Countries and nationalities in Spanish
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Do you capitalize countries in Spanish? The answer is "yes". As in English, the names are written with capital letters. The difference comes in the nationalities. While in English they are capitalized, in Spanish they are not.
The nationalities in Spanish are in masculine or feminine gender. In most of the cases the difference is that the feminine one ends in -a. For example: albanés / albanesa
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Albania | Albania | albanés | albanés |
Germany | Alemania | alemán | alemán |
Austria | Austria | austriaco | alemán |
Belgium | Bélgica | belga | francés, holandés, alemán |
Belarus | Bielorrusia | bielorruso | bielorruso |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria | búlgaro | búlgaro |
Croatia | Croacia | croato | croato |
Greece | Grecia | griego | griego |
Denmark | Dinamarca | danés | danés |
Scotland | Escosia | escosés | inglés |
Slovakia | Eslovaquia | eslovaco | eslovaco |
Slovenia | Eslovenia | esloveno | esloveno |
Spain | España | español | español |
Estonia | Estonia | estonio | estonio |
Finland | Finlandia | finlandés | finlandés |
France | Francia | francés | francés |
Holand | Holanda | holandés | holandés |
Hungary | Hungría | húngaro | húngaro |
England | Inglaterra | inglés | inglés |
Italy | Italia | italiano | italiano |
Island | Islandia | islandés | islandés |
Ireland | Irlanda | irlandés | inglés |
Latvia | Letonia | letón | letón |
Lithuania | Lituania | lituano | lituano |
Macedonia | Macedonia | macedónio | macedónio |
Malta | Malta | maltés | inglés |
Montenegro | Montenegro | montenegrino | montenegrino |
Moldavia | Moldavia | moldoviano | moldoviano |
Norway | Noruega | noruego | noruego |
Poland | Polonia | polaco | polaco |
Portugal | Potugal | portugués | portugués |
United Kingdom | Reino Unido | británico | inglés |
Czech Republic | República Checa | checo | checo |
Romania | Rumania | rumano | rumano |
Russia | Rusia | ruso | ruso |
Serbia | Serbia | serbio | serbio |
Sweden | Suecia | sueco | sueco |
Switzerland | Suiza | suizo | alemán |
Ukraine | Ucrania | ucranio | ucranio, ruso |
Take online language lessons with a professional teacher
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - afgano / afgana.
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Afghanistan | Afganistán | afgano | darí, patún |
Armenia | Armenia | armenio | armenio |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaiyán | azerbaiyano | azerí |
Bangladesh | Bangladés | bangladesí | bengalí |
Baréin | Baréin | bareiní | árabe |
Brunei | Brunéi | bruneano | malayo |
Cambodia | Camboya | camboyano | camboyano |
China | China | chino | chino, mandarín |
North Korea | Corea del Norte | norcoreano | coreano |
South Korea | Corea del Sur | surcoreano | coreano |
Philippines | Filipinas | filipino | filipino, inglés |
Georgia | Georgia | georgiano | georgiano |
India | India | indio | hindi, inglés |
Indonesia | Indonesia | indionisio | indonesio |
Iraq | Irak | iraquí | árabe |
Iran | Irán | iraní | persa |
Israel | Israel | israelí | hebreo, árabe |
Japan | Japón | japonés | japonés |
Jordan | Jordania | jordano | árabe |
Kazakhstan | Kazajistán | kazajo | kazajo, ruso |
Kyrgyzstan | Kirguistán | kirguís | kirguís, ruso |
Malaysia | Malasia | malayo | malayo, inglés |
Maldivas | Maldivas | maldivo | maldivo |
Mongolia | Mongolia | mongól | mongol |
Oman | Omán | omanés | árabe |
Palestina | Palestina | palestino | árabe |
Pakistan | Pakistán | pakistaní | urdu, inglés |
Russia | Rusia | ruso | ruso |
Singapore | Singapur | singapurense | chino, inglés, malayo, tamil |
Syria | Siria | sirio | árabe |
Thailand | Tailandia | tailandés | tailandés |
East Timor | Timor Oriental | timorense | portugués, tetun |
Turkey | Turquía | turco | turco |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistán | uzbeco | uzbeco, ruso |
Vietnam | Vietnam | vietnamita | vietnamita |
Yemen | Yemen | yemení | árabe |
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - angolano / angolana
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Angola | Angola | angolano | portugués |
Algeria | Argelia | argelino | árabe |
Benin | Benín | beninés | francés |
Botswana | Botsuana | botsuano | inglés, setsuana |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | burkinés | francés |
Burundi | Burundi | burundés | francés, kirundi |
Cape Verde | Cabo Verde | caboverdiano | portugués |
Cameroon | Camerún | camerunés | francés, inglés |
Chad | Chad | chadiano | francés, árabe |
Comoros | Comoras | comorense | árabe, suajili, francés |
Egypt | Egipto | egipcio | árabe |
Eritrea | Eritrea | eritreo | árabe |
Ethiopia | Etiopía | etíope | amárico |
Gabon | Gabón | gabonés | francés |
Gambia | Gambia | gambiano | inglés |
Ghana | Ghana | ghanés | inglés |
Guinea | Guinea | guineano | francés |
Kenya | Kenia | keniata | suajili, inglés |
Liberia | Liberia | liberiano | inglés |
Libya | Libia | libio | árabe |
Madagascar | Madagascar | malgache | francés, malgache |
Malawi | Malaui | malauí | inglés, chichewa |
Mali | Mali | maliense | francés |
Morocco | Marruecos | marroquí | árabe, bereber |
Mauricio | Mauricio | mauriciano | inglés, francés.. |
Mauritania | Mauritania | mauritano | árabe |
Mozambique | Mozambique | mozambiqueño | portugués |
Namibia | Namibia | namibio | afrikáans, alemán |
Niger | Niger | nigeriano | francés |
Central African Republic | República centroafricana | centroafricano | francés, sango |
Republic of Congo | República del Congo | congoleño | francés, lingala, kituba |
Rwanda | Ruanda | ruandés | kinyanwarda, inglés, francés |
Senegal | Senegal | senegalés | francés |
Seychelles | Seychelles | seychelense | inglés, francés.. |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leona | sierraleonés | inglés |
Somalia | Somalia | somalí | somalí |
Swaziland | Suazilandia | suazi | suazi, inglés |
South Africa | Sudáfrica | sudafricano | inglés, afrikáans |
Sudan | Sudán | sudanés | inglés, árabe |
Tanzania | Tanzania | tanzano | suajili, inglés |
Togo | Togo | togolés | francés |
Tunisia | Túnez | tunecino | árabe |
Uganda | Uganda | ugandés | inglés, suajili |
Zambia | Zambia | zambiano | inglés |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabue | zimbabuense | inglés |
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - argentino / argentina
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Argentina | Argentina | argentino | español |
Bolivia | Bolivia | boliviano | español, quechua, aimara, guaraní |
Brazil | Brazil | brasileño | portugués |
Chile | Chile | chileno | español |
Colombia | Colombia | colombiano | español |
Ecuador | Ecuador | ecuatoriano | español |
Paraguay | Paraguay | paraguayo | español y guaraní |
Peru | Perú | peruano | español |
Uruguay | Uruguay | uruguayo | español |
Venezuela | Venezuela | venezolano | español |
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - beliceño / beliceña
in English | Country | Nationality | Language |
Belize | Belice | beliceño | español, inglés |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica | tico | español |
Cuba | Cuba | cubano | español |
Guatemala | Guatemala | guatemalteco | español |
Honduras | Honduras | hondureño | español, inglés |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua | nicaragüense | español |
Panama | Panamá | panameño | español, inglés |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | puertorriqueño | español, inglés |
Dominican Republic | República Dominicana | dominicano | español, inglés |
Salvador | Salvador | salvadoreño | español |
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - australiano / australiana
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Australia | Australia | australiano | inglés |
Canada | Canadá | canadiense | inglés, francés |
United States | Estados Unidos | estadounidense | inglés |
Mexico | México | mexicano | español |
English | Spanish |
Where are you from? | ¿De dónde eres? / ¿De dónde vienes? |
I am from.. | Soy de... / Vengo de... |
Where do you live? | ¿Dónde vives? |
I live in.. | Vivo en... |
Damian: ¡Hola! ¿De dónde eres? Hello! Where are you from?
Joseph: Soy de Australia. Soy australiano. Y tú, ¿de dónde vienes? I am from Australia. I´m Australian. And you?
Damian: Yo vengo de los Estados Unidos, pero vivo en Ecuador. I´m from the United States, but I live in Ecuador.
Feel free to practice what you've learnt with the exercises, microphones and audio!
croato / croata
croaco / croaca
bulgar / bulgara
búlgaro / búlgara
esloveno / eslovena
eslovaco / eslovaca
francés / francesa
franco / franca
italianés / italianesa
italiano / italiana
lituano / lituana
letón / letona
moldavo / moldava
moldoviano / moldoviana
Reino Unido
británico / británica
britanés / britanesa
serbo / serba
serbio / serbia
croato / croata
búlgaro / búlgara
esloveno / eslovena
francés / francesa
italiano / italiana
lituano / lituana
moldoviano / moldoviana
Reino Unido
británico / británica
serbio / serbia
Fill in the missing words
1. Daniel es de Ecuador. Es .
2. Alexander viene de Indonesia. Es .
3. Mauricio es de Puerto Rico. Es .
4. Katherine viene de Estados Unidos. Es .
5. Yasmina es de República Dominicana. Es .
6. Anna viene de Rusia. Es .
7. Fran es de España. Es .
8. Blanca viene de Nicaragua. Es .
9. Emilia es de Australia. Es .
10. Sofía viene de Colombia. Es .
croato / croata
croaco / croaca
búlgaro / búlgara
bulgar / bulgara
esloveno / eslovena
eslovaco / eslovaca
franco / franca
francés / francesa
italiano / italiana
italianés / italianesa
lituano / lituana
letón / letona
moldavo / moldava
moldoviano / moldoviana
Reino Unido
britanés / britanesa
británico / británica
serbio / serbia
serbo / serba
croato / croata
búlgaro / búlgara
esloveno / eslovena
francés / francesa
italiano / italiana
lituano / lituana
moldoviano / moldoviana
Reino Unido
británico / británica
serbio / serbia
Fill in the missing words
1. Daniel es de Ecuador. Es .
2. Alexander viene de Indonesia. Es .
3. Mauricio es de Puerto Rico. Es .
4. Katherine viene de Estados Unidos. Es .
5. Yasmina es de República Dominicana. Es .
6. Anna viene de Rusia. Es .
7. Fran es de España. Es .
8. Blanca viene de Nicaragua. Es .
9. Emilia es de Australia. Es .
10. Sofía viene de Colombia. Es .
Unlike in other platforms, all our teachers are manually verified by our professional team. Trust in the experiences of our students.
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Yolanda is a nice person with great teaching experiences ! She has a lot of different learning materials which are all very attractive and based on students level and demands ! She uses videos, grammar lessons and exercises, movies and music that you like !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Yolanda C.
Thank you !!!!
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
My name is Anna and I graduated in 2016 from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona with a BA in English and Spanish Studies and a Master in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language in Universidad de Barcelona and Universidad Pompeu Fabra.
I worked as Spanish teacher in different languges schools and I also made collaboration as an Online Spanish teacher with Groningen University. In all my experiences as a teacher I have always tried to make students enjoy classes as much as possible so that their learning is positive.
In my classes I try to teach in a didactic way based on a more communicative approach although I always adapt to the needs of the students.
If you want to learn Spanish do not hesitate to sign up and we will have a good time;)
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Learning materials
Ana is a friendly teacher with a lot of experience. In her lessons she will use a communicative approach to make you speak and learn in a faster and efficient way. She has good learning materials for all levels and needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
My name is Ina, I'm a Norwegian who grew up abroad and has lived in the United Kingdom for the last 5 years.
Completing my International Baccalaureate at an international school in Taiwan, I studied Film and Television at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
I've tutored one on one as well as large summer camp classes, from ages ranging from 8 to 45. I'm a keen listener, attentive and flexible to the learning style which suits you best.
I am TEFL certified, and have spent my last year working in the Scottish TV industry, working on programmes for channels like the BBC and Channel 4.
I would love to help you practice conversation skills, basic grammar and improve your confidence in expressing yourself in English!
Looking forward to working with you,
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Ina is a very experienced and motivated teacher. The learning material is very interactive and the classes are very well structured based on the students needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Internet connection
Learning materials
T.E.F.L. certified teacher and interpreter as well with experience in teaching online and offline provides English lesson to anyone wants to learn and practise this Language
Enjoy it!
Vocabulary, grammar, listening and role plays speaking activities materials used to practise.
Cambridge Assessment preparation provided
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Learning materials
Laura is an excellent teacher with a lot of experience. She is very professional and friendly, ready to adapt her lessons to students' needs, goals and levels. Students can choose to improve and learn all the aspects of the language with her.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Learning materials
I am a TEFL + TEYL and Business English certified teacher; I also teach Italian, my mother tongue.
I am an elementary teacher and I love playing and spending time with children.
I have students of all ages, from young learners to elderly people.
I really enjoy teaching, both online and in person.
I also love swimming, reading, doing yoga and walking on the beach.
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Learning materials
Silvia has wide experience: she's been teaching for almost 20 years to students of all ages (kids, youngsters, adults, elders) from many different countries and in different contexts. Hence, she knows that they can all have different needs and goals, to which she adapts her classes. She also provides really good learning materials and she does great use of internet resources.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Silvia C.
Thank you Sara! I truly appreciate your kind words and I look forward to working with you.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
My name is Zoe and I’m a native English speaker from the UK!
I speak four other languages though so I understand how nerve-racking it can be to study a new language and I understand what the typical errors are so I will support you when you make mistakes and I will actually encourage you to make mistakes because ultimately that's how we learn!
I believe I’m an incredibly communicative, open teacher, having taught in 4 countries. Establishing trust and a channel of communication in the classroom adds more life and substance to our lessons where all student needs are met. I like to think of myself as sympathetic, and because I’d been in classes where I was far from challenged and excited, I take having fun in the classroom very seriously (paradoxical pun intended). I have extensive experience teaching both adults and children at different levels and age groups, so I come with a lot of resources, ideas, and activities that are fun, practice different sets of skills and sub-skills, and student- centered.
I can help you with job applications, cover letters, exam preparation, pronunciation and general English.
Since I value learner autonomy and consistently promote it, I encourage my students to be open about their needs so our lessons would be as informative and efficient as possible.
I’m curious, inquisitive, and constantly eager to
experience more, learn more, and of course, teach more! Ireland
was a tad too small for me, so I’ve always had the urge to travel the
world. So far, I’ve taught in Mexico, Italy, Egypt, and Spain – where I
currently reside. I have many creative hobbies such as reading,
drawing, and photography, and a very special fascination with
crime documentaries (perhaps I was a lawyer in my past life).
I embarked on my EFL journey 4 years ago, and I decided it was the
job for me. It all started in the South of Italy where I got the chance
to teach both adults and children and knew I’d found my dream
job. After a while, I knew I had to take my wanderlust and love for
education elsewhere, so I hopped on a plane to Mexico and took my
teaching a step further. In 2018, I landed a job with the British
Council in Egypt, where I took my classroom experience and
married it with pedagogy by doing vocational courses such as the
TYLEC and DELTA M1. Aside from these courses, I did IELTS
Teacher training, and Teaching English in the Early Years
Classroom training. By the time I got to Spain, my thirst for
knowledge was yet to be quenched, so I applied for DELTA M3 to
keep myself intellectually stimulated during quarantine.
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Internet connection
Learning materials
Zoe is a well-prepared teacher with a lot of experience in teaching, also in groups. She is experienced in using Skype and Zoom and has her own learning materials.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Hi! I'm Andrés. I've been a language teacher since 2005. I'm also CELTA certified but more importantly, it's my experience as a teacher, as well as being a learner of Japanese (intermediate), Chinese (intermediate) and now Finnish (super basic, just started), that counts. I feel it's crucial to be in the students' shoes to better teach them and recommend resources, habits, and techniques that actually work.
My teaching methods include a lot of input through listening, texts, followed by guided practice based on the material. Grammar is taught in a complimentary way, but the main focus is input and communication. I follow CEFR topic order so that students can see how their knowledge scaffolds along.
The materials are picked from the internet depending on the student's needs and interests, be they work, travel, study, or just for fun. I like to include videos about different topics like culture, business, life hacks, news, interesting facts, science, love and relationships, among others, with intermediate/advanced students, and communicational dialogues with beginner students.
Book a trial lesson and see how you feel!
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Learning materials
Jorge is a nice teacher with a long experience, in fact, he's been teaching since 2005 in different contexts. His method is very much focused on communication and conversation, always adapting to the student's level, needs and interests (his classes can deal with many different topics).
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Internet connection
Learning materials
Hi! My name is Andrea and I am Italian. During the last years I have been living in Spain too, which is for me my second homecountry.
I have been studying languages at university and since I love teaching the languages I speak, I offer you a great language course of Spanish or Italian.
I can assure you great results since I use methods that work with everyone and make you realize how quick can you be when you want to learn a new language, at any level!
Also, since I have been studying many languages, it helps me to understand how to teach correctly a language to a person who doesn't have it as native language.
For me, languages are much more than just a way to communicate with someone else. Also, I think that my passion in this field helps me to transmit to the students the desire to keep studying and learning amazing languages like these.
Contact me and let's have a trial lesson! It's free! :)
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Internet connection
Learning materials
Andrea is a fun and enthusiastic teacher! Initially when I entered our first session I was nervous, but I became relaxed very quickly because of his bubbly personality and his patient, calm manner. I look forward to having more classes with him in the future.
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Learning materials
I can help you with preparation for IELTS and TEFL; for your high school or university exam. We can work on your academic and business English, or we can just work it out until you are confident enough, no need for stressing for exams.
I have 4 years of experience as a mentor of an autistic teenager. I dived more into teaching English during my work in Colombia as part of my project for environmental education.
I realized how important it is to have a good time when learning English. I am always talking to my students about THEIR interests and fears; about what do they want to improve and what do they like to do. I design the lessons for the student; then the learning happens on its own.
I want to hear what do you think? Don't worry, we are in this together. I know how nice it is to be confident in your English, and I want to help you enjoy it, too!
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Internet connection
Learning materials
Ivona is a motivated and dynamic young English teacher that loves to see her students become more confident with a new language and also loves to see the new opportunities that this gained knowledge opens up for them. This motivation will catch you 100%, and you are guaranteed to have a fun, interactive and most important a perfectly tailored English lesson. So, book your first lesson with Ivona right now to learn English in a fun and engaging way that is perfectly adapted to your needs and wishes.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Rodrigo is a young, motivated language teacher. He discovered his love to teaching because of his Brazilian friends who wanted to learn Spanish and asked him for help. All of his lessons are taught exclusively in Spanish in order to train the listening skills of his students. However, if you don't understand something, he will be happy to explain it in English or Portuguese. By using a variety of online sites and learning methods, Rodrigo's lessons are dynamic and diverse, so you'll never get bored. If you are looking for a motivating and interactive Spanish class, book your first lesson with Rodrigo now!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Internet connection
Learning materials
¡Hola! Привет! Hello!
I'm Marina, a qualified and experienced foreign languages teacher.
My studies:
Teacher of foreign languages. Translator.
Teaching experience:
I've been working as a teacher for 8 years (teaching, online and offline tutoring).
¡Nos vemos!
Happy to be your teacher!
До скорого!
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Marina is a really nice teacher with almost ten years of experience. She's been teaching different languages (Russian, Spanish, English) to students having different needs, different ages and different levels. She does a great use of online learning tools and her learning materials are good.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Marina N.
Thank you very much Sara for the interview and your kind words! It's always a pleasure to work with a professional who cares!
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Learning materials
My name is Maja and I am a CELTA certified teacher holding a Bachelor's degree in English language and literature. My teaching experience spans over 15 years and it encompasses work with both children and adults. Time flies fast when you are having fun, some might say. And teaching for me is exactly that – fun.
During my career, I have worked with all levels and ages, both in primary and private language schools and now in an online setting.
Working with the little ones must be the most challenging but also the most rewarding aspect of this job. In my virtual classroom, I strive to constantly engage and activate my students by using props, visuals and gestures. In addition, creating a child-friendly environment and catering for students’ needs are essential for learning to take place.
In my spare time, every now and then I get away from the city and spend a bit of time in the great outdoors, hiking or camping. Tai Chi is something that I have recently discovered. And I absolutely love it!
You will find that I am a hard-working, reliable and an adaptable person and I am sure we will get along well.
So, let’s learn and grow together. Come and join me in my virtual classroom where the magic happens.
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Learning materials
Maja is a very outgoing and dedicated teacher who already has around 16 years of experience in teaching English. She puts a lot of emphasis on educating her students in all disciplines and aims to provide fun lessons adapted to the students' wishes and needs. That's why she's using visual and entertaining learning methods. In addition, she's also specialized in preparing people for their Cambridge exams. So don't hesitate any longer and book your first English lesson with Maja now!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
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Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Karine is a French and German teacher. She adaptes her lessons according your demands, level and your studies or work. Students can learning French or German easily with her. She is a nice and smiling person, French or German grammar won't be a problem anymore and funny to learn !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Jean-Noël has many French grammar exercises and is very enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Learning materials
Hola, qué tal!
I have always enjoyed working with languages, culture, education and people. I am originally from Venezuela so Spanish is my native language and I have been living in Belgium since 2009. My degree as Master in Industrial Sciences is equated here.
I am a teacher and since 2018 I have been teaching Spanish to adults. I am able to boost the self-confidence of my students. My lessons are for absolute beginners (direction level 1 and 2), intermediate (direction level 3) and advanced (direction level 4). Conversation is also possible. I focus on the four most important skills: speaking skills; listening skills, writing skills and reading skills. And also on grammar and spontaneous communication.
Teaching and language are just my passion and I would like to teach it to others. I work with adults and seniors, but know that every person learns in a different way. Pleasure in learning and daring to communicate are paramount to me: We use Spanish book and workbook; audio material (Spanish songs), card games and more!
Los espero!
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I really enjoy following my lessons with Anamaria. She helps me a lot and is very positive. I'm excited to keep following the lessons!
Anamaria R.
Thank you Anka!
Teaching methodology
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Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Yolanda is a nice person with great teaching experiences ! She has a lot of different learning materials which are all very attractive and based on students level and demands ! She uses videos, grammar lessons and exercises, movies and music that you like !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Yolanda C.
Thank you !!!!
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Learning materials
My name is Anna and I graduated in 2016 from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona with a BA in English and Spanish Studies and a Master in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language in Universidad de Barcelona and Universidad Pompeu Fabra.
I worked as Spanish teacher in different languges schools and I also made collaboration as an Online Spanish teacher with Groningen University. In all my experiences as a teacher I have always tried to make students enjoy classes as much as possible so that their learning is positive.
In my classes I try to teach in a didactic way based on a more communicative approach although I always adapt to the needs of the students.
If you want to learn Spanish do not hesitate to sign up and we will have a good time;)
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Ana is a friendly teacher with a lot of experience. In her lessons she will use a communicative approach to make you speak and learn in a faster and efficient way. She has good learning materials for all levels and needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
My name is Ina, I'm a Norwegian who grew up abroad and has lived in the United Kingdom for the last 5 years.
Completing my International Baccalaureate at an international school in Taiwan, I studied Film and Television at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
I've tutored one on one as well as large summer camp classes, from ages ranging from 8 to 45. I'm a keen listener, attentive and flexible to the learning style which suits you best.
I am TEFL certified, and have spent my last year working in the Scottish TV industry, working on programmes for channels like the BBC and Channel 4.
I would love to help you practice conversation skills, basic grammar and improve your confidence in expressing yourself in English!
Looking forward to working with you,
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Ina is a very experienced and motivated teacher. The learning material is very interactive and the classes are very well structured based on the students needs.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
T.E.F.L. certified teacher and interpreter as well with experience in teaching online and offline provides English lesson to anyone wants to learn and practise this Language
Enjoy it!
Vocabulary, grammar, listening and role plays speaking activities materials used to practise.
Cambridge Assessment preparation provided
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Laura is an excellent teacher with a lot of experience. She is very professional and friendly, ready to adapt her lessons to students' needs, goals and levels. Students can choose to improve and learn all the aspects of the language with her.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials