German Articles
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This chapter deals with the German articles in general and additionally with difference between definite and indefinite articles. Then you will learn the articles in connection with prepositons and when you do not use any articles in German.
Articles always accompany and always stand before nouns. In German there are two types of articles: definite and indefinite articles. They help you to identify and determine gender (masculine, feminine, neuter), number (singular, plural) and cases (normative, accusative, dative, genitive).
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In this chart you can find the definite and indefinite articles defined by gender.
Gender | Definite Arcitles | Indefinite Articles |
Masculine | der | ein |
Feminine | die | eine |
Neuter | das | ein |
The definite articles der, die, das are translated as the in English. The indefinite articles ein, eine are translated as a or an.
It is important to distinguish when to use definite and when to use indefinite articles.
The following table describes when you have to use the definite articles.
Usage of definite Articles (der, die, das - the) | Example | Translation |
When we are talking about something specific | Der Hund bellt laut. Die Dame überquert die Straße. | The dogs barks loudly. The lady crosses the street. |
When something has already been mentioned or you assume it to be generally known | Das Kolloseum in Rom ist atemberaubend. Das Mädchen schreibt einen Brief. | The Colosseum in Rom is breathtaking. The girl writes a letter. |
This table describes when you have to use indefinite articles.
Usage of indefinite articles (ein, eine- a or an) | Example | Translation |
When we are talking about something that is not specially defined. | Peter is ein Eis. Ich ziehe einen Mantel an. | Peter eats an ice-cream. I put on a coat. |
When we we mention something for the first time or assume it not to be generally known. | Ein Pferd ist ein Säugetier. Maria hat einen Bruder. | A horse is a mammal. Maria has a brother. |
In some cases specific articles and prepostions are contracted. The articles that usually merge with prepostions are in the accusative or the dative case. This table below shows the most common contractions.
Preposition | Preposition + Article | Example | Translation |
an | an + dem = am | Max steht am Bahnhof | Max is standing at the station. |
bei | bei + dem = beim | Beim Lesen hat er die Zeit vergessen. | While reading, he forgot the time. |
in | in + dem = im in + das = ins | Ich bin im Schwimmbad. Kommst du auch ins Schwimmbad? | I'm at the swimming pool. Do you also come to the swimming pool? |
von | von + dem = vom | Ich komme gerade vom Theater. | I have just come from the theater. |
zu | zu + dem = zum zu + der = zur | Maria muss zum Arzt gehen. | Maria has to go to the doctor. I'm going to the door. |
There are certain situations in which the German language doesn't use articles. You can find these exceptions in this table below.
Situation | Example | Translation |
1. Place names | Ich wohne in Hamburg. In London regnet es. | I live in Hamburg. It rains in London. |
2. Most of the country names | Ich mache Urlaub in Norwegen. Island ist eine schöne Insel.
| I'm going on holiday to Norway. Iceland is a beautiful island. In switzerland there a many mountains. |
3. Title (in newspapers,...) | Grünflächen wurden geschaffen Städte fassen gemeinsam einen Beschluss | Green spaces werde created Cities jointly take a decision |
4. Indefinite article in plural | Dort stehen Stühle. Jungs spielen gerne Fußball. | There are chairs. Boys like to play soccer. |
5. Certain concrete skills | Laura spielt Klavier. Meine Mutter spielt Tennis. | Laura plays the piano. My mother plays tennis. |
6. Creating lists | Packliste: Zahnbürste, Schlafsack | Packing list: toothbrush, sleeping bag |
7. Equate with the verb werden or sein | Mein Bruder ist Lehrer. Ich werde Arzt. | My brother is a teacher. I am going to be a doctor. |
8. Exclamation | Hilfe! Mist! | Help! Crap! |
9. Materials/Liquids | Wir müssen noch Milch kaufen. Benzin wird knapp. | We still have to buy milk. Gasoline is scarce. |
In order to deepen the knowledge of the German articles, you can do the exercise on the following pages.
Fill out all blanks with the related definite or indefinite article. Please pay attention to the use of small and capital letters.
1. Martin möchte sich neues Auto kaufen. (Martin wants to buy himself a new car.)
2. Maria öffnet das Paket. Buch, welches sie vor langer Zeit bestellt hat, ist heute angekommen. (Maria opens the package. The book, which she ordered a long time ago, finally arrived today.)
3. Mutter: "Hier ist Saft für dich." (Mother: "here is juice for you.")
Max: Saft schmeckt gut, danke. (Max: "The juice tastes good, thanks.")
4. Sie ist ruhiges Kind. (She is a quiet child.)
5. Max geht in den Flur. laute Telefon klingelt. (Max goes in the hallway. The loud telephone rings).
6. Max ist im Büro. Irgendwo klingelt Telefon. (Max is in the office. Somewhere a telephone is ringing.)
7. Sophia liegt im Schimmbad. Sie sagt zu ihrer Freundin: "Ich will kaltes Eis haben!" (Sophia lies at the pool. She says to her friend: "I want to have a cold ice cream.")
8. Sonne scheint. (The sun is shining.)
9. Max unterhält sich mit seinem Freund über Autos. (Max talks with his friends about cars.)
Max: " Auto hat vier Räder. " (Max: A car has four wheels.)
10. Beide Freunde drehen sich zu Max's Auto um. Auto ist sehr sportlich. (Both friends turn to max's car. The car is sporty.)
Fill in the articles (definite and indefinite). But pay attention: sometimes the gaps remain empty. Remember the rules in which situations you do not use articles.
A quick recap:
1. Place names: - Ich wohne in Hamburg.
2. Most of the country names: Norwegen ist sehr schön.
3. Title in newspaper, etc.: Grünflächen wurden geschaffen.
4. Indefinite article in plural: Jungs spielen gerne Fußball.
5. Certain concrete skills: Laura spielt Klavier.
6. Creating lists: Packliste: Zahnbürste, Taschenlampe,...
7. Equate with the verb werden or sein: Mein Vater ist Lehrer.
8. Exclamation: Hilfe!
9. Materials/Liquids: Wir brauchen noch Milch.
1. "Guten Morgen Herr Schneider. Wie geht es Ihnen heute? - "Good Morning Mr. Schneider. How are you today?"
2. Laura hat zum Geburtstag neues Fahrrad bekommen. Sie fährt gerne Fahrrad. - Laura got a new bike for her birthday. She likes to ride a bicycle.
3. Wir werden nach Österreich fahren und dort wandern. - We will drive to Austria and hike there.
4. Peter macht Ausflug in Berge. - Peter makes a trip to the mountains.
5. Maria ruft: "Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich Tierarzt." - When I grow up, I become a veterinarian.
6. Kater von Peter jagt Maus. - The cat of Peter hunts a mouse.
Fill in the blanks with the related definite or indefinite article. Please pay attenttion to the use of small or capital letters.
1. Sarah ist hübsche Frau. - Sarah is a pretty woman.
2. Maria hat Buch gekauft. Buch gefällt ihr sehr gut. - Maria has bought a book. She likes the book very well.
3. Kannst du mir Glas aus dem Schrank geben? - Can you give me a glas out of the cupboard?
4.Mann, den Anna gestern kennen gelernt hat, heißt Daniel. - The man, Anna met yesterday, is called Daniel.
5. Paula fragt Max: " Hast du neues Auto? Es sieht toll aus!" - Paula asks Max:"Do you have a new car? It looks great!"
6. Wir wollen Sofa im Wohnzimmer verkaufen. - We want to sell the sofa in the living room.
7. Himmel ist bewölkt. - The sky is cloudy.
8. Auto hat vier Räder.- A car has four wheels.
9. Lauras Papa fragt: "Laura kannst du Küche wischen? - Laura's dad asks:"Can you wipe the kitchen?"
10. Fahrrad von Max ist kaputt. - The bike of Max is broken.
Fill out all blanks with the related definite or indefinite article. Please pay attention to the use of small and capital letters.
1. Martin möchte sich neues Auto kaufen. (Martin wants to buy himself a new car.)
2. Maria öffnet das Paket. Buch, welches sie vor langer Zeit bestellt hat, ist heute angekommen. (Maria opens the package. The book, which she ordered a long time ago, finally arrived today.)
3. Mutter: "Hier ist Saft für dich." (Mother: "here is juice for you.")
Max: Saft schmeckt gut, danke. (Max: "The juice tastes good, thanks.")
4. Sie ist ruhiges Kind. (She is a quiet child.)
5. Max geht in den Flur. laute Telefon klingelt. (Max goes in the hallway. The loud telephone rings).
6. Max ist im Büro. Irgendwo klingelt Telefon. (Max is in the office. Somewhere a telephone is ringing.)
7. Sophia liegt im Schimmbad. Sie sagt zu ihrer Freundin: "Ich will kaltes Eis haben!" (Sophia lies at the pool. She says to her friend: "I want to have a cold ice cream.")
