The city and asking for directions in Italian
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In this lesson you will learn how to talk about the city and how to ask for directions.
Take a look at the most important places of the city.
Italian | English |
La città | City |
Il paese | Village |
La stazione | Train station |
Il centro | City center |
La periferia | Suburbs |
Il ristorante | Restaurant |
Il municipio | City Hall |
Il commissariato | Police station |
Il parco | Park |
Il museo | Museum |
La chiesa | Church |
Il supermercato | Supermarket |
Il mercato | Open-air market |
Il parco giochi | Playground |
Il parco | Park |
L'ospedale | Hospital |
L'aeroporto | Airport |
I pompieri | Fire department |
Il centro commerciale | Shopping center/mall |
La fermata del bus | Bus stop |
La metro | Underground train |
Il ponte | Bridge |
La posta/L'ufficio postale | Post office |
La scuola | School |
Il parcheggio | Parking/parking lot |
Il negozio | Shop |
La discoteca | Disco |
Il bar | Pub |
La piazza | The square |
Il monumento | Monument |
Il porto | Harbour |
La strada | Street |
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To know how to get to a specific place in the city, use the following expressions.
Italian | English |
Mi scusi,... | Excuse me,... |
Dove si trova...? | Where is...? |
Come si arriva...? | How do I get to? |
Mi può dire dove si trova x...? | Could you tell me where the x is....? |
Mi sono perso | I'm lost |
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Mi scusi, dove si trova la scuola? | Excuse me, where is the school? |
Come si arriva al municipio? | How do I get to the City Hall? |
By giving directions the cardinal points can be important.
Italian | English |
Nord | North |
Sud | South |
Ovest | West |
Est | East |
To tell somebody which way to go, use the following expressions.
Italian | English |
Sinistra | Left |
Right | Destra |
A sinistra | To the left |
A destra | To the right |
Dritto/Diritto | Straight on |
Davanti/Di fronte | In front of/facing |
Dietro | Behind |
Vicino | Close/Near |
Lontano | Far |
In fianco | Next to |
All'inizio | At the beginning |
Alla fine | At the end |
L'incrocio | Crossing |
La rotonda | Roundabout |
Il semaforo | Traffic light |
Girare | Turn |
Attraversare | Cross |
When giving directions, use the Imperative.
Take a look at the following sentences.
Italian | English |
Per arrivare al parco, continui dritto e poi giri a destra. | To get to the park, go straigh on and then turn right. |
L'ufficio postale è vicino al municipio. | The post office is close to the City Hall. |
Take a look at the following dialogue.
Italian | English | |
Turista Tourist | Mi scusi, dove si trova la stazione? | Excuse me, where is the station? |
Passante Passer-by | E' un po' complicato...Deve andare dritto fino all'incrocio. | It's a bit complicated...You have to go straight on, until the intersection. |
Turista Tourist | L'incrocio vicino al supermercato? | Is the intersection close to the supermarket? |
Passante Passer-by | No, quello vicino al parco. Poi deve proseguire dritto e prendere la terza strada a sinistra. | No, the one close to the park. Then you have to go straight on and take the third street on the left. |
Turista Tourist | Sì... | Yeah... |
Passante Passer-by | Da lì, continui fino alla fine della strada e giri a destra. Di fianco all'ufficio postale c'è un'altra strada, la prenda e continui per 50 metri. Poi giri a sinistra. | From there, go on until the end of the street and turn right. Next to the post office there is another street, take it and continue for 50 meters. Then turn left. |
Turista Tourist | Ok... | Ok... |
Passante Passer-by | Davanti alla scuola, tra il ristorante e il museo, c'è la stazione. | In front of the school, between the restaurant and the museum, there is the station. |
Turista Tourist | Grazie! Spero di non perdermi... | Thank you! I hope I won't get lost... |
1. Devo andare al dopo il lavoro.
I have to go to the supermarket after work.
2. La davanti a casa mia è aperta fino alle 3 di notte.
The disco in front of my house is open until 3 am.
3. Il mio paese è piccolo e non ha una .
My village is small and it doens't have a train station.
4. Marco va spesso al a passeggiare col cane.
Marco often goes to the park to walk with the dog.
5. La è abbastanza grande.
The square is fairly big.
6. Hanno recentemente rinnovato il .
They have recently renieved the museum.
7. Il mio migliore amico vive in .
My best friend lives in the outskirt.
8. Al ci sono molte barche costose.
At the harbour there are a lot of expensive boats.
9. Hanno aperto una nuova vicino al museo.
They opened a new school near the museum.
10. Il del centro commerciale è troppo piccolo.
The parking lot of the mall is too small.
