German adverbs
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Comparing to English, the German language doesn't differentiate adjectives from adverbs with the -ly- ending. Therefore, you can almost use every adjective as adverbs, without any changes.
The German language divides adverbs into different categories, it all depends on whether the adverb provides information about place, time or manner. This lesson is very important, because it will not just increase your vocabulary but will also better your German grammar.
For example:
Er kommt heute. - He comes today.
Sie geht morgen. - She leaves tomorrow.
In German, adverbs usually follow the verb and the pronouns (if one is present). If more than one adverb occures, you will find the word order as follows: time, manner, place.
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Adverbs of time give the answers to questions like:
When? - Vorhin am See habe ich sie getroffen. (I saw her before at the lake)
How often? - Täglich gehe ich in dem Park. (I go to the park daily)
Until when? - Bis dienstags. (Until tuesday)
Since when? - Seit vorgestern lerne ich (I learn since the day before yesterday)
Adverbs of placement give answers to the questions like:
Where? - Es ist innen. (It's inside)
Where ... to? - Lege es dort drüben hin. (Put it over there)
Where ... form? - Er ist von nebenan. (It is from nearby)
These adverbs give the answer to questions like:
How much? - Mindestens eine Stunde. (At least one hour)
How? - Beinahe haben sie die erwischt. (They almost got you)
Adverbs of manner tell us how someone does something or how something happens, adverbs of frequency inform us how many times or often you do things, adverbs of place describe where something took place. In the following, we will explain the adverbs of the different castegories with lists and example sentences.
Fill in the missing adverbs. Pay attention to the word odering.
time, manner, place
1. hier/ sie/ natürlich / bleibt - .
2. Sophia/ lebt/ unten/ nicht. - lebt .
3. uns/ Max/ schreib/ täglich. - .
4. drinnen/ gestern/ spielen/ sie / wirklich. - .
5. nicht/ lese/ ich/ abends/ draußen. - lese .
6. Mutter/ suchte/ dich / überall / damals - suchte dich .
7. trinken/ sie /gerne / dort/ manchmal - .
8. Durst/ ich / wirklich/ abends/ habe / großen - Durst.
9. dünn / ziemlich/ sie / ist / jetzt - ist .
10. morgen/ weg / sie / leider/ sind - .
Click on the adverbs to mark them!
1.) Sie zeigt sehr großes Interesse. (She show very big interest)
2.) Wir wollen uns nachher treffen. (We want to meet later)
3.) Wir brauchen einen Regenschirm, weil es draußen regnet. (We need an umbrella, because it's raining outside)
4.) Sie hat keinen Hunger, trotzdem isst sie. (She's not hungry, yet she eats)
5.) Vielleicht sollte ich mir das nochmal überlegen. (Maybe I should think about that again)
6.) Wo warst du gestern? (Where have you been yesterday?)
7.) Hier müssen wir rechts abbiegen. (We have to turn right here)
8.) Jetzt ist alles anders, als es damals war. (Now everything is different, as it once was)
9.) Gehen wir wieder nach Hause. (Let's go home again)
10.) Das habe ich noch nie gemacht. (I never did this before)
Wir haben heute wirklich viel gelernt.
(We have studied a lot today)
Die gestrige Vorlesung habe ich leider verpasst.
(I missed yesterday's lecture)
Er hat sich sehr viel Mühe gegeben.
(He tried very hard)
Ihr Bruder spielt gerne Videospiele. (Her brother likes to play videogames)
Ich fand die Schere in der unteren Schublade (I found the scissors in the lower drawer)
Sie kann bald wieder arbeiten (She can soon work again)
Ich hoffe auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen (I'm hoping for a soon meetup)
Wir gehen oft in den Park. (We go to the park often)
Ich habe etwas Angst vor dem morgigen Tag. (I'm afraid of the day tomorrow)
Damals war noch alles anders. (Back then everything was different)
Wir haben heute wirklich viel gelernt.
(We have studied a lot today)
Die gestrige Vorlesung habe ich leider verpasst.
(I missed yesterday's lecture)
Er hat sich sehr viel Mühe gegeben.
(He tried very hard)
Ihr Bruder spielt gerne Videospiele. (Her brother likes to play videogames)
Ich fand die Schere in der unteren Schublade (I found the scissors in the lower drawer)
Sie kann bald wieder arbeiten (She can soon work again)
Ich hoffe auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen (I'm hoping for a soon meetup)
Wir gehen oft in den Park. (We go to the park often)
Ich habe etwas Angst vor dem morgigen Tag. (I'm afraid of the day tomorrow)
Damals war noch alles anders. (Back then everything was different)
Es ist schlechtes Wetter, dennoch gehen wir raus. (It's bad weather, still we go out)
Sie fährt wirklich sehr vorsichtig. (She drives really carefully)
Wir müssen sofort los! (We have to go right now)
Wir wollten eigentlich gar nicht kommen. (We actually didn't want to come)
Wir konnten sie nirgendwo finden. (We couldn't find you anywhere)
Sein kleiner Bruder ist endlich mit der Schule fertig. (His little brother is finally finished with school)
Möglicherweise treffen wir uns nächstes Wochenende. (Perhaps we meet us next weekend)
Sollen wir erstmal hier bleiben? (Should we stay here for now?)
Ich habe nicht viel gelernt, deshalb bin ich durchgefallen. (I studied a lot, that's why I failed)
Ich habe zufällig meine Schlüssel gefunden. (By chance I found my keys)
Es ist schlechtes Wetter, dennoch gehen wir raus. (It's bad weather, still we go out)
Sie fährt wirklich sehr vorsichtig. (She drives really carefully)
Wir müssen sofort los! (We have to go right now)
Wir wollten eigentlich gar nicht kommen. (We actually didn't want to come)
Wir konnten sie nirgendwo finden. (We couldn't find you anywhere)
Sein kleiner Bruder ist endlich mit der Schule fertig. (His little brother is finally finished with school)
Möglicherweise treffen wir uns nächstes Wochenende. (Perhaps we meet us next weekend)
Sollen wir erstmal hier bleiben? (Should we stay here for now?)
Ich habe nicht viel gelernt, deshalb bin ich durchgefallen. (I studied a lot, that's why I failed)
Ich habe zufällig meine Schlüssel gefunden. (By chance I found my keys)
Fill in the missing adverbs. Pay attention to the word odering.
time, manner, place
1. hier/ sie/ natürlich / bleibt - .
2. Sophia/ lebt/ unten/ nicht. - lebt .
3. uns/ Max/ schreib/ täglich. - .
4. drinnen/ gestern/ spielen/ sie / wirklich. - .
5. nicht/ lese/ ich/ abends/ draußen. - lese .
6. Mutter/ suchte/ dich / überall / damals - suchte dich .
7. trinken/ sie /gerne / dort/ manchmal - .
8. Durst/ ich / wirklich/ abends/ habe / großen - Durst.
9. dünn / ziemlich/ sie / ist / jetzt - ist .
10. morgen/ weg / sie / leider/ sind - .
Click on the adverbs to mark them!
1.) Sie zeigt sehr großes Interesse. (She show very big interest)
2.) Wir wollen uns nachher treffen. (We want to meet later)
3.) Wir brauchen einen Regenschirm, weil es draußen regnet. (We need an umbrella, because it's raining outside)
4.) Sie hat keinen Hunger, trotzdem isst sie. (She's not hungry, yet she eats)
5.) Vielleicht sollte ich mir das nochmal überlegen. (Maybe I should think about that again)
6.) Wo warst du gestern? (Where have you been yesterday?)
7.) Hier müssen wir rechts abbiegen. (We have to turn right here)
8.) Jetzt ist alles anders, als es damals war. (Now everything is different, as it once was)
9.) Gehen wir wieder nach Hause. (Let's go home again)
10.) Das habe ich noch nie gemacht. (I never did this before)
Wir haben heute wirklich viel gelernt.
(We have studied a lot today)
Die gestrige Vorlesung habe ich leider verpasst.
(I missed yesterday's lecture)
Er hat sich sehr viel Mühe gegeben.
(He tried very hard)
Ihr Bruder spielt gerne Videospiele. (Her brother likes to play videogames)
Ich fand die Schere in der unteren Schublade (I found the scissors in the lower drawer)
Sie kann bald wieder arbeiten (She can soon work again)
Ich hoffe auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen (I'm hoping for a soon meetup)
Wir gehen oft in den Park. (We go to the park often)
Ich habe etwas Angst vor dem morgigen Tag. (I'm afraid of the day tomorrow)
Damals war noch alles anders. (Back then everything was different)
Wir haben heute wirklich viel gelernt.
(We have studied a lot today)
Die gestrige Vorlesung habe ich leider verpasst.
(I missed yesterday's lecture)
Er hat sich sehr viel Mühe gegeben.
(He tried very hard)
Ihr Bruder spielt gerne Videospiele. (Her brother likes to play videogames)
Ich fand die Schere in der unteren Schublade (I found the scissors in the lower drawer)
Sie kann bald wieder arbeiten (She can soon work again)
Ich hoffe auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen (I'm hoping for a soon meetup)
Wir gehen oft in den Park. (We go to the park often)
Ich habe etwas Angst vor dem morgigen Tag. (I'm afraid of the day tomorrow)
Damals war noch alles anders. (Back then everything was different)
Es ist schlechtes Wetter, dennoch gehen wir raus. (It's bad weather, still we go out)
Sie fährt wirklich sehr vorsichtig. (She drives really carefully)
Wir müssen sofort los! (We have to go right now)
Wir wollten eigentlich gar nicht kommen. (We actually didn't want to come)
Wir konnten sie nirgendwo finden. (We couldn't find you anywhere)
Sein kleiner Bruder ist endlich mit der Schule fertig. (His little brother is finally finished with school)
Möglicherweise treffen wir uns nächstes Wochenende. (Perhaps we meet us next weekend)
Sollen wir erstmal hier bleiben? (Should we stay here for now?)
Ich habe nicht viel gelernt, deshalb bin ich durchgefallen. (I studied a lot, that's why I failed)
Ich habe zufällig meine Schlüssel gefunden. (By chance I found my keys)
Es ist schlechtes Wetter, dennoch gehen wir raus. (It's bad weather, still we go out)
Sie fährt wirklich sehr vorsichtig. (She drives really carefully)
Wir müssen sofort los! (We have to go right now)
Wir wollten eigentlich gar nicht kommen. (We actually didn't want to come)
Wir konnten sie nirgendwo finden. (We couldn't find you anywhere)
Sein kleiner Bruder ist endlich mit der Schule fertig. (His little brother is finally finished with school)
Möglicherweise treffen wir uns nächstes Wochenende. (Perhaps we meet us next weekend)
Sollen wir erstmal hier bleiben? (Should we stay here for now?)
Ich habe nicht viel gelernt, deshalb bin ich durchgefallen. (I studied a lot, that's why I failed)
Ich habe zufällig meine Schlüssel gefunden. (By chance I found my keys)
Unlike in other platforms, all our teachers are manually verified by our professional team. Trust in the experiences of our students.
The best way to learn a new language is through natural interaction. And I believe that you learn most effectively when you feel at ease and when you are having fun!
You will see that each class is individually adapted to your personal learning style and that you can improve at your optimal level because you will always be challenged but never overwhelmed.
I am an enthusiastic language learner myself and know the importance of a fun and knowledgeable teacher. Because I enjoyed learning with great teachers so much, I'm committed to being that for you in every class as well.
With this German class, you will get
• a very competent, patient, and fun tutor with years of experience
• a very supportive environment
• as many opportunities as possible to actually speak German, reflect on it, and improve
• efficient tools and homework
• heaps of video material as well as many exercises to help you practice all aspects of the German language
• and you will see how manageable the German grammar actually is!
Of course, you can adjust the classes to whatever you consider to be most relevant for you!
If you like my approach and want to improve your German, write me a message or book a lesson with me! I would love to help you with your German
You can start right away at any level!
I am professionally certified by the Goethe Institut with the highest mark possible. Through all these years of teaching in different formats and different countries, I have collected a huge amount of experience, and feedback and improved my lessons. I never stop learning and adapting my teaching methods to nowadays strategies and advanced thinking
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I really enjoy my German classes with Iris! She understood exactly what I would like to work on, and has helped me improve my writing skills fast. I have no doubt, that with her help I will soon be able to pass the language exam I want to take!
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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Very expert and nice teacher. Organized, professional, she made my German lessons a pleasant experience. Customized learning materials according to you needs and interests. Highly recommended!
Katerina B.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much!
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This teacher has experience, a great variety of learning materials for different objectives and speaks spanish fluently.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I am an enthusiastic and devoted Native English speaker with excellent communication skills and I would love to help you improve your conversational English
I have a Bachelors degree in Information Design and Marketing. I am also a certified TEFL teacher. I have 15 years experience teaching students at University level and more recently I started teaching English on-line to all age groups. As part of my community service, I do volunteer English teaching to underprivileged students in Myanmar which I find hugely rewarding.
My classes focus on conversational English, in other words - we talk and read a lot, we make mistakes and correct them, we focus on pronunciation and correct sentence construction and have fun while learning and practising your English. My number one priority is always to focus on addressing your specific needs and problem areas.
Learning to speak a new language is more than just acquiring new words and the sentences, it is also about getting the confidence to use it. This confidence will come from using the language in a friendly, safe and non-judgemental environment - and that is what I offer you.
I believe I am very friendly, easy to get along with, and extremely patient.
Teaching English to me is a passion and not a job. I am super excited to share this learning journey with you.
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Pieter is a South African English teacher with loads of experience. He has taught different age groups and even teaches English to people who cannot afford it on his free time. He counts with different learning materials for different ages and purposes and seems eager to accommodate courses according to the student's needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Are you worried that you can't tackle the big journey of learning Russian or English? I would be really happy to help you and do my best to be your guide on that path!
I have a bachelor's degree with honors in teaching foreign languages and linguistics and I have been working as a tutor for 3 years.
With me it doesn't matter, where you are coming from, what your language level is and why you decided to pick up a language. Be sure that at every lesson I will create a very friendly and supportive a friendly environment with individual materials for your needs.
Your goals will be my goals. If you have any doubts, feel free to book a trial lesson (it's free anyway) and I will be happy to answer to all your questions.
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Katya is a Russian/English teacher who's had experience with beginners in the past. So if you're looking to start learning Russian this is a good option to do so. She has a large variety of learning materials including games and grammar practice and seems to know how to communicate online.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Katsiaryna S.
Thank you so much!
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Hallo :) I'm a German language teacher with a Bachelor and Master degree in German and with many years of teaching experience.
I was born and lived in Switzerland for many years and grew up in a bilingual family, because of that I speak German, Swiss German, Croatian and English :)
I offer German language lessons for A1, A2, B1, B2 level and they include everything you need: grammar, speaking, listening audio, reading, writing and for some fun: games and role plays :)
This is ideal for students who want actively participate and speak more, learn new words and exercise the grammar.
All learning materials and exercises are included and will be provided during the lesson.
The learning material is from various books: Schritte International, Menschen, Sicher im Alltag und Beruf, Begegnungen, ....
If you wish to have only conversational lessons, I can arrange this also for you (only available for B1 and B2 level).
* IMPORTANT: coLanguage shows only my general availability, if you want to book a lesson, please sent me a message with your availability and language level, and I will contact you as soon as possible with more informations :)
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As always, her lessons are great! She takes time to prepare in advance the lesson and pesonalised material for your needs.
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Hi, I'm Irish, have been living Milan for 30 years. I have a strong business background in sales and marketing. I have lived in USA, UK and done business in Far East. I teach private students and in global corporates and universities. If you're looking to improve your English quickly I have developed my interactive communication method. A great lesson is based on understanding your needs, planning, content, your involvement, feedback, correction, repetition. My experience in theatre helps me to organise, conduct role plays, followed by constructive feedback. I prepare students for EU exams. Qualities; ability to listen, empathy, patience, motivating, energetic, open to feedback, positive outlook, value sharing, abilty to focus on long and short term objectives, relationship building. Look forward to 'partnering' with you.
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Emer is a very professional and experienced teacher. She is very motivated and really cares about her students' success. Highly recommended!!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
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We had (my wife and I) our first lesson with Miriam and were very happy of her communication style. Too early to judge (will write a further review), but we decided to start the course and bought 12 lessons. More to come....
Miriam C.
Thank you very much for the kind words and especially for your trust. I am really looking forward to this collaboration. Best wishes, Miriam
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my name is Veronika and I am a student in Florence at the academy of fine arts. I have been in Italy for three years and I really like the Italian language. In school i learned english and during journeys i used to speak a lot of english so i'm also able to teach in english.
I am from Germany so I am a German native speaker. I have already taught German to some of my friends and would love to teach my language to more people as well. At the beginning I would like to do grammar lessons and the most used words to deepen the basic knowledge of the language. Then I will continue to have conversations in German to increase vocabulary and to give confidence in dialogue and in any case in speaking the language in real scenarios. The most important thing by learning a new language is to learn it through hearing and speaking. Being difficult at first to formulate sentences will then become easier and easier and thus you arrive at a fluent and confident way to speak the new language.
For myself I learned Italian three years ago with this method so I also know what it is like to learn a language and I can help you with my teaching to learn German that way.
I can not wait to start!
greetings Veronika
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My experience with Veronika as a teacher was and still is really good. In order to reach my goals, she has setup a structured schedule and has provided good learning material. Due to my work, I had to reschedule some of my lessons and she always showed understanding in this regards. She is very friendly and easy to talk to. I can only recommend her!
Veronika N.
Thank you very much!!!
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I am a native German speaker and am teaching English and German as foreign languages. I have got a teaching degree and have been teaching English and German for more than two years to all levels and age groups.
I personally prefer to speak in the learning language as much as possible and to focus on all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Moreover, I like to cover practical topics that can be used in your everyday life and make classes as diverse and dynamic as possible. Nevertheless, I am always open-minded to suggestions coming from students.
Concerning materials I like to use a course book and in addition worksheets, audios, videos, etc.
In case you have got any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me :)
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Anna is a very well prepared and good teacher. She is a good teacher, dedicated to teach you. Would recommend her for everyone who would like to learn German.
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I am a 29 year old female, native English speaker from Cape Town, South Africa.
I am a fun, enthusiastic and creative individual who has over 10 years of experience in teaching .I have taught in various parts of the world, South Africa, Thailand, Columbia, Peru, Europe and UK just to name a few. I have taught both children and adults. I am passionate about teaching and find inspiration in witnessing the growth students experience within my online classes.
I feel that my experience as an au-pair, home school teacher as well as home-room teacher at various schools and online has taught me the value of improvising, taking initiative and empowering young individuals to enable each child within my care to feel inspired and to know their own unique and individual strengths. I feel that my training in psychology is truly something that has helped with every individual I have worked with. My biggest commitment as a teacher is to teach children and adults to know their worth and to instill confidence within each individual, so that they are able to realize their potential and feel encouraged to learn more.
I have found myself wishing to broaden my experience in teaching and I am currently in the position where I’m looking for new challenges in the field, and ultimately self-development. I feel that teaching online is the perfect position that will allow me to contribute to the lives of students I teach and something that will bring a great amount of reward in my life as well as that of the individuals I teach.
I am patient and make sure each student understands the concepts before moving forward.My lessons are fun and engaging and allow students opportunity to practice what they have learnt. Zoom or Skype is used and customized lessons can be planned based on the individuals level and needs. I am passionate about educating and ensuring students reach their full potential. I look forward to meeting you soon.