8. Sonne scheint. (The sun is shining.)
9. Max unterhält sich mit seinem Freund über Autos. (Max talks with his friends about cars.)
Max: " Auto hat vier Räder. " (Max: A car has four wheels.)
10. Beide Freunde drehen sich zu Max's Auto um. Auto ist sehr sportlich. (Both friends turn to max's car. The car is sporty.)
Fill in the articles (definite and indefinite). But pay attention: sometimes the gaps remain empty. Remember the rules in which situations you do not use articles.
A quick recap:
1. Place names: - Ich wohne in Hamburg.
2. Most of the country names: Norwegen ist sehr schön.
3. Title in newspaper, etc.: Grünflächen wurden geschaffen.
4. Indefinite article in plural: Jungs spielen gerne Fußball.
5. Certain concrete skills: Laura spielt Klavier.
6. Creating lists: Packliste: Zahnbürste, Taschenlampe,...
7. Equate with the verb werden or sein: Mein Vater ist Lehrer.
8. Exclamation: Hilfe!
9. Materials/Liquids: Wir brauchen noch Milch.
1. "Guten Morgen Herr Schneider. Wie geht es Ihnen heute? - "Good Morning Mr. Schneider. How are you today?"
2. Laura hat zum Geburtstag neues Fahrrad bekommen. Sie fährt gerne Fahrrad. - Laura got a new bike for her birthday. She likes to ride a bicycle.
3. Wir werden nach Österreich fahren und dort wandern. - We will drive to Austria and hike there.
4. Peter macht Ausflug in Berge. - Peter makes a trip to the mountains.
5. Maria ruft: "Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich Tierarzt." - When I grow up, I become a veterinarian.
6. Kater von Peter jagt Maus. - The cat of Peter hunts a mouse.
Fill in the blanks with the related definite or indefinite article. Please pay attenttion to the use of small or capital letters.
1. Sarah ist hübsche Frau. - Sarah is a pretty woman.
2. Maria hat Buch gekauft. Buch gefällt ihr sehr gut. - Maria has bought a book. She likes the book very well.
3. Kannst du mir Glas aus dem Schrank geben? - Can you give me a glas out of the cupboard?
4.Mann, den Anna gestern kennen gelernt hat, heißt Daniel. - The man, Anna met yesterday, is called Daniel.
5. Paula fragt Max: " Hast du neues Auto? Es sieht toll aus!" - Paula asks Max:"Do you have a new car? It looks great!"
6. Wir wollen Sofa im Wohnzimmer verkaufen. - We want to sell the sofa in the living room.
7. Himmel ist bewölkt. - The sky is cloudy.
8. Auto hat vier Räder.- A car has four wheels.
9. Lauras Papa fragt: "Laura kannst du Küche wischen? - Laura's dad asks:"Can you wipe the kitchen?"
10. Fahrrad von Max ist kaputt. - The bike of Max is broken.
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I am a 29 year old female, native English speaker from Cape Town, South Africa.
I am a fun, enthusiastic and creative individual who has over 10 years of experience in teaching .I have taught in various parts of the world, South Africa, Thailand, Columbia, Peru, Europe and UK just to name a few. I have taught both children and adults. I am passionate about teaching and find inspiration in witnessing the growth students experience within my online classes.
I feel that my experience as an au-pair, home school teacher as well as home-room teacher at various schools and online has taught me the value of improvising, taking initiative and empowering young individuals to enable each child within my care to feel inspired and to know their own unique and individual strengths. I feel that my training in psychology is truly something that has helped with every individual I have worked with. My biggest commitment as a teacher is to teach children and adults to know their worth and to instill confidence within each individual, so that they are able to realize their potential and feel encouraged to learn more.
I have found myself wishing to broaden my experience in teaching and I am currently in the position where I’m looking for new challenges in the field, and ultimately self-development. I feel that teaching online is the perfect position that will allow me to contribute to the lives of students I teach and something that will bring a great amount of reward in my life as well as that of the individuals I teach.
I am patient and make sure each student understands the concepts before moving forward.My lessons are fun and engaging and allow students opportunity to practice what they have learnt. Zoom or Skype is used and customized lessons can be planned based on the individuals level and needs. I am passionate about educating and ensuring students reach their full potential. I look forward to meeting you soon.
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Sherri is a South African English teacher who is ready to meet your objectives. She has a fun set up with a lot of learning materials especially fun ones for kids! She's had experience with different age groups so she can really adapt to different students.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Ekaterina writes new words and sentences learnt during the lesson. She has got a very nice attitude and great accent! A pleasure to work with... yes, even in German!!!!!
Ekaterina V.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much for your feedback! It's a real pleasure to have classes with you, and I hope you find them useful!
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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Very well prepared, excellent explanation of all of the key grammatical points and very nice and supportive manner made it a pleasure to learn through this lesson.
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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My daughter is really happy with Christina and I can already see she is improving her German after 6 lessons! Many thanks Christina!
Christina F.
Thank you very much !
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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A very nice and motivated teacher. Thank you Katerina for your support with the German language.
Katerina B.
Dear Edivania, thank you for the nice words. It is a pleasure to work with you.
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I am a tutor in French as a foreign language. I specialize in conversation and communication from B1 level upwards, but I also have A2 students with whom I follow a more traditional method.
With me, you can express yourself freely and make mistakes without fear, I'll take note of them without interrupting. Essential is that the conversation flows and that we understand each other.
I am Belgian and my mother tongue is French. I have always loved literature, culture, and languages. I studied in Flanders for 10 years, lived in France and Switzerland for 4 years, and I currently live in Valencia, Spain.
I followed the DAEFLE training (teaching French as a foreign language) in 2017.
My practice: - online conversation / support for self-taught students
- coaching / correction of speeches, lectures and documents
Method: - interests and culture
- videos, images, music, reports, poems
- asking questions and seeking answers online (with guidance)
- I encourage listening to podcasts and the use of applications such as Duolingo outside of class for vocabulary and repetition
Basic rate 18€/hour
Children under 16: 20€/hour
Cancellation :
- If you cancel / postpone more than 24 hours before the lesson, it will not be charged.
- In case of cancellation / postponing less than 24 hours before the lesson, it will be charged at half price.
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Lessons with Elodie are less like traditional teacher-student lessons, and more like having a conversation with your French-speaking friend. Having no practical necessity to improve my French now, but wishing to do so nevertheless (and not to forget what I already knew), this is exactly the format I was looking for. Elodie usually defines a topic for the lesson (according to my preferences) and sends some materials in advance to prepare (e.g. a YouTube video to watch), which will be discussed then. She corrects persistent mistakes and explains new words but makes sure it does not interrupt the flow of conversation. It is a good language practice, but also a great way to learn new things about francophone culture (and not only!), so I definitely recommend!
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Since I learn languages myself, I know the difficulties and hurdles that can arise when learning a foreign language. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it!
You want to take a telc or Goethe exam? I will help you! I teach from level B1 to C2. In the course of my teaching I have specialised in students and adult learners from the age of 19 who want to take one of these exams for professional or private reasons.
If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level.
I'll also show you how to integrate German into your everyday life, recommend podcasts, books and series to expand your vocabulary.
Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I will also prepare you for your job interviews.
Don't be shy and write to me before you book a trial lesson. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. I adapt each lesson individually to you.
Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together.
What can you expect in my lessons?
- Creative and professional preparation for telc or Goethe from B1 level upwards
- Conversation classes
- Language lessons individually adapted to your needs, each lesson is prepared for you individually
- Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV
- Grammar explanations that YOU just need.
- Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. Learning should be fun!
The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. I will be happy to correct it. Let me inspire you!
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Larissa is a wonderful teacher! I have been taking classes with Larissa for the past three months and she has really helped me improve my German. Besides being very kind and funny, she is also incredibly dedicated and always go that extra mile to prepare relevant and interesting classes. She also helped me prepare for a job interview in German, which was a great help for me. I can only recommend Larissa!
Larissa L.
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback, Simone! I am glad that you like our lessons and I can see you advance so quickly, it's amazing! I am only helping you with your German, the biggest, hardest part is your own merrit! I am really delighted to see you progress so immensely! Very, very happy with you and your studies!
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I am a German native speaker who loves languages and am passionate about teaching others. I work as language teacher in a school, teach adults at the German Culture Center and prepare my students for all types of official language exams. I love my job and always seek to make it as much fun as possible.
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I recommend Her; My teacher Melanie is a dynamic and friendly teacher, very knowledgeable, flexible and open to discussions on any subject. available to check my exercises and flexible regarding class time slots. Very nice experience! She immediately understood my goals and was able to help me improve my skills. I recommend her to anyone who wants to take and pass their exams and improve their German skills.
Melanie A.
Hello Douaa, thank you. I am happy that I could help you and I had fun. I wish you all the best.
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I am thrilled by my teacher Dani. She is nice, positive and does a great job.
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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Teacher also pleasant to professionals who knows how to suggest themes adapted to the interests of the child during lessons! I can only recommend Christina ...
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I am French living in Lisbon in Portugal. I have lived in different countries such as England, the United States and India. It gave me some experience of learning a foreign language and teaching it.
I am passionate about different cultures and try to share my love for French culture with you in a lively way.
I adapt to the needs of the students, whether to improve their oral, written, prepare for an exam or a job interview. I prioritize the conversation to allow the student to "unblock" and have fun speaking the language. I write down the vocabulary and grammar that the student lacks to express himself.
Learning a foreign language is, in my view, above all through cultural curiosity. We want to learn a language because we want to live in the country, travel there or get to know it better. We feel attracted. It is its Culture that motivates us in our learning: music, film, text, literature, way of being and cultural differences forming "another world". This means that learning is not just about learning a list of words and grammar lessons, as is taught too often in school. Practice again and again through conversation, books, music, movies and above all the pleasure of speaking and listening.
I adapt the student's personal work according to their available time and their objective (conversation, deadline for an exam, scheduled trip, etc.).
I am at your disposal for any further information.
See you soon,
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Florence is a lovely teacher. She is very flexible as to the kind of lesson you need. I have really enjoyed my lessons and look forward to them each week.
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My name's Eleonora. I am from Ukraine. I am a qualified teacher and a Russian native speaker.
In 2007 I graduated from pedagogical university and since that time I work as a teacher. I love my job and always ready to share my knowledge with everyone.
If you want to improve your Russian, English or Swedish or start learning them you will definitely like my lessons. My classes are developed for each student according to their level, interests and needs.
I try to make lessons various and use different kinds of teaching methods, exercises and technologies. My lessons include:
vocabulary enlargement and usage;wide grammar practicereading activities (from texbooks, at higher levels original texts);practicing oral speech.My schedule is quite flexible so contact me and we'll arrange the time for lessons.
See you!
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Eleonora is very friendly and methodological teacher, perfectly adapting to students needs. I have enjoyed my every class learning.
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My interest in learning foreign languages has arisen since I was a young girl. At 13 I made up my mind to attend the foreign language high school where I graduaded with proficiency. After a few years I got my University degree.
I have been teaching for a few years privately via Skype Italian mainly to German adult students. My method is based to consolidate the grammar knowledge if previuosly done or to base it by catching their attention on interesting topics. I provide my students all material needed to plan a valuable lesson and for this reason I have gathered fulfilling reviews on other teaching platforms
About Italian students studying German with me, most of them are interested in deeping topics dealt at school or being prepared to get a certification.
I look forward to hearing from you
Maria Grazia
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Very interesting and useful lessons. Maria Grazia always punctual and precise, we worked very well and she was always very kind
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I am a German native speaker who loves languages and am passionate about teaching others. I work as language teacher in a school, teach adults at the German Culture Center and prepare my students for all types of official language exams. I love my job and always seek to make it as much fun as possible.
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My experience with Melanie has been very positive, Melanie is a very qualified teacher and you can tell that from the beginning: very professional, very good methodology, diversity in material, etc. A real one on one experience as she focused together with learning of language in identification and correction of student weaknesses. My kid is engaged with her classes as he says are useful and fun, his progress in learning German has been noticed by all. I also like her flexibility to have classes during the weekends, that is a great emergency door. I am happy !! Highly recommended!!!
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I am a native German speaker and am teaching English and German as foreign languages. I have got a teaching degree and have been teaching English and German for more than two years to all levels and age groups.
I personally prefer to speak in the learning language as much as possible and to focus on all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Moreover, I like to cover practical topics that can be used in your everyday life and make classes as diverse and dynamic as possible. Nevertheless, I am always open-minded to suggestions coming from students.
Concerning materials I like to use a course book and in addition worksheets, audios, videos, etc.
In case you have got any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me :)
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Anna is a very well prepared and good teacher. She is a good teacher, dedicated to teach you. Would recommend her for everyone who would like to learn German.
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I am a 29 year old female, native English speaker from Cape Town, South Africa.
I am a fun, enthusiastic and creative individual who has over 10 years of experience in teaching .I have taught in various parts of the world, South Africa, Thailand, Columbia, Peru, Europe and UK just to name a few. I have taught both children and adults. I am passionate about teaching and find inspiration in witnessing the growth students experience within my online classes.
I feel that my experience as an au-pair, home school teacher as well as home-room teacher at various schools and online has taught me the value of improvising, taking initiative and empowering young individuals to enable each child within my care to feel inspired and to know their own unique and individual strengths. I feel that my training in psychology is truly something that has helped with every individual I have worked with. My biggest commitment as a teacher is to teach children and adults to know their worth and to instill confidence within each individual, so that they are able to realize their potential and feel encouraged to learn more.
I have found myself wishing to broaden my experience in teaching and I am currently in the position where I’m looking for new challenges in the field, and ultimately self-development. I feel that teaching online is the perfect position that will allow me to contribute to the lives of students I teach and something that will bring a great amount of reward in my life as well as that of the individuals I teach.
I am patient and make sure each student understands the concepts before moving forward.My lessons are fun and engaging and allow students opportunity to practice what they have learnt. Zoom or Skype is used and customized lessons can be planned based on the individuals level and needs. I am passionate about educating and ensuring students reach their full potential. I look forward to meeting you soon.
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Sherri is a South African English teacher who is ready to meet your objectives. She has a fun set up with a lot of learning materials especially fun ones for kids! She's had experience with different age groups so she can really adapt to different students.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello everyone and a big warm welcome to all the fellow language learners,
My name is Katerina, I’m a native Russian speaker and a foreign language teacher from St Petersburg, Russia. I’ve always been addicted to learning foreign languages, be it English, German, Spanish, Turkish or Arabic, so turning my passion into my job was just a matter of time. I have a Master’s degree in linguistics which taught me to understand the way the mechanism of a language works and thus to help my students see the logics behind the grammar rules. Being a constant language learner enables me to see the process from both sides and to predict the difficulties my students might face. The fact that I’m not a native speaker of English or German means I’ve been through exactly the same language-learning journey you’re about to take, and thanks to my personal experience as a student, I can make this road smooth for you.
I've had students of all ages, from pre-school kids to senior generation, and I feel comfortable working with both beginners and those who are eager to take their learning process to a new level. In my classes I encourage you to talk in the language we’re studying as much as possible, putting every single bit of knowledge into practice right away. If you’re a Russian-learner, I’d be glad to prove it to you that you can absolutely nail my mother-tongue - and yes, you’ll be able to make a small talk in Russian by the end of the first class even if you’re an absolute beginner! We’ll be focusing on the topics that are most relevant to your goals, while discovering the language and getting to know more about the culture of people who speak it.
I offer a short free trial class, for us to give each other a smile and discuss our teaching pattern, in order to ajust it to your goals and make our lessons the bee's knees :) See you soon!
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Ekaterina writes new words and sentences learnt during the lesson. She has got a very nice attitude and great accent! A pleasure to work with... yes, even in German!!!!!
Ekaterina V.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much for your feedback! It's a real pleasure to have classes with you, and I hope you find them useful!
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Hello =)
My name is Karolin and since the beginning of 2017, while I was still living in Chile, I've been giving online classes. I really enjoy my work and it gives me the privilage to get to know people from all around the world, which is amazing.
Both in English and in German, I teach classes for beginners and advanced students. I speak Spanish fluently, but as I lived in Chile for around 5 years, both my pronounciation and my choice of words are influenced by that. I learned and teach the european Spanish but only for beginners (A1/A2). But if you don't mind the chilenean influence, I do teach to a higher level as well.
If you'd like to get to know me and my teaching methods, just contact me and we will do a free trial lesson (please do NOT by a lesson before the trial lesson, not every teacher is good for every student).
See you soon!
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Very well prepared, excellent explanation of all of the key grammatical points and very nice and supportive manner made it a pleasure to learn through this lesson.
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My name is Christina and I provide German & French language lesson for children and adult beginners or intermediate who want to strengthen their language skills, improve the grammar knowledge, enrich the vocabulary and get into the German culture! I can teach in English or French!
I had experince in teaching German, English and French to foreign people so I do have a lot of useful learning material I can provide you to make it easier!
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My daughter is really happy with Christina and I can already see she is improving her German after 6 lessons! Many thanks Christina!
Christina F.
Thank you very much !
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1 German definite articles (der, die, das) | Learn about the German definite articles der, die, das |
2 Indefinite Articles in German (ein, eine) | Learn about the German indefinite articles! |