I speak:
English, French, Moldavian, Romanian
I teach:
English, Moldavian, Romanian
Trial class: Free trial lesson!
Specialized topics:
Beginners, Courses for children, Grammar
Adina is a new teacher and motivated to teach you!
Timezone: Europe/Rome (GMT+1)
Get good results without too much effort
I am an experienced teacher of English, Romanian and Moldavian languages, who gets excellent result with pupils of all ages, using efficient methods and a friendly way of teaching. All my pupils are happy and get very good results.
I am waiting for you in my online class. I am sure you will never regret this experience!
Teacher statistics
Contacted by: | 1 student | |
Active students: | 0 | |
Lessons: | 0 | |
Last access: | 3 years ago | |
Registered: | 3 years ago |
Scoala de Arte "Pictor D. Belizarie"
Bucharest, Romania
Teaching pupils the techniques of traditional painting on glass
History of sacred art
University of Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania
Bachelor's Degree
Foreign Languages and Literatures
English Language
Romanian Language
Work experience:
English Language and Arts Teacher
Liceul "Sf. Antim Ivireanul"
Bucharest , Romania
Teaching iconographic painting to pupils in English language
Teacher of English and Romanian
Scoala "Sf. ANDREI"
Bucharest, Romania
Teaching English and Romanian to pupils of 12-14 years old
Teacher of Religion and Painting
Social Center " Saint Elefterie"
Bucharest, Romania
Teaching Religion classes and Iconography to pupils of all ages.
Their works received many greetings and prizes.
Teacher of Romanian
Social School "Nasterea Maicii Domnului"
Bucharest, Romania
Teaching Romanian Language and Literature to pupils with special needs