Build the German past participle II!
Reminder: Not every participle II has the first syllable "-ge"
Was hast du auf seine Frage (antworten) ? (What did you answer to his question)
Gestern wurde mein Bruder (operieren) . (Yesterday my brother was operated)
Der Fahrer hat die Vorfahrt nicht (beachten) . (The driver didn't respect the right of way)
Sandra hat den ersten Preis (gewinnen) . (Sandra won the first price)
Hast du schon einmal Bananeneis (probieren) ? (Have you ever tasted a banana ice cream?)
Das Horoskop hat mir eine gute Zukunft (prophezeien) . (My horoscope predicted me a good future)
Ich habe dir schon längst (verzeihen) . (I have already forgiven you)
Wir haben die Gebrauchsanweisung genau (studieren) . (We have studied the manuel)
Die Zuschauer haben laut (applaudieren) . (The audience applauded loudly)
Auf dem Zeltlager haben wir uns Gruselgeschichten (erzählen) . (On the camping ground we told us scary stories)
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I am a German native speaker who loves languages and am passionate about teaching others. I work as language teacher in a school, teach adults... at the German Culture Center and prepare my students for all types of official language exams. I love my job and always seek to make it as much fun as possible. Read more
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Hi, I am Ana! I am a professional language teacher! If you want to learn Romanian, English or German in an easy, fun and efficient way, you’ve... done the first step. I simply love teaching and I’m looking forward to sharing my enthusiasm for languages with you. I have experience in learning foreign languages, so I understand the challenge. I’ve started teaching Romanian as a foreign language in 2010 at the Faculty of Letters in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, and my teaching approach is really friendly and focused on all your needs. I have worked with people from all over the world and I know very well how to make the process of learning a language a very pleasant experience. I speak several languages (English, German, French, Spanish) and I keep learning some (Polish and Portuguese) so I am aware of how fun and also frustrating (at times) the process can be. For me, learning a language is like falling in love, you get to discover details and awesome facts about one culture and mentality. If you want to learn Romanian, English or German, I will make sure you will enjoy it! Read more
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