Animals and pets in Italian
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In this lesson you will find some useful words about the most important pets and animals.
Here's a list with some animali domestici (pets/domestic animals).
Italian | English |
L'animale | Animal |
Il cane | Dog |
Il cucciolo | Puppy |
Il gatto | Cat |
Il gattino | Kitten |
Il pappagallo | Parrot |
Il pesce rosso | Goldfish |
Il canarino | Canary |
Il coniglio | Rabbit |
La tartaruga | Turtle |
Il criceto | Hamster |
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Questo è il mio cane. Si chiama Fido. | This is my dog. His name is Fido. |
In casa abbiamo due gatti, un cane e tre pesci rossi. | At home we have two cats, a dog and three goldfishes. |
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Here's a list with the most important animali della fattoria (farm animals).
Italian | English |
La mucca | Cow |
Il toro | Bull |
Il vitello | Calf |
Il gallo | Cock |
La gallina | Hen |
Il pollo | Chicken |
L'asino | Donkey |
L'anatra | Duck |
La capra | Goat |
La pecora | Sheep |
L'agnello | Lamb |
L'oca | Goose |
Il cavallo | Horse |
Il maiale | Pig |
Il tacchino | Turkey |
La volpe | Fox |
L'uccello | Bird |
Il topo | Mouse |
Chek out the following examples.
Italian | English |
L'asino non è un animale stupido. | The donkey isn't a stupid animal. |
C'è un topo in cucina! | There's a mouse in the kitchen. |
Here's a list with the most important animali selvatici (wild animals).
Italian | English |
L'aquila | Eagle |
L'elefante | Elephant |
Il pipistrello | Bat |
La rana | Frog |
La lucertola | Lizard |
Il serpente | Snake |
Lo scoiattolo | Squirrel |
L'orso | Bear |
Il lupo | Wolf |
Il leone | Lion |
La tigre | Tiger |
La giraffa | Giraffe |
La zebra | Zebra |
Il panda | Panda |
Il koala | Koala |
Il canguro | Kangaroo |
La scimmia | Monkey/Ape |
Il pinguino | Penguin |
Italian | English |
Allo zoo ho visto un orso bianco. | At the zoo I saw a white bear. |
Il canguro è l'animale simbolo dell'Australia. | The kangaroo is the symbol (animal) of Australia. |
Here are gli insetti (the insects) in Italian.
Italian | English |
L'ape | Bee |
La farfalla | Butterfly |
La formica | Ant |
La mosca | Fly |
La zanzara | Mosquito |
Il ragno | Spider |
La vespa | Wasp |
La lumaca | Snails |
La coccinella | Ladybug |
Here are some examples.
Italian | English |
La farfalla Monarca è un tipo raro di farfalla. | The Monarch Butterfly is a rare type of butterfly. |
C'era una zanzara nella mia stanza e non ho dormito tutta la notte. | There was a mosquito in my room and I couldn't sleep all night. |
Here's a list of animali marini (sea animals).
Italian | English |
Il pesce | Fish |
La balena | Whale |
Lo squalo | Shark |
Il tonno | Tuna |
Il delfino | Dolphin |
La medusa | Jellyfish |
La foca | Seal |
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | Englisgh |
Hanno trovato uno squalo nel Mar Mediterraneo. | They found a shark in the Mediterranean Sea. |
La foca è il mio animale preferito. | The seal is my favourite animal. |
Take a look at these idiomatics expressions with animals.
Italian | English |
Cuor di leone Coraggioso come un leone | Lionheart Brave as a lion |
Solo come un cane | Alone like a dog |
Lento come una lumaca | Slow, like a snail |
Essere furbo come una volpe | Sharp as a tack |
Essere come cane e gatto | To fight like cats and dogs |
Muto come un pesce | Quiet as a mouse |
Avere lo sguardo da aquila | Eagle-eye |
Mangiare come un canarino | To eat like a bird |
Un cane sciolto | A maverick |
Febbre da cavallo | Raging fever |
Avere una fame da lupi | To starve |
Una mosca bianca | To be a rare bird |
Check out the following dialogue.
Italian | English | |
Maestra Teacher | Sara, hai degli animali domestici? | Sara, do you have any pets? |
Sara | Sì maestra! Ho un gatto che si chiama Milù, un coniglio che si chiama Lilli e due cani: uno si chiama Rex e l'altro Fufi. | Yes teacher! I have a cat called Milù, a rabbit called Lilli and two dogs: one is called Rex and the other Fufi. |
Maestra Teacher | Wow! Se non sbaglio, tu vivi in una fattoria, no? | Wow! If I am not wrong, you live in a farm, don't you? |
Sara | Sì! Ho anche tre mucche, due capre, un cavallo, e sette galline. | Yes! I have three cows, two goats, a horse, and seven hens. |
Maestra Teacher | E qual è il tuo animale preferito, in generale? | And what's your favourite animal, in general? |
Sara | Il pinguino! | The penguin! |
Fill in the missing words.
Be careful! Sometimes you also need to write the correct article.
1. Nessuno vorrebbe essere solo come un .
Nobody would want to be alone like a dog.
2. Mia cugina ha comprato un giallo e l'ha chiamato Titti.
My cousin bought a new canary and she called it Tweety.
3. che mi hanno regalato si chiama Ciuffo.
The rabbit they gave to me is called Ciuffo.
4. Mi ha mostrato una foto di un di Labrador.
He showed me a picture of a Labrador puppy.
5. ha imparato a ripetere le parole che sente.
The parrot learned how to repeat the words he hears.
6. Ieri ho trovato una nel giardino.
Yesterday I found a turtle in the garden.
7. Sembra che si annoi nell'acquario.
It looks like the goldfish is bored in the aquarium.
8. di Sara ha rotto il mio vaso di porcellana!
Sara's cat broke my china vase.
9. Il pinguino è il mio preferito.
The penguin is my favourite animal.
10. corre sulla ruota.
The hamster runs on the hamster wheel.
1. Il Giorno del Ringraziamento gli americani mangiano il _______.
On Thanksgiving's Day Americans eat the turkey.
2. L'______ non è un animale stupido.
The donkey isn't a stupid animal.
3. Un _______ ha mangiato tutto il formaggio.
The mouse ate all the cheese.
4. E' molto costoso avere un ________.
It's very expensive to have a horse.
5. La carne di _______ è usata per prudurre il salame.
The pig's meat is used to make salame.
6. Il _______ insegue il colore rosso.
The bull chases the colour red.
7. Ieri è scappata la ________.
Yesterday the hen fled away.
8. La __________ produce latte e lana.
The sheep produces milk and wool.
9. La ________ sembrava spaventata dai turisti.
The cow seemed to be scared by the tourists.
10. La volpe ha mangiato il ___________.
The fox ate the chicken.
1. Il Giorno del Ringraziamento gli americani mangiano il _______.
On Thanksgiving's Day Americans eat the turkey.
2. L'______ non è un animale stupido.
The donkey isn't a stupid animal.
3. Un _______ ha mangiato tutto il formaggio.
The mouse ate all the cheese.
4. E' molto costoso avere un ________.
It's very expensive to have a horse.
5. La carne di _______ è usata per prudurre il salame.
The pig's meat is used to make salame.
6. Il _______ insegue il colore rosso.
The bull chases the colour red.
7. Ieri è scappata la ________.
Yesterday the hen fled away.
8. La __________ produce latte e lana.
The sheep produces milk and wool.
9. La ________ sembrava spaventata dai turisti.
The cow seemed to be scared by the tourists.
10. La volpe ha mangiato il ___________.
The fox ate the chicken.
Fill in the missing words. In some cases, the article is needed!
1. ha le ali, ma non sa volare.
(The peguin has wings, but it can't fly.)
2. Si dice che sia un animale molto intelligente.
(They say the elephant is a very smart animal.)
3. Quale animale assomiglia ad un cavallo ma ha delle strisce bianche e nere?
- !
(What animal looks like a horse but has black and white stripes?
- The zebra!)
4. ha una bellissima coda.
(The squirrel has a beautiful tail.)
5. Nel corso del tempo, ha sviluppato un collo lungo per mangiare le foglie sugli alberi più alti.
(Over the course of the time, the giraffe developed its long neck to eat the leaves on the tallest trees.)
6. L'uomo si è evoluto dalla .
(The man evolved from the ape.)
7. nel Libro della Giungla si chiama Shere Khan.
(The tiger in The Jungle Book is called Shere Khan.)
8. di Cappuccetto Rosso divorò la nonna.
(The wolf of Little Red Riding Hood devoured the grandmother.)
9. porta i suoi piccoli nel marsupio.
(The kangaroo carries its babies in the pouch.)
10. Al piace dormire.
(The koala loves to sleep.)
1. Quale di questi insetti ha le ali ed è colorato?
(Which of these insects has wings and is colorful?)
La formica
La farfalla
2. Quale di questi animali è solitamente lento?
(Which of these animals is typically slow?)
La lumaca
Lo squalo
3. La _______ mangia il plankton.
(The whale eats the plankton.)
4. La ______ nuota nelle acque pulite.
(The jellyfish swims in clear waters.)
5. Nel Mar Mediterraneo è comune pescare il _________.
In the Mediterranean Sea it's typical to catch tuna.
6. Il gatto mangia il _______.
(The cat eats the fish.)
7. Dicono che la __________ porti fortuna.
(They say that the ladybug is a symbol of good luck.)
8. Il _______ è un animale molto socievole.
(The dolphin is a very sociable animal.)
9. Poco fa mi ha punto una _______.
A short time ago, a mosquito bit me.
10. La ______ vive nelle zone fredde del pianeta.
(The seal lives in the cold areas of the Planet.)
1. Quale di questi insetti ha le ali ed è colorato?
(Which of these insects has wings and is colorful?)
La farfalla
2. Quale di questi animali è solitamente lento?
(Which of these animals is typically slow?)
La lumaca
3. La _______ mangia il plankton.
(The whale eats the plankton.)
4. La ______ nuota nelle acque pulite.
(The jellyfish swims in clear waters.)
5. Nel Mar Mediterraneo è comune pescare il _________.
In the Mediterranean Sea it's typical to catch tuna.
6. Il gatto mangia il _______.
(The cat eats the fish.)
7. Dicono che la __________ porti fortuna.
(They say that the ladybug is a symbol of good luck.)
8. Il _______ è un animale molto socievole.
(The dolphin is a very sociable animal.)
9. Poco fa mi ha punto una _______.
A short time ago, a mosquito bit me.
10. La ______ vive nelle zone fredde del pianeta.
(The seal lives in the cold areas of the Planet.)
Fill in the missing words.
Be careful! Some expressions don't use the same animals as in English.
1. Lionheart: Cuor di ;
2. Alone like a dog: Solo come un ;
3. Sharp as a tack: Essere furbo come una ;
4. To fight like cats and dogs: Essere come e ;
5. Quiet as a mouse: Muto come un ;
6. Eat like a bird: Mangiare come un ;
7. A maverick: Un sciolto;
8. Raging fever: Febbre da ;
9. To be a rare bird: Una bianca;
10. Eagle-eye: Avere lo sguardo da .
Maestra: Sara, hai degli animali domestici?
(Teacher: Sara, do you have any pets?)
Sara: Sì maestra! Ho un che si chiama Milù, un che si chiama Lilli e due cani: uno si chiama Rex e l'altro Fufi.
(Sara: Yes teacher! I have a cat called Milù, a rabbit called Lilli and two dogs: one is called Rex and the other Fufi.)
Maestra: Wow! Se non sbaglio, tu vivi in una , no?
(Teacher: Wow! If I am not mistaken, you live in a farm, don't you?)
Sara: Sì! Ho anche tre mucche, due capre, un , e sette galline.
(Sara: Yes! I also have three cows, two goats, a horse, and seven hens.)
Maestra: E qual è il tuo animale preferito, in generale?
(Teacher: And what's your favourite animal, in general?)
Sara: Il !
(Sara: The penguin!)
Fill in the missing words.
Be careful! Sometimes you also need to write the correct article.
1. Nessuno vorrebbe essere solo come un .
Nobody would want to be alone like a dog.
2. Mia cugina ha comprato un giallo e l'ha chiamato Titti.
My cousin bought a new canary and she called it Tweety.
3. che mi hanno regalato si chiama Ciuffo.
The rabbit they gave to me is called Ciuffo.
4. Mi ha mostrato una foto di un di Labrador.
He showed me a picture of a Labrador puppy.
5. ha imparato a ripetere le parole che sente.
The parrot learned how to repeat the words he hears.
6. Ieri ho trovato una nel giardino.
Yesterday I found a turtle in the garden.
7. Sembra che si annoi nell'acquario.
It looks like the goldfish is bored in the aquarium.
8. di Sara ha rotto il mio vaso di porcellana!
Sara's cat broke my china vase.
9. Il pinguino è il mio preferito.
The penguin is my favourite animal.
10. corre sulla ruota.
The hamster runs on the hamster wheel.
1. Il Giorno del Ringraziamento gli americani mangiano il _______.
On Thanksgiving's Day Americans eat the turkey.
2. L'______ non è un animale stupido.
The donkey isn't a stupid animal.
3. Un _______ ha mangiato tutto il formaggio.
The mouse ate all the cheese.
4. E' molto costoso avere un ________.
It's very expensive to have a horse.
5. La carne di _______ è usata per prudurre il salame.
The pig's meat is used to make salame.
6. Il _______ insegue il colore rosso.
The bull chases the colour red.
7. Ieri è scappata la ________.
Yesterday the hen fled away.
8. La __________ produce latte e lana.
The sheep produces milk and wool.
9. La ________ sembrava spaventata dai turisti.
The cow seemed to be scared by the tourists.
10. La volpe ha mangiato il ___________.
The fox ate the chicken.
1. Il Giorno del Ringraziamento gli americani mangiano il _______.
On Thanksgiving's Day Americans eat the turkey.
2. L'______ non è un animale stupido.
The donkey isn't a stupid animal.
3. Un _______ ha mangiato tutto il formaggio.
The mouse ate all the cheese.
4. E' molto costoso avere un ________.
It's very expensive to have a horse.
5. La carne di _______ è usata per prudurre il salame.
The pig's meat is used to make salame.
6. Il _______ insegue il colore rosso.
The bull chases the colour red.
7. Ieri è scappata la ________.
Yesterday the hen fled away.
8. La __________ produce latte e lana.
The sheep produces milk and wool.
9. La ________ sembrava spaventata dai turisti.
The cow seemed to be scared by the tourists.
10. La volpe ha mangiato il ___________.
The fox ate the chicken.
Fill in the missing words. In some cases, the article is needed!
1. ha le ali, ma non sa volare.
(The peguin has wings, but it can't fly.)
2. Si dice che sia un animale molto intelligente.
(They say the elephant is a very smart animal.)
3. Quale animale assomiglia ad un cavallo ma ha delle strisce bianche e nere?
- !
(What animal looks like a horse but has black and white stripes?
- The zebra!)
4. ha una bellissima coda.
(The squirrel has a beautiful tail.)
5. Nel corso del tempo, ha sviluppato un collo lungo per mangiare le foglie sugli alberi più alti.
(Over the course of the time, the giraffe developed its long neck to eat the leaves on the tallest trees.)
6. L'uomo si è evoluto dalla .
(The man evolved from the ape.)
7. nel Libro della Giungla si chiama Shere Khan.
(The tiger in The Jungle Book is called Shere Khan.)
8. di Cappuccetto Rosso divorò la nonna.
(The wolf of Little Red Riding Hood devoured the grandmother.)
9. porta i suoi piccoli nel marsupio.
(The kangaroo carries its babies in the pouch.)
10. Al piace dormire.
(The koala loves to sleep.)
1. Quale di questi insetti ha le ali ed è colorato?
(Which of these insects has wings and is colorful?)
La farfalla
La formica
2. Quale di questi animali è solitamente lento?
(Which of these animals is typically slow?)
La lumaca
Lo squalo
3. La _______ mangia il plankton.
(The whale eats the plankton.)
4. La ______ nuota nelle acque pulite.
(The jellyfish swims in clear waters.)
5. Nel Mar Mediterraneo è comune pescare il _________.
In the Mediterranean Sea it's typical to catch tuna.
6. Il gatto mangia il _______.
(The cat eats the fish.)
7. Dicono che la __________ porti fortuna.
(They say that the ladybug is a symbol of good luck.)
8. Il _______ è un animale molto socievole.
(The dolphin is a very sociable animal.)
9. Poco fa mi ha punto una _______.
A short time ago, a mosquito bit me.
10. La ______ vive nelle zone fredde del pianeta.
(The seal lives in the cold areas of the Planet.)
1. Quale di questi insetti ha le ali ed è colorato?
(Which of these insects has wings and is colorful?)
La farfalla
2. Quale di questi animali è solitamente lento?
(Which of these animals is typically slow?)
La lumaca
3. La _______ mangia il plankton.
(The whale eats the plankton.)
4. La ______ nuota nelle acque pulite.
(The jellyfish swims in clear waters.)
5. Nel Mar Mediterraneo è comune pescare il _________.
In the Mediterranean Sea it's typical to catch tuna.
6. Il gatto mangia il _______.
(The cat eats the fish.)
7. Dicono che la __________ porti fortuna.
(They say that the ladybug is a symbol of good luck.)
8. Il _______ è un animale molto socievole.
(The dolphin is a very sociable animal.)
9. Poco fa mi ha punto una _______.
A short time ago, a mosquito bit me.
10. La ______ vive nelle zone fredde del pianeta.
(The seal lives in the cold areas of the Planet.)
Fill in the missing words.
Be careful! Some expressions don't use the same animals as in English.
1. Lionheart: Cuor di ;
2. Alone like a dog: Solo come un ;
3. Sharp as a tack: Essere furbo come una ;
4. To fight like cats and dogs: Essere come e ;
5. Quiet as a mouse: Muto come un ;
6. Eat like a bird: Mangiare come un ;
7. A maverick: Un sciolto;
8. Raging fever: Febbre da ;
9. To be a rare bird: Una bianca;
10. Eagle-eye: Avere lo sguardo da .
Maestra: Sara, hai degli animali domestici?
(Teacher: Sara, do you have any pets?)
Sara: Sì maestra! Ho un che si chiama Milù, un che si chiama Lilli e due cani: uno si chiama Rex e l'altro Fufi.
(Sara: Yes teacher! I have a cat called Milù, a rabbit called Lilli and two dogs: one is called Rex and the other Fufi.)
Maestra: Wow! Se non sbaglio, tu vivi in una , no?
(Teacher: Wow! If I am not mistaken, you live in a farm, don't you?)
Sara: Sì! Ho anche tre mucche, due capre, un , e sette galline.
(Sara: Yes! I also have three cows, two goats, a horse, and seven hens.)
Maestra: E qual è il tuo animale preferito, in generale?
(Teacher: And what's your favourite animal, in general?)
Sara: Il !
(Sara: The penguin!)
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Are you ready to learn italian with me?
My name is Mojra and I'm a qualified mother tongue tutor. Whether you need to prepare yourself for a job interview, you're planning to relocate to Italy or to spend your next holiday there, I look forward to assisting you to achieve your goals!
I am here to help you improve you grammar, sentence structure and to teach you helpful phrases in a fun and relaxed way.
I graduated from university majoring in Linguistic Mediation and in Modern Languages and then I specialized in the teaching of Italian as a second language, attending a one-year post-graduate course devoted to this and receiving excellent grades (FILIS: Formatori Interculturali di Lingua Italiana per Stranieri). I also teach in the Italian public schools.
If you'd like to learn Italian fluently, I'd love to be your teacher, then why not book a trial class with me now? In this lesson, we will design a lesson plan especially for you discussing how you will reach your specific goals.
IMPORTANT: Please contact me before booking your lesson with me and let me know your Italian level as well as the reasons why you want to learn Italian.
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I just had my first Italian lesson with Mojra and it was great. She is a very enthusiastic and happy person and seemed to really care about helping me to improve my Italian. Although her English is very good, she was quite strict about making me speak almost only in Italian during the entire lesson. My Italian is at an A2 (low intermediate) level but with seemingly infinite patience and useful hints, Mojra helped me to ask my questions in Italian and I felt my confidence grow as the lesson progressed. I asked for help on knowing when I should use the dreaded subjunctive in Italian (congiuntivo). Mojra had some interesting material on the subject and some exercises that both helped me to practice and, at the same time, taught me some interesting things about Italy. We laughed a lot and I was quite surprised to find that I had been speaking almost entirely in Italian for an hour. The time flew past. I think Mojra is an excellent teacher. You should try a lesson with her.
Mojra G.
Thank you very much for your words Abner! You are a very diligent student, continua così!
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Hello everyone! I have been teaching Italian to foreigners in Bologna for 10 years, collaborating with local associations. I graduated in History, but later I specialized in teaching Italian by obtaining the Ditals, and in 2019 a master's degree at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in "Advanced planning of teaching Italian language and culture to foreigners". I love my job very much and I do it with dedication and passion. I have experience with students of all levels of Italian, from beginners to advanced, and in preparing for language tests. I adapt my teaching methods to the characteristics and training needs of my students, so as to favor a more effective, engaging and motivating learning. The materials I use are authentic, original texts and videos adapted for educational purposes. I love to use computer technologies for the preparation of interactive exercises, especially for the exercise of grammar. If you want to learn Italian in an engaging and motivating way, contact me! I'm waiting for you for a trial lesson!
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Cristiana is a delightful person and a very effective teacher. As a beginner, my almost nonexistent Italian skills and understanding requires a patient teacher who is willing to take the time to ensure I understand concepts, usage etc. before moving on. I highly recommend her as a tutor.
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I am a multilingual teacher with experience in teaching French to German, Japanese, English, Bulgarian and Italian-speaking students, etc. (levels A1 to C1).
I have been teaching French for 8 years in Luxemburg and now in Bulgaria for 4 years, to teenagers, housewives, businessmen, employees, doctors, etc. I can also help you with DELF and DALF preparation. I give lessons via Skype, Zoom and Microsoft Teams in several countries.
My teaching method for each class : a grammar point together with listening, a lot of speaking with conversation questions or games. While you speak, I write all the new words you need to express yourself, illustrated by pictures or translated in your language.
I do my best to make you feel comfortable to speak and for you to have a pleasant time. According to me, using humour will help you learn more easily.
Whether you need to learn French for business, integration in a French-speaking country or studying, I will be happy to help you. Do not hesitate to contact me for a free trial lesson.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
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Katia is a very sweet person, her pronunciation is BEAUTIFUL and she’s very knowledgeable. I loved my lessons with her. I highly recommend her
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I am a teacher of Italian to Speakers of Other Languages with many years of experience in teaching in public and private schools. I have taught Italian to speakers of other languages in schools, in migratory contexts and in vocational training at all levels (from pre A1 to C2 ). I have gained experience as a teacher with Arabic-speaking, Slavic-speaking, German-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Sinophone, Lusophone and Anglophone students, and have taught literacy courses for asylum seekers and refugees. I did a training internship as a lecturer in Italian at the Department of Romance at the University of Salzburg. I completed my training by teaching Italian to learners with special educational needs. Moreover, I am a CILS, CELI and PLIDA examiner for the speaking part. I also speak German, English and French and I successfully completed my Celta in October 2020.
My lessons focus mainly on two aspects: oral and written production and the study of grammar, with particular attention to phonetic and phonology. My lessons are aimed at satisfying the needs of the learner and are prepared according to the needs of each one.
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Monica is fantastic -- highly organized, knowledgeable and friendly. She is very easy to learn from. I feel like I am in very good hands. I highly recommend her especially if you need help preparing for a certification exam (CELI, CILS, etc.).
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Taking lessons with Daniela was a pleasure. She was always well prepared, she gave all necessary information and materials I needed. The lessons were really good - I could practice grammar, speaking etc. Highly recommended :)
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a wonderful teacher. I really had difficulty properly expressing myself in Italian. Daniela not only tought me the basic rules of Italian grammar, but more importantly, during our many conversations in Italian, she helped me express myself much better and with confidence. I still have some path to go, particulalry deepening my knowledge of grammar. The next phase that I will start in a couple of months will focus on perfectionning that. I hope Daniela will find the time to work with me again
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Hello, my name is Francesca.
I am qualified Italian teacher.
I love teaching and my lessons are always tailored on your goals. During the first lesson, we will identify what you want to learn or to improve and I will design your lessons.
My approach is largely conversational: that is role-plays, informal conversation or other activites to help you. I welcome beginners right up to proficient speakers.
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Had my trial class with Francesca. She creates a very inviting atmosphere for a pleasant communication despite the language challenges. Although it was just an introductory class, I have already learned a few things.. Going to continue my studies with Francesca !
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Responds to needs and also suggests alternatives. Perfect all around. I can only recommend it to everyone.
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I am an Italian native speaker with a Master's degree in Languages for International Relations. I have experience in tutoring students from all ages.
I prepare tailored lessons based on the students' needs and interests using textbooks, videos, interactive resources and ad-hoc materials.
If you want to learn Italian and know more about the culture, food, art and traditions, don't hesitate to get in touch!
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MariaRosa has been very patient, pleasant and encouraging. She is very conscientious and prepares well. She has developed a learning plan based on my requests. I enjoy the lessons and find them very useful
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Hi, guys! My name is Lucia and I would like to invite you to learn Italian with me.
I am both a native speaker and a QUALIFIED teacher, as I hold a post-graduate degree in “Teaching Italian as a second language” and a national certification as teacher of Italian to not-native speaking.
My teaching method is COMMUNICATION-oriented and involves also the study of Italian culture and grammar. Indeed, as it happens in your mother language, the knowledge of spare words is not enough to get able to speak (i.e. INTERACT!) properly and conveniently.
I’ll prepare for you all teaching materials, tailoring lessons to your needs and interests, taking advantage from both the huge number of textbooks I hold and my creativity!
I offer lessons for all levels, from absolute beginners to advanced, as well as support in preparation to certification exams (I am also qualified ad examiner for the oral part of CELI).
Do not hesitate to get in contact with me to find a suitable time-slot for your trial lesson!
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Wonderful teacher with a broad knowledge of the structures of various languages, which I think helps to better understand students’ needs depending on their native language. Lucia uses a sophisticated platform where a student can easily find all the materials, test, or ask questions in the preparation for the next class. The class is structured in a very entertaining way, and she also has an examination focused approach if needed. Great experience, totally recommend.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a great teacher, she is helping me with my Italian. The lessons always fly by because it it so easy to talk with her. She makes you feel very at ease and has a great way of keeping the conversation going, while in the meantime keeping an eye on explaining grammatical things and making sure you improve your vocabulary each time. Therefore the lessons have a nice balance between being very enjoyable as well as informative, which makes the learning process proceed at a very consistent pace. Definitely can recommend Daniela!
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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She is very calm and always trays to make things easier for you to understand, the material she gives is very helpful and has a lot of tips to remember things
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Welcome to my profile!
My name is Daniela, or “Daniella” as my students call me.
I have been working as Italian teacher for two years to migrants, for refugee centers and humanitarian corridors in Italy. I have had experience with first literacy and also I have worked with begginers and intermidiate students, who I prepared to Linguistic Certification. I have worked with single student and with groups.
My opinion is “Viva l’intercultura”, that means looking at the person’s linguistic needs. Italian lessons become a space where the cultures meet and match each other, and step by step, the student can build the Italian language. For me, the cultures exchange is very important.
I’d rather to teach with an inductive, interactive, and cooperative method, which focus on communication functions, but doesn’t forget the grammar. I use manuals, worksheets, interactive games, songs and video.
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Daniela is an engaging teacher who takes seriously her job. She has a solid knowledge of the Italian grammar as well as fun ideas to teach it. I'm preparing an exam and she is being quite helpful to me, since she takes the time to prepare lessons and homework. I highly recommend to book a trial lesson with her.
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Hi, welcome to my profile!
My name is Alessia and I currently live in Italy. I spent a few years in the United States where I deepened my knowledge of English and American dialects. I am currently specializing in Spanish and German. Over the years, I have given private lessons in Italian, English, Spanish, and Japanese, with Japanese being the most requested at the moment. Regarding Japanese, I had the opportunity to teach the language at an American college with a native Japanese teacher, applying the method that they use to learn their own language. I will help you in a simple way; conversation is really important for learning a language, and a good method is even more fundamental. No days spent on textbooks are needed; consistency and fun during lessons are the most important parts of learning. You will see results right away! I am patient, flexible, and will adapt in every way to your personal needs. I look forward to seeing you on my profile for a trial lesson and discovering an easy and fun method to learn a language as soon as possible.
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I Have had a few weeks of Italian lessons with Alessia and I have found them very useful. In our first lesson we spoke about what I wanted (hoped) to learn and she has prepared resources based on this conversation and my ability level for every lesson since then. Her lessons are a nice mix of conversation, reading, written and spoken exercises. We use a text book (supplied by Alessia) as well as additional material when suitable. I recommend Alessia as a tutor.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela has tailored our lessons to exactly what I asked for (B1 exam preparations). She is very prepared for all of our lessons and provides extra study material for me to complete as homework. I would recommend her as a tutor.
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Buongiorno gente!
Are you ready to learn italian with me?
My name is Mojra and I'm a qualified mother tongue tutor. Whether you need to prepare yourself for a job interview, you're planning to relocate to Italy or to spend your next holiday there, I look forward to assisting you to achieve your goals!
I am here to help you improve you grammar, sentence structure and to teach you helpful phrases in a fun and relaxed way.
I graduated from university majoring in Linguistic Mediation and in Modern Languages and then I specialized in the teaching of Italian as a second language, attending a one-year post-graduate course devoted to this and receiving excellent grades (FILIS: Formatori Interculturali di Lingua Italiana per Stranieri). I also teach in the Italian public schools.
If you'd like to learn Italian fluently, I'd love to be your teacher, then why not book a trial class with me now? In this lesson, we will design a lesson plan especially for you discussing how you will reach your specific goals.
IMPORTANT: Please contact me before booking your lesson with me and let me know your Italian level as well as the reasons why you want to learn Italian.
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I just had my first Italian lesson with Mojra and it was great. She is a very enthusiastic and happy person and seemed to really care about helping me to improve my Italian. Although her English is very good, she was quite strict about making me speak almost only in Italian during the entire lesson. My Italian is at an A2 (low intermediate) level but with seemingly infinite patience and useful hints, Mojra helped me to ask my questions in Italian and I felt my confidence grow as the lesson progressed. I asked for help on knowing when I should use the dreaded subjunctive in Italian (congiuntivo). Mojra had some interesting material on the subject and some exercises that both helped me to practice and, at the same time, taught me some interesting things about Italy. We laughed a lot and I was quite surprised to find that I had been speaking almost entirely in Italian for an hour. The time flew past. I think Mojra is an excellent teacher. You should try a lesson with her.
Mojra G.
Thank you very much for your words Abner! You are a very diligent student, continua così!
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Hello everyone! I have been teaching Italian to foreigners in Bologna for 10 years, collaborating with local associations. I graduated in History, but later I specialized in teaching Italian by obtaining the Ditals, and in 2019 a master's degree at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in "Advanced planning of teaching Italian language and culture to foreigners". I love my job very much and I do it with dedication and passion. I have experience with students of all levels of Italian, from beginners to advanced, and in preparing for language tests. I adapt my teaching methods to the characteristics and training needs of my students, so as to favor a more effective, engaging and motivating learning. The materials I use are authentic, original texts and videos adapted for educational purposes. I love to use computer technologies for the preparation of interactive exercises, especially for the exercise of grammar. If you want to learn Italian in an engaging and motivating way, contact me! I'm waiting for you for a trial lesson!
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Cristiana is a delightful person and a very effective teacher. As a beginner, my almost nonexistent Italian skills and understanding requires a patient teacher who is willing to take the time to ensure I understand concepts, usage etc. before moving on. I highly recommend her as a tutor.
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I am a multilingual teacher with experience in teaching French to German, Japanese, English, Bulgarian and Italian-speaking students, etc. (levels A1 to C1).
I have been teaching French for 8 years in Luxemburg and now in Bulgaria for 4 years, to teenagers, housewives, businessmen, employees, doctors, etc. I can also help you with DELF and DALF preparation. I give lessons via Skype, Zoom and Microsoft Teams in several countries.
My teaching method for each class : a grammar point together with listening, a lot of speaking with conversation questions or games. While you speak, I write all the new words you need to express yourself, illustrated by pictures or translated in your language.
I do my best to make you feel comfortable to speak and for you to have a pleasant time. According to me, using humour will help you learn more easily.
Whether you need to learn French for business, integration in a French-speaking country or studying, I will be happy to help you. Do not hesitate to contact me for a free trial lesson.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
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Katia is a very sweet person, her pronunciation is BEAUTIFUL and she’s very knowledgeable. I loved my lessons with her. I highly recommend her
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I am a teacher of Italian to Speakers of Other Languages with many years of experience in teaching in public and private schools. I have taught Italian to speakers of other languages in schools, in migratory contexts and in vocational training at all levels (from pre A1 to C2 ). I have gained experience as a teacher with Arabic-speaking, Slavic-speaking, German-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Sinophone, Lusophone and Anglophone students, and have taught literacy courses for asylum seekers and refugees. I did a training internship as a lecturer in Italian at the Department of Romance at the University of Salzburg. I completed my training by teaching Italian to learners with special educational needs. Moreover, I am a CILS, CELI and PLIDA examiner for the speaking part. I also speak German, English and French and I successfully completed my Celta in October 2020.
My lessons focus mainly on two aspects: oral and written production and the study of grammar, with particular attention to phonetic and phonology. My lessons are aimed at satisfying the needs of the learner and are prepared according to the needs of each one.
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Monica is fantastic -- highly organized, knowledgeable and friendly. She is very easy to learn from. I feel like I am in very good hands. I highly recommend her especially if you need help preparing for a certification exam (CELI, CILS, etc.).
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