Turkish words and vocabulary
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Hello! Do you want to learn Turkish? You are looking for common Turkish words, basics of Turkish grammar and simple expressions? You've come to the right place! Let's get started with common Turkish vocabularies then common verbs and sayings.
The most frequent vocabulary list in the Turkish language according to the Turkish letters is indicated below. Note that a sentence in the Turkish language never begins with ğ (soft g). The most frequent letters are -a and -e.
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
acele | hurry; hastily | acı | tart, hot (pepper), bitter |
aç | hungry, greedy | ad | name, reputation |
ada | island, city block | adam | man (person), human being |
adres | address | afiyet | health |
ağabey | older brother | ağaç | tree |
ağustos | August | aile | family |
ait | concerning, relating to | ak | white, clean |
akıl | reason, intelligence, mind | akıllı | wise |
akşam | evening | alay | crowd |
alın | forehead | alçak | low |
altı | sixty | alışveriş | business, shopping |
almak | to take, get, buy | altın | gold |
alt | bottom | allah | god |
ama/amma | but, yet, still | anahtar | key |
apartman | apartment building, block of flats | araba | car ; vehicle |
aralık | space, gap, interval | arka | the back, rear, reverse |
arkadaş | friend | armut | pear |
artık | left over, remnant, extra ; for now, henceforth | arzu | wish, desire |
asansör | elevator | asker | soldier |
aşağı | the lower part, bottom, inferior | at | horse |
ata | father, ancestor | ateş | fire, fever, temperature |
avukat | lawyer | ay | moon ; month |
aydınlık | light, brightness | ayna | mirror |
aynı | the same, identical | ayran | yoghurt drink |
ayrı | separate, distinct, different | az | small, little, few |
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Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
baba | father | bacak | leg, shank |
bağ | tie, string; vineyard | bağlı | tied, connected |
bahar | spring | bahçe | garden, park |
bakan | state secretary | bakkal | grocer |
bakmak | to look at | balık | fish |
balkon | balcony | banka | bank |
banyo | bath ; bath-tub ; bath-room | bardak | glass, cup |
basmak | to tread, stand | baş | head, chief |
başarmak | to accomplish | başlık | title |
başka | other, different | başlamak | to begin, start |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
dağ | mountain, brand | daima | always, forever |
daire | circle; apartment | dakika | minute |
dans | dance, dancing | dar | narrow, tight |
davet | invitation | dede | grandfather |
defa | time, turn | defter | notebook |
değil | not | değışik | different, varied, changed |
delik | hole, opening | deniz | sea |
derece | step, stair, degree | derin | deep, profound |
ders | lesson, lecture | dert | sorrow, sadness, pain |
deva | remedy | devlet | state, government, nation |
deyim | saying, expression | dış | out, outer, outside |
dışarı | outside | diğer | other |
dikkat | care, attention | dil | language, tongue |
dilemek | to want, desire, to wish | dinlemek | to listen |
diş | tooth | doğmak | to be born |
doğru | correct, true | doğu | east |
doğum | birth | doktor | doctor |
dokuz | nine | dolap | cupboard, case |
dolmuş | (something which is filled) | dolu | full |
domates | tomato | dondurma | dondurma |
dost | friend, lover | dönüş | return |
dört | four | dudak | lip |
durum | state, position, attitude | duş | shower |
duvar | wall | duygu | feeling, sense, perception |
düğün | wedding feast | dükkân | shop, store |
dün | yesterday | dünya | world, earth |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
eczane | pharmacy, chemist | efendi | master, owner |
eğer | if | eğlence | amusement, enjoyment |
eğlenmek | to enjoy, to have a good time | ek | supplement; prefix, suffix |
ekim | October; sowing, planting | ekmek | bread; to sow, to cultivate |
eksik | lacking, less | ekşi | sour, tart |
el | hand, power | elbette | certainly |
elbise | dress, clothes | elektrik | electricity |
elli | fifty | electricity | apple |
emekli | retired | emin | safe, secure, sure, certain |
emir | order, command | en | width; hefty, huge; most |
enerji | energy | erkek | man |
erken | early | ertesi | the next, following |
eser | work (of art); written | eski | old |
eş | spouse; husband, wife; one of a pair | eşya | furniture, things |
et | meat | etek | skirt |
etmek | to do, make | etraf | sides, surroundings |
ev | house | evet | yes |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
galiba | perhaps, probably | garson | waiter |
gazete | newspaper | gazeteci | journalist; newspaper seller |
gazino | cafe, casino | gece | night |
geç | late | geçen | last, past |
geçit | passage; mountain pass | geçmek | to pass, cross; to undergo; to spoil; to faint |
gelecek | future; next | gelin | bride; daughter-in-law |
gelmek | to come | gemi | ship (n.) |
genç | young | gene/yine | again; still, nevertheless |
genellikle | generally | geniş | wide |
gerçek | real, genuine; reality, truth; really | gerek | necessary; need |
gerekmek | to be necessary | geri | backward, behind; slow (clock); to take/put back |
gibi | like, similar; nearly, somewhat | gidiş | departure; way of life, conduct |
giriş | entrance; introduction | girmek | to enter; to join; to fit (into); |
gişe | pay desk, ticket window | gitmek | to go; to lead; to suit; to leave; to disappear |
göğüs | breast, chest | gök | sky, heavens |
göl | lake | gömlek | skirt; slip; generation; degree, shade; (snake) skin |
göre | according (to); considering | görev | duty; function |
görüşmek | to meet, to have an interview; to discuss | göz | eye |
gözlük | eyeglasses | gram | gram |
güç | difficult; difficulty | gül | rose |
gülmek | to smile, to laugh | gün | day; period, time |
günaydın | good morning/day | güneş | sun |
güney | south, southern | günlük | daily, 'n' days old; for 'n' days; diary; usual |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
iç | inside, interior, inner, domestic, kernel | içeri | inside, interior |
için | for, because, so that | içki | drink, liquor |
ihtiyaç | need, necessity | idare | administration, management, direction |
iki | two | ihtiyar | old, old person |
ileri | front part, forward, ahead | ile | with |
ilk | first, initial | ilginç | interesting |
imza | signature | ilkbahar | spring |
inanmak (-a) | to believe, trust, have faith in | imzalamak | to sign |
insan | person | inmek | to get off (a bus, car, etc.) |
ise | however (after a noun) | inşallah | I hope that |
iskemle | chair, stool | isim | name |
istek | wish, desire, request | station | istasyon |
iş | work | istemek | to want |
işitmek | to hear | işçi | worker |
iyi | good | işte | here! here it is! look! |
izin | permission | iyilik | goodness, favor, kindness |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
kabul | acceptance | kaç | how many ... ? |
kadar | as ... as; approximately | kadın | woman |
kahvaltı | breakfast | kahve | coffee; café |
kahverengi | brown | kalabalık | crowd, crowded |
kale | fortress | kalem | pencil, pen |
kalın | thick | kalmak | to remain, be left |
kapalı | closed, covered | kapamak | to close, shut |
kapı | door, gate | kar | snow |
kara | black - see | karanlık | dark |
karar | decision | kardeş | sibling |
karı | wife | karın | stomach, abdomen; womb |
karışık | mixed, complex | karşı | facing, opposite |
kasaba | small town | kasap | butcher |
kasım | November | kaş | eyebrow |
kaşık | spoon | kat | storey, floor |
katı | hard, stiff | kavga | quarrel, fight |
kavun | honeydew melon | kaynak | spring, source, origin |
kazan | large kettle | kazanç | gain, profit, benefit |
kâğıt | paper, card | kâr | profit, benefit |
kebap | shish kebab | kedi | cat |
kendi | oneself | kent | city |
kere | time | keyif | pleasure in life; joy |
kırk | forty | kırmızı | red |
kısa | short | kısım | part, portion, division |
kış | winter | kıyı | shore, side, outskirts |
kıyma | ground meat | kız | girl, daughter |
kızıl | red; scarlet fever | kibrit | match |
kilim | rug | kilo | kilogram |
kilometre | kilometer | kim | who, whoever |
kimse | someone, anyone | kira | renting, leasing |
kirli | dirty | kişi | person, human being |
kitap | book | koca | husband, adult |
komşu | neighbor | konferans | lecture, conference |
konser | concert | koltuk | armchair |
konuşmak | to talk, speak | konsolos | consul (diplomat) |
koyun | sheep | koyu | thick (liquid) |
köprü | bridge | köpek | dog |
köşe | corner | kör | blind, dull, dim |
köy | village | kötü | bad |
kulak | ear; gill | köylü | peasant |
kumaş | cloth, fabric | kum | sand, gravel |
kuruş | piaster (coin) ; cent | kurmak | to set up, assemble |
kutu | box, case, can | kuş | bird |
kuzey | north | kuvvet | strength, power, force |
kütüphane | library | küçük | little, small |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
ocak | January | oda | room |
odacı | janitor | odun | firewood |
ofis | office | oğlan | boy |
oğul | son | okul | school |
okumak | read | olmak | to be; to happen |
omuz | shoulder | on | ten |
opera | opera | ordu | army |
orman | forest | orta | middle |
otel | hotel | otobüs | bus |
otomobil | automobile | oturmak | to sit; to reside |
otuz | thirty | oynamak | to play |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
saat | watch, clock, hour | sabah | morning |
saç | hair | sade | mere, simple, pure |
sağ | alive | sağlık | life, health |
saha | space, field | sahi | sound, true, correct |
sahip | owner | sakın | beware; objection |
salata | salad, lettuce | salı | Tuesday |
salon | hall, guest room, dining room | sanayi | industries |
sandalye | chair | saniye | second, moment |
sanki | supposing that | sanmak | to think |
sarı | yellow; pale | satıcı | salesman |
satın almak | to buy | satmak | to sell |
savaş | struggle, fight, war | sayfa | page |
saymak | to count | sebep | cause, reason, source |
sebze | vegetable | seçmek | |
sefer | voyage | to choose, select | choose, select |
sekreter | secretary | sekiz | eight |
selâm | greeting, salutation | seksen | eighty |
sene | year | sen | you |
sergi | exhibition | serbest | free, independent |
sert | hard, violent | serin | cool |
sevgili | beloved, dear | ses | sound, noise, voice |
sevinmek | to be pleased with | sevinç | joy, delight |
seyretmek | to see, to look on | seyahat | journey, travelling |
sıfır | zero | sıcak | warm, hot, heat |
sıkmak | to press, squeeze | sık | close together, dense |
sır | secret, mystery | sınıf | class |
sigara/cıgara | cigarette | sıra | row, turn, file |
siyah | black | sinema | cinema |
soğan | onion | siz | you |
sohbet | conversation, chat | soğuk | cold, frigid |
sol | left, left-hand | sokak | street |
sonbahar | fall, autumn | son | end, result, last |
sormak | to ask | sonra | afterwards |
sorun | problem | soru | question |
söylemek | to say | soyadı | family name, surname |
sözlük | dictionary | söz | word, speech, rumour |
su | water, fluid | spor | sport, games |
susmak | to be silent | subay | officer |
süt | milk | sürmek | to drive |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
tabak | plate, dish | tabii | of course |
tahsil | collection; study, education | tahta | blackboard; board, plank |
takım | set; team | taksi | taxi |
tam | complete, entire, perfect | tamam | OK; completion, end |
tane | grain; piece; | tanımak | to know |
tanışmak | to meet, make acquaintance | tanrı | god; God |
taraf | side, direction | tarif | description; tariff |
tarih | history | tarla | arable field |
taş | stone | taşımak | to carry, transport, bear |
taşınmak | to move to (location) ; be carried to | tatil | holiday, vacation |
tatlı | sweet, drinkable | tavuk | hen |
taze | fresh, new | tebrik | congratulation |
tehlike | danger | tek | single, alone |
teklif | proposal, offer | tekrar | repetition |
tekrarlamak | to repeat | telefon | telephone |
televizyon | television | tembel | lazy |
temiz | clean, pure, honest | temmuz | July |
temsil | representation | tepe | hill, summit |
tercih | preference | terzi | tailor |
teşekkür | thanks, giving thanks | tırnak | finger nail, toe nail; |
ticaret | trade, commerce | tiyatro | theater |
top | ball, anything round | toplamak | to collect, gather, tidy |
toplantı | assembly, meeting | toprak | earth, soil, land |
tramway | tram, streetcar | traş/tıraş | shaving |
tren | train | tuhaf | uncommon, curious |
turist | tourist | turistik | touristic |
turuncu | orange (color) | tutmak | to hold; to catch, seize |
tuvalet | toilet | tuz | salt |
tuzlu | salted, salty | türlü | various |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
ucuz | cheap | üç | three |
uçak | airplane | ülke | country |
uçmak | to fly, to evaporate, disappear | ümit | hope, expectation |
ufak | small | üniversite | university |
uğramak | to stop by | ünlü | famous |
ulus | people, nation | üst | top, upper surface |
ummak | to hope, expect | ütü | flat-iron |
umumiyetle | usually, generally | üye | member |
unutmak | to forget | üzere | at the point of, about to |
uyanmak | to awake, come to life | üzmek | to strain, break; to hurt the feelings of |
uygun | comfortable, suitable, appropriate | üzülmek | to be worn out |
uyku | sleep (n.) | üzüm | grape |
uyumak | to sleep | uzun | long |
uzak | distant, remote | uzatmak | to extend, prolong |
Turkish | English | Turkish | English |
yabancı | stranger, foreigner | yağ | oil, fat, grease |
yağmak | to rain | yağmur | rain (n.) |
yahut | or | yakın | near (to) |
yakıt | fuel (for heating) | yakmak | light, ignite |
yalan | lie, fabrication | yalnız | alone, lonely |
yan | side; neighborhood | yanak | cheek |
yani | that is to say | yanlış | error |
yanmak | to burn, be on fire | yapmak | to make; to build; to create |
yaprak | leaf, grape leaf; layer | yardım | help |
yarı | half of the | yarım | half (n.) |
yarın | tomorrow | yasak | prohibition, ban, prohibited |
yaş | damp, fresh | yaşamak | to live; to enjoy |
yaşlı | old, elderly | yatak | bed |
yatmak | to go to bed | yavaş | slow; quiet |
yavru | young animal | yaz | summer |
yazı | writing | yazık | pity, shame |
yazmak | to write | yedi | seven |
yemek | to eat; to spend (money) | yeni | new |
yer | place; position | yeşil | green |
yetişmek | to catch, make; to be in time for | yetmek | to be sufficient |
yetmiş | seventy | yıkamak | to wash; to bathe |
yıkanmak | to be washed; to be bathed | yıl | year |
yine/gene | again, once more; still, even so | yirmi | twenty |
yiyecek | food | yoğurt | yogurt |
yok | there is not.., there are not.. | yoksa | or?; if not..? (used in questions) |
yol | road, path, route | yolcu | raveler; passenger |
yolculuk | journey, trip | yollamak | to send |
yorgun | tired | yorulmak | to get tired |
yön | direction, aspect, angle | yönetici | manager, administrator |
yukarı | upstairs; upper | yumurta | egg |
yumuş | soft, tender, gentle | yurt | homeland of a people or nation |
yüksek | high; lofty | yükselmek | to rise, ascend |
yürümek | to work, to march, to move forward | yüz | one hundred; face; reason |
Try to guess the translation of the Turkish vocabulary. In order to see the translation of the Turkish words, click on the -TURN- button.
Write the Turkish translations of the the English verbs
to cry to shop to take to understand
to fall in love to stand to yell to look at
to like to know to answer to wish
to stop to come to go to buy
to see to laugh to move to want
to remember to like to drink to talk
to watch to stand up to speak to wonder
to read to sit to learn to teach
to love to delete to chat to ask
to tell to be silent to joke to sing
to know to meet to repeat to hope
to clean to hold to hope to forget
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words in Turkish
new happy father up high fat
family brother Monday February June
bottom wish mirror glass tomato
fifty hand perhaps future good morning
for drink acceptance coffee ear bad
middle watch second vegetable hard
summer doctor sun office you black
Unlike in other platforms, all our teachers are manually verified by our professional team. Trust in the experiences of our students.
I was born in İstanbul and I lived there. I hold a bachelor degree in cinema and television at İstanbul Şehir University. During my university years, my stories have been published in major Turkish literary magazines. After my graduation I have been specializing in children's book illustration and literature. I founded children's book publishing house in Turkey. The name is Yıldız Tozu Publishing and my books were released. I worked as an editor-in-chief in the company. I was finding books in the world and I was publishing them in Turkish. I am practically and professionally working on Turkish language and literature. Later on, I moved France to continue my education and works about literature and art. Currently, I am learning french.
I have experience in teaching Turkish in years. Furthermore, I speak English very well (TOEFL B2) and French (B1) it is advantage for students who are beginners.
Here my methodology when I teach Turkish:
I will use the grammar books and my presentations, time to time.
For speaking practice: illustrations, daily conversations
For listening practice: Turkish songs, movies, series
For reading practice: news and articles about Turkey (for advance students), stories, picture books (for intermediate students), texts from language books (for beginner and intermediate students.)
If students need to focus specific area like writing etc. I am designing my class according to that.
In addition, it is because I am using broad material about Turkish media, you will be familiar the culture and sociology of Turkey.
I like to do lesson in creative and in an organized way; therefore, I believe you will learn fast and you will enjoy learning Turkish with me!
I hope to see you in my class :)
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Esra is a talented teacher with an instinctive grasp for the intricacies of the language. She is able to explain the meanings and nuances clearly. The use of different types of teaching materials (images, video, presentations) make the classes fun. Highly recommended for all students of the Turkish language!
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For more than 15 years I have been working as a language teacher in Istanbul, Berlin and Hamburg.
After studying Spanish Linguistics at the University of Ankara, I trained as a language teacher for Turkish and Spanish at the DILMER language school in Istanbul.
My methodology focuses on the language skills of the students.
Grammar is trained through direct application and thus stays in the memory.
History, culture and literature offer us a lot to talk about and soon you will become confident in using the language.
Learning a language means learning to speak!
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I'm really inspired by my teacher and feel confident and encouraged throughout the learning process due to his extreme motivation to introduce interesting teaching strategies and to provide all the opportunities for his students' success. It's vital for a teacher to be adaptable in order to let his students thrive under his teaching style. In this respect Umut is highly dedicated and approachable. He's working really hard to support me as I learn. He's outstanding. He positively influences the atmosphere of our virtual classroom and his way of material representation as well as the lesson management is creative and stimulating. The process of studying goes along in deep interaction and collaboration thus becoming useful and resultative. I'm very thankful for having the privilege of working with such an inspired, energetic and creative teacher.
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My name is Ibrahim and I am here to teach you the essentials of Turkish Language. I got my university degree on law at Ankara University and subsequently finished my degree on MBA at Loyola University Quinlan school of Business in Chicago, USA. After professional life, I started teaching my language turkish to foreginers who want to speak turkish fluently. I have been teaching Turkish for over 5 years in a customized way with tailor-made course design. I use course materials produced mainly by myself as well as other grammer books and visuals. I use interactive teaching methods and encourage my students to speak confidently as well as to ask anything they have in mind. I also follow my students progress through home-works and reviews of the last lesson. After all, I give importance for my lessons to be a fun environment facilitating learning.
And now, it is your turn to take your part in my class at your earliest convenience to see how it works.
I am looking forward to seeing you in my class.
You can also check my youtube channel "Learn Turkish" at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZZw9jEPdWImMAwfGkqpGA
Thank you.
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Highly qualified experienced teacher, he explain every single word within a short time and Our speed in the class according to my learning speed naturally.
Ibrahim C.
Thank you Muhammed, you were a precious and diligent student
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Hi, I was born in Turkey and I live in Turkey.
I am an experienced teacher in teaching Turkish as a foreign language.
I graduated from the Turkish Language and Literature Teaching Department. I have master's and doctorate degree on teaching Turkish.
I taught Turkish to Lithuanian, Slovakian, Iraqi, Iranian, Russian, Greek, Arab, Qatari, Nepali and Syrian students face to face or online.
• I am using English and Arabic as tool languages in my lessons.
• I can teach Turkish at beginner, intermediate, advanced or academic level.
• It is important for me to have a live communication with students in my course.
• I create the content of my course according to the expectations of the student.
• In my lessons, I use original teaching materials, short videos, quizzes, short and long texts arranged according to the level of the student.
If you want to learn Turkish in a professional and fun way with me, we can start right away.
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It is always a real challenge for a teacher to work with foreign students. A teacher has to display great skill and ability to organize the teaching process in a correct way in order to build a good learning environment and to foster an enthusiasm for and appreciation of the subject being studied. Eyyup Coskun possesses a keen ability to manage all these complicated aspects of teaching process. His behavior and teaching style are flexible , balanced and appropriate. He successfully combines such qualities as being sensitive to his students as well as being able to motivate them and hear their requires. His teaching approach can be characterised as "blended learning" with traditional "classroom" technologies integrated with computer mediated learning activities. It helps to increase the interaction between the participants (teacher - student) in the educational process and to develop a unique content adapted to the student's needs. I'm very grateful to my Teacher and I appreciate our co-working a lot! With best regards to Eyyup Coskun, Mila
Eyyup C.
Thank you very much for your nice comments Mila. Studying Turkish with you is also a great experience for me. It makes me happy to bring your superior ability in language learning to Turkish. Best wishes.
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Hi, my name is Ayşegül. I graduated from Hacettepe University in the department of English Language Teaching. I'm an English teacher in a private institution now. I can teach both English and Turkish.
First and foremost, I want to start with one of my favourite quotation from Richard Henry Dana(!) (I'm not sure whether this quotation belongs to him or not, but I liked it. :) “He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” First of all, we as teachers must improve ourselves about everything such as cultural knowledge, technology, best seller books new novels etc. We should keep up with the times and try to understand our students.
Then we should know students’ interests, needs, backgrounds and their level of English / Turkish. If we know the aforementioned things, it would be easier for us to decide what kind of materials we can use to attract their attention. Also, one of the key points is that we should motivate the students to learn. As teachers we should teach our students why they learn language/grammar/vocabulary etc. rather than just memorization. Regarding teaching methods we can use student-centered methods. We should use examples from real life so they can broaden students’ knowledge. Also using examples from real life, help students to internalize the examples. I strongly believe that we should make our students acquire the language from all aspects including reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
All in all, as a teacher we have lots of things to do. One of our most important responsibilities’ is to help students to understand that they have enough power and capacity to learn a language if they are determined enough....
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Before deciding to take private lessons, I had been learning turkish by myself seriously for about two years but I definitively do not regret starting the private lessons which are way more efficient and pleasant. I have now been studying turkish with Aysegül for more than 4 months. I would greatly recommend choosing Aysegül as a turkish tutor. She is both serious and well organized (the lessons are well prepared, she also provides the students with useful summary's of the lessons as well as some additional cultural or educative content, she give the students some homework that she always correct before the next lesson) as well as a kind, patient and didactic teacher.
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I was born in İstanbul and I lived there. I hold a bachelor degree in cinema and television at İstanbul Şehir University. During my university years, my stories have been published in major Turkish literary magazines. After my graduation I have been specializing in children's book illustration and literature. I founded children's book publishing house in Turkey. The name is Yıldız Tozu Publishing and my books were released. I worked as an editor-in-chief in the company. I was finding books in the world and I was publishing them in Turkish. I am practically and professionally working on Turkish language and literature. Later on, I moved France to continue my education and works about literature and art. Currently, I am learning french.
I have experience in teaching Turkish in years. Furthermore, I speak English very well (TOEFL B2) and French (B1) it is advantage for students who are beginners.
Here my methodology when I teach Turkish:
I will use the grammar books and my presentations, time to time.
For speaking practice: illustrations, daily conversations
For listening practice: Turkish songs, movies, series
For reading practice: news and articles about Turkey (for advance students), stories, picture books (for intermediate students), texts from language books (for beginner and intermediate students.)
If students need to focus specific area like writing etc. I am designing my class according to that.
In addition, it is because I am using broad material about Turkish media, you will be familiar the culture and sociology of Turkey.
I like to do lesson in creative and in an organized way; therefore, I believe you will learn fast and you will enjoy learning Turkish with me!
I hope to see you in my class :)
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Up until now, I have done three lessons with Esra. I am very happy with it; she is punctual, professional and what I find very important: she easily adapts. If she notices I master a skill, she'll move on to the next one swiftly.
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My name is Ibrahim and I am here to teach you the essentials of Turkish Language. I got my university degree on law at Ankara University and subsequently finished my degree on MBA at Loyola University Quinlan school of Business in Chicago, USA. After professional life, I started teaching my language turkish to foreginers who want to speak turkish fluently. I have been teaching Turkish for over 5 years in a customized way with tailor-made course design. I use course materials produced mainly by myself as well as other grammer books and visuals. I use interactive teaching methods and encourage my students to speak confidently as well as to ask anything they have in mind. I also follow my students progress through home-works and reviews of the last lesson. After all, I give importance for my lessons to be a fun environment facilitating learning.
And now, it is your turn to take your part in my class at your earliest convenience to see how it works.
I am looking forward to seeing you in my class.
You can also check my youtube channel "Learn Turkish" at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZZw9jEPdWImMAwfGkqpGA
Thank you.
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I am using my vacations to do a session of Turkish with the help of Ibrahim (5 hours over the course of one week). Ibrahim is quite professional and provides a quality textbook in addition to his own teaching materials designed to facilitate teaching Turkish to English-speakers. He also responded positively to more specific demands. I am happy and fully satisfied by my work with Ibrahim.
Ibrahim C.
Thank you Sebastien it was also a great pleasure for me to meet such a diligent and kind student like you. Thank you for everything. See you again..
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Hi, I was born in Turkey and I live in Turkey.
I am an experienced teacher in teaching Turkish as a foreign language.
I graduated from the Turkish Language and Literature Teaching Department. I have master's and doctorate degree on teaching Turkish.
I taught Turkish to Lithuanian, Slovakian, Iraqi, Iranian, Russian, Greek, Arab, Qatari, Nepali and Syrian students face to face or online.
• I am using English and Arabic as tool languages in my lessons.
• I can teach Turkish at beginner, intermediate, advanced or academic level.
• It is important for me to have a live communication with students in my course.
• I create the content of my course according to the expectations of the student.
• In my lessons, I use original teaching materials, short videos, quizzes, short and long texts arranged according to the level of the student.
If you want to learn Turkish in a professional and fun way with me, we can start right away.
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I am lucky choosing Mr.Eyyup as my teacher.he is willing to teach me and to give his maximum.Very co operative,helpful ,patient,and has broad experience in teaching Turkish language for the foreigners.
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Hi Guys! I'm Barış . I'm 25 years old and a native speaker of Turkish language.I live in Istanbul. I m passionate at sport and spiritual subjects. I would like to help you improve your Turkish skills ! I will try my best to take your Turkish level forward whatever your level is . ım looking forward to helping you.. best regards!!
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Baris is very intelligent teacher I think he can understood my needs in term of lacking points in the language then he starts developing my Turkish language Very quick.
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Hi Guys! I'm Barış . I'm 25 years old and a native speaker of Turkish language.I live in Istanbul. I m passionate at sport and spiritual subjects. I would like to help you improve your Turkish skills ! I will try my best to take your Turkish level forward whatever your level is . ım looking forward to helping you.. best regards!!
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Behind every lesson is invested time, hard work and big dose of energy. After completing more than 20 lessons with teacher Baris, I would definitely not change my teacher. His lessons are amazing, especially the way he explains.. Simply wonderful!
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Hi, my name is Ayşegül. I graduated from Hacettepe University in the department of English Language Teaching. I'm an English teacher in a private institution now. I can teach both English and Turkish.
First and foremost, I want to start with one of my favourite quotation from Richard Henry Dana(!) (I'm not sure whether this quotation belongs to him or not, but I liked it. :) “He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” First of all, we as teachers must improve ourselves about everything such as cultural knowledge, technology, best seller books new novels etc. We should keep up with the times and try to understand our students.
Then we should know students’ interests, needs, backgrounds and their level of English / Turkish. If we know the aforementioned things, it would be easier for us to decide what kind of materials we can use to attract their attention. Also, one of the key points is that we should motivate the students to learn. As teachers we should teach our students why they learn language/grammar/vocabulary etc. rather than just memorization. Regarding teaching methods we can use student-centered methods. We should use examples from real life so they can broaden students’ knowledge. Also using examples from real life, help students to internalize the examples. I strongly believe that we should make our students acquire the language from all aspects including reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
All in all, as a teacher we have lots of things to do. One of our most important responsibilities’ is to help students to understand that they have enough power and capacity to learn a language if they are determined enough....
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Until now I followed 3 classes with Aysegül. I can defenitely recommend taking language classes with her! Aysegül is friendly and patient. She is also strict and provides me homework which helps me to motivate myself better. Thanks for helping me improving my Turkish Aysegül!! :)
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Hi, my name is Ayşegül. I graduated from Hacettepe University in the department of English Language Teaching. I'm an English teacher in a private institution now. I can teach both English and Turkish.
First and foremost, I want to start with one of my favourite quotation from Richard Henry Dana(!) (I'm not sure whether this quotation belongs to him or not, but I liked it. :) “He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” First of all, we as teachers must improve ourselves about everything such as cultural knowledge, technology, best seller books new novels etc. We should keep up with the times and try to understand our students.
Then we should know students’ interests, needs, backgrounds and their level of English / Turkish. If we know the aforementioned things, it would be easier for us to decide what kind of materials we can use to attract their attention. Also, one of the key points is that we should motivate the students to learn. As teachers we should teach our students why they learn language/grammar/vocabulary etc. rather than just memorization. Regarding teaching methods we can use student-centered methods. We should use examples from real life so they can broaden students’ knowledge. Also using examples from real life, help students to internalize the examples. I strongly believe that we should make our students acquire the language from all aspects including reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
All in all, as a teacher we have lots of things to do. One of our most important responsibilities’ is to help students to understand that they have enough power and capacity to learn a language if they are determined enough....
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As a complete beginner, I am very lucky to have Aysegül as my Turkish tutor. Learning from her is like being in Turkey with a polite, patient and knowledgeable guide. Aysegül is tremendously understanding and always encouraging. Oftentimes, she will ask me a question in Turkish, and due to my baby-level skills in the language, I'll often give her a blank, clueless stare. This does not bother her. She never judges or becomes annoyed at my lack of skills. She just smiles and asks me again or gives hints in English to get me to understand what is being said. Then I don't feel bad or foolish. The thing I like about her immersive approach is this is what foreigners will encounter when in Turkey. If you are serious about learning Turkish, you must speak Turkish most of the time. In order to learn the language, you must listen - and respond - in the language you want to learn. This is her approach and I love it, even if I look like a clueless potato when she asks me questions. Most of the lessons with Aysegül are structured in an immersive way and it is ideal. Since I am not in Turkey, talking with her regularly is the next best thing. Plus, she will kindly correct me when I make a mistake (unlike many of the tremendously polite Turkish population). Her lesson plans are highly structured, logical and abundant. She will go through the materials slowly with you until you understand it. She is always willing to answer questions without annoyance or judgment. After my first lesson, she sent me a ton of materials at no extra charge and without me asking for it. One was a really cool program which helps you learn vocabulary. 100% generous! Aysegül is one of the hardest working and helpful people I have encountered. She is generous to a fault, and despite me trying to compensate her for the extra free hour of time she spent on tutoring me, she refuses any additional payment. (I'll find a way to compensate her, though, just wait!) I am positive your experience will also delight you, so give her a try. You will learn great amounts of Turkish in no time at all. I look forward to many more lessons with her as long as she will allow me to be her eager student.
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I was born in İstanbul and I lived there. I hold a bachelor degree in cinema and television at İstanbul Şehir University. During my university years, my stories have been published in major Turkish literary magazines. After my graduation I have been specializing in children's book illustration and literature. I founded children's book publishing house in Turkey. The name is Yıldız Tozu Publishing and my books were released. I worked as an editor-in-chief in the company. I was finding books in the world and I was publishing them in Turkish. I am practically and professionally working on Turkish language and literature. Later on, I moved France to continue my education and works about literature and art. Currently, I am learning french.
I have experience in teaching Turkish in years. Furthermore, I speak English very well (TOEFL B2) and French (B1) it is advantage for students who are beginners.
Here my methodology when I teach Turkish:
I will use the grammar books and my presentations, time to time.
For speaking practice: illustrations, daily conversations
For listening practice: Turkish songs, movies, series
For reading practice: news and articles about Turkey (for advance students), stories, picture books (for intermediate students), texts from language books (for beginner and intermediate students.)
If students need to focus specific area like writing etc. I am designing my class according to that.
In addition, it is because I am using broad material about Turkish media, you will be familiar the culture and sociology of Turkey.
I like to do lesson in creative and in an organized way; therefore, I believe you will learn fast and you will enjoy learning Turkish with me!
I hope to see you in my class :)
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I have just started my classes with Esra and she is a very good teacher. She guides you very well through the class with her presentation and provides you with a lot of vocabulary and visual input which is vital to start speaking and constructing sentences. Her presentations and her explanations guide you through a very dinamic class in which the student has to speak and apply the topics learned in a variety of examples. This variety and the structure helps you a lot to start with the language. Her homework assigments are also very carefully prepared and help you with the repetitions to interiorate the concepts learned and to put them into practice. I am looking forward to the next lessons because through this approach we will be able to move at a steady and fast pace!
Esra O.
Thank you Sofia...
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Hello Turkish Learners!
I am a professional Turkish Teacher and a translator with a master degree.I have visited so many countries to research cultures and Turkish Dialects.
Since I was a child, my dream was to travel to Asia and learn all the other Turkish Languages such as Kyrgyz Turkish, Kazak Turkish, Tatar Turkish, Tuva Turkish) as well as to research the similarities and differences between Modern Turkish and other Turkish languages.
In the past, I worked as a lecturer in the School of Foreign Languages of Turkish Education at Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University for 3 years. During my appointment, I have taught all levels of Modern Turkish to the students who are from different nationalities such as Americans, Russians, English, German, Kazaks, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Mongol, Tuvas, Uighur Turk. I am also very fluent in Kyrgyz Turkish and Kazak Turkish.
Currently, I am living in Turkey.I believe that with my experiences and love for languages, I can surely help you to speak up. As a patient and concise teacher, I: - develop and implement individual lesson plans for structured and conversational sessions. - use a variety of written and audio materials, primarily Elementary Turkish in 2 Volumes by Kurtuluş Öztopçu.- assign homework and provide regular feedback to students. - clarify complex grammar questions through examples from everyday conversations-make the language learning process less theoretical and more practical. Let me know your motivations and needs, and I will prepare an individual lesson plan for you.Just dream,you can learn language easily!Aysegul
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Although it hasn’t long time since I started with her actually, but it was really helpful to me. It was simple but compact. She handles both of grammar and build-up with examples and exercise.
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Hi. I am Hatice. I am a Turkish teacher. I graduated from the faculty of education last year. I took courses to teach Turkish in this faculty. I also attended various courses to teach the Turkish language. Speaking, listening, understanding... I have a certificate to teach Turkish to foreigners. I have been giving online Turkish lessons for about a year. Sometimes we practice Turkish with my students. Sometimes I teach them grammar. I do my lessons in three parts. In the first part, we repeat last week's lesson and prepare for the new lesson. In the second part of the lesson, we learn grammar. We listen to video and audio recordings to make the lesson effective. In the last part of the lesson, we practiced. I encourage you to speak Turkish. Don't be afraid to learn Turkish and take a trial lesson. It will be my pleasure to tell you about Turkish culture and the Turkish language.
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Ms. Hatice tries very hard to "pick you up where you are". She tries to optimally adapt her lessons to the needs.
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I was born in İstanbul and I lived there. I hold a bachelor degree in cinema and television at İstanbul Şehir University. During my university years, my stories have been published in major Turkish literary magazines. After my graduation I have been specializing in children's book illustration and literature. I founded children's book publishing house in Turkey. The name is Yıldız Tozu Publishing and my books were released. I worked as an editor-in-chief in the company. I was finding books in the world and I was publishing them in Turkish. I am practically and professionally working on Turkish language and literature. Later on, I moved France to continue my education and works about literature and art. Currently, I am learning french.
I have experience in teaching Turkish in years. Furthermore, I speak English very well (TOEFL B2) and French (B1) it is advantage for students who are beginners.
Here my methodology when I teach Turkish:
I will use the grammar books and my presentations, time to time.
For speaking practice: illustrations, daily conversations
For listening practice: Turkish songs, movies, series
For reading practice: news and articles about Turkey (for advance students), stories, picture books (for intermediate students), texts from language books (for beginner and intermediate students.)
If students need to focus specific area like writing etc. I am designing my class according to that.
In addition, it is because I am using broad material about Turkish media, you will be familiar the culture and sociology of Turkey.
I like to do lesson in creative and in an organized way; therefore, I believe you will learn fast and you will enjoy learning Turkish with me!
I hope to see you in my class :)
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Esra is a talented teacher with an instinctive grasp for the intricacies of the language. She is able to explain the meanings and nuances clearly. The use of different types of teaching materials (images, video, presentations) make the classes fun. Highly recommended for all students of the Turkish language!
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For more than 15 years I have been working as a language teacher in Istanbul, Berlin and Hamburg.
After studying Spanish Linguistics at the University of Ankara, I trained as a language teacher for Turkish and Spanish at the DILMER language school in Istanbul.
My methodology focuses on the language skills of the students.
Grammar is trained through direct application and thus stays in the memory.
History, culture and literature offer us a lot to talk about and soon you will become confident in using the language.
Learning a language means learning to speak!
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I'm really inspired by my teacher and feel confident and encouraged throughout the learning process due to his extreme motivation to introduce interesting teaching strategies and to provide all the opportunities for his students' success. It's vital for a teacher to be adaptable in order to let his students thrive under his teaching style. In this respect Umut is highly dedicated and approachable. He's working really hard to support me as I learn. He's outstanding. He positively influences the atmosphere of our virtual classroom and his way of material representation as well as the lesson management is creative and stimulating. The process of studying goes along in deep interaction and collaboration thus becoming useful and resultative. I'm very thankful for having the privilege of working with such an inspired, energetic and creative teacher.
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My name is Ibrahim and I am here to teach you the essentials of Turkish Language. I got my university degree on law at Ankara University and subsequently finished my degree on MBA at Loyola University Quinlan school of Business in Chicago, USA. After professional life, I started teaching my language turkish to foreginers who want to speak turkish fluently. I have been teaching Turkish for over 5 years in a customized way with tailor-made course design. I use course materials produced mainly by myself as well as other grammer books and visuals. I use interactive teaching methods and encourage my students to speak confidently as well as to ask anything they have in mind. I also follow my students progress through home-works and reviews of the last lesson. After all, I give importance for my lessons to be a fun environment facilitating learning.
And now, it is your turn to take your part in my class at your earliest convenience to see how it works.
I am looking forward to seeing you in my class.
You can also check my youtube channel "Learn Turkish" at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZZw9jEPdWImMAwfGkqpGA
Thank you.
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Highly qualified experienced teacher, he explain every single word within a short time and Our speed in the class according to my learning speed naturally.
Ibrahim C.
Thank you Muhammed, you were a precious and diligent student
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Hi, I was born in Turkey and I live in Turkey.
I am an experienced teacher in teaching Turkish as a foreign language.
I graduated from the Turkish Language and Literature Teaching Department. I have master's and doctorate degree on teaching Turkish.
I taught Turkish to Lithuanian, Slovakian, Iraqi, Iranian, Russian, Greek, Arab, Qatari, Nepali and Syrian students face to face or online.
• I am using English and Arabic as tool languages in my lessons.
• I can teach Turkish at beginner, intermediate, advanced or academic level.
• It is important for me to have a live communication with students in my course.
• I create the content of my course according to the expectations of the student.
• In my lessons, I use original teaching materials, short videos, quizzes, short and long texts arranged according to the level of the student.
If you want to learn Turkish in a professional and fun way with me, we can start right away.
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It is always a real challenge for a teacher to work with foreign students. A teacher has to display great skill and ability to organize the teaching process in a correct way in order to build a good learning environment and to foster an enthusiasm for and appreciation of the subject being studied. Eyyup Coskun possesses a keen ability to manage all these complicated aspects of teaching process. His behavior and teaching style are flexible , balanced and appropriate. He successfully combines such qualities as being sensitive to his students as well as being able to motivate them and hear their requires. His teaching approach can be characterised as "blended learning" with traditional "classroom" technologies integrated with computer mediated learning activities. It helps to increase the interaction between the participants (teacher - student) in the educational process and to develop a unique content adapted to the student's needs. I'm very grateful to my Teacher and I appreciate our co-working a lot! With best regards to Eyyup Coskun, Mila
Eyyup C.
Thank you very much for your nice comments Mila. Studying Turkish with you is also a great experience for me. It makes me happy to bring your superior ability in language learning to Turkish. Best wishes.
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