennst du Frau?
4. We visited a friend. = Wir haben Freund besucht.
5. Do you buy that dress? = Kaufst du Kleid?
6. Does he have a girlfriend? = Hat er Freundin?
7. I do not see the car. = Ich sehe Auto nicht.
8. He is buying an ice cream. = Er kauft Eis.
9. We are looking for the star. = Wir suchen Stern.
10. I have a question. = Ich habe Frage.
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Learning a foreign language is a beautiful and awe-inspiring journey which is not strange to me.
Growing in Europe and living in Canada has shaped my thinking abilities to see beyond the surface of individual’s potential to study. It remodeled my senses in a special way to be able to respond with tact and compassion to the needs of my students. In the same time it taught me the value of persistence and creativity. These abilities have helped me to master the art of teaching. Every student makes me a better friend, family member and a person.
So far, I've helped different age groups to converse freely, to read, understand and love both English and Bulgarian. Beside that, my students not just improve their grades at school. Some of them became English teachers themselves.
No two students are exactly alike. That's why I mostly use personalized learning method. It builds a learning experience that addresses the unique abilities of each student.
Another method of teaching that I use is Learning by experiment. In that way students learn by doing. I create experiences for them to see the concepts in action. I found out that students tend to remember better when they see and then discuss what they learn from what they saw.
Beside these methods you will enjoy Modeling, Mistakes, Feedback and one of my top methods: Lesson Objective Transparency. When I clearly state my lesson goals and write it on the board, then you will feel relax because you will know what you are working towards.
Please, be assured you won’t regret giving me the opportunity to help you!
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Didi is a very friendly and experienced teacher. She makes her lesson very interesting and easy to follow. She loves teaching and supports her students during their learning path.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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For me, learning German was a nightmare and I was certain that I will never learn the language. Sara sure did prove me wrong. With her, learning German became fun. I always wait with excitement for our next session. She drastically imporved my skills in a few months and most importantly, I made a good friend along the way. Ich kann mit Sicherheit sagen, dass Sara die Beste ist
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Maria is a very experienced teacher. She really loves teaching and transmit this passion to her students. Excellent teacher.
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Yulia is a very nice teacher, with lots of patience and great preparation for each lesson. She has tailor-made each lesson for us, according to what topics we would like to focus more. We are very happy to have lessons with her to improve our German skills, especially our speaking skills, in preparation for our coming exams.
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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A very nice and motivated teacher. Thank you Katerina for your support with the German language.
Katerina B.
Dear Edivania, thank you for the nice words. It is a pleasure to work with you.
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The best way to learn a new language is through natural interaction. And I believe that you learn most effectively when you feel at ease and when you are having fun!
You will see that each class is individually adapted to your personal learning style and that you can improve at your optimal level because you will always be challenged but never overwhelmed.
I am an enthusiastic language learner myself and know the importance of a fun and knowledgeable teacher. Because I enjoyed learning with great teachers so much, I'm committed to being that for you in every class as well.
With this German class, you will get
• a very competent, patient, and fun tutor with years of experience
• a very supportive environment
• as many opportunities as possible to actually speak German, reflect on it, and improve
• efficient tools and homework
• heaps of video material as well as many exercises to help you practice all aspects of the German language
• and you will see how manageable the German grammar actually is!
Of course, you can adjust the classes to whatever you consider to be most relevant for you!
If you like my approach and want to improve your German, write me a message or book a lesson with me! I would love to help you with your German
You can start right away at any level!
I am professionally certified by the Goethe Institut with the highest mark possible. Through all these years of teaching in different formats and different countries, I have collected a huge amount of experience, and feedback and improved my lessons. I never stop learning and adapting my teaching methods to nowadays strategies and advanced thinking
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I really enjoy my German classes with Iris! She understood exactly what I would like to work on, and has helped me improve my writing skills fast. I have no doubt, that with her help I will soon be able to pass the language exam I want to take!
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Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Katja is a great teacher! She really pushes her students to speak in as much German as they can and the materials she provides are perfectly suited for her students learning goals! I enjoy working with her very much and look forward to our weekly lessons! She has helped me learn many German phrases and vocabulary that I can use immediately.
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Hi, I am teaching English and German, all levels. online and at home
I am very experienced
Meet you soon!
German is my native language and English is my passion. I am a Sworn Translator EN<>DED and can also translate your documents. I have a seal and what I translate in this language pair can be presented to all authorities all over the world.
Let's get started!
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Very happy with the first lesson! This teacher has good understanding of what is needed by student, she is nice and friendly, uses time and material effectively.
Uta H.
Thank you very much for your excellent rating. See you on Monday :)
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I am thrilled by my teacher Dani. She is nice, positive and does a great job.
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Do you want to increase your language proficiency in English or Afrikaans? Then I am just the teacher for you!
