Describing someone in Italian (adjectives, body)
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In this lesson you will learn how to describe somebody in Italian.
The following expressions can be useful to introduce somebody.
Italian | English |
Lui/Lei è (nome/cognome) | He/she is (name/surname) |
Questo/Questa è (nome/cognome) | This is (name/surname) |
Nella foto vediamo (nome/cognome) | In the picture we see (name/surname) |
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In the following table you can find body parts matched with some possible features.
Body part | Feature | English |
Gli occhi (The eyes) | Azzurri | Blue eyes |
I capelli (The hair) | Biondi | Blonde hair |
Il naso (The nose) | Piccolo | Little nose Big nose Crooked nose |
La bocca (The mouth) | Piccola Grande | Small mouth Big mouth |
To know more about the body parts, click here: Body parts in Italian.
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Maria ha i capelli lunghi e lisci e gli occhi azzurri. | Maria has straight long hair and blue eyes. |
Marco gli occhi marroni e i capelli biondi. | Marco has bown eyes and blond hair. |
In the following table you can find an useful list of adjectives to describe the general aspect and features of someone.
positive | English | negative | English |
abbronzato | suntanned | pallido | pale |
affascinante | charming | ripugnante | repulsive |
alto | tall | basso | short |
atletico | athletic | gracile esile | slender |
barbuto | bearded | sbarbato | shaved |
bello | handsome | brutto | ugly |
capellone | long-haired | calvo / pelato | bald |
elegante | elegant | trasandato | shabby |
energico | dynamic | fiacco | slack |
forte | strong | debole / fragile | weak |
giovane | young | vecchio | old |
grazioso | pretty | sgraziato | ungraceful |
incantevole | fascinating | orribile | horrible |
magro | thin | grasso | fat |
robusto | robust | muscoloso | muscular |
Let's see some examples.
Italian | English |
Mio fratello è molto alto, e invece mia sorella è bassa. | My brother is very tall, whereas my sister is short. |
La zia di Marco è elegante mentre lo zio è sempre trasandato. | Marco's aunt is elegant, whereas the uncle is always shabby. |
In the following table you can find an useful list of adjectives to describe the personality of someone.
Positive | English | Negative | English |
abile capace | capable | incapace maldestro | clumsy |
accogliente | welcoming | inospitale | unwelcoming |
affidabile | reliable | inaffidabile | unreliable |
allegro | cheerful | malinconico | melancholy |
altruista | selfless | egoista | selfish |
ambizioso | ambitious | rinunciatario | defeatist |
amichevole | friendly | ostile | hostile |
appassionato | enthusiastic | indifferente | indifferent |
astuto | wily | ingenuo | naive |
attento | attentive/careful | distratto | distracted |
bravo | good | cattivo | bad |
calmo | quiet | agitato | shaken |
chiacchierone | talkative | taciturno | silent |
coerente | coherent | incoerente | incoherent |
colto | educated | rozzo | boorish |
comprensivo | understanding | intransigente | intransigent |
conosciuto | famous | sconosciuto | unknown |
coraggioso | brave | pauroso / vigliacco | fearful / coward |
cortese / gentile | kind | scortese | rude |
deciso | determined | indeciso | undecided |
diplomatico | diplomatic | sfacciato | cheeky |
discreto | discreet | invadente | intrusive |
divertente | fun | noioso | boring |
educato | polite | maleducato | unpolite |
estroverso | extroverted | introverso / timido | shy |
fedele | faithful | infedele | unfaithful |
felice | happy | infelice | unhappy |
sicuro di sè | confident | diffidente | reluctant |
gradevole / piacevole | pleasant | sgradevole / fastidioso | unpleasant / annoying |
intelligente | clever | stupido | stupid |
istruito | educated | ignorante | uneducated |
laborioso | hard−working | pigro | lazy |
leale | loyal | sleale | disloyal |
libero | free | occupato / impegnato | busy |
maturo | mature | immaturo | immature |
modesto | modest | vanitoso | conceited |
obbediente | obedient | disobbediente | disobedient |
onesto | honest | disonesto | dishonest |
ordinato | tidy | disordinato | untidy |
organizzato | organised | disorganizzato | disorganised |
ottimista | optimistic | pessimista | pessimistic |
pacifico | peaceful | litigioso | litigious |
paziente | patient | impaziente | impatient |
perfetto | perfect | imperfetto | imperfect |
pratico | pragmatic | inesperto | inexpert |
premuroso | attentive | noncurante | careless |
pulito | clean | sporco | dirty |
puntuale | punctual | ritardatario | latecomer |
responsabile | responsible | irresponsabile | irresponsable |
ricco | rich | povero | poor |
riconoscente | grateful | ingrato | ungrateful |
rilassato | relaxed | stressato | stressed |
saggio | wise | pazzo | crazy |
sensibile | sensitive | insensibile | insensitive |
sicuro | confident | insicuro | insecure |
simpatico | nice | antipatico | unpleasant |
sincero | sincere | bugiardo | liar |
socievole | outgoing | solitario | loner |
soddisfatto | satisfied | insoddisfatto | unsatisfied |
spigliato | at ease | imbarazzato | awkward |
umile | humble | presuntuoso | pretentious |
veloce | fast | lento | slow |
Check out the following examples.
Italian | English |
Invece di essere sempre così egoista, prova ad essere più altruista. | Instead of always being so selfish, try to be more altruistic. |
Qualche anno fa era ancora molto immaturo, mentre ora è più maturo. | Some years ago he was still very immature, whereas now he is more mature. |
When describing someone, the adjectives we saw in the tables must be declined according to gender and number.
Here's a short recap.
Most adjectives follow this pattern of declension.
Masculine singular: -o;
Feminine singular: -a;
Masculine plural: -i;
Feminine plural: -e.
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Sara è una persona onesta. | Sara is a honest person. |
Gli amici di Paolo sono molto simpatici. | Paolo's friends are very nice. |
The following adjectives are irregular and must be learned by heart.
endings in -e;
endings in -a;
endings in -tore;
roots ending in -c or -g;
invariable adjectives.
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Mario è sensibile e anche la sua ragazza è sensibile. | Mario is sensitive and also his girlfriend is sensitive. |
Le tue amiche sono molto socievoli. | Your girl friends are very outgoing. |
Marco ha i capelli castani e gli occhi azzurri. Ha il naso piccolo e un po' di barba.
(Marco has brown hair and blue eyes. He has a small nose and a bit of beard.)
Marco è alto e magro. E' un ragazzo altruista, positivo, sicuro di sè e paziente.
(Marco is tall and thin. He's a selfless, positive, confident and a patient guy.)
Ha un unico difetto: è un po' ritardatario.
(He has only one flaw: he's a bit of a latecomer.)
Chiara è una chiacchierona, è estroversa e adora conoscere nuove persone.
(Chiara is very talkative, she is outgoing and loves to meet new people.)
Ha i capelli rossi e ricci, e gli occhi verdi.
(She has red curly hair, and green eyes.)
E' robusta e alta.
(She is robust and tall.)
A volte è una persona un po' pigra.
(Sometimes she is a bit of a lazy person.)
Luca ha i capelli neri e gli occhi neri. E' basso, e questo lo rende insicuro.
(Luca has black hair and black eyes. He is short and this makes him insecure.)
Lui è molto curioso ed intelligente, molto laborioso.
(He is very curious and smart, very hard-working.)
Spesso è taciturno e non si capisce cosa pensa.
(Sometimes he is silent, you can't understand what he is thinking about.)
In generale, è un ragazzo molto affidabile.
(Generally, he is a very reliable guy.)
Fill in the missing words.
1. Sara porta .
Sara wears bangs.
2. Il fidanzato di mia sorella ha e .
My sister's boyfriend has blond hair and blue eyes.
3. Non ha i capelli nè nè : li ha .
He doesn't have neither straight nor curly hair: he has wavy hair.
4. Chiara ha una e delicata.
Chiara has a small and delicate mounth.
5. Durante le Giornate dei Capelli Rossi nei Paesi Bassi molte persone con si riuniscono.
During the Redhead Days in the Netherlands,many people with red hair come together.
6. Si dice che i cinesi abbiano .
They say Chinese people have almond-shaped eyes.
7. Martina ha , le arrivano quasi ai fianchi!
Martina has long hair, it almost reaches her hips!
8. Hai o ? Non capisco!
Do you have green eyes or blue eyes? I don't understand!
9. Vorrei una bambina con e .
I would like to have a daughter with black hair and green eyes.
10. La ragazza nella foto aveva e .
The girl in the picture had red hair and a small nose.
1. Mario si allena ogni giorno, è molto ________.
Mario trains everyday, he is very muscular.
2. Elisa è la più _______ della classe: è 1,90m!
Elisa is the tallest (tall) in the class, she is 1,90m!
3. Marco non è mai andato al mare questa estate e quindi è _______.
Marco has never been to the sea this summer, so he is pale.
4. Il ragazzo che mi ha chiesto informazioni era molto ________:
The guy who asked me some information was very young.
5. Giorgio con lo smoking ha un aspetto molto ________.
Giorgio is very elegant when wearing a suit.
6. Il giudice era un signore _______.
The judge was a shaved man.
7. Il figlio di Aurora è molto ________.
Aurora's son is very pretty.
8. Tommaso è molto ________ la mattina.
Tommaso is very dynamic in the morning.
9. Non è educato chiamare qualcuno _______.
It's not polite to call someone fat.
10. E all'improvviso arrivò un _______ principe.
And all of a sudden arrived a charming prince.
1. Mario si allena ogni giorno, è molto ________.
Mario trains everyday, he is very muscular.
2. Elisa è la più _______ della classe: è 1,90m!
Elisa is the tallest (tall) in the class, she is 1,90m!
3. Marco non è mai andato al mare questa estate e quindi è _______.
Marco has never been to the sea this summer, so he is pale.
4. Il ragazzo che mi ha chiesto informazioni era molto ________:
The guy who asked me some information was very young.
5. Giorgio con lo smoking ha un aspetto molto ________.
Giorgio is very elegant when wearing a suit.
6. Il giudice era un signore _______.
The judge was a shaved man.
7. Il figlio di Aurora è molto ________.
Aurora's son is very pretty.
8. Tommaso è molto ________ la mattina.
Tommaso is very dynamic in the morning.
9. Non è educato chiamare qualcuno _______.
It's not polite to call someone fat.
10. E all'improvviso arrivò un _______ principe.
And all of a sudden arrived a charming prince.
1. Andrea è molto , riesce a sollevare il doppio del suo peso.
Andrea is very strong, he can lift twice his weight.
2. Babbo Natale è un signore .
Santa Claus is a bearded man.
3. Il mio gatto è abbastanza .
My cat is kind of fat.
4. Sei troppo per uscire fino a tardi!
You are too young to stay out late!
6, Il modello è e alto.
The model is thin and tall.
7. Ti senti bene? Sei molto !
Are you okay? You are very pale!
8. Il candidato non deve avere un aspetto .
The candidate shouldn't look shabby.
9. Il bambino è troppo per raggiungere la mensola.
The kid is too short to reach the shelf.
10. Lei è una professoressa molto .
She is a very elegant professor.
Fill in the missing words in the text
1) Paolo è un ragazzo italiano di 23 anni. E' una persona molto e .
Cerca di essere sempre e .
Ha un grande difetto: spesso è .
Il suo migliore amico Lorenzo è e . Non sopporta chi è .
(Paolo is a 23-year-old man. He's a very friendly and kind person. He always tries to be positive and responsible. He has one big flaw: often he is lazy. His best friend Lorenzo is smart and patient. He can't stand intrusive people.)
2) Il Signor Rossi è molto .
E' anche e .
E' spesso un , della vita e .
(Mr. Rossi is very rich. He is also insensitive and stressed out. He is often a liar, unsatisfied of life and disloyal.)
3) Luca è . Sa sempre come manipolare le persone.
A volte è troppo e .
La sua fidanzata però dice che lui è .
(Luca is sly. He always know the way to manipulate people. Sometimes he is too pretentious and careless. His girlfriend however says he is perfect.)
Marco ha e . Ha il piccolo e un po' di barba.
(Marco has brown hair and blue eyes. He has a small nose and a bit of beard.)
Marco è e . E' un ragazzo altruista, , sicuro di sè e .
(Marco is tall and thin. He's a selfless, positive, confidente and patient guy.)
Ha un unico difetto: è un po' .
(He has only one flaw: he's a bit of a latecomer.)
Chiara è una , è e adora conoscere nuove persone.
(Chiara is very talkative, she is outgoing and loves to meet new people.)
Ha e ricci, e .
(She has red curly hair, and green eyes.)
E' robusta e .
(She is robust and tall.)
A volte è una persona un po' .
(Sometimes she is a bit of a lazy person.)
Luca ha i capelli e . E' basso, e questo lo rende .
(Luca has black hair and black eyes. He is short and this makes him insecure.)
Lui è molto ed intelligente, molto .
(He is very curious and smart, very hard-working.)
Spesso è taciturno e non si capisce cosa pensa.
(Sometimes he is silent, you can't understand what he is thinking about.)
In generale, è un ragazzo molto .
(Generally, he is a very reliable guy.)
Fill in the missing words.
1. Sara porta .
Sara wears bangs.
2. Il fidanzato di mia sorella ha e .
My sister's boyfriend has blond hair and blue eyes.
3. Non ha i capelli nè nè : li ha .
He doesn't have neither straight nor curly hair: he has wavy hair.
4. Chiara ha una e delicata.
Chiara has a small and delicate mounth.
5. Durante le Giornate dei Capelli Rossi nei Paesi Bassi molte persone con si riuniscono.
During the Redhead Days in the Netherlands,many people with red hair come together.
6. Si dice che i cinesi abbiano .
They say Chinese people have almond-shaped eyes.
7. Martina ha , le arrivano quasi ai fianchi!
Martina has long hair, it almost reaches her hips!
8. Hai o ? Non capisco!
Do you have green eyes or blue eyes? I don't understand!
9. Vorrei una bambina con e .
I would like to have a daughter with black hair and green eyes.
10. La ragazza nella foto aveva e .
The girl in the picture had red hair and a small nose.
1. Mario si allena ogni giorno, è molto ________.
Mario trains everyday, he is very muscular.
2. Elisa è la più _______ della classe: è 1,90m!
Elisa is the tallest (tall) in the class, she is 1,90m!
3. Marco non è mai andato al mare questa estate e quindi è _______.
Marco has never been to the sea this summer, so he is pale.
4. Il ragazzo che mi ha chiesto informazioni era molto ________:
The guy who asked me some information was very young.
5. Giorgio con lo smoking ha un aspetto molto ________.
Giorgio is very elegant when wearing a suit.
6. Il giudice era un signore _______.
The judge was a shaved man.
7. Il figlio di Aurora è molto ________.
Aurora's son is very pretty.
8. Tommaso è molto ________ la mattina.
Tommaso is very dynamic in the morning.
9. Non è educato chiamare qualcuno _______.
It's not polite to call someone fat.
10. E all'improvviso arrivò un _______ principe.
And all of a sudden arrived a charming prince.
1. Mario si allena ogni giorno, è molto ________.
Mario trains everyday, he is very muscular.
2. Elisa è la più _______ della classe: è 1,90m!
Elisa is the tallest (tall) in the class, she is 1,90m!
3. Marco non è mai andato al mare questa estate e quindi è _______.
Marco has never been to the sea this summer, so he is pale.
4. Il ragazzo che mi ha chiesto informazioni era molto ________:
The guy who asked me some information was very young.
5. Giorgio con lo smoking ha un aspetto molto ________.
Giorgio is very elegant when wearing a suit.
6. Il giudice era un signore _______.
The judge was a shaved man.
7. Il figlio di Aurora è molto ________.
Aurora's son is very pretty.
8. Tommaso è molto ________ la mattina.
Tommaso is very dynamic in the morning.
9. Non è educato chiamare qualcuno _______.
It's not polite to call someone fat.
10. E all'improvviso arrivò un _______ principe.
And all of a sudden arrived a charming prince.
1. Andrea è molto , riesce a sollevare il doppio del suo peso.
Andrea is very strong, he can lift twice his weight.
2. Babbo Natale è un signore .
Santa Claus is a bearded man.
3. Il mio gatto è abbastanza .
My cat is kind of fat.
4. Sei troppo per uscire fino a tardi!
You are too young to stay out late!
6, Il modello è e alto.
The model is thin and tall.
7. Ti senti bene? Sei molto !
Are you okay? You are very pale!
8. Il candidato non deve avere un aspetto .
The candidate shouldn't look shabby.
9. Il bambino è troppo per raggiungere la mensola.
The kid is too short to reach the shelf.
10. Lei è una professoressa molto .
She is a very elegant professor.
Fill in the missing words in the text
1) Paolo è un ragazzo italiano di 23 anni. E' una persona molto e .
Cerca di essere sempre e .
Ha un grande difetto: spesso è .
Il suo migliore amico Lorenzo è e . Non sopporta chi è .
(Paolo is a 23-year-old man. He's a very friendly and kind person. He always tries to be positive and responsible. He has one big flaw: often he is lazy. His best friend Lorenzo is smart and patient. He can't stand intrusive people.)
2) Il Signor Rossi è molto .
E' anche e .
E' spesso un , della vita e .
(Mr. Rossi is very rich. He is also insensitive and stressed out. He is often a liar, unsatisfied of life and disloyal.)
3) Luca è . Sa sempre come manipolare le persone.
A volte è troppo e .
La sua fidanzata però dice che lui è .
(Luca is sly. He always know the way to manipulate people. Sometimes he is too pretentious and careless. His girlfriend however says he is perfect.)
Marco ha e . Ha il piccolo e un po' di barba.
(Marco has brown hair and blue eyes. He has a small nose and a bit of beard.)
Marco è e . E' un ragazzo altruista, , sicuro di sè e .
(Marco is tall and thin. He's a selfless, positive, confidente and patient guy.)
Ha un unico difetto: è un po' .
(He has only one flaw: he's a bit of a latecomer.)
Chiara è una , è e adora conoscere nuove persone.
(Chiara is very talkative, she is outgoing and loves to meet new people.)
Ha e ricci, e .
(She has red curly hair, and green eyes.)
E' robusta e .
(She is robust and tall.)
A volte è una persona un po' .
(Sometimes she is a bit of a lazy person.)
Luca ha i capelli e . E' basso, e questo lo rende .
(Luca has black hair and black eyes. He is short and this makes him insecure.)
Lui è molto ed intelligente, molto .
(He is very curious and smart, very hard-working.)
Spesso è taciturno e non si capisce cosa pensa.
(Sometimes he is silent, you can't understand what he is thinking about.)
In generale, è un ragazzo molto .
(Generally, he is a very reliable guy.)
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My name is Jay and I'm from Morocco I love to teach English and share my knowledge of Moroccan and western culture with young students.
My degree is in English Studies. I possess a CELTA certificate as well and I have also worked for 7 years in both Morocco and China.
I like basketball and going to the gym.
I believe the most effective way to feel comfortable and confident with learning English is to enjoy having conversations with a teacher who guides students in lessons that are fun and interesting, with plenty of congratulations and corrections where necessary!
I am friendly, motivated, funny, and more importantly patient.
And I love to teach children and adults.
I hope and look forward to seeing you, in one of my classes soon.
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Jalal is a teacher with experience in several countries with lots of passion about teaching English.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I am a multilingual teacher with experience in teaching French to German, Japanese, English, Bulgarian and Italian-speaking students, etc. (levels A1 to C1).
I have been teaching French for 8 years in Luxemburg and now in Bulgaria for 4 years, to teenagers, housewives, businessmen, employees, doctors, etc. I can also help you with DELF and DALF preparation. I give lessons via Skype, Zoom and Microsoft Teams in several countries.
My teaching method for each class : a grammar point together with listening, a lot of speaking with conversation questions or games. While you speak, I write all the new words you need to express yourself, illustrated by pictures or translated in your language.
I do my best to make you feel comfortable to speak and for you to have a pleasant time. According to me, using humour will help you learn more easily.
Whether you need to learn French for business, integration in a French-speaking country or studying, I will be happy to help you. Do not hesitate to contact me for a free trial lesson.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
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Katia is a very sweet person, her pronunciation is BEAUTIFUL and she’s very knowledgeable. I loved my lessons with her. I highly recommend her
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a wonderful teacher and a pleasure to talk to. Any student would be lucky to have her as a teacher. Thank you Daniela for your help with my Italian!!!
Daniela V.
Ciao Robbie, thanks a lot for your feedback. I'm very happy you like the classes together and I'll do my best to keep them as fun and interesting as possible :-)
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Hi! My name is Tiphaine, I'm french, I'm 37 years old and I live in Seville.
I grew up in the outside of Paris, I travelled all over the world and I live in Spain for 10 years now.
I'm a musician, a dancer and I love to cook and hike.
I'm a french teacher, and it's my passion! I speak 3 languages, and thanks to my learning I was able to live amazing experiences in many countries.
That's why I became a teacher, to be able to share with you my love for french language and culture and to guide you in your progress.
For me, each language is a way of seeing and interpreting the world, as glasses of different colors.
Understanding the way a language works is understanding how its people see things; it's such a exciting process, I can't wait to share it with you!
I have more than 8 years experience, in schools, companies and universities.
I work with people from all ages, beginners to advanced. I know most of french manuals.
I can prepare you to DELF and DALF exams. I also have a specialization in french for specific goals and french business.
I can offer you thematic courses, to improve your pronunciation, increase your vocabulary, prepare you for traveling or for a new job.
All my classes are in french, I adapt my vocabulary and speech speed according to your level.
I also adapt my method to your needs, personality, to take the best advantage of my classes and your french learning.
I use diversified ressources, from quizz to podcasts, videos, songs and games.
Whatever are your motivations, if you want to learn french in a pleasurable and rewarding way, book a class with me!
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Tiphaine is a very competent and experienced French teacher. She prepares the lessons very carefully and focuses on all relevant aspects such as conversation, grammar and vocabulary. Above all, she has a very friendly personality that makes you feel at ease immediately. I can highly recommend her as a French teacher.
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Hello everyone! I'm Federica and I'm a Certified Italian teacher with over 3 years of experience.
I live in Rome and I teach with patience and enthusiasm because I love Italian language and culture and I always try to share this love in my lessons.
I adjust my method according to my students needs and I try to encourage students to express themselves.
Book a trial lesson to discuss your learning needs and goals! I hope to see you soon!
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I have just started learning Italian with Federica. She is very friendly and patient and is able to be flexible with the lesson according to my language goals. I am looking forward to improving my Italian with her.
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I am an Italian native speaker with a Master's degree in Languages for International Relations. I have experience in tutoring students from all ages.
I prepare tailored lessons based on the students' needs and interests using textbooks, videos, interactive resources and ad-hoc materials.
If you want to learn Italian and know more about the culture, food, art and traditions, don't hesitate to get in touch!
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I began Italian lessons with Mariarosa a few weeks ago and she has been a stellar teacher thus far! She tailors each of our lessons to my pace, and includes things that I mention I don't know yet or want to learn. All of our lessons have a good mix of grammar, vocabulary and review, and I always have a good bit of homework to keep me busy and continue learning between lessons :) highly recommend her as a teacher.
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Hello German learner! I am a dedicated teacher for DaF (German as a foreign language) studying and working in Germany. I have already gained teaching experience with different age groups and nationalities while teaching German in various language schools.
Currently, I'm doing my second studies in German, English, and Teaching at the University of Bonn. (I already got my Master's Degree in German and Literature). Besides, I teach in a local language school as well as tutor students online on Colanguage.
In my free time, I learn French and Dutch and hope to become a true polyglot one day :)
So as you can see, I'm all into languages and love my profession as a teacher!
I can help you learn general German, develop your communicational skills as well as prepare you for language tests (Goethe Zertifikat, Telc, etc).
Just book a trial lesson with me and we'll find out which course is right for you.
See you soon
PS. IMPORTANT! Currently, I only work with adults aged 18 and over - so NO courses for children, sorry.
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Hranush is a teacher with a lot of experience in teaching German. She has many materials and is well-structured!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Ciao! My name is Giorgio, I live few kilometers away from Rome and I am a native speaking Italian tutor, certified with the DITALS Level II (Università per Stranieri di Siena).
Words, their amazing mixture of sounds and ideas, have enchanted me for as long as I can remember, along with their multiple expressive nuances and communicative potential. That is the reason why, after my philosophy degree in 2017, I started my apprenticeship in a renowned institute in Rome while volunteering in a school for immigrants. After getting my teaching certification, in 2019 I worked at an Italian language and culture center in Montpellier (France). When I came back to Italy, I continued teaching at a school and as a freelance, both face-to-face and online.
In my work I aim to teach a language that is authentic and functional to deal with the most common communicative situations for those who travel or live in Italy. How? Firstly, I only speak Italian during classes, since the beginner’s level, and I pay constant attention to pragmatic and intercultural aspects of communication. Secondly, I use all kinds of supports and I gradually introduce more complex structures and specific uses. The choice of the topics is based on the interests and needs of each student. Language is always a mean to convey culture and many people approach Italian driven by curiosity for Italian food, music, fashion, literature, lifestyle, cinema. These all are regular topics of my classes, through which I try to convey a multifaceted image of my country. I have a true passion for metalinguistic reflection and I am happy to answer to students’ questions, but I generally prefer guiding them to the autonomous discovery of grammar rules, through an inductive process. I am very patient and I always try to establish a positive environment, where errors are chances to learn and not something to be ashamed of. I believe in the importance of promoting students’ responsibility in their learning process, stimulating their commitment and valuing their learning styles. Fun and gratification are a more powerful drive than mere obligation.
I provide texts and materials to work on in class and to revise at home. In order to reach the best results in all the communicative skills, I always enrich my classes with visual support, listening activities, videos, games.
If you are looking for a relaxed and friendly environment to learn Italian, contact me for a free trial lesson! We will get to know each other and arrange the work to do together. A presto!
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My Italian lessons with Giorgio have been so worthwhile. Each lesson is very structured and well- prepared. The teaching material is excellent. His friendly demeanor throughout the lesson always inspires interest, encourages and fosters self-confidence. Giorgio is capable of treating his students according to their individual needs. I continuously progress in my studies. He's always willing to go an extra- mile in order to clear any doubts or uncertainties. I highly recommend Giorgio to anyone who wants to learn, improve and master Italian on a high level and who's looking for a teacher out of the ordinary.
Giorgio V.
Caro, thank you very much for these gratifying words! I am glad you are so satisfied with our lessons. Thanks to your growing confidence with the language and your natural determination, you can get great results. Keep up the good work!
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Taking lessons with Daniela was a pleasure. She was always well prepared, she gave all necessary information and materials I needed. The lessons were really good - I could practice grammar, speaking etc. Highly recommended :)
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Hello everyone!
My name is Ermanno, I am 37 years old, and I am a Italian native speaker.
I got a Master Degree in 2010. Since then I have worked with languages, as a student support, tour guide and event coordinator between Spain and Ireland.
Also, I have been teaching Italian and Spanish giving private classes to students and refugees for over ten years.
I speak English (level c1) and Spanish (level c2) well enough to explain something to you in one of those languages just in case you need.
We can have amazing Italian or Spanish Classes if you are starting to get into a new language or if you just need some conversation classes to broaden or refine your vocabulary.
I will guide and support you through your learning adventure!
Are you ready for that?
-What I offer-
I have been teaching Italian and Spanish for more than 10 years so far, and I have always used no traditional teaching method.
What we need is to enjoy the class, to express ourself and our creativity.
That's the best way to learn and to keep learning.
Furthermore, I will guide you in all the learning process steps and you will learn the grammar in a funny way. ;)
In the conversation class we spend the full hour talking in Italian/spanish about topics of your interest (sports, arts, traveling, culture, food, relations..);and I will make you speak as much as you can.
Because our brain need some time to make us fluent and being confident speaking in another language.
Do not be afraid to make mistakes.
It is the essential and funniest part of the learning process.
What are you waiting for?
Ci vediamo presto L'Italiano ti aspetta!
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Perfect the class with Ermanno. Punctual, professional, educational and very friendly. He prepared the class in advance and adjusted to what I asked. Also send me a pdf with the class information so you can review it at home !! We were able to take full advantage of it. As soon as I have a little more time I will sign up for more classes with Ermanno without hesitation. Recommended 100%
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I offer English and Indonesian language classes. My class is based on conversation practice. You will learn grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary through practice. You will learn in a safest way because I always want to make sure my students feel comfortable and safe during the class, so they are not afraid to make mistakes.
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Ade is a very gentle person with lots of experience in teaching English. She offers well structured lessons, I totally recommend her!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi there, my name is Roberta. I am an Italian native speaker, and a professional language teacher with a DITALS II certification from Siena University. I live in Italy in a lovely little town called Monate near a small lake of the same name, just 40 minutes by car from Milan.
The aim of the lessons will not be learning generic Italian but to learn Italian according to the needs of every student. Each lesson will be personalized and designed to match students’ interests, linguistic level and learning style.
Every lesson will be planned around a text, which could either be a written piece, an audio segment or a video that will be used as a focal point for both communication and grammatical study. I will provide students with all of the teaching materials used in class that can later be used for homework and self – study, especially for developing writing skills.
I have been working as an Italian teacher since 2016, offering both traditional and e-learning/online classes. I am specialized at teaching young people and adults who want to study Italian for a variety of different reasons: work, education, residency or simply for a love of Italy and its culture.
Finally, as a result of my volunteer position as a documents advisor for immigrants, I can help students to prepare for the B1 level Italian language exam, which is necessary to apply for Italian citizenship.
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Roberta, is a fantastic teacher! She really helped to improve my confidence in using the formal Italian and in preparing for interviews in Italy. She tailored all our lessons to exactly my needs, and we also had a laugh in the process. Thanks again for all your help Roberta!
Roberta L.
Thank you very much Emma, they are very happy to have helped you!
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My name is Mariateresa, I'm Italian and I teach English, Italian and Spanish to foreign students.
Having lived in Spain during my last year at University, I moved to the UK, where I lived for the next five years. My English at that time was quite poor and I made a living by doing various jobs.
One day, inspired by my amazing English teacher Mandy, I had an idea: why not teach my native language and Spanish to English people and other nationalities? You wouldn’t believe how fascinated people are by these languages!
It was in 2017 when I fell in love with this job. So much so that one year later I successfully attained a TESOL Certificate, to teach English as a foreign language.
Teaching allows me to fully express myself and my personal qualities, such as patience and an ability to give my full attention to other people. By giving students a space in which to express themselves without fear, I create a safe, non-judgemental environment.
When a new student contacts me I always offer them a free trial lesson, so that we can introduce ourselves and I can get to know their level, interests and needs. It's from there that I create the ensuing lessons.
I provide students with a solid grammar base, but also help them to understand the application and use of the language in everyday life. At the same time, I tailor the lesson to suit the students' main interests – such as grammar, speaking, pronunciation, writing or exam preparation. I teach students of different levels, from beginners to advanced.
Although I love teaching in-person, I have adapted myself to teaching online as well. I have also completed a Teaching English Online course offered by Cambridge University. I have to admit that it's a really effective method, plus you meet people from all over the world!
Having lived abroad for several years I know that learning a foreign language requires time, but it's also fun. By speaking in it we can express hidden parts of ourselves – it's a bit like acting!
You can also assimilate the culture from which the language evolves. It's interesting to see how we can change and develop!
My aim is to transmit to students the idea that nothing is impossible. Learning a language is challenging, but entirely achievable if you keep in mind that it's a journey made of small steps.
What is important is to establish those small objectives every day, and reach them with calm determination.
Like a tracker counts the steps that you walk, put on your “count-words tracker” and you'll be surprised at how much you have learned by the end of the day!
For more information visit:
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Maria, was very helpful. I was a bit of a challenging case and so she had to modify her teaching program on the fly and did so with competence.
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Welcome to my profile!
My name is Daniela, or “Daniella” as my students call me.
I have been working as Italian teacher for two years to migrants, for refugee centers and humanitarian corridors in Italy. I have had experience with first literacy and also I have worked with begginers and intermidiate students, who I prepared to Linguistic Certification. I have worked with single student and with groups.
My opinion is “Viva l’intercultura”, that means looking at the person’s linguistic needs. Italian lessons become a space where the cultures meet and match each other, and step by step, the student can build the Italian language. For me, the cultures exchange is very important.
I’d rather to teach with an inductive, interactive, and cooperative method, which focus on communication functions, but doesn’t forget the grammar. I use manuals, worksheets, interactive games, songs and video.
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Daniela is an engaging teacher who takes seriously her job. She has a solid knowledge of the Italian grammar as well as fun ideas to teach it. I'm preparing an exam and she is being quite helpful to me, since she takes the time to prepare lessons and homework. I highly recommend to book a trial lesson with her.
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I am a teacher of Italian to Speakers of Other Languages with many years of experience in teaching in public and private schools. I have taught Italian to speakers of other languages in schools, in migratory contexts and in vocational training at all levels (from pre A1 to C2 ). I have gained experience as a teacher with Arabic-speaking, Slavic-speaking, German-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Sinophone, Lusophone and Anglophone students, and have taught literacy courses for asylum seekers and refugees. I did a training internship as a lecturer in Italian at the Department of Romance at the University of Salzburg. I completed my training by teaching Italian to learners with special educational needs. Moreover, I am a CILS, CELI and PLIDA examiner for the speaking part. I also speak German, English and French and I successfully completed my Celta in October 2020.
My lessons focus mainly on two aspects: oral and written production and the study of grammar, with particular attention to phonetic and phonology. My lessons are aimed at satisfying the needs of the learner and are prepared according to the needs of each one.
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Monica is fantastic -- highly organized, knowledgeable and friendly. She is very easy to learn from. I feel like I am in very good hands. I highly recommend her especially if you need help preparing for a certification exam (CELI, CILS, etc.).
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My name is Jay and I'm from Morocco I love to teach English and share my knowledge of Moroccan and western culture with young students.
My degree is in English Studies. I possess a CELTA certificate as well and I have also worked for 7 years in both Morocco and China.
I like basketball and going to the gym.
I believe the most effective way to feel comfortable and confident with learning English is to enjoy having conversations with a teacher who guides students in lessons that are fun and interesting, with plenty of congratulations and corrections where necessary!
I am friendly, motivated, funny, and more importantly patient.
And I love to teach children and adults.
I hope and look forward to seeing you, in one of my classes soon.
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Jalal is a teacher with experience in several countries with lots of passion about teaching English.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I am a multilingual teacher with experience in teaching French to German, Japanese, English, Bulgarian and Italian-speaking students, etc. (levels A1 to C1).
I have been teaching French for 8 years in Luxemburg and now in Bulgaria for 4 years, to teenagers, housewives, businessmen, employees, doctors, etc. I can also help you with DELF and DALF preparation. I give lessons via Skype, Zoom and Microsoft Teams in several countries.
My teaching method for each class : a grammar point together with listening, a lot of speaking with conversation questions or games. While you speak, I write all the new words you need to express yourself, illustrated by pictures or translated in your language.
I do my best to make you feel comfortable to speak and for you to have a pleasant time. According to me, using humour will help you learn more easily.
Whether you need to learn French for business, integration in a French-speaking country or studying, I will be happy to help you. Do not hesitate to contact me for a free trial lesson.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
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Katia is a very sweet person, her pronunciation is BEAUTIFUL and she’s very knowledgeable. I loved my lessons with her. I highly recommend her
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Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italian and I come from a small town in Sicily, Southern Italy. I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I work in two language schools teaching Italian and I also teach English at school.
I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot, if you allow me to! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you're going to do and... a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
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Daniela is a wonderful teacher and a pleasure to talk to. Any student would be lucky to have her as a teacher. Thank you Daniela for your help with my Italian!!!
Daniela V.
Ciao Robbie, thanks a lot for your feedback. I'm very happy you like the classes together and I'll do my best to keep them as fun and interesting as possible :-)
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Hi! My name is Tiphaine, I'm french, I'm 37 years old and I live in Seville.
I grew up in the outside of Paris, I travelled all over the world and I live in Spain for 10 years now.
I'm a musician, a dancer and I love to cook and hike.
I'm a french teacher, and it's my passion! I speak 3 languages, and thanks to my learning I was able to live amazing experiences in many countries.
That's why I became a teacher, to be able to share with you my love for french language and culture and to guide you in your progress.
For me, each language is a way of seeing and interpreting the world, as glasses of different colors.
Understanding the way a language works is understanding how its people see things; it's such a exciting process, I can't wait to share it with you!
I have more than 8 years experience, in schools, companies and universities.
I work with people from all ages, beginners to advanced. I know most of french manuals.
I can prepare you to DELF and DALF exams. I also have a specialization in french for specific goals and french business.
I can offer you thematic courses, to improve your pronunciation, increase your vocabulary, prepare you for traveling or for a new job.
All my classes are in french, I adapt my vocabulary and speech speed according to your level.
I also adapt my method to your needs, personality, to take the best advantage of my classes and your french learning.
I use diversified ressources, from quizz to podcasts, videos, songs and games.
Whatever are your motivations, if you want to learn french in a pleasurable and rewarding way, book a class with me!
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Tiphaine is a very competent and experienced French teacher. She prepares the lessons very carefully and focuses on all relevant aspects such as conversation, grammar and vocabulary. Above all, she has a very friendly personality that makes you feel at ease immediately. I can highly recommend her as a French teacher.
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