German prepositions with verbs
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There are many German verbs that always come with a certain preposition. In these cases the preposition determines which grammar case is needed - either Dative or Accusative.
Here we will give you an overlook of verbs with prepositions ordered after which case they demand
These are the verbs that come with prepositions that demand the dative case
Verb + Preposition | Translation | Example with Dative | Example translation |
Abhängen von | To depend on | Das hängt von der Zeit ab. | That depends on the time |
Anfangen mit | To begin with | Er fängt mit dem Lernen an. | He begins to study |
Aufhören mit | To stop with | Ich höre mit dem Rauchen auf. | I will stop with smoking |
Sich beschäftigen mit | To occupy yourself with sth. | Er beschäftigt sich mit den Kindern. | He keeps himself occupied with the children |
Bestehen aus | To consist of sth. | Es besteht aus frischen Zutaten. | It consists of fresh ingredients |
Gehören zu | To belong to | Er gehört zu dem berüchtigten Trio. | He belongs to the notorious trio |
Suchen nach | To look for | Sie suchen nach dem versunkenen Schatz. | They look for the sunken tressure |
Tanzen mit | To dance with | Er tanzt mit seiner Freundin. | He's dancing with his girlfriend |
Teilnehmen an | To participate in | Er nimmt an dem Fest teil. | He participates in the festival |
Tendieren zu | To be inclined to | Ich tendiere zu der ersten Antwort. | I'm inclined to take the first answer |
Sich unterhalten mit | To talk with | Sie unterhalten sich mit dem neuen Nachbarn. | They talk with their new neighbours |
Sich verabschieden von | To say goodbye to | Ich verabschiede mich von meinen Freunden. | I say goodbye to my friends |
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These are the verbs that come with prepositions that demand the accusative case
Prepositions | Translation | Example with Accusative | Example translation |
Achten auf | To mind sth. | Achte auf den Verkehr! | Mind the traffic! |
Anpassen an | To adapt to | Ich passe mich an die Umstände an. | I adapt to the circumstances |
Sich ärgern über | To be uspet about | Ich ärgere mich über die Verspätung. | I'm upset about the delay |
Aufpassen auf | To take care of | Er passt auf seinen kleinen Bruder auf. | He's taking care of his little brother |
Beitragen zu | To contribute to | Sie trägt nichts zu der Diskussion bei. | She doesn't contribute to the discussion |
Eingehen auf | To go into sth. | Er geht auf den Kommentar ein. | He goes into that comment |
Sich entschuldigen für | To apologize for | Du musst dich für die Aussage nicht entschuldigen. | You don't need to apologize for that statement |
Sich freuen über | To be happy about | Ich freue mich über dein Geschenk. | I'm happy about your present |
Glauben an | To believe in | Ich glaube an deinen Erfolg. | I believe in your success |
Sich interessieren für | To be interested in | Ich interessiere mich für seine Musik. | I'm interested in his music |
Verzichten auf | To not have sth. | Sie verzichtet heute auf den Nachtisch. | I will not have desert today |
Sich vorbereiten auf | To prepare for | Er muss sich auf den Test vorbereiten. | He needs to prepare himself for the test |
Warten auf | To wait for | Ich warte auf dich. | I'm waiting for you |
Fill in the correct preposition in the sentence. The accompanying verbs are in bold
1.) Er sucht einer besseren Option.
(He's looking after a better Option)
2.) Sie verabschieden sich einander.
(They say goodbye to each other)
3.) Das Auto besteht zum größten Teil Kunststoff.
(The car consists mainly of plastic)
4.)Meine Eltern ärgern sich mein spätes Kommen.
(My parents are upset about my late coming)
5.) Niemand war das vorbereitet.
(Nobody was prepared for this)
6.) Lisa glaubt meine Fähigkeiten.
(Lisa believes in my abilities)
7.) Die Mutter fängt mit kochen .
(The mother begins with cooking)
8.) Es hängt davon , ob sie pünktlich sind
(That is dependent of them coming on time)
9.) Nimmst du dem Wettbewerb teil?
(Are you participating in the competition)
10.) Wir haben viel dieser Entwicklung beigetragen.
(We contributed a lot to this development)
Fill in the correct German preposition fitting to the verbs of each sentence. The relevant verbs are in bold
1.) Für den nächsten Monat werde ich Schokolade verzichten.
(For the next month I will not have any chocolate)
2.) Können sie bitte näher dieses Thema eingehen?
(Could you please go more into that topic)
3.) Wir warten schon seit Stunden dich.
(We are waiting for you since hours)
4.) Hast du dich schon ihr verabschiedet?
(Did you already say goodbye to her?)
5.) Hast du dich schon dem nächsten Kapitel beschäftigt?
(Did you already occupy yourself with the next chapter?)
6.) Ob ich morgen komme hängt meinem Terminplan ab.
(If I come tomorrow is dependent on my schedule)
7.) Wir gehören alle dieser Gruppe.
(We all belong to this group)
8.) Kannst du bitte morgen meinen Hund aufpassen?
(Could you please look after my dog tomorrow?)
9.) Ich freue mich wirklich deine Anwesenheit.
(I'm really very happy about your presence)
10.) was suchst du denn?
(What are you looking for)
11.) Heute habe ich mich zum ersten Mal ihr unterhalten.
(Today I talked with her for the first time)
12.) Ich interessiere mich sehr Literatur.
(I'm very interested in literature)
Fill in the correct preposition in the sentence. The accompanying verbs are in bold
1.) Er sucht einer besseren Option.
(He's looking after a better Option)
2.) Sie verabschieden sich einander.
(They say goodbye to each other)
3.) Das Auto besteht zum größten Teil Kunststoff.
(The car consists mainly of plastic)
4.)Meine Eltern ärgern sich mein spätes Kommen.
(My parents are upset about my late coming)
5.) Niemand war das vorbereitet.
(Nobody was prepared for this)
6.) Lisa glaubt meine Fähigkeiten.
(Lisa believes in my abilities)
7.) Die Mutter fängt mit kochen .
(The mother begins with cooking)
8.) Es hängt davon , ob sie pünktlich sind
(That is dependent of them coming on time)
9.) Nimmst du dem Wettbewerb teil?
(Are you participating in the competition)
10.) Wir haben viel dieser Entwicklung beigetragen.
(We contributed a lot to this development)
Fill in the correct German preposition fitting to the verbs of each sentence. The relevant verbs are in bold
1.) Für den nächsten Monat werde ich Schokolade verzichten.
(For the next month I will not have any chocolate)
2.) Können sie bitte näher dieses Thema eingehen?
(Could you please go more into that topic)
3.) Wir warten schon seit Stunden dich.
(We are waiting for you since hours)
4.) Hast du dich schon ihr verabschiedet?
(Did you already say goodbye to her?)
5.) Hast du dich schon dem nächsten Kapitel beschäftigt?
(Did you already occupy yourself with the next chapter?)
6.) Ob ich morgen komme hängt meinem Terminplan ab.
(If I come tomorrow is dependent on my schedule)
7.) Wir gehören alle dieser Gruppe.
(We all belong to this group)
8.) Kannst du bitte morgen meinen Hund aufpassen?
(Could you please look after my dog tomorrow?)
9.) Ich freue mich wirklich deine Anwesenheit.
(I'm really very happy about your presence)
10.) was suchst du denn?
(What are you looking for)
11.) Heute habe ich mich zum ersten Mal ihr unterhalten.
(Today I talked with her for the first time)
12.) Ich interessiere mich sehr Literatur.
(I'm very interested in literature)
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I’m Rebecca, originally from the UK but have been living in Germany for many years. I love making learning fun and have successfully helped my students improve their English in a pleasant atmosphere. I have experience helping my learners prepare for exams, job interviews, presentations etc. Whether business English, general conversational English or to help you prepare for a particular situation, feel free to book a trial lesson and we can discuss your needs and how I can help you! I am CELTA and TESOL qualified and have many years of experience. I’m looking forward to meeting you!
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Great teacher and very nice person. She helped me for my PhD interview, making me feeling confident with english. Highly recommended!
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Hallo :) My name is Mihaela and I was born in Switzerland. I have a Bachleor and Master degree as German teacher and more then 5 years experience.
I love languages, because of that I speak also Croatian and English. :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, writing, pronunciation and vocabulary.
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar. Or we can learn whatever you need, because I will always adapt to your needs. :)
I will support you during your learning experience and adapt to your learning tempo.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books (Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen,...).
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Lessons with Mihaela are always well organised. She is undoubtedly proficient in German and can give useful tips. There is plenty of study materials provided. It is always possible to look at these materials even after the lesson since Mihaela writes downs every vocabulary that is discussed. She is always happy to tailor the lesson according to student's wishes/needs. I'm very satisfied.
Mihaela S.
Thank you very much Hana :)
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What about Fiorina ..... person available, prepared and always sunny ... for those who want to learn German I recommend studying with her.
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This teacher has experience, a great variety of learning materials for different objectives and speaks spanish fluently.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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My name's Eleonora. I am from Ukraine. I am a qualified teacher and a Russian native speaker.
In 2007 I graduated from pedagogical university and since that time I work as a teacher. I love my job and always ready to share my knowledge with everyone.
If you want to improve your Russian, English or Swedish or start learning them you will definitely like my lessons. My classes are developed for each student according to their level, interests and needs.
I try to make lessons various and use different kinds of teaching methods, exercises and technologies. My lessons include:
vocabulary enlargement and usage;wide grammar practicereading activities (from texbooks, at higher levels original texts);practicing oral speech.My schedule is quite flexible so contact me and we'll arrange the time for lessons.
See you!
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Eleonora is very friendly and methodological teacher, perfectly adapting to students needs. I have enjoyed my every class learning.
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Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Katja is a great teacher! She really pushes her students to speak in as much German as they can and the materials she provides are perfectly suited for her students learning goals! I enjoy working with her very much and look forward to our weekly lessons! She has helped me learn many German phrases and vocabulary that I can use immediately.
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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A very nice and motivated teacher. Thank you Katerina for your support with the German language.
Katerina B.
Dear Edivania, thank you for the nice words. It is a pleasure to work with you.
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I am French living in Lisbon in Portugal. I have lived in different countries such as England, the United States and India. It gave me some experience of learning a foreign language and teaching it.
I am passionate about different cultures and try to share my love for French culture with you in a lively way.
I adapt to the needs of the students, whether to improve their oral, written, prepare for an exam or a job interview. I prioritize the conversation to allow the student to "unblock" and have fun speaking the language. I write down the vocabulary and grammar that the student lacks to express himself.
Learning a foreign language is, in my view, above all through cultural curiosity. We want to learn a language because we want to live in the country, travel there or get to know it better. We feel attracted. It is its Culture that motivates us in our learning: music, film, text, literature, way of being and cultural differences forming "another world". This means that learning is not just about learning a list of words and grammar lessons, as is taught too often in school. Practice again and again through conversation, books, music, movies and above all the pleasure of speaking and listening.
I adapt the student's personal work according to their available time and their objective (conversation, deadline for an exam, scheduled trip, etc.).
I am at your disposal for any further information.
See you soon,
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Florence is a lovely teacher. She is very flexible as to the kind of lesson you need. I have really enjoyed my lessons and look forward to them each week.
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Domenica has a lot of teaching experience and can adapt the lesson to her students. She is really enthusiastic and she really loves teaching.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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Karolin is very competent, she has a very good way of teaching and simplifying complicated rules, she's also organized and punctual. Highly recommended for whoever wants to learn German!
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Since I learn languages myself, I know the difficulties and hurdles that can arise when learning a foreign language. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it!
You want to take a telc or Goethe exam? I will help you! I teach from level B1 to C2. In the course of my teaching I have specialised in students and adult learners from the age of 19 who want to take one of these exams for professional or private reasons.
If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level.
I'll also show you how to integrate German into your everyday life, recommend podcasts, books and series to expand your vocabulary.
Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I will also prepare you for your job interviews.
Don't be shy and write to me before you book a trial lesson. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. I adapt each lesson individually to you.
Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together.
What can you expect in my lessons?
- Creative and professional preparation for telc or Goethe from B1 level upwards
- Conversation classes
- Language lessons individually adapted to your needs, each lesson is prepared for you individually
- Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV
- Grammar explanations that YOU just need.
- Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. Learning should be fun!
The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. I will be happy to correct it. Let me inspire you!
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Larissa is a wonderful teacher! I have been taking classes with Larissa for the past three months and she has really helped me improve my German. Besides being very kind and funny, she is also incredibly dedicated and always go that extra mile to prepare relevant and interesting classes. She also helped me prepare for a job interview in German, which was a great help for me. I can only recommend Larissa!
Larissa L.
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback, Simone! I am glad that you like our lessons and I can see you advance so quickly, it's amazing! I am only helping you with your German, the biggest, hardest part is your own merrit! I am really delighted to see you progress so immensely! Very, very happy with you and your studies!
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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I can not recommend enough Katja. She makes the lessons extremely enjoyable. Her materials are diverse and well thought through.
Katerina B.
Dear Marcia, thank you!
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Teacher also pleasant to professionals who knows how to suggest themes adapted to the interests of the child during lessons! I can only recommend Christina ...
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my name is Veronika and I am a student in Florence at the academy of fine arts. I have been in Italy for three years and I really like the Italian language. In school i learned english and during journeys i used to speak a lot of english so i'm also able to teach in english.
I am from Germany so I am a German native speaker. I have already taught German to some of my friends and would love to teach my language to more people as well. At the beginning I would like to do grammar lessons and the most used words to deepen the basic knowledge of the language. Then I will continue to have conversations in German to increase vocabulary and to give confidence in dialogue and in any case in speaking the language in real scenarios. The most important thing by learning a new language is to learn it through hearing and speaking. Being difficult at first to formulate sentences will then become easier and easier and thus you arrive at a fluent and confident way to speak the new language.
For myself I learned Italian three years ago with this method so I also know what it is like to learn a language and I can help you with my teaching to learn German that way.
I can not wait to start!
greetings Veronika
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My experience with Veronika as a teacher was and still is really good. In order to reach my goals, she has setup a structured schedule and has provided good learning material. Due to my work, I had to reschedule some of my lessons and she always showed understanding in this regards. She is very friendly and easy to talk to. I can only recommend her!
Veronika N.
Thank you very much!!!
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We had (my wife and I) our first lesson with Miriam and were very happy of her communication style. Too early to judge (will write a further review), but we decided to start the course and bought 12 lessons. More to come....
Miriam C.
Thank you very much for the kind words and especially for your trust. I am really looking forward to this collaboration. Best wishes, Miriam
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I’m Rebecca, originally from the UK but have been living in Germany for many years. I love making learning fun and have successfully helped my students improve their English in a pleasant atmosphere. I have experience helping my learners prepare for exams, job interviews, presentations etc. Whether business English, general conversational English or to help you prepare for a particular situation, feel free to book a trial lesson and we can discuss your needs and how I can help you! I am CELTA and TESOL qualified and have many years of experience. I’m looking forward to meeting you!
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Great teacher and very nice person. She helped me for my PhD interview, making me feeling confident with english. Highly recommended!
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Hallo :) My name is Mihaela and I was born in Switzerland. I have a Bachleor and Master degree as German teacher and more then 5 years experience.
I love languages, because of that I speak also Croatian and English. :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, writing, pronunciation and vocabulary.
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar. Or we can learn whatever you need, because I will always adapt to your needs. :)
I will support you during your learning experience and adapt to your learning tempo.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books (Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen,...).
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Lessons with Mihaela are always well organised. She is undoubtedly proficient in German and can give useful tips. There is plenty of study materials provided. It is always possible to look at these materials even after the lesson since Mihaela writes downs every vocabulary that is discussed. She is always happy to tailor the lesson according to student's wishes/needs. I'm very satisfied.
Mihaela S.
Thank you very much Hana :)
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Teaching methodology
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What about Fiorina ..... person available, prepared and always sunny ... for those who want to learn German I recommend studying with her.
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Teaching methodology
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This teacher has experience, a great variety of learning materials for different objectives and speaks spanish fluently.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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