Comparative and superlative adjectives in German
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In German there are different ways to compare certain persons, objects or processes. This chapter deals with the different types of comparison and represents its construction and special cases.
In English as well as in German, adjectives have three degrees of comparison: the positive, the comparative and the superlative.
For example:
While the positive form of an adjective simply describes the noun, a comparative adjective compares persons or things that are not equal. The superlative describes persons, actions or things that can't be outperformed.
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To build the comparative or superlative form, you need to seperate the word stem and afterwards add a specific ending.
The two forms of adjectives have different constructions. Both of them are constructed using a suffix:
Keep in mind, that if a comparative or superlative adjective precedes a noun, it takes the appropriate adjective ending.
Positive | Comparative | Superlative |
schnell | schnell - er | am schnell - sten |
laut | laut - er | am laut - esten |
klein | klein - er | am klein - sten |
schön | schön - er | am schön - sten |
Sometimes, in English the comparative and superlative forms are composed by using more or most, as in more beautiful. Unlike in Englisch, in German it can never be formed by mehr + adjective.
Of course, there are certain cases, where you have to be careful with. These are the exceptional cases by forming the comparative and superlative:
Some adjectives cannot be tranformed into the comporative or superlative form, because otherwise the meaning of the words would be modified. The following adjectives cannot be increased:
Positive | Comparative | Superlative | Don't use | Meaning |
einmalig | / | / | don't use einmaliger - er, am einmalig - sten | more unique, the most unique |
ganz | / | / | don't use ganz - er, am ganz - sten | more complete, the most complete |
kein | / | / | don't use kein - er, am kein - sten | more barely, the most barely |
blau | / | / | don't use blau - er, am blau - sten | more golden, the most golden |
tot | / | / | don't use tot - er, am tot - sten | more dead, the most dead |
Most monosyllable adjectives with stem vowels of a, o or u take an umlaut when they are used in the comparative or superlative form.
Adjective | Comparative | Superlative |
alt | ält - er | am ält - esten |
lang | läng - er | am läng - sten |
schwach | schwäch - er | am schwäch - sten |
klug | klüg - er | am klüg - sten |
groß | größ - er | am größ - sten |
In some cases, adjectives ending with -el may drop the -e, while adjectives ending with -er may drop the -e as well.
Adjective | Comparative | Superlative |
dunkel | dunkl - er | am dunkel - sten |
teuer | teur - er | am teuer - sten |
edel | edl - er | am edel - sten |
eitel | eitl - er | am eitel - sten |
The following common used adjectives in German have irregular comparative and/or superlative forms.
Adjective | Comparative | Superlative |
gut | bess - er | am be - sten |
gern | lieb - er | am lieb - sten |
viel | mehr | am mei - sten |
bald | eh - er | am ehe - sten |
hoch | höh - er | am höch - sten |
nahe | näh - er | am näch - sten |
Try to learn those words by heart, as there is a change of the word stem and no strict rule you can follow.
In German there are different forms of comparative to express the superiority, the inferiority or the equality of two persons or objects.
The comparative of superiority is used to express the inequality of two persons, things etc.
it is expressed using the construction of the comparative followed by als (than).
Adjective | Comparative | Example |
stark | stärk - er | Peter ist stärker als Thomas. (Peter is stronger than Thomas.) |
teuer | teur - er | Der Ring ist teurer als die Kette. (The ring is more expensive than the necklace.) |
viel | mehr | Er isst mehr als seine Mutter. (He eats more than his father.) |
intelligent | intelligent - er | Thomas ist intelligenter als Moritz. (Moritz ist more intelligent than Moritz.) |
In contrast to that, this type of comparative expresses the inferiority of one person, thing etc. against another. It is constructed like this:
Adjective | Example |
attraktiv | Martin ist weniger attraktiv als Stefan. (Martin is less attractive than Stefan.) |
intelligent | Er ist weniger intelligent als ich. (He is less intelligent than me.) |
kalt | Drinnen ist es weniger kalt als draußen. (Inside it is less cold than outside.) |
spannend | Fußball ist weniger spannend als Tennis. (Soccer is less exciting than tennis.) |
Comparisons expressing equality between two persons, things etc. are expressed and constructed in the following way:
Adjective | Example |
groß | Er ist so groß wie Karl. (He is as tall as Karl.) |
dünn | Mandy ist so dünn wie Petra. (Mandy is as thin as Petra.) |
viel | Der Schal kostet so viel wie die Hose. (The scarf is as expensive as the pants.) |
kalt | Heute ist es so kalt wie im Winter. (Today it's as cold as in winter.) |
By using the comparative of inferiority and equality it is not necessary to modify the adjective.
This type of comparative is used to describe things that are increasing or decreasing continuously. The form is constructed by just adding 'immer' and forming the comparative of an adjective.
Adjective | Comparative | Example |
kalt | kält - er | Es wird immer kälter. (It is getting colder and colder.) |
alt | ält - er | Sie wird immer älter. (She is getting older and older.) |
lang | läng - er | Die Tage werden immer länger. (The days are getting longer and longer.) |
laut | laut - er | Die Männer sprechen immer lauter. (The men were talking louder and louder.) |
This type of comparison is not a comparison between two people or things, but rather a comparison between the same situation compared at two different moments.
There are also some special constructions with 'immer'.
By using this constructions of 'immer mehr' and 'immer weniger' it is important to decline the adjective, because it stands before the noun and therefore has to be adjusted to it.
Adjective | Example with 'immer mehr' |
alt | Es gibt immer mehr alte Menschen in Deutschland. (There are more and more old people in Germany.) |
regnerisch | Es gilt immer mehr regnerische Tage in England. (There are more and more rainy days in England.) |
The combination of 'immer + mehr' can be translated as 'more and more' in English.
Adjective | Example with 'immer weniger' |
gerne | Ich mag ihn immer weniger gerne. (I like him less and less.) |
dicht | Die Bevölkerung in Österreich ist immer weniger dicht. (The population in Austria is less and less dense.) |
The combination of 'immer + weniger' can be translated as 'less and less' in English.
The German combination of 'Je ... desto' and 'Je ... umso' can be used equally. The english equivalent to it is 'the ... the'. The specific thing about this construction is, that you have two used adjectives.
Comparative of 1st adjective | Comparative of 2nd adjective | Example |
kurz = kürzer | produktiv = produktiver | Je kürzer die Arbeitswoche ist, desto produktiver sind die Arbeitnehmer. (The shorter the work week becomes, the more productivethe workers become.) |
viel = mehr | gut = besser | Je mehr ich lerne, desto besser bin ich in der Prüfung. (The more I learn, the better I am in the exam.) |
viel = mehr | glücklich = glücklicher | Je mehr Glück er hat, umso glücklicher ist er.(The more luck he has, the happier he is.) |
lang = länger | nervös = nervöser | Je länger ich warten musste, umso nervöser wurde ich. (The longer I had to wait, the more nervous I became.) |
There are some shortened phrases in German that use this construction as well, for instance, 'Je mehr, desto besser' (The more, the better).
The superlative expresses the highest level of something. In German it is constructed by using:
By using the comparative there are also different forms and some exceptions to the normal rule:
By using attributive adjectives the question is about when to use 'am' and when not. If the adjective is right in front of the noun, 'am' it not used.
Adjective | Superlative | Example without 'am' |
groß | am größten | Berlin ist die größte Stadt in Deutschland. (Berlin is the biggest city in Germany.) |
billig | am billigsten | Das hier ist das billigste Brot. (This one is the cheapest bread.) |
Adjective | Superlative | Example with 'am' |
gut | am besten | Berlin gefällt mir am besten. (I like Berlin the most.) |
viel | am meisten | In Norddeutschland regnet es am meisten. (In Northern Germany it rains the most.) |
The absolute superlative (or Elativ) is another possibility to escalate German adjectives. The superlative is either formally identical with the superlative, or is constructed my adding a prefix or a particle to an adjective.
The difference of both possibilities: Using the particle you have two words, while you only have one word using the prefix.
Often prefixes are used for the formation of those adjectival forms.
Präfix | Absolute superlative | Meaning |
schwer - | schwerreich | heavily rich |
super - | superschnell | super fast |
ober - | oberfaul | extremely lazy |
/ | mit herzlichsten Grüßen | with most kind regards |
/ | in tiefster Trauer | in deepest sadness |
/ | zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit | to our complete satisfaction |
While the absolute superlative displays a very high degree outside of any comparison, the relative superlative highlights a special person, object etc. in comparison to others.
Fill in the missing forms of the adjective (positive - comparative - superlative).
Recap: Add "-er" to the end of the adjectives in the comparative form. The superlative form consists out of "am" plus adjective ending of "-sten"
1. - langsamer - (slow - slower - slowest)
2. schnell - - (fast - faster - fastest)
3. - einsamer - (lonely - lonelier - loneliest)
4. - - am lustigsten (funny - funnier - funniest)
5. - eifriger - (eager - more eager - most eager)
6. windig - - (windy - windier - most windy)
7. - - am saubersten (clean - cleaner - cleanest)
8. - billiger - (cheap - cheaper - cheapest)
9. laut - - am lautesten (loud - louder - loudest)
10. früh - - (early - earlier - earliest)
Fill in the missing adjectives in the following order: positive, comparative, superlative.
Recap: Adjectives ending in „-el“ or „-er“, lose their „-e-“ in the comparative form.
1. dunkel
Die Nacht ist dunkel. Morgen Nacht wird es noch viel sein. In 2 Wochen wird die Nacht sein.
(The night is dark. Tomorrow night it's going to be much darker. In 2 weeks it will be the darkest night.)
2. edel
Der Stoff ihres Sommerkleides ist . Der Stoff ihres Ballkleides ist edler. Der Stoff ihres Hochzeitskleides ist .
(The fabric of her summerdress is fancy. The fabric of her ballet dress is fancier. The fabric of her wedding dress is the fanciest.)
3. eitel
Mädchen sind . Jungs sind . Könige und Königinnen sind am eitelsten
(Girls are vain. Boys are more vain. Kings and Queens are the most vain.)
4. sensibel
Sie ist . Der Vater ist sensibler . Die Oma ist
(She is sensitive. The father is more sensitive. The grandma is most sensible.)
5. flexibel
Der Zeitplan ist flexibel. Ich bin . Du bist .
(The schedule ist flexible. I am more flexible. You are the most flexible.)
Fill in the missing forms of the adjective (positive - comparative - superlative).
Recap: Add "-er" to the end of the adjectives in the comparative form. The superlative form consists out of "am" plus adjective ending of "-sten"
1. - langsamer - (slow - slower - slowest)
2. schnell - - (fast - faster - fastest)
3. - einsamer - (lonely - lonelier - loneliest)
4. - - am lustigsten (funny - funnier - funniest)
5. - eifriger - (eager - more eager - most eager)
6. windig - - (windy - windier - most windy)
7. - - am saubersten (clean - cleaner - cleanest)
8. - billiger - (cheap - cheaper - cheapest)
9. laut - - am lautesten (loud - louder - loudest)
10. früh - - (early - earlier - earliest)
Fill in the missing adjectives in the following order: positive, comparative, superlative.
Recap: Adjectives ending in „-el“ or „-er“, lose their „-e-“ in the comparative form.
1. dunkel
Die Nacht ist dunkel. Morgen Nacht wird es noch viel sein. In 2 Wochen wird die Nacht sein.
(The night is dark. Tomorrow night it's going to be much darker. In 2 weeks it will be the darkest night.)
2. edel
Der Stoff ihres Sommerkleides ist . Der Stoff ihres Ballkleides ist edler. Der Stoff ihres Hochzeitskleides ist .
(The fabric of her summerdress is fancy. The fabric of her ballet dress is fancier. The fabric of her wedding dress is the fanciest.)
3. eitel
Mädchen sind . Jungs sind . Könige und Königinnen sind am eitelsten
(Girls are vain. Boys are more vain. Kings and Queens are the most vain.)
4. sensibel
Sie ist . Der Vater ist sensibler . Die Oma ist
(She is sensitive. The father is more sensitive. The grandma is most sensible.)
5. flexibel
Der Zeitplan ist flexibel. Ich bin . Du bist .
(The schedule ist flexible. I am more flexible. You are the most flexible.)
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Hi, everyone! I'm Marissa. I'm a native speaker of English from the United States. I'm currently living in Istanbul, Turkey and I can speak Turkish. I can also understand basic Spanish. I received my teaching certification in 2011 and I've been teaching ever since. I have experience working with students from all over the world, in language schools, kindergarten, exam preparation centers, and online, not only as a teacher but also as an education coordinator.
I offer my students a very structured program to help them improve their overall English level. In our trial lesson, I will evaluate your level and we will discuss your goals. I will then provide you with a coursebook and supplementary materials suitable for your level and needs. We will use these both together in class and outside of class for homework. We will cover all necessary skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) but we will give special attention to whatever your weaknesses may be.
Alternatively, if you are not looking for such an intensive program, I also offer guided conversation practice. I am flexible! Just write me and we can start working on a plan for you. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon. :)
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Marissa is a very friendly teacher. She adapts her lessons to her students and helps them reach their goals.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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my name is Nina, I'm from Austria and I also lived for one year and a half in Canada. I worked there as a German Teacher for adults, so I speak German, English and French.
I also teach English for beginners and advanced beginners.
My teaching methodes are totally based on the level of my student. If somebody is already advanced, I focus on communication and pronunciation. We will arrange on a topic and talk and discuss in the lesson about it.
If my student is a beginner, I'm gonna start with the basics of the German language. (the articles, the verb "to be", the pronouns...)
The learning material is all made by myself, because I'm a German teacher, so that means, I already got lots of working sheets for many topics. I send these to my student via e-mail or put it directly on the coLanguage homepage.
I'm available from Monday to Thursday between 5pm and 08:00 pm. For the weekend it's the best to just send me a request.
Of course is a free trial lesson (it's about 20 minutes) possible.
I'm happy to teach you :-)
See you soon! Nina
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Today Nina helped me to fill out a couple of papers. Thank you Nina for your help and patience :)
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Patrick is a Portuguese teacher who has experience with different groups. It has several learning materials that will help you meet different goals and practice speaking!
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Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Ekaterina writes new words and sentences learnt during the lesson. She has got a very nice attitude and great accent! A pleasure to work with... yes, even in German!!!!!
Ekaterina V.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much for your feedback! It's a real pleasure to have classes with you, and I hope you find them useful!
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Always a sheer pleasure to learn from Fiorina: full of positive energy, well prepared, full of resources... and with a smile!
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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I have hardly had oportunities to speak German, so the lesson was a little tough, but I had fun. The way, that she tries to understand what I mean each time and make me understood is wonderful.
Katerina B.
Dear Natsuki, thank you for your review. Kind regards, Katerina
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Coucou c'est moi Lore, I'm your French teacher & mentor for the next month!
One month French Bootcamp is an intensive and immersive 30-day French crash course.
The perfect option if you want to see quick results. ?
Send me a message to know my current levels and time of study group.
Each lesson is 60 mn
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My 30-day conversational French online course is by far my most popular option.
With a focus on casual conversation, this group class meets 5 times a week for 1 hour.
Free assessment test to see what is your level.
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Lore is a friendly and enthusiastic teacher. She supports her students and create personalized material for them. Great teacher!
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Today, I had a vocabulary boost. It's my third class and I'm happy with the teacher and the teaching method.
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My name is Tahereh and I'm a resident of Spain. I have a degree in Hispanic Philology and I am also accredited in DELE C2. I have a Master's degree in Latin American Studies and I am currently finishing a PhD in Cultural Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
I am an accredited DELE examiner at levels A1 and A2; B1 and B2; C1 and C2 by the Instituto Cervantes. I have taken teacher training courses in ELE (Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) given by the Instituto Cervantes and other Spanish academic institutions and I hold the title of certified teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language.
I specialise in EFE (Teaching Spanish for Specific Purposes) and I am a certified teacher by the Instituto Cervantes as well as other Spanish universities.
I have more than 7 years of experience as a Spanish teacher both at university and in language schools.
I use modern learning methodologies based on a previous analysis of my students' needs. I make use of all kinds of interactive, didactic materials with a cultural component, making the class dynamic as well as fun and above all adapted to the interests and needs of the student.
My mother tongue is Persian (Farsi) and I also speak English (B2), Portuguese (A2), Galician (B1) and Arabic (A1).
I invite you to a free 30-minute trial lesson.
I hope to meet you soon and to help you improve your language skills.
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Tahereh is a Spanish teacher who is ready to take you to the next level. She has good quality learning materials, great certifications and lots of experience with all kinds of audiences.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi, I am Christin!
After training as a pastry chef and studying business administration, I traveled a lot and discovered my interest in languages. To find out more about teaching languages, I decided on further training at the Goethe Institute and completed it. During the Goethe Institute "Learn to teach German" course I was able to give individual language lessons and actively support the examination preparation for the Goethe certificate.
My lessons are needs-oriented. That means that learning goals are discussed with you and based on your level of knowledge. Whether grammar, sentence structure, pronunciation, expression or the practice of communication situations: German as a foreign and second language classes are flexible and take place in a group or one-to-one lessons with individual support and are based on your wishes and requirements. The teaching of content and topics takes place according to the respective language level. Building vocabulary, grammar and means of speaking are structured and conveyed logically building on each other. Let's get to know each other in a free trial class. I am looking forward to meeting you!
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Hello, Wie gehts? Ich heiße Anna! What can I say? Learning German language isn´t easy but I´m happy to say that I´ve chosen the right teacher for me. She is very nice and patient. She happily answered all my questions and explain things in a way you can understand easily. She gives you different homeworks in which sometimes I can´t submit on time because I´m currently undergoing surgery and therapy but she is so understanding about it. Now, I somewhat understand some German writings I´ve read without translating it, and i´m just so happy that I am making progress. Thanks Christin!
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Hi, I am Christin!
After training as a pastry chef and studying business administration, I traveled a lot and discovered my interest in languages. To find out more about teaching languages, I decided on further training at the Goethe Institute and completed it. During the Goethe Institute "Learn to teach German" course I was able to give individual language lessons and actively support the examination preparation for the Goethe certificate.
My lessons are needs-oriented. That means that learning goals are discussed with you and based on your level of knowledge. Whether grammar, sentence structure, pronunciation, expression or the practice of communication situations: German as a foreign and second language classes are flexible and take place in a group or one-to-one lessons with individual support and are based on your wishes and requirements. The teaching of content and topics takes place according to the respective language level. Building vocabulary, grammar and means of speaking are structured and conveyed logically building on each other. Let's get to know each other in a free trial class. I am looking forward to meeting you!
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Christin is a great teacher. We are talking about very interesting and different topics. Lots of material to learn. She is also very flexible. I'm very satisfied.
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Hallo :) My name is Mihaela and I was born in Switzerland. I have a Bachleor and Master degree as German teacher and more then 5 years experience.
I love languages, because of that I speak also Croatian and English. :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, writing, pronunciation and vocabulary.
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar. Or we can learn whatever you need, because I will always adapt to your needs. :)
I will support you during your learning experience and adapt to your learning tempo.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books (Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen,...).
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Lessons with Mihaela are always well organised. She is undoubtedly proficient in German and can give useful tips. There is plenty of study materials provided. It is always possible to look at these materials even after the lesson since Mihaela writes downs every vocabulary that is discussed. She is always happy to tailor the lesson according to student's wishes/needs. I'm very satisfied.
Mihaela S.
Thank you very much Hana :)
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my name is Veronika and I am a student in Florence at the academy of fine arts. I have been in Italy for three years and I really like the Italian language. In school i learned english and during journeys i used to speak a lot of english so i'm also able to teach in english.
I am from Germany so I am a German native speaker. I have already taught German to some of my friends and would love to teach my language to more people as well. At the beginning I would like to do grammar lessons and the most used words to deepen the basic knowledge of the language. Then I will continue to have conversations in German to increase vocabulary and to give confidence in dialogue and in any case in speaking the language in real scenarios. The most important thing by learning a new language is to learn it through hearing and speaking. Being difficult at first to formulate sentences will then become easier and easier and thus you arrive at a fluent and confident way to speak the new language.
For myself I learned Italian three years ago with this method so I also know what it is like to learn a language and I can help you with my teaching to learn German that way.
I can not wait to start!
greetings Veronika
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My experience with Veronika as a teacher was and still is really good. In order to reach my goals, she has setup a structured schedule and has provided good learning material. Due to my work, I had to reschedule some of my lessons and she always showed understanding in this regards. She is very friendly and easy to talk to. I can only recommend her!
Veronika N.
Thank you very much!!!
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I’m from France but I’m living in Brazil for 3 years.
I love my job which is to teach french as a professional language for people to use in business, at university or for an immigration project.
I can also prepare you for french certifications ( DELF, DALF, TCF , TEF etc. ).
Please, enter in contact for any questions :)
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Marine is an amazing teacher, she is direct and focused at all times. She has a strong teaching background and it shows. I have been taking lessons for half a year with her and can't recommend her highly enough.
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Italian teacher. 32 years of experience in face-to-face classes with adults and adolescents. Bachelor's degree in linguistics. The classes are adapted to the needs of the student. We do the program together when we walk, we have fun and you learn well. I am very didactic and clear when explaining. I have experience in different branches of pedagogy and glutodidactics.
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Marta is an Argentinean teacher who has had experience teaching Italian to adult audiences. She has a great variety of high-quality learning materials and various teaching methods.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi, everyone! I'm Marissa. I'm a native speaker of English from the United States. I'm currently living in Istanbul, Turkey and I can speak Turkish. I can also understand basic Spanish. I received my teaching certification in 2011 and I've been teaching ever since. I have experience working with students from all over the world, in language schools, kindergarten, exam preparation centers, and online, not only as a teacher but also as an education coordinator.
I offer my students a very structured program to help them improve their overall English level. In our trial lesson, I will evaluate your level and we will discuss your goals. I will then provide you with a coursebook and supplementary materials suitable for your level and needs. We will use these both together in class and outside of class for homework. We will cover all necessary skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) but we will give special attention to whatever your weaknesses may be.
Alternatively, if you are not looking for such an intensive program, I also offer guided conversation practice. I am flexible! Just write me and we can start working on a plan for you. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon. :)
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Marissa is a very friendly teacher. She adapts her lessons to her students and helps them reach their goals.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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my name is Nina, I'm from Austria and I also lived for one year and a half in Canada. I worked there as a German Teacher for adults, so I speak German, English and French.
I also teach English for beginners and advanced beginners.
My teaching methodes are totally based on the level of my student. If somebody is already advanced, I focus on communication and pronunciation. We will arrange on a topic and talk and discuss in the lesson about it.
If my student is a beginner, I'm gonna start with the basics of the German language. (the articles, the verb "to be", the pronouns...)
The learning material is all made by myself, because I'm a German teacher, so that means, I already got lots of working sheets for many topics. I send these to my student via e-mail or put it directly on the coLanguage homepage.
I'm available from Monday to Thursday between 5pm and 08:00 pm. For the weekend it's the best to just send me a request.
Of course is a free trial lesson (it's about 20 minutes) possible.
I'm happy to teach you :-)
See you soon! Nina
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Learning materials
Today Nina helped me to fill out a couple of papers. Thank you Nina for your help and patience :)
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Patrick is a Portuguese teacher who has experience with different groups. It has several learning materials that will help you meet different goals and practice speaking!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Learning materials
Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Ekaterina writes new words and sentences learnt during the lesson. She has got a very nice attitude and great accent! A pleasure to work with... yes, even in German!!!!!
Ekaterina V.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much for your feedback! It's a real pleasure to have classes with you, and I hope you find them useful!
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Internet connection
Learning materials