1. Mi scusi, come si arriva al ?
(Excuse me, how do you get to the supermarket?)
2. La discoteca è al parco.
(The disco is behind the park.)
3. Il centro è molto dall'aeroporto.
(The city center is very far from the airport.)
4. Prima deve a destra e poi a .
(First you have to turn right, then left.)
5. Dove si trova la ?
(Where is the church?)
6. Prosegua dritto al .
(Go straight on at the traffic light.)
7. Il municipio è vicino alla .
(The City Hall is close to the roundabout.)
8. Il parcheggio è della strada.
(The parking lot is at the end of the street.)
9. I bambini vanno al parco giochi al municipio ogni pomeriggio.
(The kids go to the playground near the City Hall every afternoon.)
10. Devi quello incrocio.
(You have to cross that crossing.)
Turista: Mi scusi, dove si trova la ?
(Tourist: Excuse me, where is the station?)
Passante: E' un po' complicato...Deve andare dritto fino all'.
(Passer-by: It's a bit complicated...You have to go straight on, until the crossing.)
Turista: L'incrocio vicino al ?
(Tourist :The crossing close to the supermarket?)
Passante: No, quello vicino al parco. Poi deve proseguire dritto e prendere la terza a sinistra.
(Passer-by: No, the one close to the park. Then you have to go straight on and take the third street on the left.)
Turista: Sì...
(Tourist: Yeah...)
Passante: Da lì, continui fino alla fine della strada e giri a . Di fianco all'ufficio postale c'è un'altra strada, la prenda e continui per 50 metri. Poi giri a .
(Passer-by: From there, go on until the end of the street and turn right. Next to the post office there is another street, take it and continue for 50 meters. Then turn left.)
Turista: Ok...
(Tourist: Ok...)
Passante: Davanti alla , tra il e il museo, c'è la stazione.
(Passer-by: In front of the school, between the restaurant and the museum, there is the station.)
Turista: Grazie! Spero di non perdermi...
(Tourist : Thank you! I hope I won't get lost...)
1. Devo andare al dopo il lavoro.
I have to go to the supermarket after work.
2. La davanti a casa mia è aperta fino alle 3 di notte.
The disco in front of my house is open until 3 am.
3. Il mio paese è piccolo e non ha una .
My village is small and it doens't have a train station.
4. Marco va spesso al a passeggiare col cane.
Marco often goes to the park to walk with the dog.
5. La è abbastanza grande.
The square is fairly big.
6. Hanno recentemente rinnovato il .
They have recently renieved the museum.
7. Il mio migliore amico vive in .
My best friend lives in the outskirt.
8. Al ci sono molte barche costose.
At the harbour there are a lot of expensive boats.
9. Hanno aperto una nuova vicino al museo.
They opened a new school near the museum.
10. Il del centro commerciale è troppo piccolo.
The parking lot of the mall is too small.
1. Mi scusi, come si arriva al ?
(Excuse me, how do you get to the supermarket?)
2. La discoteca è al parco.
(The disco is behind the park.)
3. Il centro è molto dall'aeroporto.
(The city center is very far from the airport.)
4. Prima deve a destra e poi a .
(First you have to turn right, then left.)
5. Dove si trova la ?
(Where is the church?)
6. Prosegua dritto al .
(Go straight on at the traffic light.)
7. Il municipio è vicino alla .
(The City Hall is close to the roundabout.)
8. Il parcheggio è della strada.
(The parking lot is at the end of the street.)
9. I bambini vanno al parco giochi al municipio ogni pomeriggio.
(The kids go to the playground near the City Hall every afternoon.)
10. Devi quello incrocio.
(You have to cross that crossing.)
Turista: Mi scusi, dove si trova la ?
(Tourist: Excuse me, where is the station?)
Passante: E' un po' complicato...Deve andare dritto fino all'.
(Passer-by: It's a bit complicated...You have to go straight on, until the crossing.)
Turista: L'incrocio vicino al ?
(Tourist :The crossing close to the supermarket?)
Passante: No, quello vicino al parco. Poi deve proseguire dritto e prendere la terza a sinistra.
(Passer-by: No, the one close to the park. Then you have to go straight on and take the third street on the left.)
Turista: Sì...
(Tourist: Yeah...)
Passante: Da lì, continui fino alla fine della strada e giri a . Di fianco all'ufficio postale c'è un'altra strada, la prenda e continui per 50 metri. Poi giri a .
(Passer-by: From there, go on until the end of the street and turn right. Next to the post office there is another street, take it and continue for 50 meters. Then turn left.)
Turista: Ok...
(Tourist: Ok...)
Passante: Davanti alla , tra il e il museo, c'è la stazione.
(Passer-by: In front of the school, between the restaurant and the museum, there is the station.)
Turista: Grazie! Spero di non perdermi...
(Tourist : Thank you! I hope I won't get lost...)
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Are you doing an Erasmus in Italy or Spain?
Are you came back recently?
Do you want a languages certification?
Here i am! I'm Andrea an Italian/spanish teacher that living in Spain. I got a Teaching Master and I'm working as italian teacher. Also, I have a C1 spanish level ( DELE certification) and I can teach you both languages.
Send me a request and we can find the best solution for you ;)
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It's very useful to go through writing I have done and discuss other ways of expressing the same idea.
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I am Russian native speaker and I've been teaching Russian over the last four years. I teach students of all levels, from zero to advanced level, teenagers and adults. Great focus will be on grammar, listening and conversation. After few lessons you will already notice the improvements.
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Lera is a fantastic teacher, incredibly patient and I really look forward to the next lesson. Russian is not an easy language for me but with lera’s kindness and patience I enjoy the small steps I am making in my journey to learn Russian language.
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Since I learn languages myself, I know the difficulties and hurdles that can arise when learning a foreign language. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it!
You want to take a telc or Goethe exam? I will help you! I teach from level B1 to C2. In the course of my teaching I have specialised in students and adult learners from the age of 19 who want to take one of these exams for professional or private reasons.
If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level.
I'll also show you how to integrate German into your everyday life, recommend podcasts, books and series to expand your vocabulary.
Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I will also prepare you for your job interviews.
Don't be shy and write to me before you book a trial lesson. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. I adapt each lesson individually to you.
Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together.
What can you expect in my lessons?
- Creative and professional preparation for telc or Goethe from B1 level upwards
- Conversation classes
- Language lessons individually adapted to your needs, each lesson is prepared for you individually
- Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV
- Grammar explanations that YOU just need.
- Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. Learning should be fun!
The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. I will be happy to correct it. Let me inspire you!
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Amazing teacher with excellent pedagogical skills! She has helped me very well to improve my german. Absolutely recommended!
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Hi there, I’m Letizia!
I've always had a great passion for languages and have made it my life's work.
I have been teaching English, Spanish and Italian as second languages (L2) to international students for 7 years now. I mainly work with teenagers and adults, but I also have experience with school-age children.
I am specialised in Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics for teaching: specifically, I work on the processes of L2 language acquisition (SLA), language development and processing.
Course features:
- Exams and certifications
- Academic and colloquial language
- Vocabulary and oral skills
- Course build on your needs and goals
- Interactive activities
- Authentic and personalised study materials.
Cancellation policy: to cancel or reschedule a lesson, please give at least a 6 hours notice.
Delays are accepted for up to 15 minutes, after which the lesson will be considered not cancelled and, thus, charged.
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Very professional. Well thought out and planned lessons. Materials to prep for lesson sent out well in advance.
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I offer English and Indonesian language classes. My class is based on conversation practice. You will learn grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary through practice. You will learn in a safest way because I always want to make sure my students feel comfortable and safe during the class, so they are not afraid to make mistakes.
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Ade is a very gentle person with lots of experience in teaching English. She offers well structured lessons, I totally recommend her!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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My name is Mariateresa, I'm Italian and I teach English, Italian and Spanish to foreign students.
Having lived in Spain during my last year at University, I moved to the UK, where I lived for the next five years. My English at that time was quite poor and I made a living by doing various jobs.
One day, inspired by my amazing English teacher Mandy, I had an idea: why not teach my native language and Spanish to English people and other nationalities? You wouldn’t believe how fascinated people are by these languages!
It was in 2017 when I fell in love with this job. So much so that one year later I successfully attained a TESOL Certificate, to teach English as a foreign language.
Teaching allows me to fully express myself and my personal qualities, such as patience and an ability to give my full attention to other people. By giving students a space in which to express themselves without fear, I create a safe, non-judgemental environment.
When a new student contacts me I always offer them a free trial lesson, so that we can introduce ourselves and I can get to know their level, interests and needs. It's from there that I create the ensuing lessons.
I provide students with a solid grammar base, but also help them to understand the application and use of the language in everyday life. At the same time, I tailor the lesson to suit the students' main interests – such as grammar, speaking, pronunciation, writing or exam preparation. I teach students of different levels, from beginners to advanced.
Although I love teaching in-person, I have adapted myself to teaching online as well. I have also completed a Teaching English Online course offered by Cambridge University. I have to admit that it's a really effective method, plus you meet people from all over the world!
