Countries and nationalities in Spanish
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Do you capitalize countries in Spanish? The answer is "yes". As in English, the names are written with capital letters. The difference comes in the nationalities. While in English they are capitalized, in Spanish they are not.
The nationalities in Spanish are in masculine or feminine gender. In most of the cases the difference is that the feminine one ends in -a. For example: albanés / albanesa
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Albania | Albania | albanés | albanés |
Germany | Alemania | alemán | alemán |
Austria | Austria | austriaco | alemán |
Belgium | Bélgica | belga | francés, holandés, alemán |
Belarus | Bielorrusia | bielorruso | bielorruso |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria | búlgaro | búlgaro |
Croatia | Croacia | croato | croato |
Greece | Grecia | griego | griego |
Denmark | Dinamarca | danés | danés |
Scotland | Escosia | escosés | inglés |
Slovakia | Eslovaquia | eslovaco | eslovaco |
Slovenia | Eslovenia | esloveno | esloveno |
Spain | España | español | español |
Estonia | Estonia | estonio | estonio |
Finland | Finlandia | finlandés | finlandés |
France | Francia | francés | francés |
Holand | Holanda | holandés | holandés |
Hungary | Hungría | húngaro | húngaro |
England | Inglaterra | inglés | inglés |
Italy | Italia | italiano | italiano |
Island | Islandia | islandés | islandés |
Ireland | Irlanda | irlandés | inglés |
Latvia | Letonia | letón | letón |
Lithuania | Lituania | lituano | lituano |
Macedonia | Macedonia | macedónio | macedónio |
Malta | Malta | maltés | inglés |
Montenegro | Montenegro | montenegrino | montenegrino |
Moldavia | Moldavia | moldoviano | moldoviano |
Norway | Noruega | noruego | noruego |
Poland | Polonia | polaco | polaco |
Portugal | Potugal | portugués | portugués |
United Kingdom | Reino Unido | británico | inglés |
Czech Republic | República Checa | checo | checo |
Romania | Rumania | rumano | rumano |
Russia | Rusia | ruso | ruso |
Serbia | Serbia | serbio | serbio |
Sweden | Suecia | sueco | sueco |
Switzerland | Suiza | suizo | alemán |
Ukraine | Ucrania | ucranio | ucranio, ruso |
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Nationalities: masculine and feminine - afgano / afgana.
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Afghanistan | Afganistán | afgano | darí, patún |
Armenia | Armenia | armenio | armenio |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaiyán | azerbaiyano | azerí |
Bangladesh | Bangladés | bangladesí | bengalí |
Baréin | Baréin | bareiní | árabe |
Brunei | Brunéi | bruneano | malayo |
Cambodia | Camboya | camboyano | camboyano |
China | China | chino | chino, mandarín |
North Korea | Corea del Norte | norcoreano | coreano |
South Korea | Corea del Sur | surcoreano | coreano |
Philippines | Filipinas | filipino | filipino, inglés |
Georgia | Georgia | georgiano | georgiano |
India | India | indio | hindi, inglés |
Indonesia | Indonesia | indionisio | indonesio |
Iraq | Irak | iraquí | árabe |
Iran | Irán | iraní | persa |
Israel | Israel | israelí | hebreo, árabe |
Japan | Japón | japonés | japonés |
Jordan | Jordania | jordano | árabe |
Kazakhstan | Kazajistán | kazajo | kazajo, ruso |
Kyrgyzstan | Kirguistán | kirguís | kirguís, ruso |
Malaysia | Malasia | malayo | malayo, inglés |
Maldivas | Maldivas | maldivo | maldivo |
Mongolia | Mongolia | mongól | mongol |
Oman | Omán | omanés | árabe |
Palestina | Palestina | palestino | árabe |
Pakistan | Pakistán | pakistaní | urdu, inglés |
Russia | Rusia | ruso | ruso |
Singapore | Singapur | singapurense | chino, inglés, malayo, tamil |
Syria | Siria | sirio | árabe |
Thailand | Tailandia | tailandés | tailandés |
East Timor | Timor Oriental | timorense | portugués, tetun |
Turkey | Turquía | turco | turco |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistán | uzbeco | uzbeco, ruso |
Vietnam | Vietnam | vietnamita | vietnamita |
Yemen | Yemen | yemení | árabe |
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - angolano / angolana
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Angola | Angola | angolano | portugués |
Algeria | Argelia | argelino | árabe |
Benin | Benín | beninés | francés |
Botswana | Botsuana | botsuano | inglés, setsuana |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | burkinés | francés |
Burundi | Burundi | burundés | francés, kirundi |
Cape Verde | Cabo Verde | caboverdiano | portugués |
Cameroon | Camerún | camerunés | francés, inglés |
Chad | Chad | chadiano | francés, árabe |
Comoros | Comoras | comorense | árabe, suajili, francés |
Egypt | Egipto | egipcio | árabe |
Eritrea | Eritrea | eritreo | árabe |
Ethiopia | Etiopía | etíope | amárico |
Gabon | Gabón | gabonés | francés |
Gambia | Gambia | gambiano | inglés |
Ghana | Ghana | ghanés | inglés |
Guinea | Guinea | guineano | francés |
Kenya | Kenia | keniata | suajili, inglés |
Liberia | Liberia | liberiano | inglés |
Libya | Libia | libio | árabe |
Madagascar | Madagascar | malgache | francés, malgache |
Malawi | Malaui | malauí | inglés, chichewa |
Mali | Mali | maliense | francés |
Morocco | Marruecos | marroquí | árabe, bereber |
Mauricio | Mauricio | mauriciano | inglés, francés.. |
Mauritania | Mauritania | mauritano | árabe |
Mozambique | Mozambique | mozambiqueño | portugués |
Namibia | Namibia | namibio | afrikáans, alemán |
Niger | Niger | nigeriano | francés |
Central African Republic | República centroafricana | centroafricano | francés, sango |
Republic of Congo | República del Congo | congoleño | francés, lingala, kituba |
Rwanda | Ruanda | ruandés | kinyanwarda, inglés, francés |
Senegal | Senegal | senegalés | francés |
Seychelles | Seychelles | seychelense | inglés, francés.. |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leona | sierraleonés | inglés |
Somalia | Somalia | somalí | somalí |
Swaziland | Suazilandia | suazi | suazi, inglés |
South Africa | Sudáfrica | sudafricano | inglés, afrikáans |
Sudan | Sudán | sudanés | inglés, árabe |
Tanzania | Tanzania | tanzano | suajili, inglés |
Togo | Togo | togolés | francés |
Tunisia | Túnez | tunecino | árabe |
Uganda | Uganda | ugandés | inglés, suajili |
Zambia | Zambia | zambiano | inglés |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabue | zimbabuense | inglés |
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - argentino / argentina
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Argentina | Argentina | argentino | español |
Bolivia | Bolivia | boliviano | español, quechua, aimara, guaraní |
Brazil | Brazil | brasileño | portugués |
Chile | Chile | chileno | español |
Colombia | Colombia | colombiano | español |
Ecuador | Ecuador | ecuatoriano | español |
Paraguay | Paraguay | paraguayo | español y guaraní |
Peru | Perú | peruano | español |
Uruguay | Uruguay | uruguayo | español |
Venezuela | Venezuela | venezolano | español |
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - beliceño / beliceña
in English | Country | Nationality | Language |
Belize | Belice | beliceño | español, inglés |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica | tico | español |
Cuba | Cuba | cubano | español |
Guatemala | Guatemala | guatemalteco | español |
Honduras | Honduras | hondureño | español, inglés |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua | nicaragüense | español |
Panama | Panamá | panameño | español, inglés |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | puertorriqueño | español, inglés |
Dominican Republic | República Dominicana | dominicano | español, inglés |
Salvador | Salvador | salvadoreño | español |
Nationalities: masculine and feminine - australiano / australiana
Country | Nationality | Language | |
Australia | Australia | australiano | inglés |
Canada | Canadá | canadiense | inglés, francés |
United States | Estados Unidos | estadounidense | inglés |
Mexico | México | mexicano | español |
English | Spanish |
Where are you from? | ¿De dónde eres? / ¿De dónde vienes? |
I am from.. | Soy de... / Vengo de... |
Where do you live? | ¿Dónde vives? |
I live in.. | Vivo en... |
Damian: ¡Hola! ¿De dónde eres? Hello! Where are you from?
Joseph: Soy de Australia. Soy australiano. Y tú, ¿de dónde vienes? I am from Australia. I´m Australian. And you?
Damian: Yo vengo de los Estados Unidos, pero vivo en Ecuador. I´m from the United States, but I live in Ecuador.
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Hi and welcome to Learning English,
Lets make the best of our time learning together.
Learning can be such a fun experience to get better and better each day.
Besides having English Language and Literature Bachelor Degree and
Level II Teaching Diploma, I also have MA in Language and Communication in Business Administration.
I also do Life and Business Coaching, I am an Emotional Intelligence and NLP Practitioner and I am most delighted to use simple practical tools to support best communication and wellbeing in my English classes.
I am most honored to teach you, learn together and improve our skills on daily basis.
Thank You,
Roxana Cioaza
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Roxana is an English teacher since years. She used to teach for different students nationality, age, level and need. She uses varied tools as videos on Youtube, grammar exercises, dialog, quizz and vocabulary. Roxana encourages her students to practice their English by giving homework. She is involved on their English learning and progress. I recommend her !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
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Adriana is a wonderful teacher. She prepares the lessons individually for me. The lessons are very varied and include components such as grammar, pronunciation, exercises, etc. She has a lot of patience. Adriana speaks very clearly, so that you can understand her very well even if you have a less pronounced knowledge of Spanish. Adriana is a very friendly and motivating teacher. I can highly recommend her, classes with Adriana are always fun and it doesn't feel like studying but you learn a lot :-)
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Hi, I am an Italian girl. I have a bachelor's degree in Linguistic Mediation and a master's degree in Linguistic Science, I was an English teacher before. When I was in China, I taught English to Chinese children. Here in Italy I help Italian people to learn English and to prepare English exams. I am a nice girl, I lived in London and I know English culture as well.
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Carmelina is a very nice teacher with wide experience in teaching Chinese. She structures her classes according to her students' different levels, this is why to her it is very important to get to know you before starting to teach. She is also very well organized.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I'm an English language teacher for more than 15 years with CELTA ( Cambridge English Level 5 Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages); for sure, my lessons are active and updated. I can work with different levels mostly with adults.
I've been teaching lessons on line since October 2019 using Zoom.
Students' participation is maximised in my language lessons, for sure they are student-centred; in other words, I ensure plenty of student talking time through the use of communicative activities and consistent pair checks, clarifying the target language to an appropriate depth and in a student-centred way.
Come and join my classes, you´ll never feel like regreting your decision!!!
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Ildefonso is an experienced English teacher with a perfect British pronunciation. If you're talking to him, you can really feel his passion for teaching the English language. He helps students of all levels and tailors his lessons according to their needs and requirements. In his classes, all 4 language skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking are perfectly covered, and you will learn very easy and quick. That's why you shouldn't wait any longer and book your first English lesson with Ildefonso now!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Ildefonso Enrique A.Sure!!! My students will experience the most exciting lessons they've ever had!!! To Hanna and the recruiting team: " I appreciate your feed back, I will never let you down!!!
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Kumusta! Hello! I am Nyssa from the Philippines. I am a teacher by profession. I have been teaching for more than 13 years now both in the classroom and as an ESL teacher. If you are interested to learn Filipino also known as Tagalog feel free to book my classes now. I offer: Conversation Practice, Grammar and Literature. I can create learning materials or lesson plans that match your interest. See you in class!
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Nyssa started teaching right after her graduation and therefore already has a lot of experience in this field. She works full time as a public school teacher and also does many side jobs in the field of teaching. You can see her passion for teaching and she loves to get to know students from all over the world and adapt to their wishes and needs. Her lessons are therefore very interactive and she pays a lot of attention to good communication and a comfortable learning atmosphere.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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My name is Laia, and I am an infant and primary school teacher, specialized in additional languages. This year I have finished my second degree in Early Childhood Education. Previously, I had completed my degree in Primary Education in English. This last year I have combined my studies with a job in the reception classroom of a school. My main aim was to teach newly arrived pupils the official languages of my country and helping them to adapt to their new environment.
In addition, I have been an English teacher and monitor with students of different ages. I can adapt to my students, looking for the best way to individualize their learning.
Furthermore, I did the 120 hours course with TEFL this summer as I decided to delve more deeply into teaching English as a foreign language to help my students in a better way.
I would describe my classes as dynamic and entertaining. The aim is that during the first class we get to know each other so we can find out what your needs and goals are.
For my classes, I will use different materials that I used in my previous jobs, for example, games, role plays, flashcards, grammar summaries, or sample exams.
Finally, I would like to talk about my hobbies so that you can get to know me a little better. I am passionate about art and sea sports. I love watching films and series of any kind of genre. I also enjoy reading, especially when it is a mystery or action.
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Laia is a young and motivated language teacher. She can help you in Spanish, English and also Catalan to improve your knowledge and to reach your goals no matter if you are a beginner or already advanced. She is open to the wishes and needs of her students and wants to create an interactive and flexible class with lots of games and role plays. So don't wait any longer and book your first lesson with Laia now!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hello, Spanish learner! I am Isabel, your Spanish teacher.
I am a professional online Spanish teacher for 3 years. I am a native speaker from Colombia.
My lessons are completely in Spanish because I want you to speak as much as possible. During my lessons, we will focus on conversation and pronunciation. But a typical lesson also contains a vocabulary topic and a grammar topic.
I will focus on your needs and your mistakes to improve your Spanish as quickly as possible. In the first lesson, we will do a level test to check your current level (CEFR A1, A2, B1, B2, C1)
If you would like to improve your Spanish, learn more about the South American culture, gastronomy and traditions, I am your teacher! Or if you just want to talk in Spanish, about any subject you like, I would be happy to meet you online.
Send me a message and I will provide you a 30-minute free trial lesson!
See you online on Skype.
Your Spanish teacher, Isabel
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Isabel is a fantastic person! She has a lot of patience and always helps me understand where I’m wrong. Although I have had a few lessons with her, I am doing very well and I will definitely continue to take Spanish lessons with her. We always deal with pleasant topics, always try to make me comfortable and is very nice. I’m very happy to have chosen her as a teacher :)
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Teaching methodology
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Mayamba is a nice teacher with a very long experience: in fact, he's been teaching since 1985. He's very organized and his classes are clearly structured in different moments. The quality of his learning materials is good.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi! Am Teacher Ruth. I've specialized in English Literature and I've also acquired a TESOL certificate. I have over 10 years of experience teaching English. I'm social and passionate about teaching. My lessons are fun and humorous! My greatest achievement as a teacher is seeing my students excel in their exams and freely communicate in English. My greatest goal here is to help you;
1.Gain English listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.
2.Build your vocabulary.
3.Feel free to engage in any English conversation comfortably.
4.Improve your pronunciation.
5.Prepare well for exams.
I'm patient and kind with my students and I have the ability to understand their needs at their different levels and ages. I have helped over 650 students in other platforms reach their goals at ease.
We shall use books, charts, flashcards, illustrations and other learning aids to learn English. Given a chance, I would love to apply my knowledge skills, experience and expertise to yield the best results for the progress of my students. See you in class!
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Ruth teaches English since years. She is involved on her students improvements and adaptes her lessons according their level, their age and their demands. Students can improve their English grammar, speaking and vocabulary with her. Moreover Ruth is a nice and smiling person, it is easy to communicate with her. I recommend her !
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Ruth K.Thank you for your review.
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Hi, my name is Nomsa. I am an English tutor with 3 years experience in English tutoring. I can teach both adults and children for beginners, intermediate and business English lessons. My hobbies are watching movies, cooking and traveling around the world. I would like to meet new people and learn their ways of living as I am teaching them English as a second language.
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Nomsa has good grammar and interesting english exercises ! She has a good communication and teaching experiences as well.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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¡Hola!, my name is Juan, I’m Colombian and my native language is Spanish, I’m a certified teacher by Barcelona University in teaching Spanish as a foreign language, I have got more than 3 years of teaching Spanish to students from different countries in a face to face lessons and online lessons.
I'm a teacher focused on online teaching, with more than 1000 hours of class in online mode with students from different countries.
Due to my experience of teaching Spanish, I´m a professional person, with a lot of patience, charismatic, kind, smiling, punctual, responsible, disciplined, and dedicated teacher and with a great passion for teaching Spanish.
I rely on a method focused on communication and in the development of necessary skills to be able to communicate. My goal is that you are able to start a conversation with a native speaker, you can count on grammatical and lexical tools that support your communication. Grammar will not be a problem in my classes because you will learn it in an easy way.
Highlights about my lessons:
✔ Optimal interaction and communication with students.
✔ Classes adapted to your needs and overcoming your weaknesses.
✔ If you want exclusive conversational classes OR to study at a full level OR a pack of classes OR just to help you with an assignment or homework, with pleasure we can arrange them.
✔ I have a flexible schedule according to your needs and goals.
✔ A method based on communication and oral expression.
✔ Lessons full of planned, sequenced, and gamified activities.
✔ I have all the materials to teach you, at the end of each lesson you will have your materials and our studied notes.
✔ Spanish for all levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2).
✔ Knowledge and use of the best manuals and books for teaching Spanish.
✔ Knowledge of the use of current digital tools for teaching and learning.
✔ I’m fluent in English
✔ I’m fluent in Turkish
✔ I speak basic Italian and basic Arabic
✔ Book your trail lesson Now!
¡Nos vemos en clase!
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Juan Carlos is a very friendly and experienced teacher. He can offer you self made teaching material and great classes, I can surely recommend him as a teacher.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Teaching methodology
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Virginia is a very motivated and experienced teacher. The learning material she uses is very oganized, clear and interactive.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I am a native English language teacher from Ireland. I have the highly acclaimed accreditation of CELTA. I have been living and teaching in Spain for the past 2 years. I specialise in medical English and in exam preparation. I have trained others to become teachers through the TEFL scheme. My students have been very successful in their exams and I have a brilliant track record. I teach all levels and employ different methods, depending on my student's level of comprehension and their objectives. So for example, if I had a juvenile A1 student, I would play games, use flash cards, keep the class dynamic and I would change activity regularly. This helps to hold their attention and keeps them engaged. Their following lesson then touches on revision and progression. If I had a C1 student, I would help them to work on their exam preparation skills and especially their grammar and speaking skills, I would also teach them specific terminology for their area of study/career.
I adore teaching, I am an excellent teacher and I can definitely help to make English easy for you. I am friendly, engaging and I can mimic different accents! :) I can teach British or American English.
I hope to welcome you to my class soon.
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Fiona is a new and qualified teacher. I really enjoyed speaking to her, she is very friendly and humorous. She has a a lot of teaching material, even for children and I can highly recommend booking a lesson with her.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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I have been teaching English for eleven years to different nationalities of different levels. I have taught Grammar classes, conversational courses, TOIEC classes, and text courses for beginners. My teaching methods really depend on the level of the student, I usually teach a concept using two kinds of textbooks to beginners and I provide lots of corrections and sample sentences to advanced students. I am very natural and I love to listen to the personal experiences of my students. I am also TESOL certified, which I believe makes me qualified for the position. I hope to see you in the future.
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With 11 years of teaching experience, Maila can teach you not only English but also Filipino in a fun and easy way. She can provide you with different learning materials and therefore teaches everyone from beginners to advanced. Her classes are very communicative, interactive and thus perfect for any age group, including children. Don't hesitate and book your first lesson with Maila now!
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Maila P.thanks for the nice review :)
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Teaching methodology
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Costanza is a teacher, a writer and an actress, hence she has a very deep knowledge of the Spanish language. She knows the common difficulties of language learning and how to face them. Costanza structures her classes according to her student's level, but she always likes to start with a small conversation.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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