Exercise for the German genitive case
Finish the words with the correct genitive ending and add the correct article. The deciding prepositions are in bold
Die Wiese verläuft weiter entlang Weg. (The field follows along the path)
DIe Kollegen treffen sich manchmal außerhalb Arbeitszeit. (The colleagues meet sometimes outside of the working time)
Ich ging nicht zum Konzert, zugunsten der Party mein Bruder. (I didn't go to the concert, in favor of my brothers party)
Unweit mein Arbeitsplatz befindet sich ein nettes Café. (Close to my working place there is a nice cafe)
Ich fand den Weg nach Hause nur mithilfe ein Stadtplan. (I only found the way home with the help of a city map)
Anlässlich mein Abreis veranstalte ich eine kleine Feier. (Regarding my departure I will host a little party)
Ich ging ohne Jacke nach draußen, trotz niedrig Temperaturen. (I went outside without a jacket, despite the low temperatures)
Ein kleiner Badesee befindet sich nördlich Stadt. (A little lake is north of the city)
Michael denkt nie daran, auch unterhalb Bett zu saugen. (Michael never remembers to vacuum below his bed)
In dem Haus war es sehr laut, ungeachtet konnte ich gut schlafen. (It was very loud in the house, despite that I could sleep well)
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I am a German native speaker who loves languages and am passionate about teaching others. I work as language teacher in a school, teach adults... at the German Culture Center and prepare my students for all types of official language exams. I love my job and always seek to make it as much fun as possible. Read more
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Hi, I am Ana! I am a professional language teacher! If you want to learn Romanian, English or German in an easy, fun and efficient way, you’ve... done the first step. I simply love teaching and I’m looking forward to sharing my enthusiasm for languages with you. I have experience in learning foreign languages, so I understand the challenge. I’ve started teaching Romanian as a foreign language in 2010 at the Faculty of Letters in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, and my teaching approach is really friendly and focused on all your needs. I have worked with people from all over the world and I know very well how to make the process of learning a language a very pleasant experience. I speak several languages (English, German, French, Spanish) and I keep learning some (Polish and Portuguese) so I am aware of how fun and also frustrating (at times) the process can be. For me, learning a language is like falling in love, you get to discover details and awesome facts about one culture and mentality. If you want to learn Romanian, English or German, I will make sure you will enjoy it! Read more
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