Slovak names for countries and languages
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Would you like to know how to name the country you come from, the language you speak and what is your nationality in Slovak? In this lesson you will learn even more!
In this lesson we will provide you with full list of 195 countries in the world divided into 5 groups:
English | Slovak |
Europe | Európa |
America | Amerika |
Asia | Ázia |
Africa | Africa |
Oceania | Oceánia |
There are many ways how to ask this question. Check the table below with many examples of how to ask and respond.
English | Slovak |
Where are you from? | Odkiaľ si? |
Odkiaľ ste? | |
Where do you come from? | Odkiaľ pochádzaš? |
Odkiaľ pochádzate? | |
What is your country of origin? | Aká je tvoja krajina pôvodu? |
Aká je vaša krajina pôvodu? | |
I am from... | Som z... |
I come from... | Pochádzam z... |
My country of origin is... | Moja krajina pôvodu je... |
I live in... | Žijem v.... |
How to ask and answer which languages you speak:
English | Slovak |
What languages do you speak? | Akými jazykmi hovoríš? |
I speak... | Hovorím... |
How many languages do you speak? | Koľkými jazykmi hovoríš? |
I speak... languages. | Hovorím... jazykmi. |
Other vocabulary:
native | rodný |
a language | jazyk |
a country | krajina |
a nationality | národnosť |
a continent | kontinent |
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English | Slovak | Language = Jazyk |
Albania | Albánsko | albánčina |
Andorra | Andorra | katalánčina |
Belgium | Belgicko | holandčina = Flemish |
Belarus | Bielorusko | bieloruština |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosna a Hercegovina | bosniačtina |
Bulgaria | Bulharsko | bulharčina |
Czech Republic | Česká republika | čeština |
Montenegro | Čierna hora | čiernohorčina |
Cyprus | Cyprus | |
Croatia | Chorvátsko | chorvátčina |
Denmark | Dánsko | dánčina |
Estonia | Estónsko | estónčina |
Finland | Fínsko | fínčina |
France | Francúzsko | francúzština |
Greece | Grécko | gréčtina |
Netherlands | Holandsko | holandčina |
Ireland | Írsko | írčina |
Iceland | Island | islandčina |
Lichtenstein | Lichtenštajnsko | |
Lithuania | Litva | litovčina |
Latvia | Lotyšsko | lotyština |
Luxembourg | Luxembursko | luxemburčina |
Macedonia | Macedónsko | macedónčina |
Hungary | Maďarsko | maďarčina |
Malta | Malta | maltčina |
Moldova | Moldavsko | moldavčina |
Monaco | Monako | |
Germany | Nemecko | nemčina |
Norway | Nórsko | nórčina |
Poland | Poľsko | poľština |
Portugal | Portugalsko | portugalčina |
Austria | Rakúsko | |
Romania | Rumunsko | rumunčina |
Russia | Rusko | ruština |
San Marino | San Marino | |
Slovakia | Slovensko | slovenčina |
Slovenia | Slovinsko | slovinčina |
Spain | Španielsko | španielčina |
Serbia and Kosovo | Srbsko a Kosovo | srbčina |
Switzerland | Švajčiarsko | |
Sweden | Švédsko | švédčina |
Italy | Taliansko | taliančina |
Turkey | Turecko | turečtina |
Ukraine | Ukrajina | ukrajinčina |
Vatican City | Vatikán | latinčina |
United Kingdom | Veľká Británia | angličtina |
English | Slovak |
America | Amerika |
North America | Severná Amerika |
Central Amerika | Stredná Amerika |
South Amerika | Južná Amerika |
English | Slovak |
Anguilla | Anguilla |
Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua a Barbuda |
Argentina | Argentína |
Aruba | Aruba |
Bahamas | Bahamy |
Barbados | Barbados |
Belize | Belize |
Bolivia | Bolívia |
Brazil | Brazília |
Canada | Kanada |
Chile | Čile |
Colombia | Kolumbia |
Costa Rica | Kostarika |
Cuba | Kuba |
Curacao | Curacao |
Dominica | Dominika |
Dominican Republic | Dominikánska republika |
Ecuador | Ekvádor |
El Salvador | Salvádor |
Falkland Islands | Falklandské ostrovy |
French Guiana | Francúzska Guayana |
Greenland | Grónsko |
Grenada | Grenada |
Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Guyana | Guyana |
Haiti | Haiti |
Honduras | Honduras |
Jamaica | Jamajka |
Martinique | Martinik |
Mexico | Mexiko |
Nicaragua | Nikaragua |
Panama | Panama |
Paraguay | Paraguaj |
Peru | Peru |
Porto Rico | Portoriko |
Suriname | Surinam |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad a Tobago |
United States | Spojené štáty |
Uruguay | Uruguaj |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
English | Slovak | Language = Jazyk |
Afghanistan | Afganistan | paštčina |
Armenia | Arménsko | arménčina |
Azerbaijan | Azerbajdžan | azerbajdžančina |
Bahrain | Bahrajn | arabčina |
Bangladesh | Bangladéš | bengálčina |
Bhutan | Bhután | dzongkha |
Brunei | Brunej | |
Myanmar | Mjanmarsko | barmčina |
Cambodia | Kambodža | khmerčina |
China | Čína | čínština |
India | India | hindčina |
Indonesia | Indonézia | indonézština |
Iran | Irán | perzština |
Iraq | Irak | |
Israel | Izrael | hebrejčina, arabčina |
Japan | Japonsko | japončina |
Kazakhstan | Kazachstan | kazaština |
North Korea | Severná Kórea | kórejčina |
South Korea | Južná Kórea | kórejčina |
Kuwait | Kuvajt | |
Kyrgyzstan | Kirgizsko | kirgizština |
Laos | Laos | laoština |
Lebanon | Libanon | |
Malaysia | Malajzia | malajčina |
Maldives | Maldivy | maldivčina |
Mongolia | Mongolsko | mongolčina |
Nepal | Nepál | nepálčina |
Oman | Omán | |
Pakistan | Pakistan | urdčina |
Philippines | Filipíny | filipínčina |
Qatar | Katar | |
Saudi Arabia | Saudská Arábia | arabčina |
Singapore | Singapur | |
Sri Lanka | Srí Lanka | sinhalčina, tamilčina |
Syria | Sýria | |
Taiwan | Taiwan | |
Tajikistan | Tidžikistan | tadžičtina |
Thailand | Thajsko | thajčina |
Timor-Leste | Východný Timor | tetumčina |
Turkmenistan | Turkménsko | turkménčina |
United Arab Emirates | Spojené arabské emiráty | |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan | uzbečtina |
Vietnam | Vietnam | vietnamčina |
Yemen | Jemen |
English | Slovak |
Algeria | Alžírsko |
Angola | Angola |
Benin | Benin |
Botswana | Botswana |
Burkina Faso | Burkina |
Burundi | Burundi |
Cameroon | Kamerun |
Central African Republic | Stredoafrická republika |
Chad | Čad |
Comoros | Komory |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Kongo |
Republic of the Congo | Kongo |
Cote d'Ivoire | Pobrežie Slonoviny |
Djibouti | Džibutsko |
Egypt | Egypt |
Equatorial Guinea | Rovníková Guinea |
Eritrea | Eritrea |
Ethiopia | Etiópia |
Gabon | Gabon |
Gambia | Gambia |
Ghana | Ghana |
Guinea | Guinea |
Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau |
Kenya | Keňa |
Lesotho | Lesotho |
Liberia | Libéria |
Libya | Líbya |
Madagascar | Madagaskar |
Malawi | Malawi |
Mali | Mali |
Mauritania | Mauritánia |
Mauritius | Maurícius |
Marocco | Maroko |
Mozambique | Mozambik |
Namibia | Namíbia |
Niger | Niger |
Rwanda | Rwanda |
Sao Tome and Principe | Svätý Tomáš a Princov ostrov |
Senegal | Senegal |
Seychelles | Seychely |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
Somalia | Somálsko |
South Africa | Južná Afrika |
Sudan | Sudán |
Swaziland | Svazijsko |
Tanzania | Tanzánia |
Togo | Togo |
Tunisia | Tunisko |
Uganda | Uganda |
Zambia | Zambia |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
English | Slovak |
Australia | Austrália |
Papua New Guinea | Papua- Nová Guinea |
New Zealand | Nový Zéland |
Fiji | Fidži |
Solomon Islands | Šalamúnove ostrovy |
Vanuatu | Vanatu |
New Caledonia | Nová Kaledónia |
Polynesia | Polynézia |
Samoa | Americká Samoa |
Guam | Guam |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
Tonga | Tonga |
Federated States of Micronesia | Mikronézia |
Marshall Islands | Marshallove ostrovy |
Samoa | Samoa |
Mariana Islands | Severné Mariány |
Palau | Palau |
Cook Islands | Cookove ostrovy |
Wallis and Futuna | Wallis a Futuna |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Nauru | Nauru |
Norfolk Island | Norfolk |
Niue | Niue |
Tokelau | Tokelau |
Pitcairn Islands | Pitcairnove ostrovy |
We know there are lots of countries to learn. You can practice your skills with our exercises!
Unlike in other platforms, all our teachers are manually verified by our professional team. Trust in the experiences of our students.
Hello everybody :)
I am Cornelia and I teach German, Spanish and French for different levels.
I studied French and Spanish and am about to graduate with a Master in Conference Interpreting. Both languages are an integral part of my life and I am happy to share my knowledge of language and culture !
German is my mother tongue, whether you are a beginner or an advanced speaker, I will be happy to help you improve your German and get started !
I use various textbooks as well as material that has helped me a lot at school and in my studies. Furthermore, I like to focus on oral communication, but I also have a lot of knowledge about editing texts and grammar due to my studies.
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I can only recommend Cornelia. In terms of skills and interpersonal skills, one of the best teachers I've ever had.
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I am a qualified, experienced teacher of Slovak for foreigners. I have master´s degree in teaching and I´ve been teaching Slovak both in person and online for 10 years. I prepare unique lessons for every student according to their level, needs, goals and preferences. I offer free trial lesson where we assess student´s level, discuss goals and make a plan of lessons. We also set our schedule and student gets a chance to see my teaching style and methods. .
So, if you like to explore the beauty of my mother language, I will be pleased to assist you! Looking forward to meeting you soon online!
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Provides me with lots to learn and is always able to answer my questions about small details and practices within the Slovak language.
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Teaching methodology
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I am very happy and satisfied that I can learn Slovak from Eva. She's doing a great job!
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Hello! I am Cesar. I come from Madrid (Spain) and I teach Spanish for foreign students since 2016.- That's my profession.- I have studied Spanish Language and Literature and a master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language.- Online activities and exercises adapted to each student.- Levels from A1 (beginner) to C1 (advanced).- Reports and optional exercises between lessons.- Preparation for official exam DELE (I work as DELE examiner).- I speak English.- Je parle français.- Я немного говорю по русски.
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Very good teacher, with good learning materials. Goes forward in a structured manner and givese a lot of feedback on written and spoken skills.
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I am a qualified, experienced teacher of Slovak for foreigners. I have master´s degree in teaching and I´ve been teaching Slovak both in person and online for 10 years. I prepare unique lessons for every student according to their level, needs, goals and preferences. I offer free trial lesson where we assess student´s level, discuss goals and make a plan of lessons. We also set our schedule and student gets a chance to see my teaching style and methods. .
So, if you like to explore the beauty of my mother language, I will be pleased to assist you! Looking forward to meeting you soon online!
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Another great lesson from Libi! She always comes up with entertaining but challenging lessons and provides thoughtful answers to all of my silly questions.
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Hi there! Do you want to dive into the beauty of Slovak and / or English language? Then let's do it together!
My name is Katarína and I am here to help you with any aspect of the language - grammar, speaking, conversations...
Thanks to my experience as a teacher at language school, I gave lessons to individuals, groups of various ages, children... I always try to personalize my lessons and concentrate on those areas that are important for you.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Have a great day!
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Katarína is a very nice and knowledgeable teacher. She always was on time, had well prepared the materials and knows how to explain the Slovak language to a novice. However, I am sure she will also be a good teacher for more advanced speakers.
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Hi there!
My name is Andrea and I'd like to be your Slovak teacher. :-)
I am a qualified teacher. I studied at the State Language School in Slovakia and I passed the General State Examination in English Language (C1-C2 level). I gained a Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD.) in Social Work and completed an Additional Pedagogical Education. As a PhD student, I gained experience in teaching. I´ve more than four-year experience in teaching. I enjoy teaching, working with people and speaking in English.
We can focus on whatever you wish to practise and I can take you through a structured course and I will supply you with all of the required materials. Lessons dependent on the student's needs - grammar, speaking, writing, reading or listening. I can help you with all aspects of Slovak.
In our first lesson we'll get to know each other and I'll make an assessment of your needs. After that I'll create a plan for us to follow together.
I enjoy teaching in a fun, friendly and casual manner. Whether you are an advanced student or a beginner let me help you improve. Let’s connect in a trial lesson so I can learn more about your goals. See you soon! :-)
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I just finished my second Slovak lesson with Andrea and I am very happy that I chose her as my teacher! She is very kind, easy going and patient, and she has a good understanding of both English and Slovak. I would recommend anyone looking to learn this language as well to book your lessons with her! Looking forward to the rest of the course!
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I am a qualified, experienced teacher of Slovak for foreigners. I have master´s degree in teaching and I´ve been teaching Slovak both in person and online for 10 years. I prepare unique lessons for every student according to their level, needs, goals and preferences. I offer free trial lesson where we assess student´s level, discuss goals and make a plan of lessons. We also set our schedule and student gets a chance to see my teaching style and methods. .
So, if you like to explore the beauty of my mother language, I will be pleased to assist you! Looking forward to meeting you soon online!
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Imperativ is difficult because there are some irregular verbs which Libi included in the exercise for practice
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Hi there! Do you want to dive into the beauty of Slovak and / or English language? Then let's do it together!
My name is Katarína and I am here to help you with any aspect of the language - grammar, speaking, conversations...
Thanks to my experience as a teacher at language school, I gave lessons to individuals, groups of various ages, children... I always try to personalize my lessons and concentrate on those areas that are important for you.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Have a great day!
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Katarina is a very good and very nice teacher who makes it possible for me, as an absolute beginner, to learn a completely new language. She explains the context very well, is excellent at answering my questions and has very helpful materials for her lessons. I can highly recommend her!
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Hi! I’m Yasmina, a professional German, English, Russian and Slovak teacher for adults and teenagers. I am fluent in 4 foreign languages and I have sucessfuly passed C2 level exams for English and German. I have a Masters degree in foreign languages and cultures from Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. During my studies I have done a couple of exchanges abroad (Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Qatar, Iceland, etc).
I have lived in 4 countries, therefore I know how challenging it may be - to learn and SPEAK foreign language afterwards. I’ve been teaching and learning languages for more than 8 years (3 years of teaching experience). I am absolutely sure, that your learning process starts, when you begin to speak. Therefore my lessons are mainly conversational, but you would need to do your homework at home :)
As a result, we can use your new knowledge during the lesson. Language learning is fun and a lot of hard work at the same time. But if you know what to do, than the process becomes much easier and enjoyable.
Here is the key information on the lessons/courses:
1. Lessons are tailored to your needs
2. All materials are provided
3. Before we start, during the trial lesson, I will test you level and we will develop a plan in order to reach your goal as soon as possible.
Any questions? Don’t hesitate to ask me!
All the best,
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Yasmina organizes the lessons in a varied, easy-to-understand and competent manner, is always punctual and attentive. She also incorporates information about the country (recipes, music, ...) and always thinks of something new - I like it when the learning is playful. Yasmina gladly and patiently answers questions, even those that concern the mentality or dealing with Slovaks (especially Slovakian mother-in-law ...). Clear recommendation!
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Hi there! Do you want to dive into the beauty of Slovak and / or English language? Then let's do it together!
My name is Katarína and I am here to help you with any aspect of the language - grammar, speaking, conversations...
Thanks to my experience as a teacher at language school, I gave lessons to individuals, groups of various ages, children... I always try to personalize my lessons and concentrate on those areas that are important for you.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Have a great day!
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I did a few lessons with her just a couple of years ago to be honest. Excellent teacher, highly recommended, I'm only sorry I had to interrupt classes with her, because really, it's worth it. Very, very good
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Teaching methodology
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I can only recommend Eva as a Slovak teacher. She is very competent, uses great material and fully caters to the needs of the students ... the whole thing is rounded off by her friendly and very sociable personality. The very good understanding of the German language and its selected explanations also support me very well and help me to make progress in my lessons in order to achieve my goals. Thank you very much LG your student Daniel
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Teaching methodology
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Eva designs the lessons in a structured and varied manner. She conveys the lessons with a lot of joy and can adapt individually to the learner. It makes a lot of fun!!!!
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Teaching methodology
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Amalia is an experienced teacher: she's been giving private language lessons for over 10 years and she also teaches at the university. Her method changes according to the student's level and needs. She provides plenty of learning materials.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
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Hi! Nice that you came to me for Dutch lessons. I am NT certified NT2 teacher and work with thorough and proven teaching methods. Depending on your goals and wishes we look together at a teaching method that best fits your needs. Besides that I use extra materials to stimulate and motivate you even more. My starting point is that you have to have and keep fun in order to learn Dutch (even better)! I teach both online and face-to-face and live close to Haarlem and Amsterdam.
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Very nice and friendly teacher! Always open to additional questions and eager to help with learning new things.
Christine V.
Thank you Valentina, I'm glad you liked the lessons and good luck! Sincerely, Christine van Muiswinkel
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