Having lived abroad for several years I know that learning a foreign language requires time, but it's also fun. By speaking in it we can express hidden parts of ourselves – it's a bit like acting!
You can also assimilate the culture from which the language evolves. It's interesting to see how we can change and develop!
My aim is to transmit to students the idea that nothing is impossible. Learning a language is challenging, but entirely achievable if you keep in mind that it's a journey made of small steps.
What is important is to establish those small objectives every day, and reach them with calm determination.
Like a tracker counts the steps that you walk, put on your “count-words tracker” and you'll be surprised at how much you have learned by the end of the day!
For more information visit:
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Maria, was very helpful. I was a bit of a challenging case and so she had to modify her teaching program on the fly and did so with competence.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is the best teacher ever! I would recommend her to literally anyone that wants to learn Italian. She is kind, sweet, patient, has a great sense of humor and does her job very well and detailed. I have been taking lessons with her for over 2 years now and my Italian improved so much! She always sends you all the materials you need and anything you ask for, like reading materials, grammar exercises etc. Daniela is extremely positive and always comes very prepared and in a great mood. She even makes the hard and more difficult things to learn a fun process. What I liked a lot, is that she doesn’t only teach you the theory but takes her time to have many conversations with you, about all kinds of topics, so that you really get the confidence for fluent talking. She does her job with a lot of passion and dedication and there is literally no question about the Italian language that she cannot answer. I don’t think there is a teacher out there, that will give you so much of her knowledge, joy and time for such a convenient price. Highly recommend!!!
Daniela V.
Dear Iulia, I am so happy that you are satisfied with our courses together. It's true, we have come a long way. Your Italian (already beautiful from the start) has grown more and more and has become wonderful! Thank you for the trust you have given me since day one :-)
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My name is Mara, I took a Master's in Foreign Languages and Translation (English and German) and then I started working as a Teacher to kids and adults. Since my students are aged between 1 and 69 years old, I developed 3 different methods:
1. Fluency - for intermediate/upper intermediate students, mainly based on listening and speaking; specific topics.
2. TPR - total physical response, all levels, mainly based on activities, role plays and board games.
3. Traditional - all levels, grammar, listening, speaking and writing/reading with a traditional approach
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Mara is an experienced teach who is passionate about teaching English to people of all ages. I recommend her to anyone
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Thank you for putting up with all my mistakes today! We had plenty of conversation practice although the listening we did was quite tough but very useful .
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Why should you choose me? Take a look at what people say who have taken online classes with me.
Book lessons with me and
- prepare Dutch exams "Basisinburgering A1" and "Inburgeringsexamen A2". Your full commitment and my energetic, professional approach are the winning combination to help you succeed at once!
- learn Dutch because you live in the Netherlands (or are planning to move there) and still don’t speak the language properly or haven’t started yet. You’ll enjoy your environment more!
- learn Italian for work or because you will move to this beautiful country or simply because you just love it. Let me help you experience the language!
- study Spanish for pleasure, work or because you have to prepare an exam for school and you need to get confident to perform optimally
- get confident in useful daily conversations, meetings at work, exams, and presentations
- overcome the fear of failure; if you have learning problems, feel shy or need a boost of energy you’ll get confident enough to achieve your goals
My lessons are based on conversations. My method is to help you practice the language from the very beginning in spontaneous and direct conversations, using often role plays.
With books, articles, songs, and other interesting and stimulating material I will encourage conversation, develop grammar in a simpler way, and improve pronunciation.
Learning a foreign language is not a matter of doing much effort, but rather of being consistent, enjoying the lessons and allowing your intuition to work with you. You will book immediate results while having fun!
I've been teaching Dutch, Spanish and Italian for many years, in The Netherlands, for private institutes, for the integration of foreigners into society (Inburgering), and online from Italy, where I currently live.
Contact me for a free trial and let me know how I can help you.
If you cancel a reservation please do it at least 24 hours before the session
(otherwise I would have to charge you for the lesson).
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Very Nice communication, easy to study and prictice Italiano, I am a Biginner and She has the patient to understand me.
Elena P.
Thank you so much for the feedback, Pedro! It's a pleasure to work with you and help you achieve your goal.
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Hi, guys! My name is Lucia and I would like to invite you to learn Italian with me.
I am both a native speaker and a QUALIFIED teacher, as I hold a post-graduate degree in “Teaching Italian as a second language” and a national certification as teacher of Italian to not-native speaking.
My teaching method is COMMUNICATION-oriented and involves also the study of Italian culture and grammar. Indeed, as it happens in your mother language, the knowledge of spare words is not enough to get able to speak (i.e. INTERACT!) properly and conveniently.
I’ll prepare for you all teaching materials, tailoring lessons to your needs and interests, taking advantage from both the huge number of textbooks I hold and my creativity!
I offer lessons for all levels, from absolute beginners to advanced, as well as support in preparation to certification exams (I am also qualified ad examiner for the oral part of CELI).
Do not hesitate to get in contact with me to find a suitable time-slot for your trial lesson!
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I highly recommend Lucia, she is an amazing teacher, very pedagogical and explains all the rules in a very comprehensible manner. The program/book she uses is great, words are easy to remember and the exercises are interesting and interactive. 5 out of 5!
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Hello, my name is Francesca.
I am qualified Italian teacher.
I love teaching and my lessons are always tailored on your goals. During the first lesson, we will identify what you want to learn or to improve and I will design your lessons.
My approach is largely conversational: that is role-plays, informal conversation or other activites to help you. I welcome beginners right up to proficient speakers.
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Had my trial class with Francesca. She creates a very inviting atmosphere for a pleasant communication despite the language challenges. Although it was just an introductory class, I have already learned a few things.. Going to continue my studies with Francesca !
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Do you want to learn Italian to know better the Italian culture and enjoy a trip in Italy? Do you need it for your business or to speak with your relatives?
Whatever is your reason in learning Italian I can help you and personalize your lesson according to your needs and interest.
My work as Italian tutor started with my love for languages and for travels. I experienced that learning a new language is a way to know a new culture and to enrich your knowledge of the world.
I started teaching Italian online few years ago. I have a TEFL certificate, and currently teach students from different parts of the world.
Before teaching Italian, I worked for a few years after graduation in tourism.
I believe that the teacher work requires continual renewal and study of new teaching methods is part of my job.
Feel free to contact me so we can tailor your personal lessons.
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A big 'thank you'to Davide for the last 12 lessons. We have done some very useful work together and he is supportive and encouraging.
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Are you doing an Erasmus in Italy or Spain?
Are you came back recently?
Do you want a languages certification?
Here i am! I'm Andrea an Italian/spanish teacher that living in Spain. I got a Teaching Master and I'm working as italian teacher. Also, I have a C1 spanish level ( DELE certification) and I can teach you both languages.
Send me a request and we can find the best solution for you ;)
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It's very useful to go through writing I have done and discuss other ways of expressing the same idea.
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I am Russian native speaker and I've been teaching Russian over the last four years. I teach students of all levels, from zero to advanced level, teenagers and adults. Great focus will be on grammar, listening and conversation. After few lessons you will already notice the improvements.
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Lera is a fantastic teacher, incredibly patient and I really look forward to the next lesson. Russian is not an easy language for me but with lera’s kindness and patience I enjoy the small steps I am making in my journey to learn Russian language.
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Since I learn languages myself, I know the difficulties and hurdles that can arise when learning a foreign language. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it!
You want to take a telc or Goethe exam? I will help you! I teach from level B1 to C2. In the course of my teaching I have specialised in students and adult learners from the age of 19 who want to take one of these exams for professional or private reasons.
If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level.
I'll also show you how to integrate German into your everyday life, recommend podcasts, books and series to expand your vocabulary.
Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I will also prepare you for your job interviews.
Don't be shy and write to me before you book a trial lesson. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. I adapt each lesson individually to you.
Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together.
What can you expect in my lessons?
- Creative and professional preparation for telc or Goethe from B1 level upwards
- Conversation classes
- Language lessons individually adapted to your needs, each lesson is prepared for you individually
- Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV
- Grammar explanations that YOU just need.
- Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. Learning should be fun!
The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. I will be happy to correct it. Let me inspire you!
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Learning materials
Amazing teacher with excellent pedagogical skills! She has helped me very well to improve my german. Absolutely recommended!
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Hi there, I’m Letizia!
I've always had a great passion for languages and have made it my life's work.
I have been teaching English, Spanish and Italian as second languages (L2) to international students for 7 years now. I mainly work with teenagers and adults, but I also have experience with school-age children.
I am specialised in Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics for teaching: specifically, I work on the processes of L2 language acquisition (SLA), language development and processing.
Course features:
- Exams and certifications
- Academic and colloquial language
- Vocabulary and oral skills
- Course build on your needs and goals
- Interactive activities
- Authentic and personalised study materials.
Cancellation policy: to cancel or reschedule a lesson, please give at least a 6 hours notice.
Delays are accepted for up to 15 minutes, after which the lesson will be considered not cancelled and, thus, charged.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Very professional. Well thought out and planned lessons. Materials to prep for lesson sent out well in advance.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials