Exercise: Determine the type of attributive clause!
Wir finden die Idee, dass wir zusammen fahren, sehr gut. (We think the idea of us driving together is very good)
Den Vorteil, am Land zu leben, schätzen viele Naturliebhaber. (The advantages, of living in the country, is enjoyed by many nature lovers)
Uninitiated infinitive clause
Er hat auf die Frage, wie lange er bleibt, nicht geantwortet. (He didn't reply to the answer, how long he would be staying)
Indirect question
Die Befürchtung, ausgeraubt geworden zu sein, hat sich bewahrheitet. (The fear, of being robbed, turned out to become true)
Uninitiated dependent clause
Ich hoffe, dass es ihm bald besser geht. (I hope that he will feel better soon)
Der Vorschlag, heute spazieren zu gehen, ist gut. (The proposal, to go out for a walk today, is good)
Uninitiated infinitive clause
Sie möchte wissen, ob es freiwillige Helfer gibt. (She wants to know, if there are volunteers)
Indirect question
Er hat auf unsere Aufforderung, sich zu melden, nicht reagiert. (He didn't react to to the request to notify them)
Uninitiated dependent clause
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Hi, I am Ana! I am a professional language teacher! If you want to learn Romanian, English or German in an easy, fun and efficient way, you’ve... done the first step. I simply love teaching and I’m looking forward to sharing my enthusiasm for languages with you. I have experience in learning foreign languages, so I understand the challenge. I’ve started teaching Romanian as a foreign language in 2010 at the Faculty of Letters in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, and my teaching approach is really friendly and focused on all your needs. I have worked with people from all over the world and I know very well how to make the process of learning a language a very pleasant experience. I speak several languages (English, German, French, Spanish) and I keep learning some (Polish and Portuguese) so I am aware of how fun and also frustrating (at times) the process can be. For me, learning a language is like falling in love, you get to discover details and awesome facts about one culture and mentality. If you want to learn Romanian, English or German, I will make sure you will enjoy it! Read more
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