I specialize in teaching students 14 years and older, as well as adults. My focus is on teaching business English and Afrikaans, as well as academic and diplomatic style language. Whether you want to improve your English and Afrikaans speaking, listening, reading or writing skills, I'll assist you to determine your specific needs and develop bespoke lesson plans for you. I use different teaching methods and materials which include written lesson plans, videos, fun quizzes, conversation and whatever else takes our fancy to keep you interested, motivated and learning at your own pace!
I am also a certified business coach and can assist you with any issue in your working or study environment. Let's look at your career prospects, develop a winning resumé (CV), coach you on that important job interview or teach you how to write a great email or have that vital telephone conversation.
I am a published author (English language) internationally and in South Africa and can assist you with writing your business documentation or writing creatively (i.e. short stories, articles and opinion pieces).
I have over 30 years' experience in the world of work at senior management level and have worked on projects involving, inter alia, the USA, UK, Australia, Asia and Africa.
My qualifications include:
- TEFL level 5 certificate in teaching English as a foreign language
- Certificate in teaching business English
- Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA)
- B.Com. (Hons) Degree in Economics
- Coaching Certificate
- Native English and Afrikaans speaker
Let me assist you with your learning journey and let's also have fun while we learn!
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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Madi is an English teacher from South Africa. She has had a lot of experience teaching English, especially at the business level. She counts with learning materials for different needs but only within the business level.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hallo :) My name is Mihaela and I was born in Switzerland. I have a Bachleor and Master degree as German teacher and more then 5 years experience.
I love languages, because of that I speak also Croatian and English. :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, writing, pronunciation and vocabulary.
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar. Or we can learn whatever you need, because I will always adapt to your needs. :)
I will support you during your learning experience and adapt to your learning tempo.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books (Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen,...).
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As always, her lessons are great! She takes time to prepare in advance the lesson and pesonalised material for your needs.
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I am a native German speaker and am teaching English and German as foreign languages. I have got a teaching degree and have been teaching English and German for more than two years to all levels and age groups.
I personally prefer to speak in the learning language as much as possible and to focus on all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Moreover, I like to cover practical topics that can be used in your everyday life and make classes as diverse and dynamic as possible. Nevertheless, I am always open-minded to suggestions coming from students.
Concerning materials I like to use a course book and in addition worksheets, audios, videos, etc.
In case you have got any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me :)
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Anna is a very well prepared and good teacher. She is a good teacher, dedicated to teach you. Would recommend her for everyone who would like to learn German.
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Being a native English speaker with a 120-hour premier TEFL certificate and a double major in communications, my lessons deliver value that help you reach your language goals.
Having worked in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, my classes come with an international flavor. My students have described my teaching style as being nurturing and effective.
Sign up for your trial lesson today!
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Gaurav is an experienced and professional teacher. He always customize the lesson and the teaching material according to the student's needs. He is very available and friendly. Highly recommended!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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This teacher has experience, a great variety of learning materials for different objectives and speaks spanish fluently.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Learning a foreign language is a beautiful and awe-inspiring journey which is not strange to me.
Growing in Europe and living in Canada has shaped my thinking abilities to see beyond the surface of individual’s potential to study. It remodeled my senses in a special way to be able to respond with tact and compassion to the needs of my students. In the same time it taught me the value of persistence and creativity. These abilities have helped me to master the art of teaching. Every student makes me a better friend, family member and a person.
So far, I've helped different age groups to converse freely, to read, understand and love both English and Bulgarian. Beside that, my students not just improve their grades at school. Some of them became English teachers themselves.
No two students are exactly alike. That's why I mostly use personalized learning method. It builds a learning experience that addresses the unique abilities of each student.
Another method of teaching that I use is Learning by experiment. In that way students learn by doing. I create experiences for them to see the concepts in action. I found out that students tend to remember better when they see and then discuss what they learn from what they saw.
Beside these methods you will enjoy Modeling, Mistakes, Feedback and one of my top methods: Lesson Objective Transparency. When I clearly state my lesson goals and write it on the board, then you will feel relax because you will know what you are working towards.
Please, be assured you won’t regret giving me the opportunity to help you!
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Didi is a very friendly and experienced teacher. She makes her lesson very interesting and easy to follow. She loves teaching and supports her students during their learning path.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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For me, learning German was a nightmare and I was certain that I will never learn the language. Sara sure did prove me wrong. With her, learning German became fun. I always wait with excitement for our next session. She drastically imporved my skills in a few months and most importantly, I made a good friend along the way. Ich kann mit Sicherheit sagen, dass Sara die Beste ist
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Maria is a very experienced teacher. She really loves teaching and transmit this passion to her students. Excellent teacher.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Yulia is a very nice teacher, with lots of patience and great preparation for each lesson. She has tailor-made each lesson for us, according to what topics we would like to focus more. We are very happy to have lessons with her to improve our German skills, especially our speaking skills, in preparation for our coming exams.
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