How to order food at the restaurant in Italian
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In this lesson you will learn some useful phrases to order food at the restaurant.
When you enter an Italian restaurant, make sure to use the right Greeting first.
The following sentences can help you when it comes to getting a table.
Italian | English | |
Cliente Customer | Avete un tavolo libero per x persone? | Is a table for x people available? |
Cliente Customer | Ho riservato un tavolo a nome (nome) | I reserved a table under the name (name) |
Waiter Cameriere | Ha prenotato? | Do you have a reservation? |
Waiter Cameriere | Mi dispiace, tutti i tavoli sono prenotati. | I am sorry, we are full. |
Waiter Cameriere | Quante persone siete? | How many people are you? |
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Il cameriere (The waiter) or La cameriera (the waitress) will now take your order.
Italian | English |
E' pronto ad ordinare? | Are you ready to order? |
Ha già scelto? | Have you already chosen? |
Cosa desidera mangiare/bere? | What would you like to eat/drink? |
Cosa posso portarle da mangiare/bere? | What can I bring you to eat/drink? |
Vuole anche il dolce? | Would you also like a dessert? |
If you are ready to order, just say your order introduced by Vorrei...(I would like) or Per me...(For me) or Io prendo...(I'll have) and the Food or drink you want.
Don't forget to politely add per favore (please)!
If you aren't ready yet, these sentences can be useful.
Italian | English |
Un attimo, per favore | One moment, please |
Ci devo pensare su ancora un momento | I'll think about it some more |
Non ho ancora deciso | I haven't decided yet |
Cosa mi consiglia? | What do you recommend? |
Qual è il piatto del giorno? | What is the daily special? |
Avete dei piatti vegetariani? | Do you have any vegetarian dishes? |
The next set of sentences can be useful while you eat.
Italian | English |
Mi scusi, può portarmi una forchetta/un cucchiaio/un tovagliolo? | Excuse me, can you bring me a fork/a spoon/a napkin? |
Può portarmi un'atra bottiglia d'acqua per favore? | Could you bring me another bottle of water, please? |
The following words can be useful at the restaurant.
Italian | English |
Il piatto | The plate |
La forchetta | Fork |
Il cucchiaio | Spoon |
Il cucchiaino | Teaspoon |
Il coltello | Knife |
Il bicchiere | Glass |
Lo stuzzicadenti | Toothpick |
Il tovagliolo | Napkin |
Il sale | Salt |
Il pepe | Pepper |
L'olio | Oil |
Il menù | Menu |
La mancia | Tip |
You're finished with your meal and it's time to pay.
Use the following sentences.
Italian | English |
Può portarmi il conto per favore? | Could you bring me the bill please? |
Posso avere il conto? | Can I have the bill please? |
Il conto, per favore. | The bill, please |
Posso pagare con carta/in contanti? | Can I pay with card/with cash? |
Possiamo avere un conto separato? | Can we have separete bills? |
At the restaurant or on special occasions, like on Chirstmas or Easter, this menù is followed.
Another important Italian tradition is l'aperitivo (happy hour) before lunch and especially before dinner, from 6 to 8 pm.
The most important drinks are Spritz, Martini, and white and red wines. They are usually served with some chips, popcorns, olives, little sandwiches, little pizzas.
To know more about Italian food, visit our page: Food names in Italian.
Take a look at the following dialogues.
Italian | English | |
Cameriere Waiter | Buonsera, avete prenotato? | Good evening, do you have a reservation? |
Marco | No, non abbiamo prenotato. | No, we didn't reserve. |
Cameriere Waiter | Quanti siete? | How many people are you? |
Marco | Siamo in 3. | We are with 3. |
Cameriere Waiter | Abbiamo un tavolo libero da 3! Venite, da questa parte. | We have a free table for 3 people. Follow me, this way. |
Cameriere Waiter | Siete pronti per ordinare? | Are you ready to order? |
Marco | Sì, io vorrei una pizza margherita. | Yes, I would like a pizza margherita. |
Simona | Per me una pizza 4 stagioni. | For me a 4 seasons pizza. |
Giorgia | Io prendo una lasagna. | I'll have a lasagna. |
Cameriere Waiter | Perfetto. E da bere? | Perfect. And to drink? |
Marco | Due bottiglie di vino rosso, per favore. | Two bottles of red wine, please. |
Cameriere Waiter | Arrivano subito! Volete anche un dolce? | They'll be here in a moment! Would you also want a dessert? |
Giorgia | No, grazie. | No, thank you. |
Italian | English | |
Signor Rossi Mr Rossi | Buongiorno, ho prenotato un tavolo a nome Rossi. | Good morning, I reserved a table under the name Rossi. |
Cameriere Waiter | Buongiorno Signor Rossi. Ecco il suo tavolo! | Good morning, Mr Rossi. Your table is here. |
Signor Rossi Mr Rossi | Grazie! Posso ordinare? | Thank you. Can I order? |
Cameriere Waiter | Certo! Cose le porto? | Of course! What can I bring you? |
Signor Rossi Mr Rossi | Una bistecca alla fiorentina e come dolce il tiramisù. | A Florentine beefsteak and for dessert a tiramisù. |
Cameriere Waiter | Vuole qualcosa da bere? | Would you like something to drink? |
Signor Rossi Mr Rossi | Solo acqua, naturale. | Just water, natural. |
Cameriere Waiter | Perfetto! | Perfect! |
Italian | English | |
Signor Verdi Mr Verdi | Può portarmi il conto? | Could you bring me the bill? |
Cameriere Waiter | Subito! Ecco a lei. | Immediately! Here it is. |
Signor Verdi Mr Verdi | Posso pagare con carta? | Can I pay with card? |
Cameriere Waiter | No, oggi solo contanti. | No, today only cash. |
Signor Verdi Mr Verdi | Va bene, ecco a lei. | Alright, here you are. |
Cameriere Waiter | Grazie! Arrrivederci. | Thank you, goodbye. |
1. Cameriere: Siete pronti ad ordinare?
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Può portarmi una forchetta?
Un attimo, per favore
2. Per mangiare una zuppa, mi serve un _______.
To eat a soup, I need a spoon.
3. You have finished eating. You say:
Può portarmi il conto per favore?
Ha prenotato?
4. E' pronto ad ordinare?
Are you ready to order?
Customer: I haven't decided yet.
Cliente: Mi dispiace, tutti i tavoli sono prenotati.
Cliente: Non ho ancora deciso
5. Può portarmi uno stuzzicadenti, per favore?
Can you bring me a toothpick?
Vuole qualcosa da bere?
6. Buongiorno, ho prenotato un tavolo a nome Rossi.
Good morning, I reserved a table under the name Rossi.
No, oggi solo contanti.
Ecco il suo tavolo!
7. Qual è il piatto del giorno?
What is the daily special?
Ho riservato un tavolo a nome Rossi.
Pizza 4 stagioni.
8. Mi dispiace, tutti i tavoli sono prenotati.
I am sorry, we are full.
Può portarmi il conto per favore?
Grazie, arrivederci.
9. Buonsera, avete prenotato?
Good evening, do you have a reservation?
No, non abbiamo prenotato.
No, oggi solo contanti.
10. Vuole qualcosa da bere?
Would you want something to drink?
Solo acqua, naturale.
Ecco il suo tavolo!
1. Cameriere: Siete pronti ad ordinare?
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Un attimo, per favore
2. Per mangiare una zuppa, mi serve un _______.
To eat a soup, I need a spoon.
3. You have finished eating. You say:
Può portarmi il conto per favore?
4. E' pronto ad ordinare?
Are you ready to order?
Customer: I haven't decided yet.
Cliente: Non ho ancora deciso
5. Può portarmi uno stuzzicadenti, per favore?
Can you bring me a toothpick?
6. Buongiorno, ho prenotato un tavolo a nome Rossi.
Good morning, I reserved a table under the name Rossi.
Ecco il suo tavolo!
7. Qual è il piatto del giorno?
What is the daily special?
Pizza 4 stagioni.
8. Mi dispiace, tutti i tavoli sono prenotati.
I am sorry, we are full.
Grazie, arrivederci.
9. Buonsera, avete prenotato?
Good evening, do you have a reservation?
No, non abbiamo prenotato.
10. Vuole qualcosa da bere?
Would you want something to drink?
Solo acqua, naturale.
Fill in the missing words.
1. Questo piatto è insipido. Serve un po' di .
This meal is insipid. We need some salt.
2. Non ho un !
I don't have a plate!
3. Non puoi mangiare la zuppa con la .
You can't eat soup with a fork.
4. Mi è caduto per terra il .
My napkin fell on the ground.
5. Può portarmi un di vino?
Could you bring me a glass of wine?
6. Ho qualcosa tra i denti, ho bisogno di uno .
I have something in my teeth, I need a toothpick.
7. Questo non taglia!
This knife doesn't cut!
8. Su l'insalata voglio sempre un po' d'.
On my salad I always want some oil.
9. Il nostro cameriere è stato gentilissimo, gli lasceremo una .
Our waiter was extremely polite, we will tip him.
10. Preferisci il bianco o nero?
Do you prefer white or black pepper?
Cameriere: Buonsera, avete prenotato? (Waiter Good evening, do you have a reservation?)
Marco: No, abbiamo prenotato. (Marco: No, we didn't reserve.)
Cameriere: Quanti siete? (Waiter: How many people are you?)
Marco Siamo in 3. (Marco: We are in 3.)
Cameriere Abbiamo un tavolo libero da 3! Venite, da questa parte. (Waiter: We have a free table for 3 people. Follow me, this way.)
Siete pronti per ordinare? (Are you ready to order?)
Marco Sì, io vorrei una margherita. (Marco: Yes, I would like a pizza margherita.)
Simona Per me una pizza 4 stagioni. (Simona: For me a 4 seasons pizza.)
Giorgia Io prendo una lasagna. (Giorgia: I'll have a lasagna.)
Cameriere: Perfetto. E ? (Waiter: Perfect. And to drink?)
Marco: Due bottiglie di vino rosso, . (Marco: Two bottles of red wine, please.)
Cameriere: Arrivano subito! Volete anche ? (Waiter :They'll be here in a moment! Would you also want a dessert?)
Giorgia: No, grazie. (Giorgia: No, thank you.)
Signor Rossi: Buongiorno, ho prenotato a nome Rossi. (Mr Rossi Good morning, I reserved a table under the name Rossi.)
Cameriere: Buongiorno Signor Rossi. Ecco il suo tavolo! (Waiter Good morning, Mr Rossi. Your table is here.)
Signor Rossi: Grazie! Posso ? (Mr Rossi: Thank you. Can I order?)
Cameriere: Certo! Cose le porto? (Waiter: Of course! What can I bring you?)
Signor Rossi: Una bistecca alla fiorentina e come dolce il tiramisù. (Mr Rossi: A Florentine beefsteak and as a dessert a tiramisù.)
Cameriere: Vuole qualcosa da bere? (Waiter: Would you want something to drink?)
Signor Rossi: Solo acqua, naturale. (Mr Rossi: Just water, natural.)
Cameriere: Perfetto! (Waiter: Perfect!)
Signor Verdi: Può portarmi il ? (Mr Verdi: Could you bring me the bill?)
Cameriere: Subito! Ecco a lei. (Waiter: Immediately! Here it is.)
Signor Verdi: Posso pagare con ? (Mr Verdi: Can I pay with card?)
Cameriere: No, oggi solo . (Waiter: No, today only cash.)
Signor Verdi: Va bene, ecco a lei. (Mr Verdi: Alright, here you are.)
Cameriere: ! Arrrivederci. (Waiter: Thank you, goodbye.)
1. Cameriere: Siete pronti ad ordinare?
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Può portarmi una forchetta?
Un attimo, per favore
2. Per mangiare una zuppa, mi serve un _______.
To eat a soup, I need a spoon.
3. You have finished eating. You say:
Ha prenotato?
Può portarmi il conto per favore?
4. E' pronto ad ordinare?
Are you ready to order?
Customer: I haven't decided yet.
Cliente: Mi dispiace, tutti i tavoli sono prenotati.
Cliente: Non ho ancora deciso
5. Può portarmi uno stuzzicadenti, per favore?
Can you bring me a toothpick?
Vuole qualcosa da bere?
6. Buongiorno, ho prenotato un tavolo a nome Rossi.
Good morning, I reserved a table under the name Rossi.
Ecco il suo tavolo!
No, oggi solo contanti.
7. Qual è il piatto del giorno?
What is the daily special?
Ho riservato un tavolo a nome Rossi.
Pizza 4 stagioni.
8. Mi dispiace, tutti i tavoli sono prenotati.
I am sorry, we are full.
Può portarmi il conto per favore?
Grazie, arrivederci.
9. Buonsera, avete prenotato?
Good evening, do you have a reservation?
No, oggi solo contanti.
No, non abbiamo prenotato.
10. Vuole qualcosa da bere?
Would you want something to drink?
Solo acqua, naturale.
Ecco il suo tavolo!
1. Cameriere: Siete pronti ad ordinare?
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Un attimo, per favore
2. Per mangiare una zuppa, mi serve un _______.
To eat a soup, I need a spoon.
3. You have finished eating. You say:
Può portarmi il conto per favore?
4. E' pronto ad ordinare?
Are you ready to order?
Customer: I haven't decided yet.
Cliente: Non ho ancora deciso
5. Può portarmi uno stuzzicadenti, per favore?
Can you bring me a toothpick?
6. Buongiorno, ho prenotato un tavolo a nome Rossi.
Good morning, I reserved a table under the name Rossi.
Ecco il suo tavolo!
7. Qual è il piatto del giorno?
What is the daily special?
Pizza 4 stagioni.
8. Mi dispiace, tutti i tavoli sono prenotati.
I am sorry, we are full.
Grazie, arrivederci.
9. Buonsera, avete prenotato?
Good evening, do you have a reservation?
No, non abbiamo prenotato.
10. Vuole qualcosa da bere?
Would you want something to drink?
Solo acqua, naturale.
Fill in the missing words.
1. Questo piatto è insipido. Serve un po' di .
This meal is insipid. We need some salt.
2. Non ho un !
I don't have a plate!
3. Non puoi mangiare la zuppa con la .
You can't eat soup with a fork.
4. Mi è caduto per terra il .
My napkin fell on the ground.
5. Può portarmi un di vino?
Could you bring me a glass of wine?
6. Ho qualcosa tra i denti, ho bisogno di uno .
I have something in my teeth, I need a toothpick.
7. Questo non taglia!
This knife doesn't cut!
8. Su l'insalata voglio sempre un po' d'.
On my salad I always want some oil.
9. Il nostro cameriere è stato gentilissimo, gli lasceremo una .
Our waiter was extremely polite, we will tip him.
10. Preferisci il bianco o nero?
Do you prefer white or black pepper?
Cameriere: Buonsera, avete prenotato? (Waiter Good evening, do you have a reservation?)
Marco: No, abbiamo prenotato. (Marco: No, we didn't reserve.)
Cameriere: Quanti siete? (Waiter: How many people are you?)
Marco Siamo in 3. (Marco: We are in 3.)
Cameriere Abbiamo un tavolo libero da 3! Venite, da questa parte. (Waiter: We have a free table for 3 people. Follow me, this way.)
Siete pronti per ordinare? (Are you ready to order?)
Marco Sì, io vorrei una margherita. (Marco: Yes, I would like a pizza margherita.)
Simona Per me una pizza 4 stagioni. (Simona: For me a 4 seasons pizza.)
Giorgia Io prendo una lasagna. (Giorgia: I'll have a lasagna.)
Cameriere: Perfetto. E ? (Waiter: Perfect. And to drink?)
Marco: Due bottiglie di vino rosso, . (Marco: Two bottles of red wine, please.)
Cameriere: Arrivano subito! Volete anche ? (Waiter :They'll be here in a moment! Would you also want a dessert?)
Giorgia: No, grazie. (Giorgia: No, thank you.)
Signor Rossi: Buongiorno, ho prenotato a nome Rossi. (Mr Rossi Good morning, I reserved a table under the name Rossi.)
Cameriere: Buongiorno Signor Rossi. Ecco il suo tavolo! (Waiter Good morning, Mr Rossi. Your table is here.)
Signor Rossi: Grazie! Posso ? (Mr Rossi: Thank you. Can I order?)
Cameriere: Certo! Cose le porto? (Waiter: Of course! What can I bring you?)
Signor Rossi: Una bistecca alla fiorentina e come dolce il tiramisù. (Mr Rossi: A Florentine beefsteak and as a dessert a tiramisù.)
Cameriere: Vuole qualcosa da bere? (Waiter: Would you want something to drink?)
Signor Rossi: Solo acqua, naturale. (Mr Rossi: Just water, natural.)
Cameriere: Perfetto! (Waiter: Perfect!)
Signor Verdi: Può portarmi il ? (Mr Verdi: Could you bring me the bill?)
Cameriere: Subito! Ecco a lei. (Waiter: Immediately! Here it is.)
Signor Verdi: Posso pagare con ? (Mr Verdi: Can I pay with card?)
Cameriere: No, oggi solo . (Waiter: No, today only cash.)
Signor Verdi: Va bene, ecco a lei. (Mr Verdi: Alright, here you are.)
Cameriere: ! Arrrivederci. (Waiter: Thank you, goodbye.)
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I'm a Italian/German bilingual teacher form Florence!
I offer lessons for beginners as well as for advanced speakers. I carry out different kinds of lessons: I could help you for example to prepare for a test, for your trip to Italy or for more advanced needs.
The lessons are focused on improving listening/comprehension skills as well as reading, writing, speaking and grammar.
If you want to know more about my methods, just book a trial lesson! It's free! I hope to see you soon!
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Niccolò has a pleasant way of teaching. He responds well to questions or comments from our group, while he knows how to follow the structure of the lesson. He carries out his lessons calmly, with interest and with humor.
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Hello, everybody ! My name is Elena. I’m a native Italian speaker, I’m 49 years old and live in Turin. I am a certified CEDILS teacher, I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature in Milan and have been working as a teacher of Italian for more than 10 years. I speak English and German. I attended specialization courses for Italian L2 teachers and I am interviewer for C1 PLIDA exam.
Are you seeking a friendly and dynamic study environment ? I got what you need. I am looking forward to being in touch with new students and organize pleasant, interesting and fruitful courses.
Do you wish to learn or improve your Italian to speak with your parents or friends? Do you need Italian for work or study ? Do you simply love Italian language and culture ? Do you need to improve your writing skills ?
My classes are tailored on your needs and considering your level of knowledge, I create a proper course plan. Classes focus on language and on the possibility for you to improve your ability to speak and understand Italian in your daily life or in work.
I offer 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 tuition, general Italian courses (grammar, conversation, listening, reading and writing), preparation to Italian examinations (all levels, also Italian for residence permit) and Italian and culture courses.
Grammar, vocabulary exercises, reading articles and magazines and talking together are all tools to feel at ease with the Italian language and then be able to practice it.
I have worked with children, adolescents and adults for all levels of Italian, from beginner to advanced. I have experience in preparing students to international certification (CILS, PLIDA). I was an A2/B1 Telc examiner.
Learning Italian can be closely related to culture, literature, music, sport and any other interest of my students.
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I had a trial class with Elena, and was very satisfied with the professionalism and all the teaching experience that she possesses. Will definitely continue to have classes with her.
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Hello Everybody
My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreign students, English, French and German for Italian students
Since 1994, I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to my travels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student's goals. I also triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. I give homework exercises, and my lessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting.
I am available for any explanations also via e mail
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Luisa is pleasant and very focused, I purchased 12 lessons after the first lesson with Luisa because I felt confident that she will teach me Italian at a level I’m able to follow with. I can’t wait to get stuck on and learn! :)
Luisa A.
Thank you Julian !!! Thank you so much !!
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Hello, everybody ! My name is Elena. I’m a native Italian speaker, I’m 49 years old and live in Turin. I am a certified CEDILS teacher, I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature in Milan and have been working as a teacher of Italian for more than 10 years. I speak English and German. I attended specialization courses for Italian L2 teachers and I am interviewer for C1 PLIDA exam.
Are you seeking a friendly and dynamic study environment ? I got what you need. I am looking forward to being in touch with new students and organize pleasant, interesting and fruitful courses.
Do you wish to learn or improve your Italian to speak with your parents or friends? Do you need Italian for work or study ? Do you simply love Italian language and culture ? Do you need to improve your writing skills ?
My classes are tailored on your needs and considering your level of knowledge, I create a proper course plan. Classes focus on language and on the possibility for you to improve your ability to speak and understand Italian in your daily life or in work.
I offer 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 tuition, general Italian courses (grammar, conversation, listening, reading and writing), preparation to Italian examinations (all levels, also Italian for residence permit) and Italian and culture courses.
Grammar, vocabulary exercises, reading articles and magazines and talking together are all tools to feel at ease with the Italian language and then be able to practice it.
I have worked with children, adolescents and adults for all levels of Italian, from beginner to advanced. I have experience in preparing students to international certification (CILS, PLIDA). I was an A2/B1 Telc examiner.
Learning Italian can be closely related to culture, literature, music, sport and any other interest of my students.
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Elena was friendly and encouraging and gave me good advice about preparing for my Italian language exam. I am looking forward to more lessons with her :)
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Hello Everybody
My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreign students, English, French and German for Italian students
Since 1994, I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to my travels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student's goals. I also triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. I give homework exercises, and my lessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting.
I am available for any explanations also via e mail
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Luisa is a really nice teacher with a lovely personality. She makes you feel very comfortable and will tailor the lessons for you. Thank you Luisa.
Luisa A.
Dear Veronica, thank you, thank you so much !! :-))
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Hello everyone! I have been teaching Italian to foreigners in Bologna for 10 years, collaborating with local associations. I graduated in History, but later I specialized in teaching Italian by obtaining the Ditals, and in 2019 a master's degree at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in "Advanced planning of teaching Italian language and culture to foreigners". I love my job very much and I do it with dedication and passion. I have experience with students of all levels of Italian, from beginners to advanced, and in preparing for language tests. I adapt my teaching methods to the characteristics and training needs of my students, so as to favor a more effective, engaging and motivating learning. The materials I use are authentic, original texts and videos adapted for educational purposes. I love to use computer technologies for the preparation of interactive exercises, especially for the exercise of grammar. If you want to learn Italian in an engaging and motivating way, contact me! I'm waiting for you for a trial lesson!
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Cristiana is a delightful person and a very effective teacher. As a beginner, my almost nonexistent Italian skills and understanding requires a patient teacher who is willing to take the time to ensure I understand concepts, usage etc. before moving on. I highly recommend her as a tutor.
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Maria has experience in teaching spanish lessons and is very well structured. I really recommend her to everybody.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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One-on-one Portuguese and English classes as a Second Language. Basic, intermediate and advanced. Provided personalized vocabulary, grammar Lessons and Portuguese Live Assessment Sessions.
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A useful lesson; some new grammar and vocabulary and Jose continues to encourage me to express myself in Portuguese.
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Why should you choose me? Take a look at what people say who have taken online classes with me.
Book lessons with me and
- prepare Dutch exams "Basisinburgering A1" and "Inburgeringsexamen A2". Your full commitment and my energetic, professional approach are the winning combination to help you succeed at once!
- learn Dutch because you live in the Netherlands (or are planning to move there) and still don’t speak the language properly or haven’t started yet. You’ll enjoy your environment more!
- learn Italian for work or because you will move to this beautiful country or simply because you just love it. Let me help you experience the language!
- study Spanish for pleasure, work or because you have to prepare an exam for school and you need to get confident to perform optimally
- get confident in useful daily conversations, meetings at work, exams, and presentations
- overcome the fear of failure; if you have learning problems, feel shy or need a boost of energy you’ll get confident enough to achieve your goals
My lessons are based on conversations. My method is to help you practice the language from the very beginning in spontaneous and direct conversations, using often role plays.
With books, articles, songs, and other interesting and stimulating material I will encourage conversation, develop grammar in a simpler way, and improve pronunciation.
Learning a foreign language is not a matter of doing much effort, but rather of being consistent, enjoying the lessons and allowing your intuition to work with you. You will book immediate results while having fun!
I've been teaching Dutch, Spanish and Italian for many years, in The Netherlands, for private institutes, for the integration of foreigners into society (Inburgering), and online from Italy, where I currently live.
Contact me for a free trial and let me know how I can help you.
If you cancel a reservation please do it at least 24 hours before the session
(otherwise I would have to charge you for the lesson).
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Elena is a well skilled teacher with patience and a great personality. She understands our needs well and the lessons are tailored to give us a good learning experience. The lessons are always a good combination of speaking, reading and grammar. Elena is very punctual and flexible when we need to change our schedule. We can highly recommend choosing Elena as your teacher.
Elena P.
Thank you for the feedback, Wouter and Eliane! I'm happy to know that you are satisfied with the lessons. I really enjoy working with you and I love to witness your progress, class after class.
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a well skilled teacher with patience and a great personality, always joyful and happy. She understands my needs well and the lessons are tailored to give me a good learning experience. The lessons are always a good combination of speaking, reading and grammar. Daniela is always flexible when I need to change the schedule. I can highly recommend choosing Daniela. You'll for sure have a fun learning experience with her.
Daniela V.
Thanks so much for your words, Wouter! I am very happy that you feel comfortable with the lessons together and I hope to help you grow more and more. You are doing a great job. Keep it up! :-D
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I'm a certified Italian teacher based in my hometown Florence. I spent my childhood in a small village in the Chianti countryside and I always loved to explore curious aspects of different languages. I studied Arabic, English, French and Spanish and I like to help students with practical insights into Italian language to better fix the structures and improve pronunciation, grammar and conversation. After my studies (master degree in teaching Italian as a second language + CEDILS certificate - teaching Italian to foreign students), I taught in different contexts and countries (IIC of Beirut, private schools in Prague, companies in Malta and Florence and to many many private students!).
I try each time to adapt to every student's needs, with mainly one goal: making every student enthusiastic about the learning process and more and more confident. I use a communicative approach and I can offer classes of Italian languages, cinema, culture, gestures, focuses on grammar, conversation, etc.
A presto!
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The lesson answered all my expectations. The conversation was fluent. Olivia was very sensitive to my goals. I thank her for this lovely experience. to be continued… 12 weeks later, and I am so satisfied and grateful. The lessons are lively and fun. to be continued...
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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I asked Daniela to help me with pronunciation. She pays careful attention, and corrects my pronunciation as needed.
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Ciao! My name is Giorgio, I live few kilometers away from Rome and I am a native speaking Italian tutor, certified with the DITALS Level II (Università per Stranieri di Siena).
Words, their amazing mixture of sounds and ideas, have enchanted me for as long as I can remember, along with their multiple expressive nuances and communicative potential. That is the reason why, after my philosophy degree in 2017, I started my apprenticeship in a renowned institute in Rome while volunteering in a school for immigrants. After getting my teaching certification, in 2019 I worked at an Italian language and culture center in Montpellier (France). When I came back to Italy, I continued teaching at a school and as a freelance, both face-to-face and online.
In my work I aim to teach a language that is authentic and functional to deal with the most common communicative situations for those who travel or live in Italy. How? Firstly, I only speak Italian during classes, since the beginner’s level, and I pay constant attention to pragmatic and intercultural aspects of communication. Secondly, I use all kinds of supports and I gradually introduce more complex structures and specific uses. The choice of the topics is based on the interests and needs of each student. Language is always a mean to convey culture and many people approach Italian driven by curiosity for Italian food, music, fashion, literature, lifestyle, cinema. These all are regular topics of my classes, through which I try to convey a multifaceted image of my country. I have a true passion for metalinguistic reflection and I am happy to answer to students’ questions, but I generally prefer guiding them to the autonomous discovery of grammar rules, through an inductive process. I am very patient and I always try to establish a positive environment, where errors are chances to learn and not something to be ashamed of. I believe in the importance of promoting students’ responsibility in their learning process, stimulating their commitment and valuing their learning styles. Fun and gratification are a more powerful drive than mere obligation.
I provide texts and materials to work on in class and to revise at home. In order to reach the best results in all the communicative skills, I always enrich my classes with visual support, listening activities, videos, games.
If you are looking for a relaxed and friendly environment to learn Italian, contact me for a free trial lesson! We will get to know each other and arrange the work to do together. A presto!
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My Italian lessons with Giorgio have been so worthwhile. Each lesson is very structured and well- prepared. The teaching material is excellent. His friendly demeanor throughout the lesson always inspires interest, encourages and fosters self-confidence. Giorgio is capable of treating his students according to their individual needs. I continuously progress in my studies. He's always willing to go an extra- mile in order to clear any doubts or uncertainties. I highly recommend Giorgio to anyone who wants to learn, improve and master Italian on a high level and who's looking for a teacher out of the ordinary.
Giorgio V.
Caro, thank you very much for these gratifying words! I am glad you are so satisfied with our lessons. Thanks to your growing confidence with the language and your natural determination, you can get great results. Keep up the good work!
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Hi, guys! My name is Lucia and I would like to invite you to learn Italian with me.
I am both a native speaker and a QUALIFIED teacher, as I hold a post-graduate degree in “Teaching Italian as a second language” and a national certification as teacher of Italian to not-native speaking.
My teaching method is COMMUNICATION-oriented and involves also the study of Italian culture and grammar. Indeed, as it happens in your mother language, the knowledge of spare words is not enough to get able to speak (i.e. INTERACT!) properly and conveniently.
I’ll prepare for you all teaching materials, tailoring lessons to your needs and interests, taking advantage from both the huge number of textbooks I hold and my creativity!
I offer lessons for all levels, from absolute beginners to advanced, as well as support in preparation to certification exams (I am also qualified ad examiner for the oral part of CELI).
Do not hesitate to get in contact with me to find a suitable time-slot for your trial lesson!
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I highly recommend Lucia, she is an amazing teacher, very pedagogical and explains all the rules in a very comprehensible manner. The program/book she uses is great, words are easy to remember and the exercises are interesting and interactive. 5 out of 5!
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Teaching methodology
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Elisabetta is a great teacher! She helpes me to study italian. She takes the time and she knows what is the best pace to evolve! I learn New things in a great tempo.., im on my way for my celi A1 examination whit teacher Elisabetta i'm gonna make it !! Thank you so much!!
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I'm a Italian/German bilingual teacher form Florence!
I offer lessons for beginners as well as for advanced speakers. I carry out different kinds of lessons: I could help you for example to prepare for a test, for your trip to Italy or for more advanced needs.
The lessons are focused on improving listening/comprehension skills as well as reading, writing, speaking and grammar.
If you want to know more about my methods, just book a trial lesson! It's free! I hope to see you soon!
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Niccolò has a pleasant way of teaching. He responds well to questions or comments from our group, while he knows how to follow the structure of the lesson. He carries out his lessons calmly, with interest and with humor.
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Hello, everybody ! My name is Elena. I’m a native Italian speaker, I’m 49 years old and live in Turin. I am a certified CEDILS teacher, I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature in Milan and have been working as a teacher of Italian for more than 10 years. I speak English and German. I attended specialization courses for Italian L2 teachers and I am interviewer for C1 PLIDA exam.
Are you seeking a friendly and dynamic study environment ? I got what you need. I am looking forward to being in touch with new students and organize pleasant, interesting and fruitful courses.
Do you wish to learn or improve your Italian to speak with your parents or friends? Do you need Italian for work or study ? Do you simply love Italian language and culture ? Do you need to improve your writing skills ?
My classes are tailored on your needs and considering your level of knowledge, I create a proper course plan. Classes focus on language and on the possibility for you to improve your ability to speak and understand Italian in your daily life or in work.
I offer 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 tuition, general Italian courses (grammar, conversation, listening, reading and writing), preparation to Italian examinations (all levels, also Italian for residence permit) and Italian and culture courses.
Grammar, vocabulary exercises, reading articles and magazines and talking together are all tools to feel at ease with the Italian language and then be able to practice it.
I have worked with children, adolescents and adults for all levels of Italian, from beginner to advanced. I have experience in preparing students to international certification (CILS, PLIDA). I was an A2/B1 Telc examiner.
Learning Italian can be closely related to culture, literature, music, sport and any other interest of my students.
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I had a trial class with Elena, and was very satisfied with the professionalism and all the teaching experience that she possesses. Will definitely continue to have classes with her.
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Hello Everybody
My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreign students, English, French and German for Italian students
Since 1994, I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to my travels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student's goals. I also triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. I give homework exercises, and my lessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting.
I am available for any explanations also via e mail
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Luisa is pleasant and very focused, I purchased 12 lessons after the first lesson with Luisa because I felt confident that she will teach me Italian at a level I’m able to follow with. I can’t wait to get stuck on and learn! :)
Luisa A.
Thank you Julian !!! Thank you so much !!
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Hello, everybody ! My name is Elena. I’m a native Italian speaker, I’m 49 years old and live in Turin. I am a certified CEDILS teacher, I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature in Milan and have been working as a teacher of Italian for more than 10 years. I speak English and German. I attended specialization courses for Italian L2 teachers and I am interviewer for C1 PLIDA exam.
Are you seeking a friendly and dynamic study environment ? I got what you need. I am looking forward to being in touch with new students and organize pleasant, interesting and fruitful courses.
Do you wish to learn or improve your Italian to speak with your parents or friends? Do you need Italian for work or study ? Do you simply love Italian language and culture ? Do you need to improve your writing skills ?
My classes are tailored on your needs and considering your level of knowledge, I create a proper course plan. Classes focus on language and on the possibility for you to improve your ability to speak and understand Italian in your daily life or in work.
I offer 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 tuition, general Italian courses (grammar, conversation, listening, reading and writing), preparation to Italian examinations (all levels, also Italian for residence permit) and Italian and culture courses.
Grammar, vocabulary exercises, reading articles and magazines and talking together are all tools to feel at ease with the Italian language and then be able to practice it.
I have worked with children, adolescents and adults for all levels of Italian, from beginner to advanced. I have experience in preparing students to international certification (CILS, PLIDA). I was an A2/B1 Telc examiner.
Learning Italian can be closely related to culture, literature, music, sport and any other interest of my students.
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Elena was friendly and encouraging and gave me good advice about preparing for my Italian language exam. I am looking forward to more lessons with her :)
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