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Sherri is a South African English teacher who is ready to meet your objectives. She has a fun set up with a lot of learning materials especially fun ones for kids! She's had experience with different age groups so she can really adapt to different students.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Being a native English speaker with a 120-hour premier TEFL certificate and a double major in communications, my lessons deliver value that help you reach your language goals.
Having worked in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, my classes come with an international flavor. My students have described my teaching style as being nurturing and effective.
Sign up for your trial lesson today!
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Gaurav is an experienced and professional teacher. He always customize the lesson and the teaching material according to the student's needs. He is very available and friendly. Highly recommended!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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The best way to learn a new language is through natural interaction. And I believe that you learn most effectively when you feel at ease and when you are having fun!
You will see that each class is individually adapted to your personal learning style and that you can improve at your optimal level because you will always be challenged but never overwhelmed.
I am an enthusiastic language learner myself and know the importance of a fun and knowledgeable teacher. Because I enjoyed learning with great teachers so much, I'm committed to being that for you in every class as well.
With this German class, you will get
• a very competent, patient, and fun tutor with years of experience
• a very supportive environment
• as many opportunities as possible to actually speak German, reflect on it, and improve
• efficient tools and homework
• heaps of video material as well as many exercises to help you practice all aspects of the German language
• and you will see how manageable the German grammar actually is!
Of course, you can adjust the classes to whatever you consider to be most relevant for you!
If you like my approach and want to improve your German, write me a message or book a lesson with me! I would love to help you with your German
You can start right away at any level!
I am professionally certified by the Goethe Institut with the highest mark possible. Through all these years of teaching in different formats and different countries, I have collected a huge amount of experience, and feedback and improved my lessons. I never stop learning and adapting my teaching methods to nowadays strategies and advanced thinking
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I really enjoy my German classes with Iris! She understood exactly what I would like to work on, and has helped me improve my writing skills fast. I have no doubt, that with her help I will soon be able to pass the language exam I want to take!
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Hello, my name is Katerina und I’m a qualified German teacher with 8 years teaching experience.
I would like to help you to master the German language. You will get your personal online lesson via Skype.
If you are interested in learning this world language, just contact me –
I’m looking forward to getting to know you!
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Very expert and nice teacher. Organized, professional, she made my German lessons a pleasant experience. Customized learning materials according to you needs and interests. Highly recommended!
Katerina B.
Dear Silvia, thank you very much!
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Teaching methodology
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This teacher has experience, a great variety of learning materials for different objectives and speaks spanish fluently.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I am an enthusiastic and devoted Native English speaker with excellent communication skills and I would love to help you improve your conversational English
I have a Bachelors degree in Information Design and Marketing. I am also a certified TEFL teacher. I have 15 years experience teaching students at University level and more recently I started teaching English on-line to all age groups. As part of my community service, I do volunteer English teaching to underprivileged students in Myanmar which I find hugely rewarding.
My classes focus on conversational English, in other words - we talk and read a lot, we make mistakes and correct them, we focus on pronunciation and correct sentence construction and have fun while learning and practising your English. My number one priority is always to focus on addressing your specific needs and problem areas.
Learning to speak a new language is more than just acquiring new words and the sentences, it is also about getting the confidence to use it. This confidence will come from using the language in a friendly, safe and non-judgemental environment - and that is what I offer you.
I believe I am very friendly, easy to get along with, and extremely patient.
Teaching English to me is a passion and not a job. I am super excited to share this learning journey with you.
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Pieter is a South African English teacher with loads of experience. He has taught different age groups and even teaches English to people who cannot afford it on his free time. He counts with different learning materials for different ages and purposes and seems eager to accommodate courses according to the student's needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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1 German adverbs of time | Learn about the German adverbs of time |
2 German adverbs of placement | Learn about the German adverbs of placement. |
3 German adverbs of frequency | This page is about the German adverbs of frequency. |
4 German causal adverbs | Learn what the German causal adverbs are |
5 German modal adverbs | Chapter about the German modal adverbs |