I speak:
Chinese, Simplified, English, Italian
I teach:
Chinese, Simplified, Italian
Trial class: Free trial lesson!
Specialized topics:
Advanced, Communication, Courses for children, Culture, Exam preparation, Grammar, Literature, Pronunciation, Tourism and travelling
Barbara is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+1)
ITALIAN TEACHER ( master's degree in " Teaching Italian as a foreign language)
Hello! My name is Barbara and I am here to boost your Italian! I have been studying languages for my entire life and I know how it feels to learn a second language, this is why I am patient and encouraging with my students. My best reward is to see their improvements :-)
I have just completed my Master's in "Teaching Italian as a foreign language" at Ca' Foscari University in Venice and I would be glad to share my knowledge with you :-) contact me of you would like to know more about me and my teaching style, I try to adapt each class to what my students need and wish to accomplish.
Teacher statistics
Contacted by: | 0 students | |
Active students: | 0 | |
Lessons: | 0 | |
Last access: | 1 year ago | |
Registered: | 3 years ago |
Language proficiency test preparation:
Italian - PLIDA - Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri
Italian - CELI - Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana
Italian - CILS - Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera
Università Niccolò Cusano
Master 1 livello in Digital Marketing
Ho conseguito il Master di 1 livello in Digital Marketing con una tesi sul brand marketing.
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento
Lingue e letterature orientali, quadriennale cinese. Tesi sull'arte contemporanea cinese. Durante gli studi ho vissuto a Shanghai dove ho frequentato dei corsi di lingua cinese presso Fudan Daxue e Waiguoyu Daxue.
Work experience:
Febo Art Srl
2020 ad oggi
Abbiamo organizzato una mostra d'arte multimediale su Leonardo Da Vinci a Shenzhen ( PRC) . La mostra si è conclusa il 26.02.2021
Libero professionista
Me stessa
2000- ad oggi
Traduttrice dal cinese e dall'inglese.
Insegnante di lingua cinese
Liceo Sophie Scholl
2014 -2016
Ho insegnato lingua cinese ai ragazzi del triennio.