Dutch verb list
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The table shows you a list of 100 common used verbs in Dutch and their English translations.
Verb | Translation | Example | Translation |
1. antwoorden | to answer | Zij antwoordt haar vriend. | She answers her boyfriend. |
2. bang maken | to terrify | De broer maakt zijn zus bang. | The brother is terrifying his sister. |
3. beginnen | to start | Ik begin om 10 uur met werken. | I will start my work at 10am. |
4. berekenen | to calculate | Zij berekenen iets. | They are calculating something. |
5. bewust zijn (van) | to be aware (of) | Ze is bewust van de geschiedenis. | She is aware of the history. |
6. bijten | to bite | Een hond heeft me gebeten. | A dog has bitten me. |
7. blijven | to stay | Ik blijf in Frankrijk. | I stay in France. |
8. bouwen | to build | De familie is een huis aan het bouwen. | The family is building a house. |
9. brengen | to bring | Ze brengt salade naar de barbecue. | She brings salad to the barbecue. |
10. denken | to think | Zij denken aan eten. | They think of food. |
11. dichtdoen | to close | Doe de deur dicht! | Close the door! |
12. douchen | to take a shower | De vader is aan het douchen. | The father is taking a shower. |
13. draaien | to turn | Een wiel draait. | A wheel is turning. |
14. eten | to eat | Ik ga pizza eten vanavond. | I am going to eat pizza tonight. |
15. foto's maken | to take photos | Hij maakt foto's. | He is taking photos. |
16. gaat | to go | Hij gaat naar huis. | He is going home. |
17. geloven | to believe in | De familie gelooft in God. | The family believes in God. |
18. geven | to give | De dochter geeft haar moeder het cadeau. | The daughter is giving her mother the present. |
19. halen | to get | De moeder haalt brood bij de supermarkt. | The mother gets bread at the grocery store. |
20. hangen | to hang | Het schilderij hangt aan de muur. | The painting is hanging on the wall. |
21. hebben | to have | Zij hebben drie auto's. | They have three cars. |
22. helpen | to help | De leraar helpt de studenten. | The teachter is helping the students. |
23. heten | to be called | De kat heet Bounty. | The cat is called Bounty. |
24. (vast)houden | to hold | De zoon houdt de tassen vast. | The son is holding the bags. |
25. houden van | to like | Ik houd van eten. | I like food. |
26. kennen | to know | De familie kent de burgemeester. | The family knows the mayor. |
27. kijken naar | to look at | We kijken naar de bergen. | We are looking at the mountains. |
28. klimmen | to climb | De kat is in de boom geklommen. | The cat is climbed in the tree. |
29. koken | to do the cooking | Hij houdt van koken. | He loves to do the cooking. |
30. komen | to come | Wij komen niet vanavond. | We won't come tonight. |
31. kopen | to buy | De vader gaat een TV kopen. | The father is going to buy a television. |
32. kunnen | can | Zij kunnen Duits spreken. | They can speak german. |
33. lachen | to laugh | Zij lachen om een grap. | They are laughing about a joke. |
34. (toe)laten | to let | De ouders laten hun dochter naar het feest gaan. | The parents let their daughter go to the party. |
35. laten zien | to show | Ik laat jou het boek zien. | I show you the book. |
36. leiden | to guide | De kapitein leidt zijn team. | The captain is guiding his team. |
37. leven | to live | Hij leeft zijn leven. | He is living his life. |
38. lezen | to read | De klas leest een boek. | The class is reading a book. |
39. liggen | to lie | De moeder ligt op de bank. | The mother is lying on the couch. |
40. lopen | to walk | Ze loopt in een park. | She is walking in a park. |
41. luisteren (naar) | to listen to | Ze luister naar muziek. | She is listening to music. |
42. maken | to create | Ze maken een nieuwe auto. | They are creating a new car. |
43. maken/doen | To make | De manager doet een serieus aanbod. | The manager is making a serious offer. |
44. missen/ontbreken | to be missing | Sara ontbreekt vandaag. | Sara is missing today. |
45. moeten | to have to | Ik moet mijn kamer opruimen. | I have to clean my room. |
46. moeten | should | Je moet je voorbereid zijn. | You should be prepared. |
47. mogen | to be allowed to | Het kind mag TV kijken. | The child is allowed to watch television. |
48. nemen/pakken | to take | Pak de fles van de tafel. | Take the bottle on the table. |
49. nodig hebben | to need | Wij hebben hulp nodig. | We need help. |
50. om een geschenk te maken | to make a gift | Hij maakt een geschenk. | He is making a gift. |
