Introducing yourself in Estonian
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Do you know how to introduce yourself in Estonian? coLanguage is here to teach you the most important phrases when it comes to talking about yourself and getting to know others as well.
To begin with, let's find out how to say your name and ask someone else the same thing.
English | Estonian |
Name | Nimi |
Surname / Family name | Perekonnanimi |
Nickname | Hüüdnimi |
My name is ... | Minu nimi on ... |
What is your name? | Mis sinu/teie nimi on? |
What is your last name? | Mis sinu/teie perekonnanimi on? |
I am .. | Mina olen ... |
Who are you? | Kes sina oled / teie olete? |
After talking to someone new it's always polite to end the conversation with 'Nice to meet you'. There are two ways of saying it in Estonian: 1) 'Meeldiv tutvuda' 2) Väga meeldiv'
Take online language lessons with a professional teacher
English | Estonian |
Age | Vanus |
How old are you? | Kui vana sina oled? |
I am 21 years old | Ma olen 21-aastane |
When is your birthday? | Millal su sünnipäev on? |
My birthday is on 8 November | Mu sünnipäev on 8. novembril |
When were you born? | Millal sa sündisid? |
I was born on November 8, 1994 | Ma sündisin 8. novembril 1994. aastal |
Notice how it's possible to shorten the word 'Sina' (you) -> 'Sa'. It can be done with all of the personal pronouns.
In this section we will learn how to say where are you from, where do you live etc.
English | Estonian |
Where are you from? | Kust sa pärit oled? |
I am from Estonia | Ma olen Eestist pärit |
Where do you live? | Kus sa elad? |
I live in Estonia | Ma elan Eestis |
What is your nationality? | Mis rahvusest sa oled? |
I am Estonian | Ma olen eestlane |
Instead of using prepositions Estonians change the ending of the word. E.g 'I live in London' -> 'Ma elan Londonis'
Also notice, that the names of the places start with a capital letter. However, nationalities are written with a small letter.
Here are a few sentences that will help you tell more about your life (marital status, occupation etc.)
English | Estonian |
What is your profession? | Mis su/te amet on? |
What do you do for a living? | Kellena sa töötad / te töötate? |
My profession is .. | Mu amet on ... |
I work as a ... | Ma töötan ... |
I am unemployed | Ma olen töötu |
I am a student | Ma olen õpilane |
I am single | Ma olen vallaline |
I am married | Ma olen abielus |
I am in a relationship | Ma olen suhtes |
In the list below you can find the most common professions in Estonian.
English | Estonian |
A doctor | Arst |
A waiter/waitress | Ettekandja |
A teacher | Õpetaja |
An actor/actress | Näitleja |
A chef | Kokk |
A bus driver | Bussijuht |
An engineer | Insener |
A hairdresser | Juuksur |
English | Estonian |
Contact information | Kontaktandmed |
What is your address? | Mis su/te aadress on? |
My address is ... | Mu aadress on ... |
What is your e-mail address? | Mis su/te e-maili aadress on? |
My e-mail address is ... | Mu e-maili aadress on ... |
What is your phone number? | Mis su telefoninumber on? |
My phone number is ... | Mu number on ... |
Mihkel: Mis su nimi on? --- What is your name?
Malle: Minu nimi on Malle, aga sinu? --- My name is Malle, and yours?
Mihkel: Ma olen Mihkel. Kust sa pärit oled? --- I am Mihkel. Where are you from?
Malle: Ma olen pärit Madridist, aga ma elan Tallinnas. Ja sina? --- I am from Madrid but I am living in Tallinn. And you?
Mihkel: Mina olen pärit Londonist, aga elan Pariisis. --- I am from London but I am living in Paris.
Malle: Millal su sünnipäev on? --- When is your birthday?
Mihkel: Mu sünnipäev on 9. mail. Millal sa sündisid? --- My birthday is on 9 May. When were you born?
Malle: Ma sündisin 23. märtsil 1992. aastal. --- I was born on 23 March in 1992.
Mihkel: Mis su telefoni number on? --- What is your phone number?
Malle: Mu number on 00 372 55 921 292. --- My number is ...
Mihkel: Aitäh! Oli meeldiv tutvuda! Kena päeva jätku! --- Thank you! It was nice to meet you! Have a nice day!
Malle: Head aega! --- Goodbye
Mis su nimi on?
Mu perekonnanimi on Tamm
Mu nimi on Marta
Ma olen 15 aastat vana
Millal su sünnipäev on?
Mu sünnipäev on 9. augustil
Ma sündisin 5. aprillil 2012
Ma olen 21-aastane
Kust sa pärit oled?
Ma elan Tallinnas
Ma olen eestlane
Ma olen pärit Tallinnast
Mis rahvusest sa oled?
Ma olen inglane
Ma elan Eestis
Ma olen õpilane
Millal sa sündisid?
Ma sündisin 5. mail 2010
Ma sündisin Eestis
Ma olen töötu
Kellena te töötate?
Ma elan Londonis
Ma olen vallaline
Ma olen doktor
Mis su aadress on?
Marcay tänav nr 15, 40304 London
00 49 410244402
Mis su telefoninumber on?
8. mail
+372 51 29 482
Olen 21-aastane
Kus sa elad?
Ma olen õpilane
Mul läheb hästi
Ma elan Madridis
Kes sa oled?
Ma olen Maria
Ma olen suhtes
Ma olen töötu
Mis su nimi on?
Mu nimi on Marta
Millal su sünnipäev on?
Mu sünnipäev on 9. augustil
Kust sa pärit oled?
Ma olen pärit Tallinnast
Mis rahvusest sa oled?
Ma olen inglane
Millal sa sündisid?
Ma sündisin 5. mail 2010
Kellena te töötate?
Ma olen doktor
Mis su aadress on?
Marcay tänav nr 15, 40304 London
Mis su telefoninumber on?
+372 51 29 482
Kus sa elad?
Ma elan Madridis
Kes sa oled?
Ma olen Maria
Mis su nimi on?
Ma olen 15 aastat vana
Mu nimi on Marta
Mu perekonnanimi on Tamm
Millal su sünnipäev on?
Ma sündisin 5. aprillil 2012
Ma olen 21-aastane
Mu sünnipäev on 9. augustil
Kust sa pärit oled?
Ma olen eestlane
Ma olen pärit Tallinnast
Ma elan Tallinnas
Mis rahvusest sa oled?
Ma elan Eestis
Ma olen inglane
Ma olen õpilane
Millal sa sündisid?
Ma olen töötu
Ma sündisin Eestis
Ma sündisin 5. mail 2010
Kellena te töötate?
Ma olen vallaline
Ma olen doktor
Ma elan Londonis
Mis su aadress on?
Marcay tänav nr 15, 40304 London
00 49 410244402
Mis su telefoninumber on?
Olen 21-aastane
8. mail
+372 51 29 482
Kus sa elad?
Mul läheb hästi
Ma elan Madridis
Ma olen õpilane
Kes sa oled?
Ma olen Maria
Ma olen suhtes
Ma olen töötu
Mis su nimi on?
Mu nimi on Marta
Millal su sünnipäev on?
Mu sünnipäev on 9. augustil
Kust sa pärit oled?
Ma olen pärit Tallinnast
Mis rahvusest sa oled?
Ma olen inglane
Millal sa sündisid?
Ma sündisin 5. mail 2010
Kellena te töötate?
Ma olen doktor
Mis su aadress on?
Marcay tänav nr 15, 40304 London
Mis su telefoninumber on?
+372 51 29 482
Kus sa elad?
Ma elan Madridis
Kes sa oled?
Ma olen Maria
Unlike in other platforms, all our teachers are manually verified by our professional team. Trust in the experiences of our students.
Tere! I am a language teacher with more than ten years of experience. I have worked as a lecturer of Estonian language and culture at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, at the Tallinn University in Estonia and in numerous language schools. Currently, I am a freelance linguist based in Berlin and teach Estonian online.
It is important for me to introduce a language as a simple logical system that is easy to understand and use. As a teacher, I structure my classes and deliver knowledge in a clear and engaging way, combining theory with practice. Besides my endeavours to make my classes useful, I aspire to make them entertaining and fun, so that my students have a great time in the lesson. By teaching students from a wide range of learning techniques, I always try to provide a personal approach to each student and adapt to their needs, so that they are able to continuously improve their grammar and vocabulary.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
I can't really judge the learning methods after a trial lesson. The overall impression was positive. I look forward to further work with Riina.
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Learning materials
My name is Ma. Teresa Tabasa Garcia. I was born and raised in the Philippines. I am a Native Tagalog Speaker and English is my second language. I graduated from Central Luzon State University with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Garment Technology and I took an additional units in Education and units in Graduate Studies at CORE Gateway College. I had been a College Instructor and Trainer in Cookery in one of the Colleges in our place.
As a teacher I am patient, friendly and flexible. I can teach students at all levels and all ages.
I use a combination of methods and tools in learning namely: conversation techniques, storytelling, reading text books, PDFs, audio and video recordings. You will learn the different sentence pattern, grammar, pronunciation and intonation, you may include your topic of interest as well. I use drills and exercises to track your learning progress. I will make sure that you will learn something new at the end of every lesson.
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Teresa is a delightful and bright teacher. She has previously worked as a teacher at the school board and as a teacher for young mothers. Her study method is based on the level of the students and the goals they want to achieve.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Ma.Teresa G.
Thank you sir Giacomo, thank you for the good feedback. You're such an awesome and kind interviewer. I am happy to work with you in coLanguage. God bless.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
**Other time slots can be made available upon request. Don't hesitate to get in touch**
Native speaker from Paris with about 15 years of teaching experience. I’m well-travelled, and I’ve lived and worked in different parts of the world (Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Australia and a little bit in Asia).
I have a postgraduate degree (France) in Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies and I’m currently a freelance translator. I’ve previously worked at universities in France and abroad (South Africa/Australia) and have a solid experience in teaching (French Language, Literature, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Creative Writing, etc.), designing courses, evaluating and guiding students, preparing students for exams/job interviews/professional presentations, managing a Language and Literature department at the university, presenting papers at academic conferences worldwide, publishing, translating and journalism. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach people with different profiles and from various backgrounds: international professionals, university students, beginner translators and teachers, high school students, retirees, travellers, francophiles, children (help with homework), etc.
Being an open-minded, flexible and patient teacher, I enjoy helping others to discover their potential and to explore it. Adapting myself to my students' needs, pace and objectives is essential for me, and designing the best way to work with each student is very stimulating and rewarding.
After the initial introductory lesson, I will design customised lesson plans that will evolve as you progress. We can also, at any time during the programme, change our working method if you wish to do so. I remain very flexible in that regard.
The learning materials will be varied, and we will choose together the themes and aspects of French language to be covered, in line with your objectives. In any case, I am very attentive in general, so please don't hesitate to make any suggestions.
Regardless of your level and objectives, I'm sure that we can find the best way possible to share and enjoy this French language adventure together.
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Thank you, Priscilla, for helping me with my homework and especially with my written assignments! Priscilla explains the concepts clearly and concisely, including the internet connection is perfect. I would never have thought it possible to learn online as effectively as in person! For those who still have doubts: You need to start your French classes with Priscilla right now! :-)
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Hi everyone! My name is Anya. I'm m a professional Russian teacher from Russia with more than 8 years of experience.
I have worked at several language schools in my hometown. Currently, I only teach on Skype. Every day I work online with students of different ages from all over the world.
I'm very patient, and attentive in my approach. I don't let seemingly small things, like pronunciation issues, pass unnoticed. I can teach absolute beginners. I'm always exploring better and better techniques to help my students learn.
My teaching style is a combination of speaking practice and textbooks.
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Anna is an excellent teacher. Very knowledgable and kind. She gave me a free trial lesson due to a mixup in the payment methods. I look forward to the next lesson.
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Tere! I am a language teacher with more than ten years of experience. I have worked as a lecturer of Estonian language and culture at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, at the Tallinn University in Estonia and in numerous language schools. Currently, I am a freelance linguist based in Berlin and teach Estonian online.
It is important for me to introduce a language as a simple logical system that is easy to understand and use. As a teacher, I structure my classes and deliver knowledge in a clear and engaging way, combining theory with practice. Besides my endeavours to make my classes useful, I aspire to make them entertaining and fun, so that my students have a great time in the lesson. By teaching students from a wide range of learning techniques, I always try to provide a personal approach to each student and adapt to their needs, so that they are able to continuously improve their grammar and vocabulary.
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Riina is a great teacher! I enjoy my lessons with her. Estonian is not the easiest language to learn, but she makes it fun while challenging. I'm looking forward to continuing my lessons!
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Hello guys! I've been teaching English for three years now, it all all started when I moved to Italy to be with my loving partner and become a father. I can teach any level form beginner to advanced, with your language goal in mind. I prefer to personalize lessons to individual students and my strengths are exam preparation and conversational English for those wishing to speak like a native.
I have a degree in History and I've taught in both private and public schools as well as a private tutor. Don't hesitate to reach out for a chat so we can start this journey together.
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Alexander is such a patient and dedicated teacher! We went through several useful expressions that enriched my toolbox of idiomatic linguistic structures. We also worked in detail on my pronunciation, which improved my confidence a lot while giving presentations at school! Everybody should start learning with Alexander right NOW!
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My name is Diana. I am a TESOL-certified English and Estonian online teacher with more than 5 years of professional and over 20 years of international voluntary teaching experience. During these years I taught professionally more than 3000 different students by helping them to achieve their goals and dreams. My students were from different age groups, levels and backgrounds.
In my classes, you will feel at ease, have a friendly atmosphere and look forward to your next lessons. My aim is to make classes effective and my goal is to help you to :
* Advance your communication skills
* Boost your communication efficiency by improving your accent and speaking clarity
* Achieve your desired language proficiency fast by using my effective and easy methods.
I tailor my teaching material according to your level and needs. As I strongly believe that no two students are alike and one teaching method that fits all is unfair and ineffective.
Looking forward to meeting you soon and emerging on a learning journey with you.
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Diana is a great Estonian teacher - patient, careful, and efficient. In addition to teaching competently, she encourages the student to enjoy the learning journey. I can't wait to take more classes. Suur aitäh!
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Tere! I am a language teacher with more than ten years of experience. I have worked as a lecturer of Estonian language and culture at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, at the Tallinn University in Estonia and in numerous language schools. Currently, I am a freelance linguist based in Berlin and teach Estonian online.
It is important for me to introduce a language as a simple logical system that is easy to understand and use. As a teacher, I structure my classes and deliver knowledge in a clear and engaging way, combining theory with practice. Besides my endeavours to make my classes useful, I aspire to make them entertaining and fun, so that my students have a great time in the lesson. By teaching students from a wide range of learning techniques, I always try to provide a personal approach to each student and adapt to their needs, so that they are able to continuously improve their grammar and vocabulary.
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I have now completed 20 lessons with Riina. I can confidently say her classes grow with you. While it is clear that she has a progression of vocabulary and grammar concepts, each lesson is still individualized to fit your interests and questions. Starting as a complete beginner with no knowledge of Estonian meant that at first, everything was new and very challenging. However, Riina presented in a way that was easy to understand. As I have gained more understanding, the lessons have added more vocabulary and grammar concepts in a way that makes sense. There is always time for questions at the beginning of each lesson in case I think of any between lessons. Additionally, there has also been more Estonian spoken each lesson, based on my progress. I recommend Riina to anyone looking for an Estonian teacher, and I am looking forward to continuing lessons with her.
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My name is Diana. I am a TESOL-certified English and Estonian online teacher with more than 5 years of professional and over 20 years of international voluntary teaching experience. During these years I taught professionally more than 3000 different students by helping them to achieve their goals and dreams. My students were from different age groups, levels and backgrounds.
In my classes, you will feel at ease, have a friendly atmosphere and look forward to your next lessons. My aim is to make classes effective and my goal is to help you to :
* Advance your communication skills
* Boost your communication efficiency by improving your accent and speaking clarity
* Achieve your desired language proficiency fast by using my effective and easy methods.
I tailor my teaching material according to your level and needs. As I strongly believe that no two students are alike and one teaching method that fits all is unfair and ineffective.
Looking forward to meeting you soon and emerging on a learning journey with you.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Diana is a very professional teacher. Extremely patient and competent. She's always supporting and encouraging with her positive attitude. Looking forward to continue my study journey with her.
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Tere! I am a language teacher with more than ten years of experience. I have worked as a lecturer of Estonian language and culture at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, at the Tallinn University in Estonia and in numerous language schools. Currently, I am a freelance linguist based in Berlin and teach Estonian online.
It is important for me to introduce a language as a simple logical system that is easy to understand and use. As a teacher, I structure my classes and deliver knowledge in a clear and engaging way, combining theory with practice. Besides my endeavours to make my classes useful, I aspire to make them entertaining and fun, so that my students have a great time in the lesson. By teaching students from a wide range of learning techniques, I always try to provide a personal approach to each student and adapt to their needs, so that they are able to continuously improve their grammar and vocabulary.
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Learning materials
Riina was kind enough to reschedule my trial lesson. She is a very well-spoken teacher. I would definitely recommend her and I look forward to more Estonian lessons.
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My name is Diana. I am a TESOL-certified English and Estonian online teacher with more than 5 years of professional and over 20 years of international voluntary teaching experience. During these years I taught professionally more than 3000 different students by helping them to achieve their goals and dreams. My students were from different age groups, levels and backgrounds.
In my classes, you will feel at ease, have a friendly atmosphere and look forward to your next lessons. My aim is to make classes effective and my goal is to help you to :
* Advance your communication skills
* Boost your communication efficiency by improving your accent and speaking clarity
* Achieve your desired language proficiency fast by using my effective and easy methods.
I tailor my teaching material according to your level and needs. As I strongly believe that no two students are alike and one teaching method that fits all is unfair and ineffective.
Looking forward to meeting you soon and emerging on a learning journey with you.
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
It is so hard to find a good Estonian language teacher, especially a Russian speaker. And another important thing, that Diana motivates so much.
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
My name is Diana. I am a TESOL-certified English and Estonian online teacher with more than 5 years of professional and over 20 years of international voluntary teaching experience. During these years I taught professionally more than 3000 different students by helping them to achieve their goals and dreams. My students were from different age groups, levels and backgrounds.
In my classes, you will feel at ease, have a friendly atmosphere and look forward to your next lessons. My aim is to make classes effective and my goal is to help you to :
* Advance your communication skills
* Boost your communication efficiency by improving your accent and speaking clarity
* Achieve your desired language proficiency fast by using my effective and easy methods.
I tailor my teaching material according to your level and needs. As I strongly believe that no two students are alike and one teaching method that fits all is unfair and ineffective.
Looking forward to meeting you soon and emerging on a learning journey with you.
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
Diana is the best online teacher you can find. My children learn a lot. The classes are really fun. Highly recommended teacher.
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First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the decision to learn or improve a new language. Whether it is Estonian, English or Russian, beginner, advanced or Business language - you are in the right place.
My name is Martin and I am coming from a tiny country in the Northern Europe called Estonia. One of my biggest hobbies is teaching and educating others, that is why for the past 3 years I have been living and working in Istanbul while teaching English to different age groups: kindergarten, school, university as well as adults. I have had students from Beginners to Advanced as well as several businessmen and CEOs of international companies located in Istanbul. What is more, for the last 2 years I have been teaching Estonian, English and Russian online through Skype that gave me chance to meet people from all over the world and help them on their journey of learning foreign languages in a comfortable and enjoyable environment.
We are going to have a 20-30-minute trial lesson during which we can get to know each other, set expectations towards the lessons and schedule the timetable. The next step is simple - we start learning the language of your choice! As simple as it is :)
During the lessons we will focus on making you speak even with the limited vocabulary because speaking is the key to learning a new language quickly and in a fun way!
Cannot wait to receive your in-mail and help you on your journey to learn and speak a foreign language.
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Learning materials
Oh my God! Every lesson with Martin is full of big news, about grammar and not only! Wooooooow! :-)
Teaching methodology
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First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the decision to learn or improve a new language. Whether it is Estonian, English or Russian, beginner, advanced or Business language - you are in the right place.
My name is Martin and I am coming from a tiny country in the Northern Europe called Estonia. One of my biggest hobbies is teaching and educating others, that is why for the past 3 years I have been living and working in Istanbul while teaching English to different age groups: kindergarten, school, university as well as adults. I have had students from Beginners to Advanced as well as several businessmen and CEOs of international companies located in Istanbul. What is more, for the last 2 years I have been teaching Estonian, English and Russian online through Skype that gave me chance to meet people from all over the world and help them on their journey of learning foreign languages in a comfortable and enjoyable environment.
We are going to have a 20-30-minute trial lesson during which we can get to know each other, set expectations towards the lessons and schedule the timetable. The next step is simple - we start learning the language of your choice! As simple as it is :)
During the lessons we will focus on making you speak even with the limited vocabulary because speaking is the key to learning a new language quickly and in a fun way!
Cannot wait to receive your in-mail and help you on your journey to learn and speak a foreign language.
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Learning materials
Martin L was a really fun teacher to work with. I learned quite a lot, even within just an hour. They're very honest and straightforward, and communicate clearly, plus they made the material fun to learn (I was told to have understanding that making mistakes is just part of the deal, and to have fun with it!). In short, It was a blast, and I look forward to more lessons!
Teaching methodology
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Learning materials
My name is Diana. I am a TESOL-certified English and Estonian online teacher with more than 5 years of professional and over 20 years of international voluntary teaching experience. During these years I taught professionally more than 3000 different students by helping them to achieve their goals and dreams. My students were from different age groups, levels and backgrounds.
In my classes, you will feel at ease, have a friendly atmosphere and look forward to your next lessons. My aim is to make classes effective and my goal is to help you to :
* Advance your communication skills
* Boost your communication efficiency by improving your accent and speaking clarity
* Achieve your desired language proficiency fast by using my effective and easy methods.
I tailor my teaching material according to your level and needs. As I strongly believe that no two students are alike and one teaching method that fits all is unfair and ineffective.
Looking forward to meeting you soon and emerging on a learning journey with you.
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Learning materials
A wonderful teacher- patient, knowledgeable and so pleasant in communication! Was very flexible with scheduling a class at the last moment to accommodate me. Five stars all the way!
Diana B.
It was a pleasure to meet Elena!❤️ She did so well pronouncing Estonian. The text was very complex but she handled it beautifully. All the best with your future endeavours!
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Learning materials
Tere! I am a language teacher with more than ten years of experience. I have worked as a lecturer of Estonian language and culture at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine, at the Tallinn University in Estonia and in numerous language schools. Currently, I am a freelance linguist based in Berlin and teach Estonian online.
It is important for me to introduce a language as a simple logical system that is easy to understand and use. As a teacher, I structure my classes and deliver knowledge in a clear and engaging way, combining theory with practice. Besides my endeavours to make my classes useful, I aspire to make them entertaining and fun, so that my students have a great time in the lesson. By teaching students from a wide range of learning techniques, I always try to provide a personal approach to each student and adapt to their needs, so that they are able to continuously improve their grammar and vocabulary.
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Learning materials
I can't really judge the learning methods after a trial lesson. The overall impression was positive. I look forward to further work with Riina.
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Learning materials
My name is Ma. Teresa Tabasa Garcia. I was born and raised in the Philippines. I am a Native Tagalog Speaker and English is my second language. I graduated from Central Luzon State University with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Garment Technology and I took an additional units in Education and units in Graduate Studies at CORE Gateway College. I had been a College Instructor and Trainer in Cookery in one of the Colleges in our place.
As a teacher I am patient, friendly and flexible. I can teach students at all levels and all ages.
I use a combination of methods and tools in learning namely: conversation techniques, storytelling, reading text books, PDFs, audio and video recordings. You will learn the different sentence pattern, grammar, pronunciation and intonation, you may include your topic of interest as well. I use drills and exercises to track your learning progress. I will make sure that you will learn something new at the end of every lesson.
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Learning materials
Teresa is a delightful and bright teacher. She has previously worked as a teacher at the school board and as a teacher for young mothers. Her study method is based on the level of the students and the goals they want to achieve.
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a manual screening of this teacher profile.
Ma.Teresa G.
Thank you sir Giacomo, thank you for the good feedback. You're such an awesome and kind interviewer. I am happy to work with you in coLanguage. God bless.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
**Other time slots can be made available upon request. Don't hesitate to get in touch**
Native speaker from Paris with about 15 years of teaching experience. I’m well-travelled, and I’ve lived and worked in different parts of the world (Europe, Latin America, North America, Africa, Australia and a little bit in Asia).
I have a postgraduate degree (France) in Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies and I’m currently a freelance translator. I’ve previously worked at universities in France and abroad (South Africa/Australia) and have a solid experience in teaching (French Language, Literature, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Creative Writing, etc.), designing courses, evaluating and guiding students, preparing students for exams/job interviews/professional presentations, managing a Language and Literature department at the university, presenting papers at academic conferences worldwide, publishing, translating and journalism. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to teach people with different profiles and from various backgrounds: international professionals, university students, beginner translators and teachers, high school students, retirees, travellers, francophiles, children (help with homework), etc.
Being an open-minded, flexible and patient teacher, I enjoy helping others to discover their potential and to explore it. Adapting myself to my students' needs, pace and objectives is essential for me, and designing the best way to work with each student is very stimulating and rewarding.
After the initial introductory lesson, I will design customised lesson plans that will evolve as you progress. We can also, at any time during the programme, change our working method if you wish to do so. I remain very flexible in that regard.
The learning materials will be varied, and we will choose together the themes and aspects of French language to be covered, in line with your objectives. In any case, I am very attentive in general, so please don't hesitate to make any suggestions.
Regardless of your level and objectives, I'm sure that we can find the best way possible to share and enjoy this French language adventure together.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Thank you, Priscilla, for helping me with my homework and especially with my written assignments! Priscilla explains the concepts clearly and concisely, including the internet connection is perfect. I would never have thought it possible to learn online as effectively as in person! For those who still have doubts: You need to start your French classes with Priscilla right now! :-)
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Hi everyone! My name is Anya. I'm m a professional Russian teacher from Russia with more than 8 years of experience.
I have worked at several language schools in my hometown. Currently, I only teach on Skype. Every day I work online with students of different ages from all over the world.
I'm very patient, and attentive in my approach. I don't let seemingly small things, like pronunciation issues, pass unnoticed. I can teach absolute beginners. I'm always exploring better and better techniques to help my students learn.
My teaching style is a combination of speaking practice and textbooks.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials
Anna is an excellent teacher. Very knowledgable and kind. She gave me a free trial lesson due to a mixup in the payment methods. I look forward to the next lesson.
Teaching methodology
Internet connection
Learning materials