School in Italian
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If you want to start your studies in Italy, it's important to know all vocabs related to school (la scuola).
Let's have a look at the main vocabs about school objects.
Italian | English |
la penna | the pen |
la matita | the pencil |
la gomma | the rubber |
il righello | the ruler |
il temperino | the pencil sharpener |
l'evidenziatore | the marker |
il portapenne / l'astuccio | the pencil case |
il libro | the book |
il quaderno | the notebook |
la cartella | the school bag |
la classe | the classroom |
il banco di scuola | the school desk |
la lavagna | the blackboard |
la colla | the glue |
le forbici | the scissors |
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In the following table we'll find all school subjects.
Italian | English |
matematica | maths |
fisica | physics |
italiano | Italian |
scienze | science |
storia | history |
geografia | geography |
lingue straniere (inglese, francese,...) | languages (English, French,...) |
arte | art |
filosofia | philosophy |
educazione fisica | Physical Education (P.E.) |
musica | music |
informatica | Information Technology (I.T.) |
Let's see some expressions and words that can be useful by talking about school
Italian | English |
in quale scuola sei andato? | what school did you go to? |
quale scuola hai frequentato? | ehich school did you attend? |
ho frequentato... | I attended |
sono andato alla scuola elementare | I went to primary school |
vado alla scuola media | I go to middle school |
vado al liceo | I go to high school |
vado all'università | I go to university |
che titoli di studio hai? | what qualifications have you got? |
in che anno ti sei laureato? | what year did you graduate? |
che materie hai oggi? | what subjects do you have today? |
oggi ho inglese, matematica, scienze,... | today I have English, maths, science ... |
la presenza / la frequenza | the attendance |
l'orario delle lezioni | the class schedule / the timetable |
il dormitorio | the dormitory |
l'esame | the exam |
iscrivere / iscriversi | to enroll |
la laurea | the graduation |
il maestro | the teacher |
il professore | the professor |
la ricreazione / l'intervallo | the recess |
il preside | the headmaster / the principal |
il semestre | the term / the semester |
studiare | to study |
la verifica | the test |
il voto | the mark |
Take a look at the following dialogue about school.
Italian | English | |
Francesca | Oggi ho una verifica di inglese, domani un'altra di musica. E tu? | Today I'll have an English test, tomorrow another music test. And you? |
Michele | Io oggi ho una verifica di matematica e devo ancora comprare gomma e matita... mi serviranno sicuramente! | Today I'll have a maths test and I still have to buy rubber and pencil ...Certainly I'll need them! |
Francesca | Certo! Se vuoi andiamo insieme in negozio, a me serve un quaderno nuovo, un righello e la colla. | Of course! If you want, we'll go together to the shop, I need a new notebook, a ruler and a rubber. |
Michele | Perfetto! Così il maestro non si arrabbierà e magari mi darà un bel voto. | Perfect! So the teacher will not get angry and maybe he'll give me a good mark. |
Fill in the missing words. Don't forget the article.
1. P.E. →
2. maths →
3. music →
4. science →
5. Italian →
6. history →
7. art →
8. physics →
9. philosophy →
10. I.T. →
Choose the right translation.
1. I go to university
sono andato alla scuola elementare
vado all'università
2. The attendance
la presenza / la frequenza
l'orario delle lezioni
3. The recess
la ricreazione / l'intervallo
la laurea
4. What subjects do you have today?
in che anno ti sei laureato?
che materie hai oggi?
5. To enroll
la ricreazione / l'intervallo
iscrivere / iscriversi
6. The headmaster / the principal
il preside
il semestre
7. I went to primary school
I go to university
sono andato alla scuola elementare
8. I go to high school
vado al liceo
vado alla scuola media
9. What year did you graduate?
che titoli di studio hai?
in che anno ti sei laureato?
10. The class schedule / the timetable
l'orario delle lezioni
la presenza / la frequenza
Choose the right translation.
1. I go to university
vado all'università
2. The attendance
la presenza / la frequenza
3. The recess
la ricreazione / l'intervallo
4. What subjects do you have today?
che materie hai oggi?
5. To enroll
iscrivere / iscriversi
6. The headmaster / the principal
il preside
7. I went to primary school
sono andato alla scuola elementare
8. I go to high school
vado al liceo
9. What year did you graduate?
in che anno ti sei laureato?
10. The class schedule / the timetable
l'orario delle lezioni
Fill in the missing words
Milena: «Ciao! Hai saputo che la nostra di economia ha rimandato l'»
Milena: « Hi! Did you hear that our economy professor postponed the exam?»
Dario: «Veramente? Se lo avessi saputo, avrei evitato di tanto e mi sarei concentrato sull'esame di »
Dario: «Really? If I had known it, I would have avoided to study so much and I would have focused on the English exam»
Milena: «Per me è l'ultimo e quando il finirà, ci sarà la mia »
Milena: «For me it is the last exam, and when the semester will finish, there will be my graduation»
Dario: «Che bello, invece io ho appena iniziato l', così come la mia ragazza. Lei ha deciso di due mesi fa»
Dario: «Wow, on the contrary I've just started the university, as well as my girlfriend. She decided to enroll two months ago »
Milena: «Non ti preoccupare, se hai qualche problema con l', chiedimi pure!»
Milena: «Don't worry, if you have some problem with the class schedule, don't hesitate to ask me»
Fill in the missing words. Don't forget the article.
1. P.E. →
2. maths →
3. music →
4. science →
5. Italian →
6. history →
7. art →
8. physics →
9. philosophy →
10. I.T. →
Choose the right translation.
1. I go to university
vado all'università
sono andato alla scuola elementare
2. The attendance
l'orario delle lezioni
la presenza / la frequenza
3. The recess
la laurea
la ricreazione / l'intervallo
4. What subjects do you have today?
in che anno ti sei laureato?
che materie hai oggi?
5. To enroll
iscrivere / iscriversi
la ricreazione / l'intervallo
6. The headmaster / the principal
il preside
il semestre
7. I went to primary school
sono andato alla scuola elementare
I go to university
8. I go to high school
vado alla scuola media
vado al liceo
9. What year did you graduate?
in che anno ti sei laureato?
che titoli di studio hai?
10. The class schedule / the timetable
l'orario delle lezioni
la presenza / la frequenza
Choose the right translation.
1. I go to university
vado all'università
2. The attendance
la presenza / la frequenza
3. The recess
la ricreazione / l'intervallo
4. What subjects do you have today?
che materie hai oggi?
5. To enroll
iscrivere / iscriversi
6. The headmaster / the principal
il preside
7. I went to primary school
sono andato alla scuola elementare
8. I go to high school
vado al liceo
9. What year did you graduate?
in che anno ti sei laureato?
10. The class schedule / the timetable
l'orario delle lezioni
Fill in the missing words
Milena: «Ciao! Hai saputo che la nostra di economia ha rimandato l'»
Milena: « Hi! Did you hear that our economy professor postponed the exam?»
Dario: «Veramente? Se lo avessi saputo, avrei evitato di tanto e mi sarei concentrato sull'esame di »
Dario: «Really? If I had known it, I would have avoided to study so much and I would have focused on the English exam»
Milena: «Per me è l'ultimo e quando il finirà, ci sarà la mia »
Milena: «For me it is the last exam, and when the semester will finish, there will be my graduation»
Dario: «Che bello, invece io ho appena iniziato l', così come la mia ragazza. Lei ha deciso di due mesi fa»
Dario: «Wow, on the contrary I've just started the university, as well as my girlfriend. She decided to enroll two months ago »
Milena: «Non ti preoccupare, se hai qualche problema con l', chiedimi pure!»
Milena: «Don't worry, if you have some problem with the class schedule, don't hesitate to ask me»
Unlike in other platforms, all our teachers are manually verified by our professional team. Trust in the experiences of our students.
I am a teacher of Italian to Speakers of Other Languages with many years of experience in teaching in public and private schools. I have taught Italian to speakers of other languages in schools, in migratory contexts and in vocational training at all levels (from pre A1 to C2 ). I have gained experience as a teacher with Arabic-speaking, Slavic-speaking, German-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Sinophone, Lusophone and Anglophone students, and have taught literacy courses for asylum seekers and refugees. I did a training internship as a lecturer in Italian at the Department of Romance at the University of Salzburg. I completed my training by teaching Italian to learners with special educational needs. Moreover, I am a CILS, CELI and PLIDA examiner for the speaking part. I also speak German, English and French and I successfully completed my Celta in October 2020.
My lessons focus mainly on two aspects: oral and written production and the study of grammar, with particular attention to phonetic and phonology. My lessons are aimed at satisfying the needs of the learner and are prepared according to the needs of each one.