51. ontvangen | to receive | Ik heb een brief ontvangen. | I have received a letter. |
52. openen | to open | Zij openen de winkel. | They open the store. |
53. opmerken | to notice | Ik heb je nieuwe kapsel opgemerkt. | I have noticed your new haircut. |
54. (in)pakken | to pack | Zij moet haar spullen pakken. | She should pack her things. |
55. praten | to talk | Zij praten met hun ouders. | They are talking with their parents. |
56. rennen | to run | Zij rennen in het park. | They are running in the park. |
57. rijden | to drive | Zij rijdt de auto. | She drives the car. |
58. schijnen | to shine | De zon schijnt. | The sun is shining. |
59. schreeuwen om | to shout for | Zij schreeuwt om hulp. | She is shouting for help. |
60. schreeuwen tegen | to yell at | Zij schreeuwen tegen hun kinderen. | They are yelling at their children. |
61. schrijven | to write | Ze is een essay aan het schrijven. | She is writing an essay. |
62. slapen | to sleep | De beer slaapt. | The bear is sleeping. |
63. spelen | to play | Ze spelen in de tuin. | They are playing in the garden. |
64. spreken | to speak | Jij spreekt Engels. | You speak english. |
65. springen | to jump | Ben je klaar om in het water te springen? | Are you ready to jump in the water? |
66. staan | to stand | Ze staan op. | They are standing up. |
67. studeren | to study | Ze studeren economie | They are studying economics. |
68. sturen | to send | Ze stuurde een ansichtkaart. | She sent a postcard. |
69. tillen | to carry | De vader tilt de tassen. | The father is carrying the bags. |
70. toebehoren | to belong to | De hond behoort toe aan de buurman. | The dog belongs to the neighbour. |
71. toenemen | to increase | De winst neemt toe | The profit increases. |
72. trekken | to pull | Zij trekt haar kind. | She is pulling her child. |
73. uitleggen | to explain | De leraar legt wiskunde uit. | The teacher is explaining maths. |
74. vallen | to fall | Hij viel uit de boom. | He fell out of the tree. |
75. vangen | to catch | De politie is een man aan het vangen. | The police is catching a man. |
76. vergeten | to forget | Ik vergat mijn broek. | I forgot my pants. |
77. verslaan | to beat | Ze verslaat hem in het rennen. | She beats him at running. |
78. vertellen | to tell | Ik wil jou een verhaal vertellen. | I want to tell you a story. |
79. verwijzen | to refer | De auteur verwijst naar zijn moeder in zijn boek. | The author is referring to his mother in his book. |
80. verzamelen | to collect | Hij verzamelt postzegels. | He is collecting stamps. |
81. vinden | to find | Ze vond een armbandje op straat. | She found a bracelet on the street. |
82. vliegen | to fly | Vogels vliegen in de lucht. | Birds fly in the sky. |
83. voeren | to feed | Ze voert de dieren. | She is feeding the animals. |
84. vragen | to ask | Hij vraagt iets. | He is asking something. |
85. wachten op | to wait for | We wachten op de bus. | We are waiting for the bus. |
86. wassen | to wash | Ik was de auto. | I wash the car. |
87. wensen | to wish | Ik wens voor vrede. | I wish for peace. |
88. werken | to work | Ik werk als leraar. | I work as a teacher. |
89. willen | to want | Ik wil ijs. | I want icecream. |
90. winnen | to win | Ze is de wedstrijd aan het winnen. | She is winning the game. |
91. wonen | to live | Zij wonen in Spanje. | They live in Spain. |
92. worden | to become | Ik word later een leraar. | I will become a teacher. |
93. zeggen | to say | Hij zegt dat je mooi bent. | He says that you are beautiful. |
94. zetten | to put | Hij zet de thee op tafel. | He puts the tea on the table. |
95. zien | to see | Ik zie jou. | I see you. |
96. zingen | to sing | Het koor is aan het zingen. | The choir is singing. |
97. zitten | to sit | De leerlingen zitten op hun stoelen. | The students are sitting on their chairs. |
98. zoeken | to look for | Wij zoeken onze zus. | We are looking for our sister. |
99. zwemmen | to swim | Wij zwemmen in het meer. | We are swimming in the lake. |
100. zwijgen | to keep silent | De leerlingen zwegen tijdens de uitleg. | The students kept silent during the explanation. |
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Hello,I would love to help you improve your knowledge of English.I adapt the lessons following your wishes : are you a beginner and need to get some basic knowledge with grammar and easy texts or do you want to improve your conversation skills. I can help you either way.Looking forward to meeting you !
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I have been with franscoise for nearly 20 lessons now. She has excellent command of English so it is easy to learn the Dutch expression equivalent to the one in english. She can focus on routine grammar stuff as well as useful daily conversation phrases such as “don’t jump the queue “ etc . She can definitely tailor the programme according to my need but in a discreet manner . Franscoise would give me homework such as exercise from the text or essay to help me consolidate what I have learnt , or simply prepare for the next lesson. She travelled a lot and has international perspective as well as cultural sensitivities but keeping her sense of humour. A kind and understanding person to be with. Definitely has a passion to teach and to share. Definitely not a money grabber ! Lucky to have her in my journey of Dutch learning.
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Teaching methodology
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I approached Linda with the intention to eliminate the grammar issues I had in my written Dutch and to render it more idiomatic. On the whole, I am genuinely contended with the lessons I had, since Linda is one highly educated lady with a good feeling for linguistic correctness and elegancy as well as an understanding teacher. Highly recommended!
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¡Hola! I’m Paul from Venezuela. I’ve been living in France since 2012, where I work as a fully qualified Spanish teacher at the university level, with up-to-date training.
I have extensive experience preparing students for DELE, SIELE, Bright, and CLOE exams, as well as general Spanish practice.
I specialize in helping students improve their Spanish pronunciation and grammar, assisting many in developing a more natural and fluid way of speaking.
I have worked for various universities and associations for over 10 years. Currently, I teach online for CoLanguage and engineering schools in France, mainly to university and high school students.
My sessions focus on encouraging students to use Spanish effectively, building their confidence, and helping them find their own natural way of expressing themselves in my language.
Looking forward to seeing you!
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Paul is a great teacher, very patient and motivating. The lessons are prepared and personalised. I definitely recommend taking lessons with Paul!
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I'm offering informal Dutch and English lessons based on conversation and will conduct my lessons for as much as possible in the target language.
I use text, weblinks to tv shows to get us talking and am a fan of the TPRS method.
There's a lot of information on that method online. Basically it's getting to know the structure Dutch and English through simple conversation. (questions about 1 or several sentences on any topic)
I have some useful weblinks to tv shows in Dutch (with subtitles in Dutch) adjusted to your level and the shows are entertaining too. :-)
We can discuss the shows preferably in the target language of course.
I can explain some grammar too if needed and have articles and books ready to read from. This again will be adjusted to your proficiency. But of course if you'd like to focus on a topic which has your interest that is possible as well. This makes it more personal and more fun.
I've been teaching for about a year now on another platform to students from all over the world and really enjoy having the experience again as I used to be a vocal coach back in the days when I attended conservatory in the Netherlands.
I hope to see you here on Co language. :-)
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Less is knowledgeable about teaching. He was positive and encouraging. During the lessons we followed a good routine. Reading aloud and accent corrections. Then review of homework followed by a TPRS exercise. He was always well prepared and punctual. I highly recommend him.
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Do you want to improve your Dutch for work and daily life in the Netherlands? I help young expats enhance their Dutch skills, so you can speak and write with more confidence. Not because you have to, but because you want to! My lessons are practical and focused on what you truly need, whether you’re a beginner or already at a higher level.
What you can expect:
Lessons for beginners to advanced learners (B2 to C1), with a methodical and structured approach
Exercises that fit your work and life in the Netherlands
Focus on building confidence and keeping your self-respect, as you find your place as a new resident
Long-term collaboration, aimed at lasting progress and making the most of your new country
In my lessons, you’ll not only learn the language but also how to communicate your unique value and fully use the opportunities in your new home. This way, you’ll get to know the Netherlands better and make your own special contribution!
Ready to improve your Dutch? Contact me and let’s explore the possibilities!
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Monique is such a great teacher! Her genuine kindness is a huge asset to learning a new language—I highly recommend :)
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Hello,I would love to help you improve your knowledge of English.I adapt the lessons following your wishes : are you a beginner and need to get some basic knowledge with grammar and easy texts or do you want to improve your conversation skills. I can help you either way.Looking forward to meeting you !
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We spoke in Dutch for most of the lesson which was ideal for me. Francoise was very patient and helpful.
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Hello, my name is Corinne and I am a qualified ESL English teacher from England. I have been teaching in classrooms and online for over 3 years and I have many satisfied students.
My lessons are student-centred and usually take place on Skype. I treat every student as an individual and tailor my lessons to meet their goals. I use a variety of text books and free online resources including exercises, articles and videos. I usually give out a little homework at the end of each lesson to reinforce what we have done together.
In your first lesson, we will discuss your needs and check your current level. From this, we can decide what sort of lessons will suit you the best. Perhaps you struggle with grammar and sentence structure? Perhaps you need to practice English for a specific purpose, like understanding lectures, making phone calls at work, or travelling? Or perhaps you need a structured course so that you can learn English step by step?
Whatever you need, I’m here to help. I see it as my job to make you feel safe, build your confidence and make your lessons enjoyable. I look forward to hearing from you and to helping you on your path to speaking better English. Book your first lesson now and let’s get started.
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I learn English with Corinne for a long time enough to credit her with the required qualities to be a good teacher. She is a brilliant listener. She can adapt her teaching style on the fly, depending on the student's needs. The learning materials are varied: news articles, grammar exercises, video, ... Finally, Corinne makes recommendations for books, movies, and series which are a good fit for my current level.
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It took me a long time to find my real passion in my (work) life. After studying in two universities, graduating in two bachelors, travelling the world and working abroad for several years I realized public education is where my heart lies. I went for the third time back to the university to get my teachers degree.
I have been a classroom teacher for 5 years in Dutch primary schools before I moved 4,5 years ago abroad to Colombia where I became specifically an English teacher. I am specialized in teaching in pre-, elementary, middle (secondary) and high school. I have been teaching in all different grades and all primary subjects in English and got specialised in Teaching English as a second language. Most schools where I have been working were inspired by the philosophy of 'Vygotsky'. A philosophy and methodology I also use in my private classes. Therefore they are dynamic and adapted to your personal needs.
Working in the Netherlands and Colombia in education and in several countries worldwide have allowed me to gain a variety of skill sets. These experiences also have provided me with the tools necessary for working abroad and online including adaptability, patience, dedication to my peer’s success, and respect for cultural and societal norms. Learning English as a second language from someone that is trained to teach the language like this and also once has learned the language herself as a second language (as my native language is Dutch), gives me a lot of benefits in comparison of learning the language from a native speaker.
Aside from this being my day to day job already for the past 10 years in Bilingual primary, middle and high schools, I started private classes to teach English as a second language in the afternoons. I am new to this platform as I haven't offered my services in the past through an official platform. With the recent changes worldwide I thought it is a good moment to focus more on online teaching and decided to dedicate all my time at the moment on online teaching. Therefore I have a wide availability Let me know which level you have and if there's anything specific you would like to focus on. I have experience in teaching all facets of the language.
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We found our first Dutch class with Lisa really helpful. She is very patient and made the class enjoyable. Looking forward to getting started :)
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My name is Kirstine. I'm an experienced English and Danish teacher. I teach at a primary and lower secondary school. (Students aged 6-16). But I'm also very interested in teaching both younger and older/adult students.
I'm an international coordinator at my school, and very used to working with students and teachers from all around the world.
I'm used to online teaching.
I love having contact with people from all around the world. I used to travel a lot, but now I love to meet people from other countries either at my AirBnB or through online sessions.
I love to hear from you and teach you either Danish or English.
I have an informal way of teaching, and will work together with you to make the sessions how you prefer them.
We can use a textbook if you prefer, but I also like to read the news, small books, look at online videos and more, and to discuss and learn from that.
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We can definitely recommend Kirstine as a Danish teacher. Our main goal is to learn how to speak Danish and we have been progressing very well through a mix of conversational, grammar, reading, and homework exercises. Kirstine was very open to tailor the classes to our specific needs.
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My name is Guus Weltings. I am 22 years old and I am currently living on Aruba. Currently I'm speaking two languages (Dutch and English), and learning two others (Spanish and German), so I am very familiar with the process!
Dutch can be used in more countries than you think! It is an official language in Aruba, Brussels, Curaçao, Flanders, Sint Maarten and Suriname. The Dutch culture is very diverse and full of foreign influences. I can help you learn all you want about our country and culture, and have fun doing so! Of course, if you just want to practice your Dutch by having conversations I can help you as well.
We can start off with a free trial class in which we will get to know each other and make a planning for the topics that you want to learn. After our trial class we could start right away with your first class!
I hope to see you soon! Tot snel!
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Guus is a very comprehensive and polite teacher who helps me to improve my difficulties to learn dutch. He gives me good orientations about how to get rid of my barriers.
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My name is Natalia and I am a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language. I was born in Uruguay and I’m currently living in Spain.
I have a degree in International Relations and I have been developing my career as a teacher.
My classes are designed following a natural and communicative, action-oriented approach. In each class you will be able to participate, think, give your opinion and thus you will develop step by step all the necessary skills to learn and master the language.
One-on-one Spanish lessons with me include:
- Authentic materials adapted to your needs and interests.
- Exercises and activities that will keep you motivated.
- Feedback and tips to progress.
If you…
- would love to travel through Latin America or Spain
- need to improve your pronunciation in Spanish, your fluency, your comprehension
- would like to invest in your professional career and you know that speaking Spanish is essential
- need Spanish to do business.
- or just want to learn this language because you like it
Book a free trial lesson with me and start learning this beautiful language!
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Natalia is a lovely and passionate teacher who clearly adores teaching and sharing her taste for languages to her pupils. She knows how to tailor them to her students, helping them to reach their goals. She adapts the subjects and themes to their tastes and is always available for help. I truly recommend her to anyone who wants to learn Spanish in a fun, informative way!
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My name is Anco Peeters,. I am born in The Netherlands and a native speaker of the Dutch language..
I started my career as a schoolteacher and as a gymnastic instructor.
Later I started working in the ICT sector. Now I am a freelance instructor and consultant who teaches mainly networking and telephony.
I am also an NLP Practitioner
My hobbies are: Yoga, traveling, fitness, walking, meeting people
I would love to teach the Dutch language in an informal way with the accent on learning to speak the language. Grammar is also important. We can talk about any topic. I would like to help you making progress and have a lot of experience in creating an individual plan for every student based on your needs
Would love to see you for a trial lesson
Kind regards
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Very good teacher. Good in explanations, helps you to understand your own mistakes and correcting it methodically. He speaks simply - you understand everything. Even if you had no experience in talking with native Dutch people before.
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Learn to communicate in Dutch from the first lesson! Enjoyable classes with teaching materials tailored to your needs. First 15 min. class for free. My name is Karin and I'm from Holland, but I live on the Canary Islands. I love teaching DUTCH and have done so for more than 20 years. I have a Diploma in English Philology. I also have two methodology degrees: the CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults of the University of Cambridge) and the FCTBE (Foundation Certificate for Teachers of Business English of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry).
I have taught at a Business School and ten companies. In the last two years I've mainly been giving private lessons and I've developed a variety of online self-study DUTCH courses. My schedule is flexible and I adapt myself to the needs and interests of my students so that they reach their objectives in the shortest possible time.
Enjoyable classes, with teaching materials tailored to your needs.
How do the classes work? A class lasts 45 minutes. I'll send you the materials we are going to use in class beforehand so you can print them. After the class I'll send you audios of the notes we made, vocabulary etc. My speciality is communication, from beginner level to advanced. So, you will speak some Dutch in the first class already! Why wait any longer? Let's get started! :-)
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I had my first lesson a couple of days ago and everything went super good! Karin was attentive, transmiting her positivism and helping me with every doubt I had. She really focus on teaching how to pronounce and talk a language, so this is really interesting for me, to practise it & be able to use it in my day by day. I really recommend her to everyone willing to learn a new language :)
Karin L.
Hi Alba! Thank you so much for your wonderful review! I enjoyed our class too & I wish you the best of luck with all your future projects :-)
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My name is Anco Peeters,. I am born in The Netherlands and a native speaker of the Dutch language..
I started my career as a schoolteacher and as a gymnastic instructor.
Later I started working in the ICT sector. Now I am a freelance instructor and consultant who teaches mainly networking and telephony.
I am also an NLP Practitioner
My hobbies are: Yoga, traveling, fitness, walking, meeting people
I would love to teach the Dutch language in an informal way with the accent on learning to speak the language. Grammar is also important. We can talk about any topic. I would like to help you making progress and have a lot of experience in creating an individual plan for every student based on your needs
Would love to see you for a trial lesson
Kind regards
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I started with Dutch language courses a few weeks ago. Anco has a good speaking and teaching style which keeps me interested during lessons. Lots of good learning material and exercises which make easier to understand and learn Dutch and to prepare for exam. Thanks Anco for the great lessons !
Anco P.
Thanks a lot for this feedback Aislu! With your perseverance you will definitely pass the exam.
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Hello! My name is Lee Moffat. I am a fully qualified English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland. I have over eighteen years teaching experience with levels ranging from complete beginners to proficiency level advanced (A1 and lower - C2 and higher). I offer either one to one online tuition or group tuition in the following areas:
Conversation skills
Pronunciation skills
IELTS preparation and TOEFL preparation
Business English
General English
These are the main areas i have taught in however if you need more specific skills we can discuss your needs in our free first class! Asides from teaching I work as an artist, writer and supporting actor on various film and television shows. My students describe me as helpful, informative, knowledgeable and fun to learn from. My approach to teaching is to be as helpful and informative as possible taking into account each students individual needs. If you would like more information please contact me and we can arrange a suitable date and time to have a free half hour trial class were we can discuss things further.
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I love working with Ian. He takes the time to tailor the lessons to my needs. Ian is also friendly, funny, down to earth and he makes learning fun! I highly recommend his tutoring services.
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Hello,I would love to help you improve your knowledge of English.I adapt the lessons following your wishes : are you a beginner and need to get some basic knowledge with grammar and easy texts or do you want to improve your conversation skills. I can help you either way.Looking forward to meeting you !
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I have been with franscoise for nearly 20 lessons now. She has excellent command of English so it is easy to learn the Dutch expression equivalent to the one in english. She can focus on routine grammar stuff as well as useful daily conversation phrases such as “don’t jump the queue “ etc . She can definitely tailor the programme according to my need but in a discreet manner . Franscoise would give me homework such as exercise from the text or essay to help me consolidate what I have learnt , or simply prepare for the next lesson. She travelled a lot and has international perspective as well as cultural sensitivities but keeping her sense of humour. A kind and understanding person to be with. Definitely has a passion to teach and to share. Definitely not a money grabber ! Lucky to have her in my journey of Dutch learning.
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Teaching methodology
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I approached Linda with the intention to eliminate the grammar issues I had in my written Dutch and to render it more idiomatic. On the whole, I am genuinely contended with the lessons I had, since Linda is one highly educated lady with a good feeling for linguistic correctness and elegancy as well as an understanding teacher. Highly recommended!
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¡Hola! I’m Paul from Venezuela. I’ve been living in France since 2012, where I work as a fully qualified Spanish teacher at the university level, with up-to-date training.
I have extensive experience preparing students for DELE, SIELE, Bright, and CLOE exams, as well as general Spanish practice.
I specialize in helping students improve their Spanish pronunciation and grammar, assisting many in developing a more natural and fluid way of speaking.
I have worked for various universities and associations for over 10 years. Currently, I teach online for CoLanguage and engineering schools in France, mainly to university and high school students.
My sessions focus on encouraging students to use Spanish effectively, building their confidence, and helping them find their own natural way of expressing themselves in my language.
Looking forward to seeing you!
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Paul is a great teacher, very patient and motivating. The lessons are prepared and personalised. I definitely recommend taking lessons with Paul!
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I'm offering informal Dutch and English lessons based on conversation and will conduct my lessons for as much as possible in the target language.
I use text, weblinks to tv shows to get us talking and am a fan of the TPRS method.
There's a lot of information on that method online. Basically it's getting to know the structure Dutch and English through simple conversation. (questions about 1 or several sentences on any topic)
I have some useful weblinks to tv shows in Dutch (with subtitles in Dutch) adjusted to your level and the shows are entertaining too. :-)
We can discuss the shows preferably in the target language of course.
I can explain some grammar too if needed and have articles and books ready to read from. This again will be adjusted to your proficiency. But of course if you'd like to focus on a topic which has your interest that is possible as well. This makes it more personal and more fun.
I've been teaching for about a year now on another platform to students from all over the world and really enjoy having the experience again as I used to be a vocal coach back in the days when I attended conservatory in the Netherlands.
I hope to see you here on Co language. :-)
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Less is knowledgeable about teaching. He was positive and encouraging. During the lessons we followed a good routine. Reading aloud and accent corrections. Then review of homework followed by a TPRS exercise. He was always well prepared and punctual. I highly recommend him.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials