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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English, Italian I teach: Chinese, Simplified

Presentation and Teaching Methods

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Availability:Monday (9-11h), Monday (14-19h), Tuesday (9-11h), Tuesday (14-19h), Wednesday (9-11h), Wednesday (14-19h), Thursday (9-11h), Thursday (14-19h), Friday (9-11h), Friday (14-19h), Saturday (9-11h), Sunday (14-19h). Timezone: Europe/Berlin (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
Domenico is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
15.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English, Italian, Spanish I teach: Chinese, Simplified, English, Italian

Hello! My name is Alessia, I am 25 years old and I currently work as a teacher of Italian language to Chinese students ( teenagers and... adults). I graduated in Modern Languages for Intercultural Communication in 2017 (English and Mandarin Chinese), I have always been passionate about languages and linguistics, that is why I have plenty of experience in teaching linguistics, language education (at university level), humanities, Italian language, English, Mandarin Chinese (at any level and age) I have taught italian and foreign students (in English, Spanish and Chinese). I got the CEDILS (Certification for teaching Italian as a foreign language) and the TEFL Certification for teaching English. I don’t adopt fixed, rigid approaches and methods in teaching languages, they are always based on students’ needs, age and, above all, their learning goals. I love my job and I would like to expand my students’ network.

Availability:Monday (7-23h), Tuesday (7-23h), Wednesday (7-23h), Thursday (7-11h), Thursday (16-23h), Friday (7-23h), Saturday (7-23h), Sunday (7-11h), Sunday (16-23h). Timezone: Europe/Berlin (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
Alessia is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
17.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish I teach: Chinese, Simplified

language teacher, cultural mediator, translator

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Availability:Monday (7-9h), Monday (13-14h), Monday (20-23h), Tuesday (7-9h), Tuesday (13-14h), Tuesday (20-23h), Wednesday (7-9h), Wednesday (13-14h), Wednesday (20-23h), Thursday (7-9h), Thursday (13-14h), Thursday (20-23h), Friday (7-9h), Friday (13-14h), Friday (20-23h), Saturday (7-23h), Sunday (7-23h). Timezone: Europe/Berlin (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
Alessandro is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
18.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English, Italian I teach: Chinese, Simplified, Italian

I'm an italian mother tongue, I can teach italian language at any level. On request the lessons can also be made in english language. In... particular the Italian lessons are (particularly) aimed at chinese mother toungue speaker since I can also interact with them in chinese language. Regarding chinese I can give lessons up to B2 level.

Availability:Monday (9-11h), Monday (15-17h), Tuesday (9-11h), Tuesday (15-17h), Wednesday (9-11h), Wednesday (15-17h), Thursday (9-11h), Thursday (15-17h), Friday (9-11h), Friday (15-17h), Saturday (16-18h), Sunday (16-18h). Timezone: Europe/Berlin (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
Tommaso is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
18.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English I teach: Chinese, Simplified

I am a native Chinese teacher currently living in China. I obtained my bachelor's degree in Chinese language and literature. I have been... teahcing Chinese for 4 years. I've taught both in public schools and private companies, so I can use different measures to teach. Also, I'm enthusiastic in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. I can speak English so that there shall be no problem if you can't speak Chinese. I specialize in Chinese-learning skills, with a slight preference though for speaking ability improvement and grammar teaching. I am looking forward to know you, do not hesitate to ask me any question that comes in the top of your head !

Availability:Monday (7-11h), Monday (13-17h), Monday (20-23h), Tuesday (7-11h), Tuesday (13-17h), Tuesday (20-23h), Wednesday (7-11h), Wednesday (13-17h), Wednesday (20-23h), Thursday (7-11h), Thursday (13-17h), Thursday (20-23h), Friday (7-11h), Friday (13-17h), Friday (21-23h), Saturday (9-23h), Sunday (9-23h). Timezone: Asia/Shanghai (GMT+8) See in your timezone.
Satine is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
18.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, Spanish, English I teach: Chinese, Simplified, Spanish

Who I am?

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Availability:Tuesday (9-13h), Tuesday (16-18h), Wednesday (9-13h), Wednesday (16-18h), Thursday (9-13h), Thursday (16-17h), Friday (9-13h), Friday (16-18h). Timezone: Europe/Berlin (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
María is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
18.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English, Italian I teach: Chinese, Simplified

I have always been passionate about discovering different languages and cultures, and that is why I chose to major in Foreign Languages. I am... Italian, from Rome and I speak English and Chinese. I can guide you through the understanding of these two wonderful languages, very different from one another, but quite similar for certain aspects. They are both easier to learn than they seem. After graduating, I have had several teching experiences before being employed in a Big Firm operating in the Travel Retail Field. I miss teaching, because it is really amazing how learning new languages really improves people's life, it frees them. So here I am, ready to help you, whether you are a beginner or you want to improve your skills for professional reasons. I believe it is important to assess the level of your knowledge and to identify your goals and objectives, in order to create an individual study programme according to your needs. We can use different materials, from grammar books to TV series, from traditional excercises to online contents. We can also focus on only one aspect, such as conversation, reading, etc. We are going to adjust your programme constantly, according to your response and feedback. Hope to have the chance to work together and get to know you. Mi è sempre piaciuto scoprire culture e lingue diverse, ed è per questo che ho scelto di laurearmi in Lingue Straniere. Sono italiana, romana e parlo Inglese e Cinese. Posso guidarti alla scoperta di queste due lingue meravigliose, così diverse tra loro, eppure così simili in alcuni aspetti. Entrambe sono più semplici di quanto si pensi da apprendere. Dopo la laurea ho avuto diverse esperienze nell'insegnamento, prima di venire assunta da una grande azienda del settore del Travel Retail. M manca molto insegnare, è incredibile come lo studio delle lingue possa migliorare la vita delle persone, come le renda libere. E quindi eccomi qui, pronta ad aiutarti, sia che tu sia un principiante, sia che voglia migliorare le tue competenze per motivi lavorativi. Credo sia importante valutare il tuo livello di partenza e definire i tuoi obiettivi, così da creare un piano di studio individuale in linea con le tue necessità. Useremo materiali diversi, dai libri di grammatica alle serie tv, dagli esercizi convenzionali ai contenuti online. Perfezioneremo costantemente il piano di studi, sulla base dei tuoi commenti e del tuo gradimento. Spero di avere la possibilità di conoscerti e di lavorare insieme.

Availability:Monday (10-19h), Wednesday (10-19h), Thursday (10-19h), Friday (10-19h). Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
Chiara is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
20.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English, Italian I teach: Chinese, Simplified

Would you like to learn Chinese?你 想 学汉语 吗? Try an online lesson!

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Availability:Monday (9-18h), Tuesday (9-18h), Wednesday (9-18h), Thursday (9-18h), Friday (9-16h). Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+2) See in your timezone.
Alice is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
20.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English, Russian I teach: Chinese, Simplified

High degree in linguistics and cross cultural communication. Qualification is Chinese language. Studied Chinese in Russia and partly in... China, had my internship in Harbin I speak English, Chinese, native Russian. These are the languages I have been teaching for more than 10 years. Speak also basic Arabic (Moroccan) and Dutch. Have experience working with both - adults and kids. Always try to find an individual approach to everyone, to make the progress grow and the lessons go in an easy and entertaining way. I have a big experience of travelling and living in different countries. It gives me a good opportunity to practice languages, improve my communication skills. Will share it all with You, my dear students, with pleasure

Availability:Monday (10-14h), Tuesday (13-17h), Wednesday (10-14h), Thursday (14-16h), Friday (13-17h). Timezone: Europe/Moscow (GMT+3) See in your timezone.
Anastasia is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
20.00€ / h
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I speak: Chinese, Simplified, English I teach: Chinese, Simplified

I am engaged in Chinese teaching for 6 years and have rich experience to help you. I hope you will learn and master Chinese.In my course, you... will learn Chinese easily. Don't worry. At the beginning, it will be more difficult. After learning for a period of time, you will feel more and more relaxed. Come on!

Availability:Monday (7-9h), Monday (12-13h), Monday (20-23h), Tuesday (7-9h), Tuesday (12-13h), Tuesday (18-18h), Tuesday (22-23h), Wednesday (7-9h), Wednesday (12-13h), Wednesday (22-23h), Thursday (7-9h), Thursday (12-13h), Thursday (20-23h), Friday (7-9h), Friday (12-13h), Friday (16-19h), Friday (22-23h), Saturday (7-9h), Saturday (12-14h), Saturday (22-23h), Sunday (7-23h). Timezone: Asia/Shanghai (GMT+8) See in your timezone.
yucheng is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
20.00€ / h
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