Feelings and emotions in Italian (I love you)
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In this lesson you will learn how to express how you feel in Italian.
Here you can find of the most important nouns regarding le emozioni (emotions) and states of mind and their translation.
Italian | English |
Agitazione | Agitation |
Ansia | Anxiety |
Allegria | Cheerfulness |
Preoccupazione | Worry |
Confusione | Confusion |
Noia | Boredom |
Rabbia | Anger |
Felicità | Happiness |
Delusione | Disappointment |
Depressione | Depression |
Entusiasmo | Enthusiasm |
Fiducia | Trust |
Gelosia | Jealousy |
Indifferenza | Indifference |
Fastidio | Annoyance |
Amore | Love |
Malinconia | Melancholia |
Nervosismo | Nervousness |
Nostalgia | Nostalgia |
Odio | Hatred |
Orgoglio | Pride |
Ottimismo | Optimism |
Pessimismo | Pessimism |
Relax | Relax |
Tranquillità | Tranquillity |
Sconforto | Discouragement |
Sorpresa | Surprise |
Stanchezza | Tiredness |
Stress | Stress |
Tristezza | Sadness |
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Giorgio ama la tranquillità della campagna. | Giorgio loves the tranquillity of the countryside. |
Molti cercano la felicità nei posti sbagliati e non apprezzano le piccole cose. | Many people look for happiness in the wrong places and don't appreciate the little things. |
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Here you can find of the most important adjectives regarding moods and their translation.
Italian | English |
Allegro | Cheerful |
Preoccupato | Worried |
Annoiato | Bored |
Arrabbiato | Angry |
Contento Felice | Happy |
Confuso | Confused |
Deluso | Disappointed |
Depresso | Depressed |
Divertito | Amused |
Entusiasta | Enthusiastic |
Fiducioso | Faithful |
Geloso | Jealous |
Indifferente | Indifferent |
Infastidito | Annoyed |
Innamorato | In love |
Malinconico | Melancholy |
Nostalgico | Nostalgic |
Nervoso | Nervous |
Orgoglioso | Proud |
Ottimista | Optimistic |
Pessimista | Pessimistic |
Rilassato | Relaxed |
Sconfortato | Discouraged |
Sorpreso | Surprised |
Stanco | Tired |
Stufo | Fed up (informal) |
Stressato | Stressed out |
Tranquillo | Calm |
Triste | Sad |
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Il mio ragazzo è molto felice oggi. | My boyfriend is very happy today. |
Non è positivo essere invidiosi degli altri. | Being envious of other people is not positive. |
Don't forget that adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to.
To learn more, go to Adjectives agreement in Italian.
To express an emotion, use the Verb To Be and an adjective.
Italian | English |
Io sono | I am |
Tu sei | You are |
Egli è | He is |
Ella è | She is |
Noi siamo | We are |
Voi siete | You are |
Essi sono | They are |
Let's some some practical examples.
Italian | English |
Sono molto triste. | I am very sad. |
La bambina è divertita dalla giostra. | The little girl is amused by the carousel. |
To say you love or care about someone, use the following expressions.
Italian | English | Usage |
Ti amo | I love you | Used in romantic love |
Ti voglio bene | I love you, I hold you dear | Used with family and friends |
Mi manchi | I miss you | Same as in English |
Mi piaci | I like you | Same as in English |
Let's see some examples.
Italian | English |
Buon anniversario. Ti amo! | Happy anniversary. I love you! |
Ti voglio bene, nonna. | I hold you dear, grandma. |
Italian | English | |
Sara | Sono molto preoccupata per l'esame di domani... | I'm so worried for tomorrow's exam... |
Alessia | Non devi essere nervosa! Se stai tranquilla, avrai risultati migliori. | You don't have to be nervous. If you are relaxed, you will get better results. |
Sara | E' facile essere ottimista quando l'esame non è il tuo! Ho tanta confusione in testa... | It's easy being optimistic when the exam is not yours! I have so much confusion in my mind... |
Alessia | Proviamo a studiare insieme, non essere così triste! | Let's try to study together, don't be so sad! |
Italian | English | |
Andrea | Come sei quando sei innamorato? | What are you like when you are in love? |
Giacomo | Felice! Ma spesso sono anche geloso. | Happy! But often also jealous. |
Andrea | Cosa ti rende geloso? | What makes you jealous? |
Giacomo | Quando l'altra persona fa l'indifferente e sembra che mi nasconda qualcosa. | When the other person acts in an indifferent way and it seems like they are hiding something. |
Andrea | E' importante avere fiducia! | It's important to have trust. |
Giacomo | Lo so, ma essere preoccupato fa parte di me. | I know, but being worried is a part of me. |
1. Dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro, Marco prova molta ________.
After a long work day, Marco feels a lot of tiredness.
2. La ________ può rovinare molti rapporti.
Jealousy can ruin many relationships.
3. Non riesce a controllare la __________.
He can't control his anger.
4. Gli esami provocano molta _______ agli studenti.
Exams cause a lot of anxiety to students.
5. Il nonno racconta del suo passato con ____________.
Grandpa tells about his past with nostalgia.
6. Non voglio più provare _____!
I don't ever want to feel sadness again!
7. Mi trattava con _____.
He treated me with indifference.
8. Devi trattare gli animali con __________.
You have to treat animals with love.
9. Ho molta ________ nelle tue capacità.
I have a lot of trust in you abilitiesI have trust in your abilities.
10. Ho dovuto aspettare 50 minuti in fila. Che ____!
I had to wait 50 minutes in the line! "What a boredom"/so boring!
1. Dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro, Marco prova molta ________.
After a long work day, Marco feels a lot of tiredness.
2. La ________ può rovinare molti rapporti.
Jealousy can ruin many relationships.
3. Non riesce a controllare la __________.
He can't control his anger.
4. Gli esami provocano molta _______ agli studenti.
Exams cause a lot of anxiety to students.
5. Il nonno racconta del suo passato con ____________.
Grandpa tells about his past with nostalgia.
6. Non voglio più provare _____!
I don't ever want to feel sadness again!
7. Mi trattava con _____.
He treated me with indifference.
8. Devi trattare gli animali con __________.
You have to treat animals with love.
9. Ho molta ________ nelle tue capacità.
I have a lot of trust in you abilitiesI have trust in your abilities.
10. Ho dovuto aspettare 50 minuti in fila. Che ____!
I had to wait 50 minutes in the line! "What a boredom"/so boring!
1. Giorgio non riesce a trovare un lavoro ed è _______.
Giorgio can't find a job and he is depressed.
2. Lo studente ha preso un brutto voto ed è molto ________ da sè stesso.
The student got a bad mark and he is very disappointed in himself.
3. Sono stato molto __________ dall'arrivo di Sara!
I was very surprised by Sara's arrival!
4. Il mio fidanzato non è affatto ______.
My boyfriend isn't jealous at all.
5. Quando sono in vacanza mi sento ________.
When I'm on vacation, I feel relaxed.
6. Paolo è ________ a ciò che lo circonda.
Paolo is indifferent to what surrounds him.
7. Il gelato mi rende _______, migliora il mio umore.
Ice-cream makes me happy, it improves my mood.
8. Sono così ________ di andare al concerto!
I am so enthusiastic I am going to the concert!
9. E' __________, fisicamente e mentalmente.
He is tired, mentally and physically.
10. Il gruppo di turisti sembra ________ dalla visita.
The group of tourists looks bored from the visit.
1. Giorgio non riesce a trovare un lavoro ed è _______.
Giorgio can't find a job and he is depressed.
2. Lo studente ha preso un brutto voto ed è molto ________ da sè stesso.
The student got a bad mark and he is very disappointed in himself.
3. Sono stato molto __________ dall'arrivo di Sara!
I was very surprised by Sara's arrival!
4. Il mio fidanzato non è affatto ______.
My boyfriend isn't jealous at all.
5. Quando sono in vacanza mi sento ________.
When I'm on vacation, I feel relaxed.
6. Paolo è ________ a ciò che lo circonda.
Paolo is indifferent to what surrounds him.
7. Il gelato mi rende _______, migliora il mio umore.
Ice-cream makes me happy, it improves my mood.
8. Sono così ________ di andare al concerto!
I am so enthusiastic I am going to the concert!
9. E' __________, fisicamente e mentalmente.
He is tired, mentally and physically.
10. Il gruppo di turisti sembra ________ dalla visita.
The group of tourists looks bored from the visit.
1. Sono molto che voi siate qui!
I am very happy you are here!
2. Devi essere dei tuoi successi!
You must be proud of your achievements!
3. Sono di dover sempre spiegare le cose due volte!
I'm fed up with always having to explain myself twice!
4. Marco è col gatto perchè ha rotto il vaso.
Marco is angry with the cat because he broke the vase.
5. L'uomo d'affari ha un aspetto stressato.
The business man looks very stressed out.
6. Luca sta aspettando i risultati del test ed è molto .
Lucais waiting for the test results and he is very worried.
7. Matteo è molto della sua infanzia.
Matteo is very nostalgic about his childhood.
8. Chiunque è da chi mastica rumorosamente.
Everyone is annoyed by those who chew loudly.
9. Aveva un atteggiamento .
He had an indifferent attitude.
10. Lui sembrava dal mio comportamento.
He seemed to be amused by my behaviour.
Sara: Sono molto per l'esame di domani...
(Sara: I'm so worried for tomorrow's exam...)
Alessia Non devi essere ! Se stai , avrai risultati migliori.
(Alessia: You don't have to be nervous. If you are relaxed, you will get better results.)
Sara: E' facile essere quando l'esame non è il tuo! Ho tanta in testa...
(Sara: It's easy being optimistic when the exam is not yours! I have so much confusion in my mind...)
Alessia: Proviamo a studiare insieme, non essere così !
(Alessia: Let's try to study together, don't be so sad!)
Andrea: Come sei quando sei ?
(Andrea: What are you like when youi are in love?)
Giacomo: ! Ma spesso sono anche geloso.
(Giacomo: Happy! But often also jealous.)
Andrea: Cosa ti rende ?
(Andrea: What makes you jealous?)
Giacomo: Quando l'altra persona fa l' e sembra che mi nasconda qualcosa.
(Giacomo: When the other person acts in an indifferent way and it seems like they are hiding something.)
Andrea: E' importante avere !
(Andrea: It's important to have trust.)
Giacomo: Lo so, ma essere fa parte di me.
(Giacomo: I know, but being worried is a part of me.)
1. Dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro, Marco prova molta ________.
After a long work day, Marco feels a lot of tiredness.
2. La ________ può rovinare molti rapporti.
Jealousy can ruin many relationships.
3. Non riesce a controllare la __________.
He can't control his anger.
4. Gli esami provocano molta _______ agli studenti.
Exams cause a lot of anxiety to students.
5. Il nonno racconta del suo passato con ____________.
Grandpa tells about his past with nostalgia.
6. Non voglio più provare _____!
I don't ever want to feel sadness again!
7. Mi trattava con _____.
He treated me with indifference.
8. Devi trattare gli animali con __________.
You have to treat animals with love.
9. Ho molta ________ nelle tue capacità.
I have a lot of trust in you abilitiesI have trust in your abilities.
10. Ho dovuto aspettare 50 minuti in fila. Che ____!
I had to wait 50 minutes in the line! "What a boredom"/so boring!
1. Dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro, Marco prova molta ________.
After a long work day, Marco feels a lot of tiredness.
2. La ________ può rovinare molti rapporti.
Jealousy can ruin many relationships.
3. Non riesce a controllare la __________.
He can't control his anger.
4. Gli esami provocano molta _______ agli studenti.
Exams cause a lot of anxiety to students.
5. Il nonno racconta del suo passato con ____________.
Grandpa tells about his past with nostalgia.
6. Non voglio più provare _____!
I don't ever want to feel sadness again!
7. Mi trattava con _____.
He treated me with indifference.
8. Devi trattare gli animali con __________.
You have to treat animals with love.
9. Ho molta ________ nelle tue capacità.
I have a lot of trust in you abilitiesI have trust in your abilities.
10. Ho dovuto aspettare 50 minuti in fila. Che ____!
I had to wait 50 minutes in the line! "What a boredom"/so boring!
1. Giorgio non riesce a trovare un lavoro ed è _______.
Giorgio can't find a job and he is depressed.
2. Lo studente ha preso un brutto voto ed è molto ________ da sè stesso.
The student got a bad mark and he is very disappointed in himself.
3. Sono stato molto __________ dall'arrivo di Sara!
I was very surprised by Sara's arrival!
4. Il mio fidanzato non è affatto ______.
My boyfriend isn't jealous at all.
5. Quando sono in vacanza mi sento ________.
When I'm on vacation, I feel relaxed.
6. Paolo è ________ a ciò che lo circonda.
Paolo is indifferent to what surrounds him.
7. Il gelato mi rende _______, migliora il mio umore.
Ice-cream makes me happy, it improves my mood.
8. Sono così ________ di andare al concerto!
I am so enthusiastic I am going to the concert!
9. E' __________, fisicamente e mentalmente.
He is tired, mentally and physically.
10. Il gruppo di turisti sembra ________ dalla visita.
The group of tourists looks bored from the visit.
1. Giorgio non riesce a trovare un lavoro ed è _______.
Giorgio can't find a job and he is depressed.
2. Lo studente ha preso un brutto voto ed è molto ________ da sè stesso.
The student got a bad mark and he is very disappointed in himself.
3. Sono stato molto __________ dall'arrivo di Sara!
I was very surprised by Sara's arrival!
4. Il mio fidanzato non è affatto ______.
My boyfriend isn't jealous at all.
5. Quando sono in vacanza mi sento ________.
When I'm on vacation, I feel relaxed.
6. Paolo è ________ a ciò che lo circonda.
Paolo is indifferent to what surrounds him.
7. Il gelato mi rende _______, migliora il mio umore.
Ice-cream makes me happy, it improves my mood.
8. Sono così ________ di andare al concerto!
I am so enthusiastic I am going to the concert!
9. E' __________, fisicamente e mentalmente.
He is tired, mentally and physically.
10. Il gruppo di turisti sembra ________ dalla visita.
The group of tourists looks bored from the visit.
1. Sono molto che voi siate qui!
I am very happy you are here!
2. Devi essere dei tuoi successi!
You must be proud of your achievements!
3. Sono di dover sempre spiegare le cose due volte!
I'm fed up with always having to explain myself twice!
4. Marco è col gatto perchè ha rotto il vaso.
Marco is angry with the cat because he broke the vase.
5. L'uomo d'affari ha un aspetto stressato.
The business man looks very stressed out.
6. Luca sta aspettando i risultati del test ed è molto .
Lucais waiting for the test results and he is very worried.
7. Matteo è molto della sua infanzia.
Matteo is very nostalgic about his childhood.
8. Chiunque è da chi mastica rumorosamente.
Everyone is annoyed by those who chew loudly.
9. Aveva un atteggiamento .
He had an indifferent attitude.
10. Lui sembrava dal mio comportamento.
He seemed to be amused by my behaviour.
Sara: Sono molto per l'esame di domani...
(Sara: I'm so worried for tomorrow's exam...)
Alessia Non devi essere ! Se stai , avrai risultati migliori.
(Alessia: You don't have to be nervous. If you are relaxed, you will get better results.)
Sara: E' facile essere quando l'esame non è il tuo! Ho tanta in testa...
(Sara: It's easy being optimistic when the exam is not yours! I have so much confusion in my mind...)
Alessia: Proviamo a studiare insieme, non essere così !
(Alessia: Let's try to study together, don't be so sad!)
Andrea: Come sei quando sei ?
(Andrea: What are you like when youi are in love?)
Giacomo: ! Ma spesso sono anche geloso.
(Giacomo: Happy! But often also jealous.)
Andrea: Cosa ti rende ?
(Andrea: What makes you jealous?)
Giacomo: Quando l'altra persona fa l' e sembra che mi nasconda qualcosa.
(Giacomo: When the other person acts in an indifferent way and it seems like they are hiding something.)
Andrea: E' importante avere !
(Andrea: It's important to have trust.)
Giacomo: Lo so, ma essere fa parte di me.
(Giacomo: I know, but being worried is a part of me.)
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I am Russian native speaker and I've been teaching Russian over the last four years. I teach students of all levels, from zero to advanced level, teenagers and adults. Great focus will be on grammar, listening and conversation. After few lessons you will already notice the improvements.
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Lera is a fantastic teacher, incredibly patient and I really look forward to the next lesson. Russian is not an easy language for me but with lera’s kindness and patience I enjoy the small steps I am making in my journey to learn Russian language.
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Maria has experience in teaching spanish lessons and is very well structured. I really recommend her to everybody.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello Everybody
My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreign students, English, French and German for Italian students
Since 1994, I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to my travels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student's goals. I also triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. I give homework exercises, and my lessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting.
I am available for any explanations also via e mail
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Luisa is a really nice teacher with a lovely personality. She makes you feel very comfortable and will tailor the lessons for you. Thank you Luisa.
Luisa A.
Dear Veronica, thank you, thank you so much !! :-))
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**Other time slots can be made available upon request. Don't hesitate to get in touch**
Native speaker from Paris with about 15 years of teaching experience. I’m well-travelled, and I’ve lived and worked in different parts of the world (Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Australia and a little bit in Asia).
I have a postgraduate degree (France) in Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies and I’m currently a freelance translator. I’ve previously worked at universities in France and abroad (South Africa/Australia) and have a solid experience in teaching (French Language, Literature, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Creative Writing, etc.), designing courses, evaluating and guiding students, preparing students for exams/job interviews/professional presentations, managing a Language and Literature department at the university, presenting papers at academic conferences worldwide, publishing, translating and journalism. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach people with different profiles and from various backgrounds: international professionals, university students, beginner translators and teachers, high school students, retirees, travellers, francophiles, children (help with homework), etc.
Being an open-minded, flexible and patient teacher, I enjoy helping others to discover their potential and to explore it. Adapting myself to my students' needs, pace and objectives is essential for me, and designing the best way to work with each student is very stimulating and rewarding.
After the initial introductory lesson, I will design customised lesson plans that will evolve as you progress. We can also, at any time during the programme, change our working method if you wish to do so. I remain very flexible in that regard.
The learning materials will be varied, and we will choose together the themes and aspects of French language to be covered, in line with your objectives. In any case, I am very attentive in general, so please don't hesitate to make any suggestions.
Regardless of your level and objectives, I'm sure that we can find the best way possible to share and enjoy this French language adventure together.
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Priscilla is a very competent and experienced French teacher. She prepares the lessons very carefully and focuses on all relevant aspects such as conversation, grammar and vocabulary. Above all, she has a very friendly personality that makes you feel at ease immediately. I can highly recommend her as a French teacher.
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Would you like to learn a new language and need somebody to guide you? I am the right person for you
Learning a foreign language is always a good investment: it broadens your cultural horizons, it increases dramatically your employability and it helps your business penetrate foreign markets.
I have experience in teaching English, Spanish and Italian to non-Italian speakers of all ages, both individuals and groups, in your office or at home. I am available for grammar and conversation classes, classes in preparation for special exams, certificates and corporate events, both in person and on Skype.
I think that learning a language necessarily means involving students in real situations, with a cheerful approach. Therefore, I like developing creative, effective and bespoke programmes, based on my students’ needs, age, likes, and why not, character. I am a dynamic and joyful yet precise and demanding teacher, who is always ready to motivate, encourage and listen to her students.
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Ilaria is a very well-structured and experienced teacher for Spanish, English and Italian! I totally recommend her to anyone!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Are you doing an Erasmus in Italy or Spain?
Are you came back recently?
Do you want a languages certification?
Here i am! I'm Andrea an Italian/spanish teacher that living in Spain. I got a Teaching Master and I'm working as italian teacher. Also, I have a C1 spanish level ( DELE certification) and I can teach you both languages.
Send me a request and we can find the best solution for you ;)
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It's very useful to go through writing I have done and discuss other ways of expressing the same idea.
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Hello everyone! I'm Federica and I'm a Certified Italian teacher with over 3 years of experience.
I live in Rome and I teach with patience and enthusiasm because I love Italian language and culture and I always try to share this love in my lessons.
I adjust my method according to my students needs and I try to encourage students to express themselves.
Book a trial lesson to discuss your learning needs and goals! I hope to see you soon!
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I have just started learning Italian with Federica. She is very friendly and patient and is able to be flexible with the lesson according to my language goals. I am looking forward to improving my Italian with her.
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Buongiorno gente!
Are you ready to learn italian with me?
My name is Mojra and I'm a qualified mother tongue tutor. Whether you need to prepare yourself for a job interview, you're planning to relocate to Italy or to spend your next holiday there, I look forward to assisting you to achieve your goals!
I am here to help you improve you grammar, sentence structure and to teach you helpful phrases in a fun and relaxed way.
I graduated from university majoring in Linguistic Mediation and in Modern Languages and then I specialized in the teaching of Italian as a second language, attending a one-year post-graduate course devoted to this and receiving excellent grades (FILIS: Formatori Interculturali di Lingua Italiana per Stranieri). I also teach in the Italian public schools.
If you'd like to learn Italian fluently, I'd love to be your teacher, then why not book a trial class with me now? In this lesson, we will design a lesson plan especially for you discussing how you will reach your specific goals.
IMPORTANT: Please contact me before booking your lesson with me and let me know your Italian level as well as the reasons why you want to learn Italian.
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I just had my first Italian lesson with Mojra and it was great. She is a very enthusiastic and happy person and seemed to really care about helping me to improve my Italian. Although her English is very good, she was quite strict about making me speak almost only in Italian during the entire lesson. My Italian is at an A2 (low intermediate) level but with seemingly infinite patience and useful hints, Mojra helped me to ask my questions in Italian and I felt my confidence grow as the lesson progressed. I asked for help on knowing when I should use the dreaded subjunctive in Italian (congiuntivo). Mojra had some interesting material on the subject and some exercises that both helped me to practice and, at the same time, taught me some interesting things about Italy. We laughed a lot and I was quite surprised to find that I had been speaking almost entirely in Italian for an hour. The time flew past. I think Mojra is an excellent teacher. You should try a lesson with her.
Mojra G.
Thank you very much for your words Abner! You are a very diligent student, continua così!
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Hello my name is Lucia and I am a native Italian speaker.
I have a degree as an interpreter for English and French so I know how hard it may be to learn a foreign language. I work as a free-lance interpreter and private English and French teacher. I have a strong passion for languages which I have been studying for many years. I am studying Spanish now and always trying to improve my English and French knowledge. I am a friendly person and my lessons mainly focus on conversation. As a teacher I am very patient and I always propose tailor-made lessons with respect to your needs. I am really enthusiastic about being a teacher because this activity allows you to share your culture and habits with foreign people. Learning a language is also learning a new culture.
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Lucia, in a friendly and motivating manner, manages to get us, as beginners to Italian, to "speak". New vocabulary and grammar basics are regularly incorporated. Each lesson is different, fun and effective as Lucia is not only a very experienced teacher but also embodies the love for Italy and her language. We are happy to have “found” them, Rita and Connie
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One-on-one Portuguese and English classes as a Second Language. Basic, intermediate and advanced. Provided personalized vocabulary, grammar Lessons and Portuguese Live Assessment Sessions.
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A useful lesson; some new grammar and vocabulary and Jose continues to encourage me to express myself in Portuguese.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a great teacher, she is helping me with my Italian. The lessons always fly by because it it so easy to talk with her. She makes you feel very at ease and has a great way of keeping the conversation going, while in the meantime keeping an eye on explaining grammatical things and making sure you improve your vocabulary each time. Therefore the lessons have a nice balance between being very enjoyable as well as informative, which makes the learning process proceed at a very consistent pace. Definitely can recommend Daniela!
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Hello! My name is Federico Pasquale, I was born in La Plata, Argentina but now I live in Formia, Italy. I have an English-Spanish translation degree, a degree in teaching and a CELTA Certificate. I've been working as an English teacher for 14 years in different countries and I've recently started to teach Spanish, my native language. I offer classes in different levels and also conversation classes. If you want to improve your skills in one of these languages, get in touch with me. See you in the lesson!
Areas of Expertise:
English: General English (all levels), Conversational English, Exam preparation classes (PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS)
Spanish (Variety: Argentinian/Rioplatense): General Spanish at levels A1, A2 y B1, conversation and vocabulary
Free of charge interview!
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Federico is a certified teacher with lots of experience who is well-structured and passionate about teaching English.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a wonderful teacher and a pleasure to talk to. Any student would be lucky to have her as a teacher. Thank you Daniela for your help with my Italian!!!
Daniela V.
Ciao Robbie, thanks a lot for your feedback. I'm very happy you like the classes together and I'll do my best to keep them as fun and interesting as possible :-)
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Why should you choose me? Take a look at what people say who have taken online classes with me.
Book lessons with me and
- prepare Dutch exams "Basisinburgering A1" and "Inburgeringsexamen A2". Your full commitment and my energetic, professional approach are the winning combination to help you succeed at once!
- learn Dutch because you live in the Netherlands (or are planning to move there) and still don’t speak the language properly or haven’t started yet. You’ll enjoy your environment more!
- learn Italian for work or because you will move to this beautiful country or simply because you just love it. Let me help you experience the language!
- study Spanish for pleasure, work or because you have to prepare an exam for school and you need to get confident to perform optimally
- get confident in useful daily conversations, meetings at work, exams, and presentations
- overcome the fear of failure; if you have learning problems, feel shy or need a boost of energy you’ll get confident enough to achieve your goals
My lessons are based on conversations. My method is to help you practice the language from the very beginning in spontaneous and direct conversations, using often role plays.
With books, articles, songs, and other interesting and stimulating material I will encourage conversation, develop grammar in a simpler way, and improve pronunciation.
Learning a foreign language is not a matter of doing much effort, but rather of being consistent, enjoying the lessons and allowing your intuition to work with you. You will book immediate results while having fun!
I've been teaching Dutch, Spanish and Italian for many years, in The Netherlands, for private institutes, for the integration of foreigners into society (Inburgering), and online from Italy, where I currently live.
Contact me for a free trial and let me know how I can help you.
If you cancel a reservation please do it at least 24 hours before the session
(otherwise I would have to charge you for the lesson).
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Very Nice communication, easy to study and prictice Italiano, I am a Biginner and She has the patient to understand me.
Elena P.
Thank you so much for the feedback, Pedro! It's a pleasure to work with you and help you achieve your goal.
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Hi there, I’m Letizia!
I've always had a great passion for languages and have made it my life's work.
I have been teaching English, Spanish and Italian as second languages (L2) to international students for 7 years now. I mainly work with teenagers and adults, but I also have experience with school-age children.
I am specialised in Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics for teaching: specifically, I work on the processes of L2 language acquisition (SLA), language development and processing.
Course features:
- Exams and certifications
- Academic and colloquial language
- Vocabulary and oral skills
- Course build on your needs and goals
- Interactive activities
- Authentic and personalised study materials.
Cancellation policy: to cancel or reschedule a lesson, please give at least a 6 hours notice.
Delays are accepted for up to 15 minutes, after which the lesson will be considered not cancelled and, thus, charged.
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The classes with Letizia are very helpful. Very good mix of theory and exercises. I can highly recommend Letizia!
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I am Russian native speaker and I've been teaching Russian over the last four years. I teach students of all levels, from zero to advanced level, teenagers and adults. Great focus will be on grammar, listening and conversation. After few lessons you will already notice the improvements.
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Lera is a fantastic teacher, incredibly patient and I really look forward to the next lesson. Russian is not an easy language for me but with lera’s kindness and patience I enjoy the small steps I am making in my journey to learn Russian language.
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Teaching methodology
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Maria has experience in teaching spanish lessons and is very well structured. I really recommend her to everybody.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello Everybody
My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreign students, English, French and German for Italian students
Since 1994, I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to my travels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student's goals. I also triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. I give homework exercises, and my lessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting.
I am available for any explanations also via e mail
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Luisa is a really nice teacher with a lovely personality. She makes you feel very comfortable and will tailor the lessons for you. Thank you Luisa.
Luisa A.
Dear Veronica, thank you, thank you so much !! :-))
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**Other time slots can be made available upon request. Don't hesitate to get in touch**
Native speaker from Paris with about 15 years of teaching experience. I’m well-travelled, and I’ve lived and worked in different parts of the world (Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Australia and a little bit in Asia).
I have a postgraduate degree (France) in Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies and I’m currently a freelance translator. I’ve previously worked at universities in France and abroad (South Africa/Australia) and have a solid experience in teaching (French Language, Literature, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Creative Writing, etc.), designing courses, evaluating and guiding students, preparing students for exams/job interviews/professional presentations, managing a Language and Literature department at the university, presenting papers at academic conferences worldwide, publishing, translating and journalism. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach people with different profiles and from various backgrounds: international professionals, university students, beginner translators and teachers, high school students, retirees, travellers, francophiles, children (help with homework), etc.
Being an open-minded, flexible and patient teacher, I enjoy helping others to discover their potential and to explore it. Adapting myself to my students' needs, pace and objectives is essential for me, and designing the best way to work with each student is very stimulating and rewarding.
After the initial introductory lesson, I will design customised lesson plans that will evolve as you progress. We can also, at any time during the programme, change our working method if you wish to do so. I remain very flexible in that regard.
The learning materials will be varied, and we will choose together the themes and aspects of French language to be covered, in line with your objectives. In any case, I am very attentive in general, so please don't hesitate to make any suggestions.
Regardless of your level and objectives, I'm sure that we can find the best way possible to share and enjoy this French language adventure together.
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Priscilla is a very competent and experienced French teacher. She prepares the lessons very carefully and focuses on all relevant aspects such as conversation, grammar and vocabulary. Above all, she has a very friendly personality that makes you feel at ease immediately. I can highly recommend her as a French teacher.
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