I speak:
English, French, Hungarian, Romanian
I teach:
Trial class: Free trial lesson!
Specialized topics:
Beginners, Courses for children, Grammar, Literature, Pronunciation, Tourism and travelling
Mihaela is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+1)
Just a simple human being
Hello everyone,
It will be a pleasure to learn you and to learn with you ! During my existence I always felt that the people like me for no matter reason. To transmit my knowledge to everyone who is interested in , it will be an opportunity for me to prove that I love people in return.
I’m new also on this platform so we will take the things in our rythme, don’t forget I’m here to help and support you, don’t hesitate to ask questions whatever is necessary.
Hope to see you soon !
Dearly Mihaela
Teacher statistics
Contacted by: | 1 student | |
Active students: | 0 | |
Lessons: | 0 | |
Last access: | 6 months ago | |
Registered: | 3 years ago |
Universitatea de științe politice și administrative Vasile Goldiș Arad
Arad România
Limba și Literatura Română - Limba și Literatura Engleză
Champigny-sur-Marne, France
Conseillère Vendeuse en voyages
Work experience:
Agent de voyages
Ere Voyages