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Monica is fantastic -- highly organized, knowledgeable and friendly. She is very easy to learn from. I feel like I am in very good hands. I highly recommend her especially if you need help preparing for a certification exam (CELI, CILS, etc.).
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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I asked Daniela to help me with pronunciation. She pays careful attention, and corrects my pronunciation as needed.
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**Other time slots can be made available upon request. Don't hesitate to get in touch**
Native speaker from Paris with about 15 years of teaching experience. I’m well-travelled, and I’ve lived and worked in different parts of the world (Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Australia and a little bit in Asia).
I have a postgraduate degree (France) in Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies and I’m currently a freelance translator. I’ve previously worked at universities in France and abroad (South Africa/Australia) and have a solid experience in teaching (French Language, Literature, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Creative Writing, etc.), designing courses, evaluating and guiding students, preparing students for exams/job interviews/professional presentations, managing a Language and Literature department at the university, presenting papers at academic conferences worldwide, publishing, translating and journalism. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach people with different profiles and from various backgrounds: international professionals, university students, beginner translators and teachers, high school students, retirees, travellers, francophiles, children (help with homework), etc.
Being an open-minded, flexible and patient teacher, I enjoy helping others to discover their potential and to explore it. Adapting myself to my students' needs, pace and objectives is essential for me, and designing the best way to work with each student is very stimulating and rewarding.
After the initial introductory lesson, I will design customised lesson plans that will evolve as you progress. We can also, at any time during the programme, change our working method if you wish to do so. I remain very flexible in that regard.
The learning materials will be varied, and we will choose together the themes and aspects of French language to be covered, in line with your objectives. In any case, I am very attentive in general, so please don't hesitate to make any suggestions.
Regardless of your level and objectives, I'm sure that we can find the best way possible to share and enjoy this French language adventure together.
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I've studied with Priscilla for a month already. For me, every lesson is a great experience! Priscilla is very considerate, supportive, and attentive to the needs of her students. Priscilla uses wide variety of materials and always finds something special for you, so you can both upgrade your knowledge and enjoy the process of learning :) After every lesson I feel more confident in my French :)
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a wonderful teacher. I really had difficulty properly expressing myself in Italian. Daniela not only tought me the basic rules of Italian grammar, but more importantly, during our many conversations in Italian, she helped me express myself much better and with confidence. I still have some path to go, particulalry deepening my knowledge of grammar. The next phase that I will start in a couple of months will focus on perfectionning that. I hope Daniela will find the time to work with me again
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Hi there, my name is Roberta. I am an Italian native speaker, and a professional language teacher with a DITALS II certification from Siena University. I live in Italy in a lovely little town called Monate near a small lake of the same name, just 40 minutes by car from Milan.
The aim of the lessons will not be learning generic Italian but to learn Italian according to the needs of every student. Each lesson will be personalized and designed to match students’ interests, linguistic level and learning style.
Every lesson will be planned around a text, which could either be a written piece, an audio segment or a video that will be used as a focal point for both communication and grammatical study. I will provide students with all of the teaching materials used in class that can later be used for homework and self – study, especially for developing writing skills.
I have been working as an Italian teacher since 2016, offering both traditional and e-learning/online classes. I am specialized at teaching young people and adults who want to study Italian for a variety of different reasons: work, education, residency or simply for a love of Italy and its culture.
Finally, as a result of my volunteer position as a documents advisor for immigrants, I can help students to prepare for the B1 level Italian language exam, which is necessary to apply for Italian citizenship.
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Roberta, is a fantastic teacher! She really helped to improve my confidence in using the formal Italian and in preparing for interviews in Italy. She tailored all our lessons to exactly my needs, and we also had a laugh in the process. Thanks again for all your help Roberta!
Roberta L.
Thank you very much Emma, they are very happy to have helped you!
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Welcome to my profile!
My name is Daniela, or “Daniella” as my students call me.
I have been working as Italian teacher for two years to migrants, for refugee centers and humanitarian corridors in Italy. I have had experience with first literacy and also I have worked with begginers and intermidiate students, who I prepared to Linguistic Certification. I have worked with single student and with groups.
My opinion is “Viva l’intercultura”, that means looking at the person’s linguistic needs. Italian lessons become a space where the cultures meet and match each other, and step by step, the student can build the Italian language. For me, the cultures exchange is very important.
I’d rather to teach with an inductive, interactive, and cooperative method, which focus on communication functions, but doesn’t forget the grammar. I use manuals, worksheets, interactive games, songs and video.
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Daniela is an engaging teacher who takes seriously her job. She has a solid knowledge of the Italian grammar as well as fun ideas to teach it. I'm preparing an exam and she is being quite helpful to me, since she takes the time to prepare lessons and homework. I highly recommend to book a trial lesson with her.
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Hello my name is Lucia and I am a native Italian speaker.
I have a degree as an interpreter for English and French so I know how hard it may be to learn a foreign language. I work as a free-lance interpreter and private English and French teacher. I have a strong passion for languages which I have been studying for many years. I am studying Spanish now and always trying to improve my English and French knowledge. I am a friendly person and my lessons mainly focus on conversation. As a teacher I am very patient and I always propose tailor-made lessons with respect to your needs. I am really enthusiastic about being a teacher because this activity allows you to share your culture and habits with foreign people. Learning a language is also learning a new culture.
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Lucia is wonderful! I have no experience with Italian and it has thus far been a lovely fun process. She is easy to schedule with. Sends documents with notes/teaching points from each of our lessons immediately and tailors lesson to exactly my level/experience. Would highly recommend!
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a great teacher, she is helping me with my Italian. The lessons always fly by because it it so easy to talk with her. She makes you feel very at ease and has a great way of keeping the conversation going, while in the meantime keeping an eye on explaining grammatical things and making sure you improve your vocabulary each time. Therefore the lessons have a nice balance between being very enjoyable as well as informative, which makes the learning process proceed at a very consistent pace. Definitely can recommend Daniela!
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Since I learn languages myself, I know the difficulties and hurdles that can arise when learning a foreign language. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it!
You want to take a telc or Goethe exam? I will help you! I teach from level B1 to C2. In the course of my teaching I have specialised in students and adult learners from the age of 19 who want to take one of these exams for professional or private reasons.
If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level.
I'll also show you how to integrate German into your everyday life, recommend podcasts, books and series to expand your vocabulary.
Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I will also prepare you for your job interviews.
Don't be shy and write to me before you book a trial lesson. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. I adapt each lesson individually to you.
Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together.
What can you expect in my lessons?
- Creative and professional preparation for telc or Goethe from B1 level upwards
- Conversation classes
- Language lessons individually adapted to your needs, each lesson is prepared for you individually
- Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV
- Grammar explanations that YOU just need.
- Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. Learning should be fun!
The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. I will be happy to correct it. Let me inspire you!
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Amazing teacher with excellent pedagogical skills! She has helped me very well to improve my german. Absolutely recommended!
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Why should you choose me? Take a look at what people say who have taken online classes with me.
Book lessons with me and
- prepare Dutch exams "Basisinburgering A1" and "Inburgeringsexamen A2". Your full commitment and my energetic, professional approach are the winning combination to help you succeed at once!
- learn Dutch because you live in the Netherlands (or are planning to move there) and still don’t speak the language properly or haven’t started yet. You’ll enjoy your environment more!
- learn Italian for work or because you will move to this beautiful country or simply because you just love it. Let me help you experience the language!
- study Spanish for pleasure, work or because you have to prepare an exam for school and you need to get confident to perform optimally
- get confident in useful daily conversations, meetings at work, exams, and presentations
- overcome the fear of failure; if you have learning problems, feel shy or need a boost of energy you’ll get confident enough to achieve your goals
My lessons are based on conversations. My method is to help you practice the language from the very beginning in spontaneous and direct conversations, using often role plays.
With books, articles, songs, and other interesting and stimulating material I will encourage conversation, develop grammar in a simpler way, and improve pronunciation.
Learning a foreign language is not a matter of doing much effort, but rather of being consistent, enjoying the lessons and allowing your intuition to work with you. You will book immediate results while having fun!
I've been teaching Dutch, Spanish and Italian for many years, in The Netherlands, for private institutes, for the integration of foreigners into society (Inburgering), and online from Italy, where I currently live.
Contact me for a free trial and let me know how I can help you.
If you cancel a reservation please do it at least 24 hours before the session
(otherwise I would have to charge you for the lesson).
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Elena is a great teacher, she is extremely accessible, knowledgeable and will work with you to develop the best approach that works best for you. My husband and I have had multiple lessons now and we enjoy it a lot and look forward every week to the next lesson!
Elena P.
Thank you for your feedback, Marja. It's a real pleasure to work with you and your husband. I am very satisfied of the results that you both have achieved in such a short time!
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Why should you choose me? Take a look at what people say who have taken online classes with me.
Book lessons with me and
- prepare Dutch exams "Basisinburgering A1" and "Inburgeringsexamen A2". Your full commitment and my energetic, professional approach are the winning combination to help you succeed at once!
- learn Dutch because you live in the Netherlands (or are planning to move there) and still don’t speak the language properly or haven’t started yet. You’ll enjoy your environment more!
- learn Italian for work or because you will move to this beautiful country or simply because you just love it. Let me help you experience the language!
- study Spanish for pleasure, work or because you have to prepare an exam for school and you need to get confident to perform optimally
- get confident in useful daily conversations, meetings at work, exams, and presentations
- overcome the fear of failure; if you have learning problems, feel shy or need a boost of energy you’ll get confident enough to achieve your goals
My lessons are based on conversations. My method is to help you practice the language from the very beginning in spontaneous and direct conversations, using often role plays.
With books, articles, songs, and other interesting and stimulating material I will encourage conversation, develop grammar in a simpler way, and improve pronunciation.
Learning a foreign language is not a matter of doing much effort, but rather of being consistent, enjoying the lessons and allowing your intuition to work with you. You will book immediate results while having fun!
I've been teaching Dutch, Spanish and Italian for many years, in The Netherlands, for private institutes, for the integration of foreigners into society (Inburgering), and online from Italy, where I currently live.
Contact me for a free trial and let me know how I can help you.
If you cancel a reservation please do it at least 24 hours before the session
(otherwise I would have to charge you for the lesson).
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Elena is an excellent Italian native teacher. She is very punctual, professional and friendly. My daughter and I love the lessons given by her. During the lesson she easily adapts to the difference in level between my daughter and me. In the lesson she takes the time to have a conversation in which we practice the learned material. We highly recommend Elena!!
Elena P.
Thank you, Angalinna. I'm happy to know that you are both satisfied with the lessons. Keep on learning and you'll continue to improve!
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is the best teacher ever! I would recommend her to literally anyone that wants to learn Italian. She is kind, sweet, patient, has a great sense of humor and does her job very well and detailed. I have been taking lessons with her for over 2 years now and my Italian improved so much! She always sends you all the materials you need and anything you ask for, like reading materials, grammar exercises etc. Daniela is extremely positive and always comes very prepared and in a great mood. She even makes the hard and more difficult things to learn a fun process. What I liked a lot, is that she doesn’t only teach you the theory but takes her time to have many conversations with you, about all kinds of topics, so that you really get the confidence for fluent talking. She does her job with a lot of passion and dedication and there is literally no question about the Italian language that she cannot answer. I don’t think there is a teacher out there, that will give you so much of her knowledge, joy and time for such a convenient price. Highly recommend!!!
Daniela V.
Dear Iulia, I am so happy that you are satisfied with our courses together. It's true, we have come a long way. Your Italian (already beautiful from the start) has grown more and more and has become wonderful! Thank you for the trust you have given me since day one :-)
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Ciao! My name is Giorgio, I live few kilometers away from Rome and I am a native speaking Italian tutor, certified with the DITALS Level II (Università per Stranieri di Siena).
Words, their amazing mixture of sounds and ideas, have enchanted me for as long as I can remember, along with their multiple expressive nuances and communicative potential. That is the reason why, after my philosophy degree in 2017, I started my apprenticeship in a renowned institute in Rome while volunteering in a school for immigrants. After getting my teaching certification, in 2019 I worked at an Italian language and culture center in Montpellier (France). When I came back to Italy, I continued teaching at a school and as a freelance, both face-to-face and online.
In my work I aim to teach a language that is authentic and functional to deal with the most common communicative situations for those who travel or live in Italy. How? Firstly, I only speak Italian during classes, since the beginner’s level, and I pay constant attention to pragmatic and intercultural aspects of communication. Secondly, I use all kinds of supports and I gradually introduce more complex structures and specific uses. The choice of the topics is based on the interests and needs of each student. Language is always a mean to convey culture and many people approach Italian driven by curiosity for Italian food, music, fashion, literature, lifestyle, cinema. These all are regular topics of my classes, through which I try to convey a multifaceted image of my country. I have a true passion for metalinguistic reflection and I am happy to answer to students’ questions, but I generally prefer guiding them to the autonomous discovery of grammar rules, through an inductive process. I am very patient and I always try to establish a positive environment, where errors are chances to learn and not something to be ashamed of. I believe in the importance of promoting students’ responsibility in their learning process, stimulating their commitment and valuing their learning styles. Fun and gratification are a more powerful drive than mere obligation.
I provide texts and materials to work on in class and to revise at home. In order to reach the best results in all the communicative skills, I always enrich my classes with visual support, listening activities, videos, games.
If you are looking for a relaxed and friendly environment to learn Italian, contact me for a free trial lesson! We will get to know each other and arrange the work to do together. A presto!
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My Italian lessons with Giorgio have been so worthwhile. Each lesson is very structured and well- prepared. The teaching material is excellent. His friendly demeanor throughout the lesson always inspires interest, encourages and fosters self-confidence. Giorgio is capable of treating his students according to their individual needs. I continuously progress in my studies. He's always willing to go an extra- mile in order to clear any doubts or uncertainties. I highly recommend Giorgio to anyone who wants to learn, improve and master Italian on a high level and who's looking for a teacher out of the ordinary.
Giorgio V.
Caro, thank you very much for these gratifying words! I am glad you are so satisfied with our lessons. Thanks to your growing confidence with the language and your natural determination, you can get great results. Keep up the good work!
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I am a teacher of Italian to Speakers of Other Languages with many years of experience in teaching in public and private schools. I have taught Italian to speakers of other languages in schools, in migratory contexts and in vocational training at all levels (from pre A1 to C2 ). I have gained experience as a teacher with Arabic-speaking, Slavic-speaking, German-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Sinophone, Lusophone and Anglophone students, and have taught literacy courses for asylum seekers and refugees. I did a training internship as a lecturer in Italian at the Department of Romance at the University of Salzburg. I completed my training by teaching Italian to learners with special educational needs. Moreover, I am a CILS, CELI and PLIDA examiner for the speaking part. I also speak German, English and French and I successfully completed my Celta in October 2020.
My lessons focus mainly on two aspects: oral and written production and the study of grammar, with particular attention to phonetic and phonology. My lessons are aimed at satisfying the needs of the learner and are prepared according to the needs of each one.
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Monica is fantastic -- highly organized, knowledgeable and friendly. She is very easy to learn from. I feel like I am in very good hands. I highly recommend her especially if you need help preparing for a certification exam (CELI, CILS, etc.).
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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I asked Daniela to help me with pronunciation. She pays careful attention, and corrects my pronunciation as needed.
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**Other time slots can be made available upon request. Don't hesitate to get in touch**
Native speaker from Paris with about 15 years of teaching experience. I’m well-travelled, and I’ve lived and worked in different parts of the world (Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Australia and a little bit in Asia).
I have a postgraduate degree (France) in Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies and I’m currently a freelance translator. I’ve previously worked at universities in France and abroad (South Africa/Australia) and have a solid experience in teaching (French Language, Literature, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Creative Writing, etc.), designing courses, evaluating and guiding students, preparing students for exams/job interviews/professional presentations, managing a Language and Literature department at the university, presenting papers at academic conferences worldwide, publishing, translating and journalism. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach people with different profiles and from various backgrounds: international professionals, university students, beginner translators and teachers, high school students, retirees, travellers, francophiles, children (help with homework), etc.
Being an open-minded, flexible and patient teacher, I enjoy helping others to discover their potential and to explore it. Adapting myself to my students' needs, pace and objectives is essential for me, and designing the best way to work with each student is very stimulating and rewarding.
After the initial introductory lesson, I will design customised lesson plans that will evolve as you progress. We can also, at any time during the programme, change our working method if you wish to do so. I remain very flexible in that regard.
The learning materials will be varied, and we will choose together the themes and aspects of French language to be covered, in line with your objectives. In any case, I am very attentive in general, so please don't hesitate to make any suggestions.
Regardless of your level and objectives, I'm sure that we can find the best way possible to share and enjoy this French language adventure together.
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I've studied with Priscilla for a month already. For me, every lesson is a great experience! Priscilla is very considerate, supportive, and attentive to the needs of her students. Priscilla uses wide variety of materials and always finds something special for you, so you can both upgrade your knowledge and enjoy the process of learning :) After every lesson I feel more confident in my French :)
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a wonderful teacher. I really had difficulty properly expressing myself in Italian. Daniela not only tought me the basic rules of Italian grammar, but more importantly, during our many conversations in Italian, she helped me express myself much better and with confidence. I still have some path to go, particulalry deepening my knowledge of grammar. The next phase that I will start in a couple of months will focus on perfectionning that. I hope Daniela will find the time to work with me again
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